Winning Streak

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Winning Streak Page 10

by Alice Ward

  “No,” I lied.

  He moved his hands lower, and I couldn’t contain the hiss that escaped at his touch. He chuckled. “That’s what I thought. Let me finish my shower, and I’ve got an idea.”

  The stream of water was hitting me just right, so I wasn’t in any big hurry. “Take your time.”

  He laughed. “Or you could just stand there and take care of yourself.”

  I looked over my shoulder, giving him a flirty smile. “Can I have both?”

  “Absolutely. Just let me watch.”

  He squirted body wash into his palm and started washing himself, his hands gliding over his arms and chest. I turned, and my jaw dropped as he soaped up his abs.

  “Can I do your back?”

  His green eyes seemed to glow, but he said nothing, just handed me the gel, and turned to give me access.

  “It’s amazing how strong you are,” I said as my hand smoothed the soap down his spine and then across his muscles, following the peaks and valleys. “And not just physically strong. You’re emotionally and mentally strong too.”

  Massaging the soap into the tight muscles of his shoulders, I smiled when he moaned with pleasure. Working his shoulder muscles, I massaged down his arms and to his fingertips, even cleaning the dirt from under his nails.

  Kneeling, I washed his legs, moving in circles down to his feet. Standing again, I asked him to turn around. He did, and I squirted more soap in my hand and cleaned his neck, his chest, the ridges of his abs. Moving lower, I watched his face as I took him between my hands.

  His head fell back onto his shoulders as I stroked him. Moving lower still, I ran my fingers over his balls, feeling them move within their sack, before moving back farther and cleaning his perineum, all the way to his ass.

  His head popped up, and his eyes opened. “Whoa there…”

  “Shhhh,” I soothed and circled a soapy finger around his anus.


  It was a warning, true, but also a moan.

  With one hand, I tightened my grip on his cock. With the other, I slipped a finger into his body.

  “Oh shit… El… damn… Iana… fuck.”

  “I’m massaging your prostate,” I explained somewhat clinically as I turned my finger to find it… there. “It’s for your health.”

  His hand was in my hair, and his body began to tremble. “Fuck, what are you doing to me?”

  I smiled and stroked faster, pressing onto that internal gland that I heard would drive a man crazy. “I’m making you come — hard.”

  And he did. Magnificently.

  He cursed and tightened his hand in my hair as thick ropes of his cum shot out in long streams. Watching his face was like watching the mystery of human emotion unravel. He was panting as he nearly shouted. “That’s not fair.”

  I smiled up at him as I poured more gel onto my hands, cleaning them well. “It’s like a magic button, isn’t it?”

  “Fuck yeah. Shit.” He was still panting, the words coming out in harsh gasps. “How did you learn to do that?”

  I snickered. “YouTube, of course. That was actually my first time. Worked even better than expected.”

  “Wh-what?” he sputtered. “I was your prostate guinea pig?” He was still panting, but he also was looking sheepish, a little embarrassed.


  He lifted a brow. “So does this mean turn-about is fair play? Do I get some ass play too?”

  “No!” I nearly shouted and held up a finger. “Little.” I pointed to his now limp cock. “Big.” I snickered again. “Usually.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “A hundred bucks says you’ll end up loving it.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “No. I have three holes. You can play with two. Get over it.”

  He hummed the chorus of “Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad,” and I rolled my eyes.

  This was fun. We were bickering like we’d been together forever, and the playful back and forth warmed my heart. And other places.

  “By the way, I seem to remember you telling me that you had a trick to soothe my sore lady parts.”

  He turned off all the showers. “Yes, I do. Dry off and get in bed.”

  I did what I was told, not even bristling at being ordered around. I actually kind of liked it, him taking charge.

  When he came out of the bathroom, still completely nude, he walked past the bed and out the door. I gasped, hoping Zoe was fast asleep. Apparently, she was because there was no scream, and he was back a few minutes later, some amber drink in his hand.

  “Is that the plan? To get me drunk so I don’t feel anything?” I teased.

  He didn’t even smile. “Spread your legs.”

  Oh my. He looked so serious, I immediately did as he said, grateful for the waxing as he stared at my sex for several long moments.

  “So pretty.”

  I squirmed under his gaze, and he took a long drink from his glass. Kneeling at the foot of the bed, he wrapped his hands around my calves and pulled me down until my ass was nearly hanging over the side, my legs over his shoulders.

  I closed my eyes but opened them again when I heard a clink. Seconds later, he was tracing an ice cube over my belly. It traveled lower, over my clit and down my sex. When he replaced the cold with the heat of his mouth, I came unraveled.



  He repeated this process until I was out of my mind with need. He took me to the brink several times, but wouldn’t let me fall.

  “Please,” I begged, my hands twisted in the sheets.


  “Please what, baby?”


  “Please let me come.”



  When he used his mouth the last time, he didn’t stop until I soared.



  I’d hoped a night of sleep would bring some sort of clarity to the morning. It hadn’t. Just a headache from too little rest, and the two glasses of whiskey I’d drank on an empty stomach watching Eliana sleep.

  We had an afternoon game today to accommodate a bunch of kids on a field trip, and I needed to be at the field early for pregame practice. It was eight now, just enough time to hydrate and wash the stink of alcohol off me. Easing from the bed, I headed to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee.

  Glad I’d thrown on shorts and a t-shirt, I found Zoe at the kitchen bar, sipping from a freshly brewed cup. Her hair was wild, and she looked embarrassed as I caught her nibbling on a protein bar, her nose in a thick book.

  “Sorry. I hope it was okay that I scrounged around your kitchen.”

  “Scrounge away,” I said as I poured a cup for myself. “Seriously, make yourself at home. I’ll give you all some money before I leave, and you can hit the grocery and stock us up on whatever you want. I usually drink a protein shake in the morning and then eat out the rest of the day. The cupboards are pretty bare around here.”

  She grinned. “Yeah, they are, but you don’t have to pay—”

  “Hush it. This is my treat. Please accept it.”

  Her eyes grew watery. “Thank you.”

  “And quit thanking me. I’m just glad the two of you are okay. Stay here as long as you need. I have tons of room.”

  Taking my coffee with me, she stopped me with a hand on my arm. “She really likes you, you know. I mean, all this is fake, I realize that. She told me in confidence all that’s been happening. But she really likes you. I just hope she isn’t hurt too badly when it’s all over.”

  Turning to face her more fully, I smiled down into dark chocolate eyes, and the ringlets of curls spiraling everywhere. “I like her too. It’s complicated. She wasn’t looking for anyone. I wasn’t looking for anyone. Crazy circumstances tossed us together, so I think we’re both trying to process it all.”

  She smiled gently. “I know. You’re a good person. I hope you don’t end up hurt either.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so I just nod
ded and headed to the shower. I turned it on full blast and icy cold, willing it to wake me up.

  Standing there with shampoo in my hair, I couldn’t help but think about the surprise I’d felt when Eliana stuck her damn finger in my ass. Not at all what I’d expected. And it only showed me a new layer to her personality. She might be all sweetness on the outside, but my little Eliana had a very naughty and very determined side dwelling deep under that sugar-and-spice exterior.

  It was intriguing. And, holy fuck, I’d never come so hard. She was right. Magic button, indeed.

  After the cold shower had me wide awake, I dressed in shorts and a hoodie before taking out my wallet and tossing down five hundred dollars. I was in the middle of scribbling Eliana a note, when she stretched and those blue eyes popped open. She smiled, looking all warm and sleepy, and it was an effort not to crawl back into bed.

  “Where’re you going?” she asked through a huge yawn.

  “Game at one. Want to come? I’ll leave tickets if you do, just give me a heads up.”

  “Yeah, I think I might like watching you in real life and not on the screen.”

  I bent down and kissed the tip of her nose. “Good. Bring Zoe too if she wants to get out. And I’ve left some money on the table. If you don’t mind, hit the grocery and stock up on whatever you all want. I’ll need to get you an AmEx card, and…”


  Now I’m giving her a credit card?

  I met her baby blues. Yes, I guess I was.

  “I’ll hit the bank later if that’s not enough,” I finished lamely.

  Rising onto an elbow, she looked over at the five crisp bills. “I think I can manage to go grocery shopping on that.” She smirked. “Thanks, dear.”

  I couldn’t resist kissing her again, this time on those sleep-softened lips. “You’re welcome, dear. I’m off to work now so I can earn some more bacon for you to fry up.”

  She batted her lashes. “I’m so lucky to be fake marrying such a good provider. I’ll be barefoot in the kitchen when you get back.”

  I slapped her on the ass and thumped my chest. “Is good. You cook. Me eat.” She laughed, and the musical quality went straight to my scrotum, giving my balls a little stir. “See you at one.”

  Back in the kitchen, Zoe was gone, so I grabbed a protein bar and bottle of water and headed out. I looked expectantly at Joey and his newspapers when I pushed through the door and strode onto the sidewalk, but he just raised his hands, palms up. “Looks like you’ve been a good boy. This job just ain’t going to be as much fun.”

  I shot him a little salute. “Don’t worry. I’m sure the snakes will find something to lie about.”

  He snorted. “Yeah. No kidding. Let ‘em write about how the Beasts won the series, ya hear me?”

  I stuck my aviators on my face and pulled my ballcap low. It was going to be a beautiful day. “Loud and clear.”

  In the clubhouse, I stopped in front of my locker and just stared at it. Really, guys? There were black streamers hanging everywhere and black balloons tied to a ball and chain. A sign read: A Sucker Is Born Every Day.

  Calvin Malone was horse laughing, a bag of ice tied to his shoulder.

  Ace Newman was grinding on a pole. “I love weddings,” he yelled, “I’m planning the bachelor party.”

  Todd Morris threw a cleat at him. “We ain’t going to the Chuck E. Cheese.”

  Ace dodged the cleat and laughed. What a transformation. From drugged out whore hound to proud papa. I had to admit, I wished I’d gotten to witness some of the shit he’d pulled in his younger days, but I liked this Ace Newman too.

  He slapped me on the back. “Seriously, congratulations, Steele. It’ll be the best thing you ever did. Just knock her up quick. Tit milk is the best.”

  I rolled my eyes. Yep, the Ace Newman of old was just beneath the surface.

  His words had put an image in my head though. Eliana with a rounded belly, her breasts swollen. Our baby sliding from her body as he or she entered the world. She’d make a good mother, nurturing and kind. Not like the bitch who raised her. I’d teach the kid to hit a ball, surf in the sea. Maybe…

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  In the space of two weeks, I got a fake girlfriend and turned her into a fake fiancée, and now I was dreaming about playing catch with Kane Junior or Juniorette?

  I was so screwed.

  But our kids would be cute. Maybe her strawberry hair and my green eyes?

  Stop it!

  “You okay?” Calvin asked, throwing an arm over my shoulders.

  Was I?

  “Yeah, man. Just a lot going on.”

  He chortled. “I can see that. When do I get to meet her?”

  “Today, actually. She’ll be at the game.”

  “Nice. Her and about six million screaming tweenagers. You heard about all the pictures and signing shit we need to do before and after, right?”

  I groaned. “Yep. Got my sharpies ready.”

  He gave me a slap on the shoulder. “Alright, then. Be sure to hook your girl up with Whitney and Holly. Whit’s been doing some great wedding designs, and nobody can beat Holly’s cakes. We’ve got you covered. You set a date?”

  I just stared at him. “What?”

  He rolled his eyes. “A date, moron. For the wedding. Be prepared to drop a load. I thought I was going to have to take out a second mortgage to just pay for Whit’s dress.”

  It was my turn to roll my eyes. Calvin’s contract exceeded my own. The man wasn’t financially hurting. But if his wife was a spender…?

  Was Eliana a spender? She didn’t seem to be. Her clothes were nice, but she didn’t seem to be high maintenance, not that it mattered. It wasn’t like I couldn’t afford to buy her anything she wanted, but I didn’t want a wife who spent half of her life in a spa and the rest shopping. I wanted a wife who…

  Stop it! She wasn’t going to be my damn wife. She…

  Calvin slapped me on the back, bringing me back from my raging thoughts. “Anyway, I’m going to head out. I’m benched today, so I get to enjoy this fine weather. Catch ‘em high or low, okay, man?”

  I held out a fist, and he bumped it. “Will do. I see another W in our column today.”

  “Damn straight. We’ll be a contender yet.”

  I watched him walk away. He seemed happy. He was another one who got into a shitload of trouble his rookie year. Almost lost his girl and his career in the space of a few months. Fame and fortune could go to a man’s head quick.

  My dad always said that money brought out the true character of a person. If they were good inside, it made them better. If they were rotten… well, their stench only got worse.

  I guessed, for the most part, that was true, but I thought there must be some exceptions. Like Ace, who was once as rotten as they came. He now donated half his salary to homeless vets and was constantly looking for run-down apartment buildings he could buy for them to live in.

  Calvin was another example. He went sideways for a little bit as he learned to crawl then walk with his pockets loaded. But he reverted to the good ole country boy he originally was.


  I was born with a silver spoon stuck in my mouth. I’d never had to fight for anything until I fought to make it to the majors. Women came easy, even before I wore the Beasts hat. Sure, I never knew if they wanted me or my money, but I never took the time to care because they were willing to give me what I wanted for a few expensive meals and some flowers.

  Was that what I liked about Eliana? That she’d rather live on a farm than a penthouse? Rather stroke the fur of a dog than someone’s ego? That she learned sex skills from a YouTube video rather than try them out on a different partner every night?

  Why was this driving me crazy?

  For some reason, it felt like I needed to make some huge decision. Today. Right now. When in reality, she and I could take our time. We could get to know each other, even better now that she was living with me. We could find out if this attractio
n had substance to it. If she, like Nana said, was someone I’d want to trudge up a mountain with.

  “Let’s go, Steele!”

  Shaking away the nagging thoughts, I lifted a hand and pulled my shit together. Pulled on my uniform — I needed to get to work.

  I grinned at the thought of bacon frying up in a pan.


  Ignoring the piercing screams of hundreds of middle schoolers, I glanced up at the section behind the plate, looking for Eliana. She wasn’t here yet. Was she okay?

  Luke wound up, and I forced my attention back on the batter, noticing where Todd Morris’s glove slid to before the ball left Luke’s hand.


  Alright. We were off to a good start.

  Where’s Eliana?

  Shit. I forced my focus back on the game.


  The ball went straight up in the air, soaring way above our dugout. Keeping my eyes on it, I waved the other guys off, judging speed and distance. It would be close, but I thought I could reach it. I jumped the wall and… a freaking kid’s glove popped up, snagging it before it got down to me.

  My jaw clenched tight before I cursed a twelve-year-old out, I listened to the crowd boo the kid who now looked devastated that he’d cost us an out. Feeling sorry for him, I yelled. “Nice catch. Next time, let me catch it first, and I’ll sign it for you.”

  Still red-faced, he gave me a thumbs-up, and I jogged back to my base to await my next chance to make a play.

  By the third out, Eliana still wasn’t there, and I wished I hadn’t left my phone in my locker. Unease walked like a spider up my spine as I headed to our dugout. Was she okay?

  We were up by one when it was my turn to bat. Todd had hit a zinger to center and was on second, waiting for me to advance him.

  Glancing into the stands one last time before I took the plate, I saw her. She smiled and waved, a bag of popcorn in her hand. Zoe and… Mom and Nana were smiling beside her.

  What the hell?

  They were supposed to be on a plane right about now.

  With zero time to puzzle through that, I took my position, crowding the plate. The pitcher wound up, then whoosh, it was in the catcher’s glove with a loud smack.


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