ARE Indecent Arrangement Part III epub

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ARE Indecent Arrangement Part III epub Page 6

by Steph's Mac

  Then she opened her legs so he could get closer. He pressed his hips into her soft mound and drank down the sweet moan she made when he rubbed his erection against her clit.

  Dropping both hands to her hips, he yanked her skirt higher, felt her squirm to help him. Her thighs felt like silk under his palms but he couldn’t linger.

  He reached for her underwear—

  And found nothing. She wasn’t wearing any.

  Holy fuck.

  “Goddammit, Mally. What the—”

  He ended with a groan as she put one of her hands directly over his cock and squeezed.

  “Condom, Max. Just—”

  He kissed her again before she could say another word and possibly make him come in his pants.

  That’s not the way he wanted this to end. He wanted to be buried deep inside her when he came, pumping into her willing body.

  But he couldn’t go bare.

  “Wallet. Desk drawer.”

  He barely understood himself, his voice rough, but she turned her head and used her free hand to open the drawer and retrieve his wallet. Her other hand remained on his cock, teasing him. Making him crazy. Making him want to slow down, take his time. Hell, he wasn’t even sure the damn door to his office was locked.

  Nothing mattered but having Mally in his arms and getting inside her body.

  Her fingers found the button on his pants and undid it with a dexterity bordering on magical. Then she pulled the tab on his zipper and finally got her hand around his cock.

  Slipping his fingers between her legs, he found her labia slick and hot. And when he slid two fingers into her sex, she practically melted around him.

  With his other hand, he reached for his wallet and found the condom without too much fumbling. All while kissing her like he needed her to breathe. Which he did.

  Why had he ever thought he wouldn’t?

  When she pulled away, he followed her and she let him kiss her for another few seconds until she twisted and leaned farther away.


  She held out her hand for the foil packet and he put it in her palm without thinking. She had him covered in seconds, her heavy breathing mirroring his as he stepped as close as he could then grabbed her hips. With one hand, he angled his cock and, with the other, he pulled her forward.

  He thrust hard, sank deep. Felt her gasp, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and squeezing tight.

  Her hips tilted at just the right angle to take him even deeper, her breathy voice urging him for “more” and “deeper.”

  He gave her what she wanted and took what he needed.

  Jesus, he’d fucking missed her. And missed fucking her. Being inside her, her arms wrapped around him and her body gripping his cock tight. Taking everything he gave her and soaking in every bit of her he could.

  Her breath on his skin made him shiver and his name on her lips made his heart double in speed. Putting his mouth against her neck, he kissed his way to her ear, where he nipped on the lobe and felt her shiver around him.

  He tried to keep his pace slow, not a furious frenzy. But she released every single one of his inhibitions. He’d never have thought he’d be having sex on his damn desk in his office at the club.

  But with Mally, he didn’t care where he had her, just that he did. That she was his and she knew it.

  Her soft moans inflamed his lust but he wanted to hear her say his name again. Needed it.

  He nipped at her ear again, his fingers digging into her hips, holding her steady for his thrusts.

  As if she’d read his mind, she turned her face into his neck and kissed him, nipped him. “God, Max, I’ve missed you.”

  His desire kicked into another gear. He wrapped her even more tightly against him while he slid one hand between them to rub her clit. He wasn’t going to last much longer and he had to make her come. Had to feel her gripping him tight while he came.

  He worked her relentlessly until she practically sobbed in his ear. His cock felt stiff as iron but he continued to thrust until she finally cried out and rippled around him, squeezing him like a fist until he couldn’t take it and pulsed out his orgasm.

  For several seconds, they just stood there, wrapped around each other, trying to catch their breath.

  When he felt himself slipping out of her, he knew he had to move or make a mess.

  Already made enough of a mess, haven’t you?

  As he pulled away, he bent to give her a hard kiss. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go.”

  He headed for the small bathroom attached to the office, discarding the condom.

  When he returned, she still sat on his desk, legs crossed. She met his gaze and held it as he walked forward. He felt her eyes on him as she slid off his desk and pull her skirt back down her legs.

  Then she leaned back against his desk again.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  She sounded resolute, her gaze steady, almost challenging.


  “Is it worth it, Max?”

  He didn’t have to ask her what she was referring to. But he couldn’t answer her question, either. Because he didn’t know what the hell he would say.

  Being without her wasn’t worth it. Risking her life wasn’t worth it. Her life meant more to him than anything.

  When he didn’t respond, she shrugged but he saw her disappointment in the curve of her mouth. And he saw pain in the wetness in her eyes.

  Turning, she headed for the door. He followed her but stopped himself at the last moment from reaching for her arm to make her stay. Jesus, he’d just made love to her on his desk and she was going to walk out the door. Didn’t she deserve better? Didn’t she expect better from him?


  She stopped, pausing for a second before turning to face him. She met his eyes with a level stare.

  “Are you going to ask me to stay?”

  “Not now. I can’t.”

  “Then I guess we’re done.”

  Then she walked out.

  Chapter Five

  “And you’re sure this is going to work?”

  “No, I’m not sure of anything. I only know I have to try.”

  Izzy gave Mally the raised-eyebrow side glance Friday afternoon after work. “Well, having sex on the desk in his office in the back of his club sounds hot but are you sure it’s not just giving him what he wants without having to commit?”

  “It was more like getting what I wanted. And you didn’t see his face when I walked out. He didn’t want me to go. Hell, I didn’t want to go but I can’t cave now. Tonight, I work on Jesse.”

  “Is he really back at work already? Shouldn’t he be taking it easy?”

  Mally had told Izzy a sanitized version of what had happened last Saturday night. “I think so, yeah, but guys think they’re immortal. I’m going to show him what he should be living for.”

  Izzy held her hand up for a high five. “You go, babe. Make ’em show some respect for your feminine wiles.”

  Wincing, she frowned at Izzy. “I’m playing games, I know. But they’re not playing fair. They think they need to keep me away.”

  “And aren’t they right? I mean, Jesus, Mally. Someone tried to kill them. You could’ve been hurt.”

  “And some disgruntled asshole with a gun could walk into the office and shoot me trying to get to Adam or Tristan. Or I could step off the sidewalk and get hit by a bus. I can’t put my life on hold waiting for them to believe I’m never going to be in danger. There’s always going to be danger. I know the life they lived. I knew what I was getting into with them. What they don’t get is that I’m willing to stand beside them. And they have to realize that I’m not willing to stand by while they try not to get killed.”

  Izzy started to shake her head then couldn’t seem to stop. “Did you ever think your life would become a freakin’ soap opera?”

  Mally snorted. “The better question is, did I ever think my love life would include two guys. At the same time.”
r />   Izzy’s brows popped up and her head changed direction as she started to nod. “Well, yeah, there is that.” Then she sighed. “Damn, Mal, are you really sure this is what you want? I mean, you only just met these guys a few months ago. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling you how to live your life. And, if I’m gonna be honest, I have to admit I’m a little jealous. Two hot guys who want you and aren’t jealous of each other? That’s, like, every woman’s fantasy.”

  “Until you lose both of them at the same time.”

  Wincing, Izzy grimaced. “Oh, sweetie. Yeah, that sucks twice. But you haven’t lost them. Not yet. I mean, it wasn’t like he threw you out of his office, right?”

  “No, but I kinda didn’t give him a choice.”

  “Oh, please.” Izzy rolled her eyes. “If he didn’t want you there, he could’ve called his bodyguards to throw you out.”

  “He doesn’t have bodyguards. He has bouncers.”

  Izzy smirked. “See? So there! He could’ve had you tossed but he didn’t.”

  “Because he was getting laid.”

  “And do you really think that’s the reason he didn’t have you tossed? Because he was gonna get some?”

  Mally made a face. “No.”

  “Then stop overthinking this. Now, where are you going to ambush Jesse? And when do I get to meet these guys, anyway?”

  “I’m planning to get him alone at the house tonight. I know Max has an event at the club so he’ll be there until at least eleven. I’m hoping Jesse will be home by nine. That gives me two hours to—”

  “Make him see the error of his ways?”

  Mally wrinkled her nose at Izzy’s lopsided grin then sighed. “Yeah. I guess. Shit, maybe I’m going about this completely wrong. What if Jesse finds out I seduced Max? What if he thinks I’m only into Max? What if he doesn’t—”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Izzy waved her hands in front of her. “Seriously, Mal, just slow the hell down. And think about this. These two want you so badly they’re willing to share you. And they’re so worried about you, they’re willing to give you up to make sure nothing happens to you. And you think they don’t care about you?”

  Izzy paused to stare at Mally with wide eyes, her expression full of “hell no.”

  “Now,” Izzy continued, “I may not be as good as my cousin Janey when it comes to reading people.” Janey worked for her family’s private investigation firm, which Tristan and Adam occasionally employed. “But I grew up with three brothers and ten male cousins. I know how to read guys. Hell, I can even read guys I’ve never met. And if you weren’t so stuck on these two, you’d be able to see it, too. They have it so bad for you, they don’t know which way is up. And the sooner you get over the fact that your life is going to be a little less normal than everyone else’s, which isn’t a bad thing, the sooner you’ll stop freaking out and get out there and make your men see that they can’t live without you.”

  Mally was shaking her head and laughing by the time Izzy had finished. “You’re a nut case, you know that?”

  “Hey, I’m not the one dating two guys.” Izzy wiggled her eyebrows. “So, what are you wearing tonight that’s easily removable?”


  Jesse had spent most of the day staring at a monitor in the office at Ivy Brown’s, looking for the holes in their security that had allowed someone to sabotage their buildings.

  He’d found a couple that made him pissed as hell. He was supposed to be good at this security shit. And then he’d found one that, after he fixed it, locked up their security tighter than Fort fucking Knox.

  He wanted to beat his chest and wrestle a gorilla. He wanted to call Max and clue him in.

  But he had to admit, if only to himself, that what he really wanted was a bottle of water and the chance to close his eyes for a few minutes. His side had throbbed all day, which was an improvement over the past four days, when it’d hurt like a motherfucker if he didn’t take the painkillers.

  And he fucking hated taking the damn pills. They made him woozy but mostly they reminded him of his mom, who’d loved being high more than she’d loved her son. Which made it more ridiculous that he’d spent so damn many years working for a man who’d controlled the sale of illegal drugs in much of Philly.

  With a muttered curse, he pushed away from the desk and stood. Slowly. He wanted to stretch out his back but couldn’t because of the stitches.

  God damn, he hated being an invalid and he knew he’d been pushing himself too hard these last few days and now he was going to pay for it.

  But he hadn’t wanted to let up until he’d found these damn holes.

  Christ, he fucking ached. And not just his side. His entire body. And he was tired all the damn time.

  When the hell did I turn into an old man? I’m barely twenty-eight.

  And he’d been stabbed five days ago.

  Good thing he hadn’t seen Max since yesterday. Max would’ve known just by looking at him how much pain he was in.

  So he took half a pill and drove home. He needed some food, some water, and a night on the couch.

  And he really wanted Mally beside him, below him, on top of him.

  Not happening.

  Now in loose gym shorts and a ratty old t-shirt, his stomach full of pasta, he considered ignoring the front door bell. He didn’t want to talk to anyone. But he checked the surveillance anyway.

  And nearly tripped over his damn feet to get to the door.

  What the hell is she doing here? And do you really fucking care why she’s here?

  No. He really fucking didn’t.

  He’d wanted to call her every day since he’d seen her walk out of their home Sunday morning. But Max had a point. A shitty point but still… Someone had gotten to them and they couldn’t allow Mally to be in danger. They had to make their lives safe for her to be with them.

  And if you can’t?

  He shoved that thought away. She was here now and he wasn’t going to pass up the chance to see her. Talk to her.

  Nothing else.

  Because Max wasn’t here.

  Which didn’t mean a damn thing. If Max had been the only one home tonight, he’d be all over her. And Jesse wouldn’t care. Hell, he’d understand. Because even though Max had been the first to realize how perfect she was for the two of them, Jesse had to be the one to make sure they didn’t lose her.

  “Hey. Everything okay?”

  Mally’s beautiful mouth twisted in a wry grin. “Hello to you, too.” Then her gaze dipped to slide up and down his body and when she met his gaze again, her eyes held a question as she stepped over the threshold. “Are you okay? Do you need to sit down?”

  Since that would get her in the house, he didn’t argue with her. And his side did hurt.

  “Yeah. Come on. We can talk in the living room.”

  Stepping up to his side, she now looked uncertain. “Maybe you should be in bed, Jesse. I should go and let you—”

  “No.” No fucking way was he letting her leave. “I want you to stay. What do you need?”

  A faint hint of a blush colored her cheeks and he couldn’t help but hope she needed the same thing he did.

  “I just wanted to check and see how you are.”

  “I’m fine. Not much pain.” That might be pushing it a little but it wasn’t an outright lie. “A little achy but Dorrie says I’m fine. No sign of infection and no internal bleeding.”

  She smiled up at him as he led her into the living room, then sat on the couch and pulled her down beside him.

  “I’m so glad to hear that.” She looked a little less worried than she had when she first saw him.

  “I’m sorry you were worried but I’m healing. I’ll be back to full strength in no time.”

  “Are you taking it easy? You won’t get better if you don’t.”

  “I’m taking it slow.” Again, not an outright lie.

  Her smile turned bittersweet. “Yeah, right. You need to take it easy, Jesse. Rest. I worry about you.”

  It was a strange feeling, having someone other than Max worry about him. Strange but satisfying, coming from her. “Have you had any trouble since the other night? Anything at all?”

  She shook her head. “No, but then I haven’t done anything but work since the last time I saw you. Except for Wednesday night. I went out.”

  Why did that sound like she’d been out with someone?

  Sucking her bottom lip between her teeth, she made his cock hard. “Actually, I went to Shivers.”

  What the hell? “Did you see Max?”

  She paused then nodded. “Didn’t he say anything?”

  Damn it, no, he hadn’t. Why the fuck hadn’t Max told him?

  Probably because he knew you’d react like a madman.

  “I haven’t seen him or spoken to him since Wednesday.”

  Her eyes widened. “What? Why?”

  He shrugged, trying not to wince when it pulled sore muscles. “We’ve been busy.”

  Apparently Max had been even busier than Jesse had known.

  “Are you angry?”

  Her voice had softened and lowered and he couldn’t help but respond even more.

  “No. Not at all.”

  He was jealous. Kind of. He wasn’t jealous of Max. He was jealous of the time Max had spent with her. But right now, he didn’t give a fuck because she was here with him.

  “You look mad.”

  He met her beautiful, wary blue eyes. “Sweetheart, how can I be when you’re here?”

  He’d reached for her before he realized he was going to do it. She was close enough that all he had to do was lean forward a few inches, pull her forward a few inches, and their lips met with a rush of passion.

  Heat spread through him like lava, rushed through his body, and lit every cell on fire until he knew the only way to quench it was to get enough of her. Which he wasn’t sure was possible in a night. Or a day. Or a week or…ever.

  His mother had been addicted to the high. He was addicted to her.

  Pulling back, her face still cupped in his hands, he looked into her eyes. Her hands rested on his shoulders, gripping him tight.

  “Do you really feel okay?”

  “Best I have in days. I’m gonna feel even better in a few minutes.”


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