Shadows of Hunters Ridge

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Shadows of Hunters Ridge Page 7

by Sarah Barrie

  ‘Anyway, here’s my next client, so I’d better get back to it.’ Ebony stood as a couple with a black labrador puppy came in. ‘Hi Jacqui, Ken. Hi Smokey.’ She clapped her hands and the pup crashed happily into her legs for a pat before chewing on her fingers. She picked him up, snuggled, and handed him back to Jacqui. ‘Carla will show you in, I’ll be two seconds.’ She turned her attention back to Cam and Lee. ‘Thanks for stopping in.’

  ‘Let us know if there’s any more trouble,’ Lee said.

  ‘I will.’

  Cam hesitated at the door. ‘Why don’t you stay with Ally and me tonight?’

  Lee watched Ebony’s expression set. ‘No – no, I’ll be fine, thanks.’

  ‘If that’s true, I’ll be off,’ Carla said, coming out of the exam room. ‘I have to go get Rebecca.’

  ‘Of course – thanks, Carla. See you tomorrow.’

  When Ebony went in to deal with her next consult, the men walked back to Cam’s car. Cam sat in the driver’s seat staring back at the building. ‘She needs better security lights out the front,’ he said, ‘some cameras – one on each end of the building and over the front door.’

  ‘I’ll order them tomorrow,’ Lee said, ‘when I update the stock list. We’ll get them in as soon as possible.’



  Joxer was scraping his paws down the front of the wire pen, eager to get out. He’d completely recovered, and a few short trips around the surgery each day weren’t enough to keep him happy. The blankets and towels in his pen were being torn to shreds daily, his water bowl was constantly upended and he was barking a lot: a high-pitched yip that drove everyone crazy.

  Ebony groaned at this morning’s mess and yawned widely. Since the beginning of the week when Martin had dumped the animals on her doorstep, she’d been waking at every small sound during the night. It didn’t make for bright-eyed mornings. At least today was a half-day. And for a Saturday, it wasn’t even particularly busy. With any luck, she’d make it out to Ally’s this afternoon to watch Mia’s photo session with Lee.

  ‘You need to be back with your mummy,’ she told the dog as she took him out to clean up. ‘She needs to hurry up and get better, doesn’t she? Want to come for a run?’

  The pup whined piteously and Ebony turned to him. ‘Not you, little man. How about I feed you instead?’

  Hoping some of Joxer’s enthusiasm for exercise might rub off on her, she attached a lead and he bounced around on the end of it, snapping at it and tangling himself up until Ebony got out onto the street and into a rhythm and he found his own beside her. They jogged around the park, keeping their distance from other runners and stopping for the occasional sniff as Joxer felt the need.

  He took his time at one particular tree and Ebony gave him a gentle tug. ‘Let’s go, Joxer. Come on.’ He bounded back onto the path, right in front of a jogger going around them. She quickly sidestepped, jerking him back, and her foot landed awkwardly on the gutter. Her ankle rolled and she overbalanced.

  At the last minute the steely grip of an outstretched hand saved her from going down. She got her balance back, stopped her music and wrapped Joxer’s lead around her hand a few more times to shorten it. ‘I’m so sorry – thanks.’

  ‘Are you hurt?’

  She was looking into those intense blue eyes again. It was the good-looking runner she’d seen on a few occasions now. And he had an interesting accent. She couldn’t immediately place it.

  ‘All good. I really am sorry. I don’t usually have this dog with me – I didn’t think.’

  He gave Joxer a quick pat. ‘Not yours?’

  ‘No, I’m just looking after him.’ Ebony couldn’t help but be curious. ‘You’re new around here, right?’

  He gave her a very cute smile. ‘I get that a lot. Seems like everyone knows everyone else in this town.’ He extended a hand. ‘I’m Nick.’

  She took it, felt the warmth as the large hand wrapped around hers. ‘It’s a small town, so almost everyone does. I’m Ebony. Nice to meet you.’

  ‘Likewise.’ He dropped his hand, his gaze roaming over her face for a moment or two before he smiled warmly. ‘You sure you’re okay?’

  ‘Yep.’ She stood there feeling awkward, and his smile widened.

  ‘Well, I’d better keep going.’

  ‘Yeah. Me too.’

  ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’ He walked away a few steps, looked back with a flirty smile. ‘Hopefully.’

  Nick, huh? And … did he actually just flirt with her? ‘Hmm. I suppose if you’re going to run into someone he may as well be mysterious and cute. Good job, Joxer.’ She flicked her music back on, picked up her pace and quickly forgot about the encounter.

  Lee cut the engine and stomped the worst of the mud off his boots. It didn’t make much difference. He’d been riding the bike over small jumps while having the hose turned on him for almost an hour. The result was mud, and plenty of it. Just as Mia required.

  ‘I think I should check these shots,’ Mia called, before heading inside.

  When he fell into a chair beside Ally, she flinched and scooted aside as droplets of mud sprayed off him. But she did hand him a bottle of water.

  ‘Thanks. Hope she’s happy with those photos.’

  ‘From the faces she was pulling, I think she’s stoked with them.’

  ‘The hose wasn’t in the contract.’

  Ally smiled. ‘I’ll take care of it. Get changed when you’re done, toss the clothes in the basket in the laundry.’

  ‘You’re cooking us a lunch that smells like heaven and you’re offering to wash my filthy clothes? Run away with me.’

  ‘Sure – anything other than a hug at this point will be fine.’

  Mia reappeared. ‘I just thought of one more shot I’d like to try.’

  Lee reluctantly got to his feet and threw a leg over the bike while Mia fussed with the camera, before giving him some new instructions.

  ‘Okay, so you want me to go over that rise there again, this time with the GoPro on the track under the bike?’

  ‘That’s exactly what I want – please.’

  He watched her set it up, judged the distance from the jump to get over it. ‘How expensive is that thing?’

  ‘I believe I talked the sales assistant into the best price possible.’

  ‘Was the sales assistant male?’

  ‘Yes, why?’

  ‘Poor bastard didn’t stand a chance.’

  She looked up from checking the camera to blow him a kiss. ‘Ready?’

  ‘You sure about this? Because if I land on it –’

  ‘You won’t. I want these shots to be exactly right. I think I need more water.’

  ‘No, you don’t.’

  Mia put her hands on her hips. ‘Shall I call you a girl and be done with it?’ When he gave her an unappreciative stare, her lips twitched. ‘Get on the bike, m’lady.’

  ‘Right, but you get mud in parts of the camera that can’t be removed, it’s your own fault.’

  ‘Stuff the camera – if I get this shoot right I’ll buy shares in the company. Let’s go.’

  With a sigh, Lee climbed back on and kicked over the bike.

  Lee sailed over the ditch just as Ebony arrived in the driveway. He could still feel water seeping into his filthy safety gear.

  Mia waved at Ebony before going over to Lee and picking up the camera. ‘I don’t suppose you want to try it a little closer to the edge?’

  ‘Absolutely not. You want to turn that hose off now?’

  ‘Where’s your sense of adventure?’

  ‘I think it drowned.’

  ‘Ebs, Ally, entertain Lee for a minute. I want to go inside and have a look at this footage – make sure I have the shots I need while he’s still in costume.’ She went inside.

  Ebony’s gaze roamed over Lee while she chewed on a grin. ‘How … rugged.’

  He pulled off the helmet and ran a hand over hair that was sweaty and sticking up at all angles. ‘Rugged
? I’m filthy.’

  She shrugged. ‘It’s not a bad look for you.’

  He kicked the stand into place and climbed off. ‘Being filthy is not a bad look for me?’

  The gleam in his eyes was deliberate and she laughed nervously, lifted her hands in truce. ‘Rugged, I said rugged. On the bike. Being rugged on the bike is not a bad – what?’

  ‘You know, that’s a really nice dress, Ebony.’

  ‘Mia gave it to me –’ She backed away as he stalked towards her. ‘No. I mean it this time! Don’t –’

  He lunged.

  She laughed as he caught her and dragged her back towards the bike. ‘Lee, I’ll kill you! Get off me, you big … Neanderthal!’

  ‘Wanna come for a ride?’ He lifted her onto the bike, pushing his helmet down over her head.

  ‘I don’t know how to ride a bike!’

  ‘About time you learnt then.’

  He tore through the mud, sliding the bike around, while Ebony giggled with delight, though he suspected it was mixed with fear. When he sprayed cold, muddy water over her, she squealed.

  ‘Okay, enough!’

  Chuckling, he rode out of the mud, slowing the bike to a crawl. ‘Put your hands on the handle bars.’

  ‘What? No!’

  ‘I’ll show you how to do it. Work with me, watch.’ He covered her hands with his and gave her an impromptu lesson. She had a pretty good go at following his instructions, until the bike stalled and became unbalanced. She latched onto Lee as he righted it.

  ‘When you two decide you can keep your hands off each other for two minutes, let me know,’ Mia called from the back door. ‘I’ll be inside fixing photos while I wait.’

  ‘And I’m going to check on lunch,’ Ally added, following her inside.

  Lee started the bike up again. ‘You want me to keep my hands off you, kiddo?’ He slid off the back of the bike.

  ‘Lee, don’t!’

  ‘Relax, just turn in an easy circle around me. Keep the revs up – that’s it.’

  Ebony did a few laps, and a smile overtook her initial look of terror. Then the front tyre hit some slippery ground and the handlebars pivoted. The bike lurched forwards. When it shot out from underneath her, Lee leapt and snatched her off the bike before it fell in a heap a couple of metres in front of them. He gently pulled the helmet from her head.

  ‘Good job. Next time we’ll get you out of first.’

  ‘I hope I didn’t wreck your bike?’

  ‘Honey, you can’t wreck that bike. It’s bulletproof. Just a bit powerful for a beginner. You did good.’

  The sound of tyres on gravel caught their attention. ‘Ben’s here,’ Ebony said unnecessarily. ‘I didn’t know he was coming.’

  ‘I called him and told him about the way Martin’s been behaving. He wanted to question him about it.’

  Ben Bowden got out of the car and stretched his tall, muscular frame, ran a hand over his dark hair and looked around. When he saw Lee and Ebony, a wide grin spread across a face that could look hard as stone.

  ‘Hey. Mud fight?’

  ‘Not exactly, but it can be arranged, buddy,’ Lee replied.

  Ben immediately lifted his hands. ‘I come in peace.’

  ‘And just in time for lunch.’

  ‘Great, I’m starving. How are you, Ebs?’


  ‘Lee says Martin’s been hassling you?’

  ‘A bit,’ she admitted, making an attempt at getting mud off her legs before opening the door.

  Lee removed his boots and dropped his helmet on an outside table. ‘I’m still filthy. Ally’s going to kill me if I go inside.’

  ‘I can hose you down?’ Ebony offered.

  ‘That’s what started all this. Besides, you’re filthy too. And one good deed deserves another.’

  ‘No, thanks.’ She walked quickly inside.

  ‘I knew you hated that dress!’ Mia called.

  ‘I didn’t – don’t! See what you’ve done?’ Ebony said to Lee.

  ‘Raid my wardrobe,’ Ally said. ‘But be quick – lunch will be ready in ten.’

  ‘We’ve got an extra,’ Lee said, coming in, followed by Ben.

  Mia’s gaze landed on Ben and her smile dropped several degrees. ‘Oh good. You’re here.’

  Ben’s smirk was instantaneous. ‘I knew you’d miss me.’

  ‘Every day.’

  ‘Don’t start, you two,’ Ally ordered.

  Ben stepped in to give Ally a friendly kiss. ‘She’s just cranky because I’m hard to get over.’

  ‘Like a fungal infection,’ Mia said sweetly. The plates she’d been holding landed with a thump on the table.

  ‘Had much experience with those?’ Ben asked casually.

  She very deliberately looked him up and down. ‘Just one. But the damn thing keeps coming back.’

  Ally cleared her throat ‘Okay, children … Lee, go shower.’

  Lee went down the hall to the main bathroom as Ebony headed to Cam and Ally’s bedroom to use their ensuite. He stripped and showered quickly before stepping into the clean pair of jeans he’d brought. He looked around. Damn, he’d forgotten to bring a change of shirt. He left the bathroom and knocked on the bedroom door.

  ‘Hey Ebs, you still in there?’

  ‘Yes. Why?’

  ‘I forgot to bring a spare shirt – I need to borrow one of Cam’s.’

  ‘That’s okay – come in.’

  He saw her eyes widen as he entered the room wearing only jeans. She was still in the filthy dress.

  ‘You’re not even showered yet?’ He grabbed a shirt and pulled it over his head.

  She shook her head and gave the zipper on her dress a useless tug. It moved a centimetre and managed to catch in her hair. ‘Ow!’ She gave up wrestling with it, dropped her hands. ‘This is ridiculous.’

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘It’s the stupid zipper …’

  He walked across the room, his eyes meeting hers in the mirror before dropping down to the dress. His hands lightly brushed the bulk of her hair from the nape of her neck, then began carefully untangling the piece that was caught. A shiver raced over her skin at the contact, and he murmured, ‘Hold still. That’s got it.’

  ‘Oh, thanks.’

  He knew he should step away, but his fingers continued to glide down her back, slowly taking the zipper with them. He tracked the movement of the zip, before sliding his gaze back up to meet hers in the mirror.

  ‘You’re welcome.’

  They held the gaze in silence, until, with a deep breath, he stepped back. ‘I should … go do the … thing. I’ll see you out there.’

  He found Ally serving up lunch. He took the plates she was carrying and deposited them on the counter, then caught Ally’s hand, kissed it. ‘You’re a goddess.’

  ‘You’re already getting lunch. No need to suck up.’

  ‘Get lost, you.’ Cam stepped around Lee and kissed Ally on the mouth, then frowned at the enormous dishes of pasta and salad.

  ‘Where’s everybody else’s?’

  Ally shoved him playfully with her hip as she began dishing up. Lee moved out of their way, his attention caught when Ebony laughed at something Ben told her. He hadn’t seen her return to the room and now, when their gazes met, he quickly smiled, before moving his on. He was restless, slightly agitated. Helping Ebony out of that dress had not been a good idea.

  As they sat around the table, Ben got to work. ‘Right,’ he said to Ebony, ‘you’d better tell me what Martin’s been hassling you about.’

  While Ebony spoke, Ben listened attentively. ‘I want to document every mention he makes of Rob,’ he told them. ‘I believe he does know where Rob is and that he’s in contact with him. Maybe he’ll let something slip, or just gradually drop hints that will make sense when it’s all put together.’

  ‘So you believe him when he says Rob’s coming back for me?’

  ‘Yes, though perhaps not Rob directly. I don’t think even Rob would be stup
id enough to openly show his face around here. Everyone knows him, everyone knows what he’s done. It would be very difficult for him to get close to you on the street. But, Ebs, that doesn’t mean he won’t have something else planned. If we’re right about Martin’s ties to all this, it could be him you need to be watching. If Rob wants you, Martin could be the way Rob gets his hands on you. I’m going to go talk to him, keep a closer eye on him, but you need to be careful.’

  ‘Have you got anything new?’ Cam asked.

  ‘We’ve got a couple of leads we’re chasing.’

  ‘You said that a year ago,’ Mia pointed out.

  Ben’s face flickered with annoyance. ‘I can’t always tell you what’s going on. That doesn’t mean we’re not getting anywhere.’

  ‘What about the vandalism?’

  ‘I’ll look into it, but if there’s no evidence Martin caused it and no one witnessed it, there’s not a lot I can do.’

  ‘I hate that he gets away with it,’ Ebony said.

  ‘Don’t forget that as soon as this investigation is completed, he won’t be getting away with anything ever again. You just need to hang in there and stay safe – and remember this is temporary.’

  The cottage sat at the end of a long, winding driveway surrounded by acres of bushland. It had started out as not much more than a small fibro shack, but Mia was making improvements. Ebony had no doubts it would be transformed completely before long.

  ‘So, I couldn’t help but notice Lee disappearing into Ally’s room earlier while you were, what, showering? Getting changed?’ Mia said as they worked on cleaning years of grime from windows.

  ‘There was a very strange moment over the stuck zipper on my dress,’ Ebony admitted.

  ‘Oh,’ Mia sang. ‘See? If you really want this to happen, you just need to take charge.’

  ‘That’s fine.’ Ebony took the window cleaner out of Mia’s hand and attacked the kitchen window. ‘Except I pretty much just stood there like a stunned mullet and tried not to make a fool of myself by melting into a puddle at his feet. Plus, he’s seeing Fiona. I’m a bad person for even thinking it.’

  ‘I give that another week – two, tops.’

  Ebony stopped wiping and looked back at Mia. ‘Why do you say that?’


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