Shadows of Hunters Ridge

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Shadows of Hunters Ridge Page 20

by Sarah Barrie

  ‘Would you mind if he calls by here to talk?’ Lee asked.

  Mia blinked in surprise. ‘You want me to let that man in my house?’

  ‘Or … we could go to a bar or something,’ Cam said. ‘It’s just quieter here, and you need to hear what he has to say.’

  Mia didn’t look impressed. For a moment Ebony thought she was going to refuse. ‘Fine. Only because it’s in Ebs’s best interests. We’ll listen to the facts of the case. Then if he’s hanging around for any length of time, we might have a small girl’s night out so I can pretend he’s not in my lounge room.’

  ‘Mia, when we discussed this girl’s night idea, it didn’t occur to me that I didn’t have anything suitable to wear to it.’

  ‘I brought you nice-dinner-type clothes,’ Ally suggested. ‘Not exactly sexy dancing clothes, but they’d do.’

  ‘Yeah, I guess they will.’ She dropped back on the lounge to look up at the ceiling. ‘Between the bruises, the amount I’ve eaten in the last few days, the lack of running and my overall inability to get Lee to show any interest in me whatsoever, I think I’m about ready to give up and wear tracksuits.’

  ‘Violins anyone?’ Mia mocked.

  Ebony grinned and sighed dramatically. ‘At least I had one lacklustre sexual encounter before I got old. The memory’s dimming though.’

  ‘We need to remedy that.’ Mia patted her leg. ‘Come in the bedroom.’

  Ebony’s head snapped round. Her voice was tiny. ‘I beg your pardon?’

  Mia looked confused, then a cheeky smile spread over her face. ‘I probably could have phrased that better.’ She laughed. ‘God, you look like you’re going to faint. I’m going to lend you a dress – we need to try a couple on before we go out. Then we’ll paint some make-up on that neck and make you look sensational. It’s good to have an ego boost when you’re feeling flat. And you just watch Lee’s “interest level” when I’m done with you.’

  Ebony hesitated. ‘You’re not suggesting some one-night stand or anything are you? Because –’

  ‘No, honey,’ Mia said gently. ‘We’re just going to go out and socialise. Have some fun. Knowing you, you’ll be surprised how many nice guys there are out there – and how many hit on you. No pressure, no agenda. Let’s just forget everything going on in our lives for one night and let our hair down.’

  Ebony looked at Ally for a second opinion.

  ‘Actually, I agree. If you’re up to it, it’ll be fun. You need a boost.’

  ‘Okay.’ Ebony nodded slowly as the idea took hold. ‘I’d like that.’

  ‘Hey,’ Cam said, coming up the stairs. ‘We’re back with food.’

  ‘Then let’s eat before we start,’ Ally said to Mia and Ebony.

  ‘We should give Jasper a little attention too,’ Mia said.

  ‘We’ll look after the mutt,’ Cam offered. ‘He’s bonded with Lee.’

  ‘With my poor abused fingers anyway,’ Lee said. But he opened the pen and gave the puppy a quick scratch. Jasper wriggled in ecstasy.

  Ben arrived at eight o’clock and Lee snagged him a beer from Mia’s fridge. ‘Evening.’

  ‘Hey, thanks,’ he said, taking it and looking around. ‘Where is everyone?’

  ‘Cam’s one level up, girls are two.’ He grabbed two more beers and gestured up the stairs. ‘They’re going out.’

  ‘Explains why I’m allowed in.’

  ‘It was touch and go.’

  ‘Hey, Cam,’ Ben said, reaching the top of the stairs and spotting him.

  Ally trotted downstairs. ‘Oh – hi, Ben.’

  Cam got up and took her hands, then stepped back to admire her. ‘Marry me.’

  She smiled, amused. ‘Again?’

  He drew her in and kissed her. ‘You look way too sexy to be married and pregnant. Make sure everyone knows you’re married and pregnant.’

  She laughed at that. ‘You mean, have a good time?’

  He kissed her again. ‘Have a good time.’

  More feet on the stairs had Lee looking up. Ebony was coming down, Mia on her heels. As Ebony reached the bottom, his mouth went dry and lust burned its way through his entire system. Her willowy figure was wrapped in a bright red figure-hugging dress that stopped a hairs breadth below mid-thigh. The heels were as tall as her legs were long. Her hair was mussed, her face perfection and the scent emanating from her was sinful. He literally felt the blood drain from his head and thought his tongue might well be hanging out.

  Stop it. Stop it! What the hell is wrong with you?

  ‘What the hell did you do to my sister?’ Cam asked Mia in disbelief.

  Mia smiled slowly. ‘Just that.’

  ‘Just …’

  ‘She looks wonderful,’ Ally said with a glare at her husband.

  ‘She does – you do,’ Cam told Ebony with a shake of his head. ‘Sorry. You all do.’

  ‘So what’s the latest?’ Mia asked Ben, obviously keen to move things along.

  ‘There’s not much I can tell you. We’re reinterviewing some of the original forum members for any information they might have on Martin or where he could be hiding. And we’ve got a trace on Martin’s phone. It’s been off, or more likely out of range, but hopefully he still has it. If he moves into an area with reception, we’ll trace him. Best case scenario: he’s gone straight to wherever the hell Rob is and finding one, we’ll find both.’

  ‘What if he doesn’t?’ Ebony asked.

  ‘Then we’ll do things the long way round. On another topic, I believe I’ve identified the mask your prowler was wearing but it’s not going to get us anywhere. They’re in discount shops all over the place and available online, so that’s basically a dead end.’

  ‘That’s it? Ben, Martin said it was too soon to take me. There’s got to be some sort of date they’re working towards.’

  ‘I know. They aren’t ready. That gives us some time.’

  ‘The other women were all abducted a few days at most before a hunt. It might not be enough time,’ Lee commented.

  ‘I’m not really sure I feel like going out.’

  ‘Yes, you do. You need to forget about this for a night,’ Ally said. ‘Let’s get her out of here, Mia.’

  ‘You should go, quickly, before I get overprotective and you start yelling at me,’ Cam said.

  ‘Thanks. We’ll be off then.’

  ‘Mia,’ Cam said as she began to follow Ally and Ebony down the stairs.

  She turned. ‘Yes?’

  ‘Thanks for taking her out and cheering her up. Just – and I’m trying not to be too big brotherly but – she looks, really looks, I mean wow, and there’s a serial killer or two out there so …’

  ‘Shall I take my gun? Would that make you feel better?’


  ‘It’s illegal for you to carry that gun for personal protection,’ Ben reminded her.

  Mia’s expression was bland disbelief. ‘I was joking.’

  ‘With you, it’s always worth checking.’

  ‘Enjoy my house, but don’t feel you need to stay long.’ With a flick of her hair, Mia disappeared down the stairs.

  ‘I’m not going to comment,’ Cam decided. ‘I’m just going to pretend that never happened.’

  Ben grinned. ‘Your sister’s hot, man.’

  ‘La, la, la …’

  Lee picked up the television remote. He had to get another image to form in his brain. Any other image. The football was on.

  ‘Excellent,’ Cam said. ‘Let’s just watch that for a while.’

  ‘Don’t you want to talk any more about the case?’ Ben asked.

  ‘Three of the most important ladies in my life just walked out looking like … that. I’m not sure I want to talk about murderers who prey on women just now.’

  ‘Okay. You got any food?’

  ‘I’ll find something.’ Lee had to get up and move so he jogged downstairs to the kitchen, paced around the small space. Was there any point denying how he felt about Ebony any longer? He
’d done his best, hadn’t he? Talked and talked and talked himself into ignoring it. Wasn’t that the real reason none of his other relationships panned out? Why no other woman could hold his attention? He couldn’t do anything about it – shouldn’t do anything about it. But there was no changing the fact he was in love with her. Had been since the day he met her.

  ‘You find anything?’ Cam’s voice echoed down the stairs.

  ‘Uh …’ He pulled open the pantry, blessed Mia for her stock of junk food. ‘Yeah. Coming.’

  He’d have to think about it later. Or better yet, try not to think about it too much at all.

  ‘Where are we going dancing?’ Ebony asked. ‘Oh – and should you dance, Ally?’

  ‘I’m nine weeks pregnant, not three parts dead, of course I can dance,’ Ally reassured her.

  ‘A pregnant woman and a recently injured one. Hmm … Come with me.’ Mia led them into a bar and headed straight over to trade hugs with an enormous, scary-looking bartender. She said something that had him looking in their direction before starting across the room.

  ‘Should we run?’ Ebony asked, only half joking.

  ‘Nah, that’s just Bear,’ Ally told her a second before she was engulfed in Bear’s arms. She just about disappeared.

  ‘You having a baby, little Ally?’

  ‘I am.’ She gave him a kiss on the cheek. ‘How are you?’

  ‘Same as ever. Hi there.’

  ‘Bear, this is Ebony – my sister-in-law,’ Ally said.

  He took her hand and smiled warmly. ‘Hi, Ebony.’

  ‘Hi. I met your son, he’s nice.’

  ‘I bet he was. He knows how to talk to a pretty lady. You want a cocktail?’

  ‘She does,’ Mia said, joining them, ‘but don’t knock her flat on the first drink, okay?’

  Ebony’s eyes widened. ‘Oh … God.’

  Bear’s eyes laughed at her. ‘Go grab a table. Two Mia Morgans coming up. OJ, soft drink or water, Ally?’


  ‘You have a cocktail named after you?’ Ebony asked in disbelief.

  ‘Sure – hang around long enough, you’ll get one too.’

  ‘As long as you come up with the mix and dance on the bar drinking it,’ Ally added.

  Mia shrugged. ‘A small detail.’

  When the drinks came out, Ebony wasn’t sure what was in them, but they were blue and green and – on fire.

  ‘Oh. Wow. What’s in it?’

  ‘Less and less alcohol by the second – wait a little longer before you blow it out. It’ll still pack a punch.’

  When she tasted it, she had to agree. But it was good.

  ‘Mia!’ An incredibly attractive man came out of nowhere and swept Mia around. She somehow didn’t spill the remains of her drink.

  She laughed. ‘Hi, Miguel.’ She kissed him on both cheeks.

  ‘You ready for a dance?’

  ‘Not quite – but this is Ebony, take her.’

  Ebony gaped at Mia. Was she kidding? Miguel sent her a stunning smile and held out a hand. She looked at Mia, back to Miguel.

  Leaning over, Mia said in her ear, ‘He needs entertaining until Andre arrives. He’s gay, friendly, an awesome dancer and completely harmless. Relax. Have fun.’

  ‘All right …’

  She did have fun. When Andre turned up, Mia dragged Ebony back to the table and handed her a bottle of water before getting her another cocktail and dancing with her for a couple more songs. Ally got up for the next few, then they sat again.

  ‘Having a good time?’ Mia asked. ‘Still feeling okay?’

  Ebony was doing her best to ignore the ever-increasing ache in her neck and shoulders because she was enjoying herself and she was grateful to Mia and Ally for bringing her out. So she nodded. ‘This is great.’

  ‘Do you want another drink?’

  ‘I could do one more.’

  Mia went to the bar.

  ‘Oh shit,’ Ally muttered.

  ‘What?’ Ebony followed Ally’s concerned look and noticed a dark-haired man with a desperate expression heading straight for Mia. There was some sort of argument. Mia waved her hands around and Bear came out from behind the bar to stand behind her. The man lifted his hands, backed away then turned and pushed back through the crowd.

  When Mia came back she brought another round of drinks. ‘Here we go.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Ally, said accepting her juice. ‘I couldn’t help but notice Adam.’

  ‘Was that your boss?’ Ebony asked.

  ‘I handed in my resignation,’ Mia told her. ‘He’s not happy about it.’

  As they enjoyed their drinks, Ebony watched the bar get busier. People were crowding for drinks and pushing their way onto the dancefloor.

  ‘I think we should head off soon,’ Mia said. ‘I don’t want Ally getting elbowed or anything. We can try somewhere else if you like.’

  ‘All good. It’s been fun, but I’ve probably had enough,’ Ebony said. ‘I guess I’m not completely back to normal.’

  Mia led them out past the bar. ‘We’re heading,’ she told Bear.

  ‘Already? Most of the gang aren’t even here yet.’

  ‘I’ll catch them next time.’

  Bear scowled. Ebony wondered if they were in trouble. ‘Lover boy over there is still hanging round. Will you be okay?’

  Mia scoffed. ‘No problem.’ She gave Bear a quick hug. ‘Thanks. See you later.’



  The football had ended and Lee was sitting with Cam and Ben on Mia’s front balcony finishing a beer. ‘Girls should be back soon.’

  ‘What makes you say that?’ Cam asked. ‘They’re with Mia. Who knows what time they’ll turn up.’

  ‘I should get going, anyway,’ Ben decided, getting to his feet. ‘I’ve got an early start. I’ll let you know as soon as I have any news.’

  ‘Right, thanks, Ben – I appreciate how much you’re putting into this,’ Cam said as they walked down the stairs to the front door.

  ‘So do I,’ Lee said. ‘Wish I could be more help.’

  ‘Just keep an eye on the ladies and I’ll concentrate on Rob.’ He nodded his head towards the window. ‘Here they are now.’

  The women were approaching the house. Lee immediately saw the man advancing on them. ‘Who’s that?’ he asked, quickly stepping out the door. The man caught up to them just outside Mia’s gate. ‘Mia, please.’

  She stopped, hand on the gate and lifted one brow impatiently. ‘Yes, Adam?’

  ‘I need to talk to you – hi, Ally. You look good.’

  ‘Thanks, Adam.’

  ‘You’re home early,’ Cam said to Ebony. ‘Who’s your friend?’

  ‘Not my friend,’ Ebony objected.

  ‘Just a word, Mia?’ Adam continued. ‘One minute?’

  Mia shook her head. ‘Adam, this is not an appropriate time.’

  ‘But you don’t answer my calls – you’re never home.’

  ‘That’s right. Take the hint.’

  ‘This is not just about the business. I miss you.’

  Mia’s whole expression was uncomfortable. ‘Oh hell, don’t do this please.’

  ‘But –’

  ‘She asked you to leave, buddy,’ Ben told him.

  ‘But … wait.’

  When Ben stepped between them, Adam shuffled back but craned his neck to see her.

  ‘I love you, Mia!’

  ‘No, you don’t. And I don’t even like you much so …’

  ‘You don’t mean that.’

  ‘I couldn’t mean it more if the truth fairy was holding a gun to my head. You’re drunk, Adam. Go home. Stop embarrassing yourself.’

  ‘You can’t quit. I need you!’ He made a grab for her and Ben lifted him off the ground, before dropping him several feet back.

  ‘Go home.’

  With a snarl, Adam launched himself at Ben.

  Ben picked him up again, dropped him a little less gently. ‘Don’t be an idiot.’

>   Adam sidestepped him to reach Mia but slammed into Ally, sending her backwards onto the concrete.

  ‘Ally!’ Cam shoved Adam back and crouched beside his wife.

  Lee headed for Adam. But it was already over: Ben had Adam in a tight headlock, ignoring his struggles while he watched Ally get to her feet and dust herself off.

  ‘You all right, Ally?’

  ‘I think so, thanks.’

  ‘You can’t leave me, Mia,’ Adam cried.

  Ben dragged him out onto the street and in just a few seconds had managed to flag down a taxi. He deposited Adam into it, threw a twenty at the driver. ‘You go home now,’ he told Adam, ‘or you’ll end up going to the hospital later.’ He shut the door, and the cab disappeared.

  Cam was already leading Ally inside. Ebony followed.

  ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’ she asked Ally as they gathered inside.

  ‘I’m fine.’

  ‘What was that?’ Cam snapped, his worried expression turning angry as it hit Mia.

  Mia just pressed her lips together, giving her attention to her sister. ‘Sorry, Ally. If I’d –’

  ‘You’re unbelievable,’ Ben muttered.

  Mia closed her eyes, sighed, turned to Ben with a sweet smile. ‘That could just be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.’

  He shook his head in disgust. ‘You cause all this drama and you love it, don’t you? Ally could have lost her baby. Is a quick roll in the sheets that important?’

  Her hand shot up as though to slap him and Ben’s fingers closed over her wrist.

  ‘I don’t care how gorgeous you are, you’re not pretty enough to be that stupid,’ he said. They stared at each other, the tension in the room stifling everyone. Mia’s arm shook, a tiny vibration, and Ben immediately released her.

  ‘Mia, step back,’ Ally ordered from behind them.

  ‘I’m not a slut,’ Mia whispered.

  ‘And I’m not Shane,’ Ben returned, equally as quietly.

  Mia’s eyes widened, her face paled. Direct hit, Ebony thought. Though she didn’t understand it.

  ‘Get out of my house.’

  Ben’s eyes slowly moved from Mia to Ally and Ebony. ‘I hope you’re all right, Ally. Goodnight, Ebs. Guys.’

  Lee and Cam followed him out to the street and Ebony held her breath while he left. Then it came out in a rush.


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