Indivisible Souls: Book 3 of the Bound4Ireland Series

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Indivisible Souls: Book 3 of the Bound4Ireland Series Page 13

by Tricia Daniels

  “Of course. We’ll have to have coffee soon and I can share all your embarrassing high school stories with Olivia.”

  “How about we don’t?”

  “Oh, we are definitely doing that,” Olivia agrees.

  “Well then, I’ll keep in touch. Occasionally my husband comes home, so I can do my own thing without lugging them all around.”

  “Is he working tonight? Or does he have a gig?”

  “Working,” she says sadly. “I wish he didn’t have to work so hard. I don’t get to spend any time with him.”

  “I know how that feels,” Olivia says sympathetically. “It was nice to meet you.”

  Ethan places his hand on her back and guides her across the room. “She seems really nice,” she says. “I can’t imagine having that many kids under the age of twelve.”

  “They all look the same, those kids. Just like their father,” Ethan chuckles. “Even the two girls.”

  Olivia laughs. “I was going to ask you, who her husband is, because those kids looked very familiar to me.

  “They should. That’s Griffin’s family.”

  Olivia stops walking, shocked. “Griff?”

  “Yes.” Ethan nudges her, encouraging her to keep moving.

  “That lovely lady is married to Griff?”

  “Why are you so shocked?”

  “Ummm, because she seems sweet and kind and Griff has this whole creepy sociopath thing going on.”

  “I always thought they were an odd couple.”

  Ethan becomes engaged in a conversation with an old family friend and Olivia becomes bored. Looking around the room, her eyes find him. He stands alone in a dark corner, his back leaning against the wall. He looks up, as if he senses her watching him. She excuses herself from Ethan’s conversation and goes to him, her chest starting to feel heavy as she nears. There are a few moments of awkward silence as she stands in front of him, and they look into each other’s eyes.

  “Congratulations,” he finally says, managing an insincere smile.

  “Thank you, Carter.”

  “I hope that you two finally find happiness.”

  Olivia frowns. “Carter…”

  “No, I really mean that,” he interrupts. “You two belong together. Don’t ever let anything, or anybody, come between you.”

  Olivia moves against his chest. “Thank you, Carter.” She wraps her arms around him, ignoring the fact that he hesitates and becomes tense. After taking a deep breath, his body softens and he wraps his arms around her, returning her hug. He closes his eyes and lowers his lips to the top of her head. He squeezes her tightly, as if it’s the last time. “You’re in good hands with O’Connell,” he whispers in his gentle Australian accent. “But I’ll always be around if you need me.”

  Olivia swallows hard, trying to hold back a deeply rooted emotional response. “I know, Carter.”

  “Ahem,” a masculine voice interrupts. “Carter.”

  Olivia loosens her grip and then takes a step back. Carter extends his hand. “Congratulations, Ethan.”

  “You’re not trying to steal my girl are you, Brant?” he inquires in jest, as he shakes his hand.

  Carter laughs out loud. “That wouldn’t be possible. It’s extremely clear that she only loves you.”

  At that moment, their eyes lock and something passes between Carter and Olivia. It brings with it an acknowledgement that sets them both free. Olivia smiles and tucks herself in under Ethan’s protective arm. He looks down at her in admiration and knows that Carter’s telling the truth. She nods her head in agreement and gives him a kiss.

  “Mmm, I’m a very lucky man. There’s someone I want to introduce you to.” Olivia nods and waits for him to escort her. As he turns, he glances back at Carter, and gives him a half grin. “I’m keeping my eyes on you, Brant,” he promises.

  “And so you should. I think I’ve already told you, if you don’t worship her the way she deserves, someone else will.”

  “Stop it, you two. If you ruin my engagement night with your immature, alpha male, pissing contest, I’m not going to be a very happy girl,” Olivia says in frustration.

  Carter grins. “No worries, beautiful. We’re just messing around. I have no intention of ruining this night for you.”

  He puts his hand on Ethan’s shoulder and begins to walk with them, giving him a masculine pat on the back. “Just remember what I promised, big guy. If you don’t treat her right, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  Ethan stops walking and looks at him seriously. “Carter. If I don’t treat her right, she’s going to kick my ass.”

  There’s a brief moment of silence, before both men throw their heads back in laughter. Olivia stands, with her weight on one hip, arms crossed, and looking unimpressed. “We could start with a double ass-kicking right now, if you’d like.”

  Ethan throws his hands up in the defeat. “No, no, I’m good.”

  “Me, too,” Carter adds, still chuckling.

  “Hey… so tell me about this girl you met in Toronto. I hear it might be kind of serious.”

  “Yes, Carter. For your own safety,” Olivia advises. “Tell us about your girl.”

  “Brilliant subject change.” Carter says, giving Ethan a discreet fist bump. He looks down at Olivia’s nephew, Marcus, who has fallen asleep under one of the tables. “I’ll tell you about Kate another time,” he says, as he carefully slides him out and lifts him into his arms. “Tonight, I’m the hired nanny. Let me take the kids back to the hotel, so your sister can stay and celebrate with you.”

  “Thank you, Carter. For everything,” Olivia says as he carries the small boy toward the door. Carter raises his hand in the air and unfolds two fingers as he walks away. “That’s two you owe me,” he says, without turning around.

  Ethan looks at her suspiciously. “Do I want to know?”

  Olivia flashes him an awkward grin. “Probably not. Who did you want to introduce me to?”

  “Seems I’m not the only one good at changing the subject.”

  “You’re really not that good at it.” She smiles.

  Ethan stops in front of a tall man in a black tuxedo and bright blue ascot. “Olivia, this is my boss, Charles Hammond.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you.”

  “Congratulations,” he offers.

  “Thank you. “Olivia smiles politely.

  “It takes a strong woman to stand beside a man like Ethan O’Connell, considering his current predicament.”

  She feels Ethan tense beside her and gives him a reassuring smile. “Predicament? You mean the woman who accused him of something that he didn’t do, in an attempt to blackmail him?”

  He squirms uncomfortably, until he’s rescued by his lovely wife. “Charles,” she scolds. “You’ll have to forgive my husband. He forgets his manners sometimes. Congratulations, dear. We’ve known Ethan for many years. He’s a fine young man.”

  “Yes, he is.” She reaches down and takes his hand, entwining her fingers with his. “I met your nephew on a flight into Canada. He’s also a fine young man. He’ll learn a lot working for Ethan.”

  Charles stares at Ethan, making him nervous about the direction of this conversation. He squeezes Olivia’s hand tightly, cutting off the circulation to her fingers. She flashes him a quick grimace and wiggles her fingers, prompting him to loosen his grip.

  “Yes, he certainly will,” Mrs. Hammond responds, her face turning a tell tale shade of pink. “I can assure you that we’ll support Ethan, on both a personal and corporate level. He’s like a son to us.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Hammond.”

  “Of course, dear. Please excuse me, while I drag my husband out on the dance floor. He never takes me anywhere anymore, and I intend to take full advantage of his attention tonight.”

  “Yes, of course.” Olivia lets go of Ethan’s hand as they take their leave for the dance floor. “You almost broke my hand.”

  “Sorry, you had me a little concerned.”

  “They’re up to
something, I can feel it in my bones.”

  “Thanks a lot, O’Connell.”

  Ethan turns and lowers his brow, curious. “For what, Scott?”

  “Now my wife wants to learn how to waltz.”

  “Well, how about right now? I’m in a brilliant mood and this one is really easy. How about it Rachel?” He extends his hand and she takes it reluctantly.

  “Okay, but be gentle with me.”

  “I’ll be as gentle as the morning breeze across the rolling green hills of Ireland.”

  “Just don’t try to lead,” Olivia laughs. “It makes him grumpy.”

  “I wouldn’t know if I was leading or not,” Rachel laughs.

  “Oh, you usually lead,” Scott adds. “Believe me.”

  “Well.” Ethan guides her to the dance floor. “No time like the present to learn how to follow.”

  Scott and Olivia watch from the side and a few moments of silence becomes awkward.

  “Is there something you want to say?” Olivia finally asks.

  “No. Rachel and I are happy for you.”

  “You don’t look happy. Something’s on your mind. You might as well say it.”

  “I guess I’m just worried.” Scott watches Ethan teach his wife a very simple box step.


  “Olivia. What happened to you before…that was my fault.” Scott becomes tense, agitated.

  “No, it wasn’t, Scott. You had nothing to do with that.”

  “Still, it happened and I feel responsible since I was the one who introduced you.”

  “And you’re worried about O’Connell.”

  “Yes. I’ve seen his temper. What if he really did what she’s accusing him of?”

  “He didn’t,” she says adamantly

  “But what if he did? We may never know until it’s too late.”

  Olivia glances across the room at Reese Wilson, who raises his glass in acknowledgement and then tips it to his lips. “He’s not guilty, Scott.”

  “Okay, I won’t bring it up again. I just… worry.”

  Olivia kisses him on the cheek. “Thank you for that. I think I know him well enough now.”

  “Promise me, if there’s ever a red flag, that you won’t hesitate. Get the hell out of there and don’t look back.”

  “That I can promise you.” Olivia watches Reese, her mind now brimming with a thousand questions. “Excuse me. I need to find Shannon.”

  Ethan finds Olivia at the back of the room, sitting with her sister. On his way to the table, he catches a glimpse of Shannon, looking like she’s on a mission and heading straight for Reese. He tenses a little, but decides he can’t let the thoughts of his case consume him at the moment. Tonight, Olivia has made him the happiest man in the world.

  “It’s getting late. I brought you a snack.”

  “Oh my God, that’s adorable,” Megan says, getting all mushy and emotional.

  “He fusses over me way too much,” Olivia complains. “It gets annoying sometimes.”

  “You better get used to me taking care of you. I’m not ever dealing with my father again.”

  Olivia yawns.

  “Maybe we should get you home.”

  “I’m fine, Ethan.”

  “Oh, don’t make her leave yet, we were just talking about the wedding plans,” Megan says excitedly.

  “Oh?” he asks curiously.

  “Yes, my sister is planning a spring wedding, right after the baby is born, and I lose the gazillion pounds I’m going to gain.”

  “It’ll be awesome. We haven’t decided on a theme, or colors, or anything yet, but we have a few months to nail down the details,” Meg adds.

  Ethan’s face takes on a frustrated look and Olivia notices right away.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, concerned.

  “Nothing. Let’s get you home.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on.”

  Ethan looks at Meg. It’s clear that whatever it is, it’s a conversation he doesn’t want to have in front of her.

  “It’s getting late, you look exhausted.”

  Olivia can’t argue, her feet are starting to swell and her shoes are pinching them uncomfortably. “Okay, you’re right. Let’s go.”

  “I’ll get your coat.” Ethan crosses the room and scowls as he sees Shannon and Reese exit through one of the side doors and quietly disappear.

  “Did I say something wrong?” Meg asks sadly.

  “No, I don’t think so. He’s obviously got something on his mind. I’ll message you later, unless I’m engaged in hot celebration sex with my fiancé.”

  “Wow,” Megan throws her arms around her. “I had always hoped and dreamed of this day for you. I wish Mom and Dad were here,” her voice cracks.

  “They are.” Olivia smiles. “They’re with me always.”

  Ethan returns and holds her coat for her, pulling it up over her shoulders. Olivia twitches and holds her stomach, making a face.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “She’s kicking up a storm tonight. Apparently my kidney is in her way.”

  “Do you need to sit down?” Ethan asks.

  Meg places the palm of her hand on Olivia’s stomach. “How far along are you? You’re awfully small. At three months with Marcus, I looked like I swallowed a beach ball.”

  “They figured about twenty weeks. I have an appointment next week with Dr. Cameron. He’ll do another ultrasound then.”

  “Next week is not acceptable, I’ll have John call tomorrow and move it up,” Ethan says in his authoritative tone.

  “Can you do that?” Meg asks impressed.

  “Oh, my fiancé can do anything,” Olivia laughs.

  “Oh my!” Meg looks up. “She is really boisterous tonight.”

  “Right? Especially when she hears her daddy’s voice.”

  “I miss these moments,” Meg reminisces. “I think I’ll go and rescue Carter.”

  Ethan puts Meg in a cab and makes sure the fare is looked after. When he returns to the Zagato, Olivia is looking for some answers.

  “Spill it, O’Connell,” she insists.

  “Spill what?”

  “What was with that look when my sister was talking about wedding plans? Did you change your mind already?”

  “No. Not at all.”

  “Well, what then?”

  “It’s my intention to marry you, right away.”

  “Okay. So we’ll plan it for right after the baby is due.”

  “No, that’s not what I mean.”

  “Elaborate,” Olivia teases, using a deep Irish accent.

  “You’re a funny girl.”

  “That’s why you love me, right?”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t mean I won’t put you over my knee for being cheeky.”

  “I’m trying to think of the down side of that.”

  “Be careful what you wish for.”

  “Would you just tell me what your problem is and hurry home? I’m really horny.”

  Ethan stares at her, his mouth open. Shocked. A grin glides across his lips. “I’m becoming quite fond of gestational hormones.”

  “Get your fill now, cuz I’m sure that after she’s born, I’m going to be too tired for the rest of our lives. Now would you just tell me what your issue is?”

  “I intend to marry you, right away. As in tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow? You’re messing with me, right?”

  “No, I don’t want another day to pass without us being properly wed.” Ethan scowls. “What are you looking for?”

  “The camera. I’m being punked, aren’t I?”

  “No. I’m serious.”

  “How are we going to pull off a wedding tomorrow? We can’t book a church, a reception… invite guests.”

  “We don’t need those things.”

  Olivia laughs out loud. “Oh, Okay. I can’t wait for you to tell your mother that. Not to mention, my sister. She’ll murder you.”

  “This is about you and
me. And doing what’s right. It doesn’t concern anybody else.”

  “Doing what’s right?” she repeats, angrily. “You mean because of the baby? Is that why you asked me to marry you?”

  “Of course not. I asked you to marry me because I love you. You know this. I just want it to be official. Immediately.”

  “There is no chance in hell, that I’m marrying you tomorrow.”

  “The next day, then.”

  “Ethan! Stop it.”

  “Don’t get upset, it’s not good for the baby.”

  “Don’t get upset? Gah!!! I can’t even talk to you right now.” She gets out of the car in front of their Dublin flat and slams the door.

  Ethan growls and follows. “Olivia.”

  She ignores him and continues through the main doors. He watches as she lifts the lacy pink dress and starts up the stairs to their third floor flat. His eyes follow the line from her ankle up the back of her silky thigh-highs. Suddenly the only thought in his head is what she’s wearing beneath that dress. His cock hardens and he wants it. He wants it now.

  The sound of his heavy footsteps advancing from behind makes her nervous. Taking the stairs two at a time, he arrives beside her. He takes hold of her elbow, making her stop. She stands perfectly still, refusing to establish eye contact. Ethan moves in closer, pressing himself against her side. As she feels its hardness against her hipbone, she lets out a small amused laugh.

  “What is it with you and stairwells?”

  Ethan smirks and wraps his arms around her, pulling her against his chest. “It’s you that makes my cock hard. Not the stairs.”

  Olivia struggles, trying to push him away. “Stop it. I’m angry with you.”

  “Kiss me.”

  “No. I’m not in the mood.” She makes a feeble attempt to push him away, and it makes him grin.

  “Kiss me,” he insists, as he turns her chin toward him so he can claim her lips. All struggling stops as his lips brush across hers. Olivia pulls away, and bites at his lip playfully before she lifts her dress and tries to continue up the stairs.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asks, his Irish accent jacked up with sexual tension.


  “Oh, I don’t think so, future Mrs. O’Connell. I’m not done with you yet.”

  Excitement crackles in the air.

  “Sit down,” he demands.


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