Indivisible Souls: Book 3 of the Bound4Ireland Series

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Indivisible Souls: Book 3 of the Bound4Ireland Series Page 31

by Tricia Daniels

  “We weren’t sure at first. She told the Guard recently that the money wasn’t for her.”

  “It was for Griff,” Shannon adds. “Then Griff decided that he didn’t just want money. He wanted to ruin you.”

  “Why me? I thought he and I were friends.”

  Olivia reaches down and squeezes his hand. “Because of Rosemary.”

  “I don’t understand. She and I went to high school together. We were just friends. I never crossed that line with her.”

  “I know, Baby,” Olivia confirms. “But apparently she held some very deep feelings toward you and spoke of you often.”

  “I didn’t know.”

  “In his confession, Griffin admitted that he always felt that he was being compared to the great Ethan O’Connell, and he always fell short.” Shannon looks across the room and nods when Reese looks up.

  “You should go talk to him, Ethan,” Olivia suggests. “Even after they switched gears and came after you, Reese offered to pay them an obscene amount of money, if they left you alone.”

  Shannon nods her head. “It’s true. Olivia was able to get her hands on all the text message and emails.”

  “Why would he do that?”


  “Why didn’t he just tell me the truth?”

  “Pride,” Reese says as he joins them. “You so readily accepted the fact that I would ruin our friendship over a woman. After everything we’ve been through together, you didn’t even ask, just assumed I was guilty.”

  The girls walk away, leaving Ethan and Reese to have a long overdue conversation. “Look who’s here,” Shannon says pointing to the door.

  “I don’t believe it,” Olivia gasps.

  She makes her way to them, holding out her arms. “Mary! George! Ethan didn’t tell me you were coming.”

  “Hello, child,” says a familiar voice from behind them. George stands to the side and lets her through.

  “Hello, Eva. Welcome home.”

  “There’s no reason for me to be in Canada anymore, is there, dear?”

  Olivia smiles. “No, there’s not.”

  “There’s only one more thing the universe needs to set right. And my feeling is, that will be soon.”

  “Please. No hocus pocus today, Eva. I just want to enjoy my friends and family.”

  They’re joined by a charming older man. “Olivia, who is this beautiful woman?”

  “Judge O’Sullivan, this is Eva Storm. A very good friend of ours.”

  He smiles and bows, lifting her hand to his lips. “Please call me Patrick. Could I interest you in a libation and polite conversation?”

  Olivia steps back and gives him an impressed look.

  He winks as he guides Eva across the room.

  “Please, help yourself to food and mingle with the guests,” she says to Mary and George. “I need to look after something, then I’ll be back.”

  She waddles down the hall, feeling stiff and uncomfortable. The muscles in her back feel like they’re on fire. To top it all off, the baby has decided to sit on her bladder. She pushes open the bathroom door of the century old O’Connell mansion and breathes in a strong chemical odor. The smell of it washes over her, making her feel dizzy. She gets out of there as quickly as she can and sits on the chair in the hall.

  She closes her eyes and takes deep breaths as she’s whisked back in time, to her home a few years ago.

  She opens her eyes and sees him standing beside the bed. She reaches for his hand. “Is he gone?” she asks through shallow breaths.

  “Yes, he’s gone.” He crouches down and wipes the blood soaked hair from her eyes.

  The strong smell of disinfectant penetrates her nostrils, making her feel woozy. She opens her eyes, confused at why he’s not sending for help. She searches his eyes for the man who keeps her safe, but she sees nothing there. Nothing but hollow, empty darkness. Wicked and inhumane. He grabs her feet, and pulls her to the end of the bed. “Please. No,” she pleads as she hears him unzip his trousers. The searing pain from the gash in her head stops her from trying to get away. Her struggling only seems to inspire him more. As she lies there sobbing beneath him, blood mixes with tears as they stream down her cheeks. “Why?” she sobs as she slips into unconsciousness. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  Anna finds her in the hall. “Olivia? What’s wrong?” she asks alarmed.

  Olivia opens her eyes. “The smell. What is it?”

  “It’s disinfectant, dear. I’m sorry is it too strong for you? I scrubbed this bathroom down this morning.”

  “The kind they use in operating rooms and clinics?”

  “Yes, I suppose. Are you okay?”

  “Anna, I need Ethan.”

  Within moments, Ethan charges down the hall. He drops to his knees beside her. She opens her eyes and he can see her grief. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  Her bottom lip begins to quiver. “It wasn’t Sam, he left. I remember now. I know who it was.”

  “Please don’t go,” she begs, as he rolls a few t-shirts and throws them in a bag.

  “Sweetheart, it’s a business trip. I’ll be back in two days. You can’t go with me, Dave said the baby is in a dangerous position right now.”

  She pouts, and as usual, it twists his heart in knots. “Please. Not the face,” he pleads as they enter they the living room. “You were the one who launched this international business plan, Mrs. O’Connell.”

  “I know, but your timing sucks.”

  Ethan pauses. “Are you feeling unsafe? Because look around.” Carter, Reese, John, Ian and Scott all sit in the room. “It’s not likely that any harm is going to come to you with this lot around.

  “I’m still feeling a little unsettled.”

  He twists her curls around his fingers and kisses her. “I know. But I promise, by the time I get back it will all be sorted.”

  “What if I have nightmares?”

  Carter raises his hand and Ethan shoots daggers at him with his eyes. “Stay out of my wife’s bed, Brant,” he warns in his thick Irish brogue. “Sweetheart, I’ll be back day after tomorrow. Spend the time with your sister, planning your fairy tale castle wedding.”

  “I was thinking we could go shopping for baby things,” Madison adds.

  “Brilliant idea. Use my card, yeah?”

  “Our card,” Olivia corrects.

  “Whatever gets you through the check-out line, Love. Give me a kiss, I have to go.”

  “I’m on the ground. Heading straight there,” Ethan advises

  “Be careful, Ethan,” John says concerned.

  “I’m always careful.”

  “I’m throwing the bullshit flag on that. You better hope your wife doesn’t find out where you are, and why you’re there. I wish I had come with you.”

  “You need to be there with Shannon. Travis and Adam picked me up and are going with me. The officer in charge of the case is going to meet us there.”

  “Get it over with and get home. Your wife is driving everyone crazy.”

  “Just make sure I don’t come home to any new tattoos.”

  “No promises,” John jokes.

  “We’re almost there. I’ll call you later.”

  Ethan gets out of the car and has a few words with the officer when he pulls in.

  He motions toward the door and Travis and Adam follow. Ignoring the woman at the front desk, they walk down the hallway, looking for him in all the rooms. Curious patrons lean forward in their chairs and peek down the hall as they forcefully push open the heavy metal door at the end.

  Noah looks up, startled to see him. “What are you doing here?” He lifts a small dog from the table and places him back in a cage.

  “I wanted to be here in person to see your face.”

  “What are you talking about, O’Connell?” He looks around the room at the officer and accompanying men. Pulling off his surgical gloves, he tosses them into the top of the trash, and takes off his white lab coat.

  “I wanted
to be looking into your eyes when I tell you that my wife remembered what happened that night.”

  Noah keeps a stoic look, but perspiration begins to dot his brow.

  “Did you really think you’d get away with it?” Ethan asks, astounded as he walks toward him.

  Noah stands tall and takes on a defensive stance. “I won’t give you a voluntary DNA sample, if that’s what you’re here for.”

  “I didn’t think you would.” Ethan glances over his shoulder. “Officer Jacobson, I’m going to need you to look away for a moment.”

  Before anyone in the room knows what’s going on, Ethan swings hard, connecting with Noah’s mouth. The force splits open his lip and knocks out a tooth. Blood splatters up the wall as Noah falls against it.

  Adam grabs Ethan, holding him back as rage takes over.

  Noah scrambles to his feet and backs up across the room.

  Ethan takes a few calming breaths and takes a handful of gauze from Travis. He wipes Noah’s blood from his knuckles and drops it in a small plastic bag that Adam holds open. Closing it tightly, Ethan hands it to the officer. “Here you go, Officer. Mr. Thompson has involuntarily provided a DNA sample.”

  The officer takes it and writes on the bag. He looks up at Ethan and shakes his head. “Just so you know, I have a court order to obtain a DNA sample from him.”

  Ethan grins and shakes his swollen knuckles. “I know.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Just over thirty-six hours and Ethan is back in Ireland, as he promised. He spent most of the flight going over the rough business plans set out by the new international sales managers of O’Connell Industries and marveling at how his wife somehow managed to pull this all together in such a short time. When nobody shows up at the airport to pick him up, he takes a cab.

  The driver brings his bags to the front door of the flat, and Ethan tips him generously.

  “Is that you, Ethan?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Malloy.”

  “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the hospital?”

  Fear flashes through his bloodstream. “Hospital?”

  “They just took Olivia away in an ambulance.”

  Ethan hurries up the stairs. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I watched with my own eyes.”

  “How long ago?”

  “About half an hour ago, I guess. You just missed them.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Malloy.” Ethan practically jumps to the bottom of the stairs.

  “I hope everything’s okay, dear,” she calls down to him.

  “Me too, Mrs. Malloy.”

  He’s never pushed the Zagato faster than he is right now. Flashing lights speed up from behind and pull along side him. Trevor rolls down the window.

  “It’s Olivia,” Ethan begins to explain.

  “I know,” Trevor hollers over the wind. “We tried to catch you at the airport. Follow us.” He pulls up ahead of him and escorts Ethan the rest of the way with sirens and flashing lights. Ethan bursts through the hospital doors and is met by Ian.

  “We tried to reach you. There’s something wrong with your phone.”

  “How is she?” Ethan says, as he walks briskly toward the waiting room.

  “She’s not good.”

  His friends and family come into sight. Kaylie flies across the room and throws her arms around him crying.

  He holds her tightly. “It’s okay, Kaylie. Everything is going to be fine.”

  “Ethan, I’m frightened. There was so much blood.”

  “Let me go and see to her, okay? I’ll come back and let you know what’s going on soon.”

  Ian continues to accompany him down the hall. “Ethan, Dave is on his way, but he said that no matter what, you need to keep her calm.”


  Ian stops him. “Ethan, look at me. It’s not a good situation. I’m preparing you now, so it’s not a shock when you get in there. Stay calm. Keep her settled.”

  Terror washes over him and he takes a breath and holds it.

  “If you can’t hold it together, then don’t go in there. It will only make it worse.”

  Ethan stares at the silver metallic doors as he washes his hands and puts on a pair of hospital greens.

  “Are you good?” Ian asks.

  Ethan nods and reaches up to take hold of his silver cross. He looks to the sky and whispers a prayer.

  “I’ll wait back with the family.”

  “Where is he?” Olivia asks frantically.

  “Mrs. O’Connell,” the nurse scolds. “Would you please lie down? We need you to stay calm.”

  “Where’s my husband?” she screams, as the pain overwhelms her.

  Ethan enters the room and rushes to her side. “I’m here! Sweetheart, I’m right here.”

  “Ethan,” she pants. “Something’s wrong and they won’t tell me.”

  “Do we know how long before Dave gets here?” Ethan asks the nurse.

  “He’s here, he’s scrubbing in now.”

  Dave enters the room and tries to hide his concerned look. “Sorry I’m late for the party. My invitation must have gotten delayed in the mail.”

  “It’s too soon,” Olivia pants through the pain. “It’s not time for her to come yet.”

  Dave stands beside her and smiles. “Well, she’s an O’Connell so she does what she wants. I’m going to check things out down there and see what’s going on. Is that okay?”

  “Yes,” she replies through gritted teeth.

  Dave places his hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “You need to help her control her breathing and keep her blood pressure down.”

  Ethan nods and watches as Dave moves to the end of the table. The continual beeping of the fetal monitors draws his attention, and he glances nervously at Ethan.

  Olivia screams and writhes in pain, knocking things to the floor. Dave turns the monitor so Ethan can see it. He closes his eyes and prays. “Olivia. I need you to breathe with me.”

  “No!” she growls as tears roll down her face.

  “Olivia,” he says sternly. “Look at me.”

  She ignores him, swaying through the pain.

  “Eyes,” he demands. “I need to see your eyes.”

  She responds to his authoritative tone, fluttering open her lashes.

  Ethan smiles and rakes his fingers through her hair. “Good girl. We’re going to breathe together. Match your breathing with mine.”

  “I can’t!” she cries.

  “You can.” He takes hold of her hand and squeezes it tightly. “You will.”

  She syncs her breathing with his for as long as she can, until the pain grabs hold of her and sears through body.

  Ethan looks at Dave, horrified, feeling helpless. “Give her something. An epidural, anything!”

  “Am I going to die?” she asks in a meek voice.

  Ethan sits stunned beside her, unable to form a coherent sentence. Dave joins him at the side of the bed. “Not on my watch.”

  “In the ambulance, I heard them talking. They said my heart kept stopping.”

  “Now you’re here, we can take good care of you.”

  “And the baby?”

  “Olivia, I’m not going to lie to you. The baby is in distress.” Dave looks up as the door opens and another doctor joins them. “We need to give her a little help. This is Doctor Young, he’s an anesthetist.”

  The monitor starts to screech and the nurse calls for Dave.

  “Ethan? What’s going on?” she asks, noting the panic on his face.

  The anesthetist positions himself behind her head and quickly gets an oxygen mask over her face.

  “Dave?” Ethan asks.

  “The membrane has ruptured and blocked the cervix. The baby is trapped. We keep losing her heartbeat.”

  Olivia’s breathing becomes labored and she tries to pull the oxygen off her face.

  “Olivia, I need you to stay still.” He yells something to the anesthesiologist, who cranks a bunch of dials and fights to get the mask o
ver her nose.

  The nurse quickly moves to Dave’s side with a tray of surgical instruments. As the monitor begins to flat line, he picks up the scalpel and looks up at Ethan. Ethan watches as Olivia’s eyes close then gives Dave a nod.

  “She’s not breathing.” Olivia hears the nurse say, as she struggles to stay awake through her anesthetic induced haze. Groggily she turns her head, trying to see what’s going on.

  “Fuck no! Not this time!” Ethan takes over, pushing the nurse and taking the baby in his arms.

  “Doctor!” the nurse screams, looking for his direction.

  Ethan flashes him a determined look. There’s no way anyone is stopping him from saving his baby this time.

  Dave gives his consent. “Get out of his way!”

  Olivia fights it as hard as she can, her eyes becoming blurry as she tries to focus on the commotion across the room. Her eyes fix on it. It’s the only thing she can see clearly through her murky eyes as she loses consciousness. ARTEMIS.

  She’s not sure how long she was out. When she starts to come to, the room seems calm. Quiet. She calls out his name. “Ethan.”

  “I’m right here,” he says quietly.

  Her eyes flutter open and she can see that he’s crying.

  She tries to sit up, but the pain of her incision halts her. She grimaces. “Ethan.”

  “Stay still. You need to rest.”

  “No!” She blinks her eyes, trying to bring everything into focus. “The baby?” Tears fall, as she see’s the bundle he’s holding in his arms.

  “Say hello to your daughter.”

  “She’s okay?” Olivia asks emotionally.

  “She’s fine.” Tears roll down his cheeks as he places the baby in her arms. She looks so small and fragile, like a baby bird with no feathers. “You did a great job, Baby. She’s beautiful.

  “You saved her,” she says emotionally.

  “No, Sweetheart. You saved her.” Ethan directs her attention to the back of the room.


  “Yes, Love. Artemis. I’m going to take this little ladybug down to the special care wing, now and get her all checked out. I wanted to be here when you woke up.

  “Ethan,” she pleads, feeling anxious. “Please don’t let her out of your sight.”


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