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Jump Gate Omega

Page 21

by Tom Shepherd

  “Stop! This is a restricted area,” Tanis said. “Turn and face me. Hands high.”

  They broke into a trot when Naca Jen marched the opposite way. As weapons cleared their holsters, she slipped a hand inside her purse, shook loose a fistful of bongos, and tossed them over her shoulder. The transparent pellets bounced off corridor walls like rubber ball-bearings and caught Tanis and her guards in a crossfire. Pop-pop-pop.

  Her pursuers thudded to the deck. Without looking back, she knew they were unconscious but alive.

  Too many people in this building tonight. Foolish of me to get caught by the Deputy.

  Night Storm abandoned caution and sprinted down the vacant corridor. Breathing heavily, she found the service elevators on the opposite side of the building. She stepped inside and the door slid shut on a quiet wing of an office building closed for the night.


  Tyler opened the elevator door and they promenaded, arm in arm, straight into the dancing crowd. Across the checkerboard of colored lights, Kichi-san held Rosalie close as they slow-whirled with the music. Behave yourself, old friend. I have security personnel on site.

  “Let’s dance,” Suzie said. “I’ll scan the crowd for transmitters and spy devices.”

  The next tune was a classic shake-a-leg fast number. Tyler became painfully aware of the arm’s length between them as Suzie bounced deliciously before him. Then the pace slowed to another romantic ballad. He took the holographic dream girl in his arms and discovered their bodies moved quite well together.

  “So, are we dating now?” she said.

  “We are tonight.” And God knows I need a distraction.

  “Right answer.” Suzie put her arms around his neck.

  Tyler leaned away and studied her face. “I fantasized about what you might look like.”

  “Do you really like me as a blonde?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “I surrendered to male fantasy and composited this look from your favorite porn videos. Would you rather a brunette, redhead?”

  “God, no. Not a chance. You’re perfect.”

  She jiggled her chest salaciously. “I figured you’d appreciate the perky Bristols.”

  Tyler laughed, and they danced closer. He brushed her long, golden hair. Soft and silky, the strands slipped between his fingers, caressing his palm. The feel of her, warm against him, was maddening, and he had to take slow breaths because he feared hyperventilating on the dance floor.

  Was it the Suryadivan frozen comet, or the scent of her sweet breath on his cheek? He fought the urge to drop to the lighted squares, rip off her clothes, and make love to this living goddess amid the dancing guests.

  “I want to ask you something else, Ty.”


  She paused before speaking. Considering how fast she processed information, he was certain the interlude was for him to catch up.

  “All those nights on the bridge were marvelous,” she said. “We laughed and sang silly songs and cooed like turtle doves. Then you said people who date eventually get physical. So, why didn’t you ask me to materialize aboard the Patrick Henry? My God, the ruddy ship has holographic projectors on every deck!”

  “I thought about it,” he said.


  “Well, you know, I wasn’t sure the holodeck would do it right. You know, do you justice.”

  “That’s a crock. You were afraid to meet me.”

  “Probably true.”


  “At first, all I had was your voice to keep me company. It was like—this is going to sound really stupid—it was like meeting my soul mate through a dating network and chatting across light years of space, sight unseen. It was…fun? Kinda perfect.” He grinned sheepishly. “I didn’t want to screw it up.”

  “You were afraid I wouldn’t turn you on?”

  “Shoot, no!” Tyler felt his face flush. “I didn’t want anything to change. I…I didn’t want you to—damnit, I can’t find the words.”

  “Just say it.”

  He took a deep breath. “I was afraid you might not feel—that I’m not…”

  “Great God! You were worried you might disappointed me?”

  He nodded. “All the girls I’ve ever met—all the attractive, desirable ones—they all knew who my father was. I never shook the idea they were all being nice to me because of him. Well, actually, his money.”

  “What a daft bugger you are, Mr. Tyler Noah Matthews the Fourth!” She smacked his shoulder in the middle of the dance floor.

  “Ow!” Tyler laughed and pretended it didn’t hurt. Nearby couples stared at him. He smiled weakly. “Next time, just say, ‘Tag, you’re it.’”

  Suzie resumed her attack. “Considered this—I’m not a girl, mesmerized by your daddy’s fortune. I don’t care how well minted you are, I’m the only woman you’ll ever meet who doesn’t give a rip about the money and power your family commands. What would I spend it on?”

  “That’s the point.” He fumbled for words again. “You seemed to like me for me. I didn’t want to show you what an idiot you’re dealing with.”

  Suzie laughed. “Tyler, I knew you were totally mental long before you ordered me to land on an unexplored planet so you could skinny dip and drink beer.”

  “Next time, we’ll both skinny dip.”

  She smiled playfully. “Reckless and romantic? I can work with that.”

  “I wish they published handbooks for places in life when you have no idea what comes next.”

  “You always trusted me on autopilot.”

  He grinned. “I suppose, if you get too bossy, I can always flip a switch—”

  “Remember, Buster, I still control life support.”

  Laughing, he pulled her closer and kissed her. A quick kiss. Just brushing lips, no tongue. “That was…nice.”

  “Back to Reality, Mr. Matthews. We’re here to gather intel.”

  “And later?”

  “Later, you’ll try to seduce me, and we’ll see if the Mardi Gras ends with fireworks.”

  “I have no idea where this is going,” he said.

  “Hold me, go with the music.”

  “There’s no future in which we can be together,” he said.

  She looked up at him with those supernaturally blue eyes. “I don’t need the future, Ty. I can replay tonight for eternity.”

  * * * *

  At the other side of the crowded dance floor, Rosalie and Kichirou began their fourth dance. She smiled shyly at the tall, sleek heir to the Tsuchiya commercial empire. Not a bad catch, if I ever went fishing. Rich, handsome, and a friend of the Family. My parents might even approve.

  “Are you well?” Kichi said in Japanese. “When I first asked you to dance, your face appeared a bit flushed.”

  She responded in his native tongue. “Only the red hue of modesty.”

  “I have thought about holding you for a long, long time,” Kichi said.

  “I always assumed your attentions were professional. Keep business partners in a receptive mood, you know.”

  “No, Miss Matthews. You are always Rosalie-san in my thoughts.” He laughed. “Would your mother really take offense if I courted you?”

  “Definitely,” she lied.

  “How can Admiral Bianca Matthews be so prejudiced in this multi-species age?”

  “Because you are a dangerous species—human male, good looking, and attracted to her baby-girl.”

  “Ah, so.” He looked deeply into her eyes. “Would you take offense if I courted you?”

  “I am a busy professional,” she said. “But not that busy. Court away.”

  They danced cheek-to-cheek, ignoring whether it was a slow or fast number. Rosalie leaned into Kichirou’s embrace, closed her eyes, and they drifted in great, slow circles toward the center of the colored squares that pulsed beneath their feet.

  * * * *

  Tyler and Suzie floated through the crowd of mostly humanoid couples until they were within reach of J.B. and
Adelaide LeBlanc. The music volume softened. Tyler drifted close enough to hear his brother and the Ambassador chatting about Suryadivan customs—mandatory prayer three times daily, sexual abstinence every other day, formal periods of studying the Holy Writings on the sexless intervals. Nothing helpful for legal purposes, but whenever Adelaide attempted humor, J.B. laughed like a kid at the circus.

  At one point, the ambassador waved at Tyler and J.B. flashed a sheepish smile. When the music paused, the two couples found themselves together in the middle of the crowd.

  Dr. LeBlanc spoke first. “Tyler, what a lovely partner you’ve found.”

  “Company employee,” he said. “Just recruited for our new law firm. May I present Suzanne London? Suzie, this is Dr. Adelaide LeBlanc, our trade ambassador.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Madame Ambassador.” Suzie’s Neo-British accent flipped J.B.’s mouth from smile to flat line.

  Adelaide extended a hand, and they shook. “The pleasure is mine, Suzanne.”

  “And I believe you’ve met my brother,” Ty said.

  “Uh…this is a surprise,” J.B. said. “Do I know you?”

  “My date’s a data specialist,” Tyler said. “The body is a bonus.”

  Suzie poked him in the ribs. “Bloody wanker.”

  J.B.’s jaw dropped. “Oh, shit… Pardon my language. I…uh… was thinking of something I forgot to do.”

  “Decompress, Bro. It’s a party.”

  “And I have the perfect decompression chamber,” Adelaide said. She tapped a slender, serpentine control band wrapped around her forearm. “Tanis, we’re moving to the wet bar.”

  A pair of beeps responded. Dr. LeBlanc beckoned the Matthews brothers and Suzie to follow her. A handful of plain clothes security guards stepped out of the crowd to form a moving perimeter for Adelaide and her guests. They ambled across the dance floor toward a guarded elevator door. Inspector Platte appeared from the crowd, a hand on his sidearm.

  J.B. waved him off. “We’re okay.”

  “I’d feel better if you let me accompany you.” Platte eyeballed the security team.

  “Stay here, find Rosalie,” Tyler said. “Indigo said she left the rooftop.”

  “Attorney Blue is misinformed. Right now, she’s working the crowd. I’ve heard her speaking with guests in about a dozen languages.”

  J.B. nodded. “Keep visual contact.”

  “She’s right over there.” Platte thumbed at the dance floor. “Talking with a Meklavite businesswoman and her five husbands. Last time I checked, the Meklavite had offered to help Miss Matthews set up her own harem. She called it a stable.”

  “Maybe I should remain here,” J.B. stepped out of the lift.

  “Would you like me to have the Meklavite delegation called away for ‘urgent business’ elsewhere?” Adelaide said.

  “That won’t be necessary,” Inspector Platte said.

  “We’re a little over-protective of our baby sister,” Tyler said.

  “I’ve got this, Boss.” Demarcus wheeled and returned to silent surveillance.

  J.B. started to protest.

  “C’mon, Bear. Let Demarcus do his job.”

  The lift descended a few floors and opened onto a private party room with a small bar and large hot tub. Wall-high windows presented the glittering skyline of Deiro Yord. Centered above the bar Adelaide had displayed her family coat-of-arms, a gold wreath surrounding a shield with the blue, white, and red tricolor of French history dividing the shield diagonally into three regions. An eagle at center clutched a sword in its beak, and above it a gold star dominated the upper right quadrant. The name LeBlanc appeared on a ribbon strand across the base.

  “Welcome to my secret playground,” Adelaide said. “Wait here a second.” She went to the bar and entered commands on the service panel. Music of Mardi Gras filled the space, bouncing with brass and drums.

  “This is so nice.” Suzie kissed Tyler softly, and they stood together, holding hands.

  “May I borrow my brother a second?” J.B. said.

  While Dr. LeBlanc continued working the set-up panel, J.B. dragged Tyler away from Suzie, who started to follow. J.B flashed a “Stay there!” gesture and she complied.

  “Tyler, how the hell did you—is she what I think she is?”

  He quickly explained the holographic miracle. “She’s warm and witty and kisses like a wildcat in heat.”

  “Are you completely insane?”

  “I like her, Bear. She’s… nice.”

  “You thought that new planet was nice, and a giant crab almost swallowed you.”

  “Suzie doesn’t have crabs.”

  “Will you stop! This is giving me a headache.” He rubbed his forehead. “If Adelaide finds out your hot date is a hologram—”

  “What? The ambassador calls my mother and I’m grounded? Fuck that. I’m an adult. I like Suzie. And for the evening, at least, we’re a couple. So, deal with it.”

  “She’s a program! She’s company property.”

  “Not tonight. She’s mine alone.”

  Tyler went back to his honey-haired dream girl and gave her a quick, deep kiss. She responded eagerly, but they cut it short when J.B. steamed over to them.

  “You’re both malfunctioning. Let’s get through this night. We’ll debug you later.”

  “Speaking of getting through the night,” Suzie said. “Can’t you read the signals, luv? You need to hook up with Adelaide while the doctor is in season.”

  “Nonsense,” J.B. said. “We’re here on business.”

  Suzie shook her head. “Ty, is your brother always so clueless about women?”

  “Pretty much.”

  J.B. rubbed his forehead harder. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Tyler smirked. “Really, Jerry?”

  Adelaide waved, and they joined her at the bar. “I have a treat to share. The Suryadivan Supreme Council occasionally sends a small gift of their sacred tonic, de-sanctified by clergy for alien use. My lab people say it’s perfectly safe. It smells lovely.” She showed them the bottle. A tall blue cube with wooden stopper.

  “Sacramental wine?” J.B. said.

  Adelaide laughed. “No, no. You don’t drink it; you bathe in it.” She marched to the tub and poured in a generous glug of scented balm, swishing the spill with her free hand. “Are you up for a dip in my hot tub?”

  “We don’t have bathing suits,” J.B. said.

  “Bloody clueless,” Suzie muttered.

  “Wait, you mean—?” J.B. looked stricken. Tyler couldn’t tell whether it was terror or ecstasy.

  “Tonight is Fat Tuesday, even way out here on the Galactic Rim,” LeBlanc said. “So far from home, the occasional nostalgic frivolity seems appropriate.”

  “Weren’t your ancestors Louisiana Cajuns?” J.B. said.

  “You remember? I’m flattered,” she said. “Every Mardi Gras, I let the diplomatic staff and employees frolic in the spirit of King Carnival. So, are you ready to play? I won’t be offended if you say no.”

  Tyler looked at Suzie. “Can you… you know… get wet?”

  “Oh, yes. Definitely.” She smiled wickedly. “I can get seriously wet for you.”

  “I’m playing.” Tyler pulled off the costume robe, slipped out of his undergarments, and hopped into the big tub. When he broke the surface, lights along the bottom transformed the rolling water to a throbbing color show like the dance floor on the roof.

  Suzie twisted her long blonde hair into a knot and tucked it into a chignon, which adhered to the back of her head without pinning. She pulled off the maven costume and scampered to join him. Her perfect breasts bobbed as she climbed into the swirling water. A slim waist accentuated the roundness of bosom and buttocks, and the honeyed hair contrasted with her lightly tanned body.

  Tyler had never seen a goddess, but this must surely be how they looked—supernaturally beautiful, too frisky for an angel, too joyful for a she-devil. Tonight he abandoned Christendom and reverted to
the pagan roots of all humans.

  What did Shakespeare write in Midsummer Night’s Dream, when Oberon and Titania finally joined? “Come, my queen, take hands with me, And rock the ground whereon these sleepers be.”

  Suzie was his goddess, and the liturgy of night had just begun.


  “Well, Jerry.” Adelaide took his trembling arm. “Shall we join them?”

  She shook off her clothes and stood before him wearing nothing but a gold chain with heart-shaped locket. Her athletic body was a bit older and less curvaceous than Suzie’s, yet to J.B. she was completely appealing au naturel. The doctor had distinctly female hips, and her boyish frame with its small breasts were offset somewhat by large nipples with red tips.

  J.B. took a deep, steadying breath. “What the hell. It’s Mardi Gras—why not?”

  By the time J.B. and Adelaide slipped into the hot tub, Suzie had straddled Tyler and they were kissing energetically. Ignoring their example, the newcomers sat across from each other, barely touching toes.

  “You knew we were in Deiro Yord,” J.B. said. “Why did you pretend to be surprised?”

  “Seemed prudent to let you surprise me.”

  “Speaking of surprises, Adelaide, why do the Suryadivans want to shut down the Alpha Site?”

  She sighed. “Can’t tonight be pleasure instead of business?”

  “Answer a few questions and we’ll see.”

  Her face brightened, mischievously. “Are you still as hardy as you were in law school?”

  “We violated a few guidelines back then.”

  She laughed. “I don’t recall feeling violated. I recall great fun.”

  “While shamelessly chucking the rules against teacher-student fraternization.”

  “Shamelessly. Chuck before you fuck. What happened to that wild kid I seduced?” She snaked her toes along the inside of his thigh under the steamy water.

  “If you’re going to get personal, move over to this side of the tub.”

  “Well, well. The Bear emerges.” She slid across to join him.

  “No, the Wolf eavesdrops” He nodded at Tyler and Suzie. “Sit closer.”


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