Mage-Guard of Hamor

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Mage-Guard of Hamor Page 32

by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

  Was he being too bold? Assuming far too much?

  He tightened his lips. He might be too bold, but he did not think he was assuming more than was warranted. Deybri would never have committed what she had to paper if she had not felt even more strongly than what her words had spoken.

  After a time, he sealed the letter and addressed it.

  Although he blew out the lamp, he lay on the lumpy inn bed for a long time, thinking, before he dropped into an uneasy slumber.


  When Rahl rode back into Saluzyl on sixday at the head of fourth and fifth squads, after a second day of patrols that had revealed nothing more than what he’d learned from the chandler two days earlier, he found the town filled with troopers and wagons, but no one hindered him as he formed up the two squads in the area between the stables and the Dun Cow.

  Another trooper rode up even before Rahl finished dismissing the squads to their squad leaders, but he reined up and waited until Fedeor and Fysett released their men to care for their mounts. Then he eased his mount over toward Rahl.

  “Captain Rahl, ser?”

  “Yes, trooper?”

  “The Mage-Guard Overcommander sent me to escort you to headquarters.”

  Headquarters? Rahl supposed headquarters was wherever the submarshal declared it to be. “Lead on.”

  “Yes, ser.”

  The ride was short, less than a quarter kay, by the time Rahl reined up in front of a moderately large but modest-looking two-story stone dwelling surrounded by a chest-high brick wall. Rahl had not seen the dwelling before, because it had not been in that part of town he had scouted. The roof was of dark gray tile, and the wooden trim was painted white. The area between the front wall and the house was a garden, not particularly well kept, Rahl noted, with more than a few wilted and dead flowers that should have been cut or trimmed eightdays before. Guards stood at the open gates that flanked a lane leading to a separate stable. Neither gave Rahl more than a passing glance as he rode past them.

  Rahl dismounted at the side of the dwelling and tied the gelding to a hitching rail.

  “Rahl! Over here,” called Taryl from a roofed and railed side porch.

  Rahl had to vault the railing because the porch had no steps down to the side yard. He glanced past Taryl at the etched-glass window beside the door into the dwelling. The image was that of two roses with crossed stems—a thorn rose and a white rose without thorns.

  The overcommander followed his eyes. “Submarshal Dettyr has requisitioned this dwelling as his temporary headquarters while he assesses the situation in Dawhut. It belongs to one of the leading citizens of Saluzyl, one Shawyn. He owns the larger distillery.”

  “He’s not around? Or he doesn’t object?”

  “Would you, in his position? He’s wealthy and in a rebellious district, and he has offered no support to the Emperor.”

  Rahl just nodded.

  “You look good,” observed Taryl. “Your reports to me have been helpful and will prove more so in the future, but that isn’t why I sent for you. I wanted to talk to you briefly before you meet with the submarshal. He has a few words for you and Captain Drakeyt. The captain arrived just before you and has been waiting. I would like to caution you to say nothing to dispute what the submarshal has to say. He is in a foul mood, and he will not be kind. After he dismisses you, you and I will discuss matters. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, ser.” Rahl didn’t like what Taryl was telling him, but the overcommander had always been fair before, and he had reasons for everything.

  “Good. We shouldn’t keep the submarshal waiting.” Taryl opened the door into the mansion and stepped through the doorway.

  Rahl followed. The parlor inside was not much warmer than outside, but the lack of wind made it feel far less chill. Rahl glanced around the chamber—a good fifteen cubits by nine or ten. A polished rose marble mantel graced the hearth, centered on the wall opposite the door to the outside porch. To the right of the hearth, in which a fire was laid but not burning, was an archway to a center hall. The parlor held two maroon-velvet settees, set at right angles to the hearth and facing each other, several fruit-wood armchairs with seats and backs upholstered in the same maroon velvet, and a small writing desk in the corner formed by the front wall and the outside wall. Under the two large front windows, whose base was some two cubits above the floor, was a low bookcase, on which rested two bronze sculptures. One looked to be a Cyadoran mirror lancer. At least, it looked like a drawing of such a lancer he’d seen in one of the histories. The other was a man in garb Rahl did not recognize. The floors were polished but worn dark oak, and a large oval rug covered most of the parlor floor.

  Rahl had expected opulence in the Imperial Palace, but the casual display of such wealth in a town in the middle of Merowey somehow unsettled him.

  “Rahl…this way,” Taryl said firmly, but in a low voice.

  “Oh…yes, ser.”

  Taryl crossed the center hall to the door on the other side and knocked, then opened it. “Submarshal, Captain Rahl is here.”

  Rahl crossed the hall and waited.

  “Thank you, Overcommander. If you would have both captains join me. This will not take long.”

  Taryl motioned for Rahl to enter, then stepped back, leaving the door open. Rahl took three steps into the library and waited. The chamber was the same size as the parlor, but held little furniture except an ornate carved desk and chair, two wooden armchairs without upholstery, and a polished dark oak library stool stepladder. The fireplace mantel was of green marble, and floor-to-ceiling bookshelves of dark oak covered the walls—except for the area of the two front windows and an outside door to another porch. The window hangings were of dark green velvet and half-drawn. Neither the wall lamps nor the one on the desk was lit.

  Before the submarshal could speak, Drakeyt arrived, and Taryl shut the door on the three, remaining outside.

  The submarshal’s uniform was spotless, and his boots shimmered, as did the balding patch in the middle of his thinning brown hair. His watery green eyes were cold, and he radiated displeasure. Rahl was getting the feeling that the man was never pleased with anything, and that he wouldn’t know what to do if he couldn’t find fault with something, if not everything.

  The library remained silent as Dettyr glared at the two captains. Finally, he spoke, his voice hard. “Third Company was sent out to scout the roads and report on any enemy activity.” Dettyr looked at Drakeyt. “Was this not so, Captain?”

  “Yes, ser.”

  “And you, Captain Rahl, were supposed to detect difficulties before they escalated into major problems. Was that not so?”

  “Yes, ser.”

  “Yet…” Dettyr drew out the word. “…all your dispatches only reported that your efforts created more problems, rather than resolving them. You killed one out of three rebels you captured, and the other two were worthless as sources of information. You triggered an avalanche that partly blocked the road, killed several troopers, and delayed our progress. You tripped an arrow trap that killed a scout, and you lost half a squad in a flood you should have stopped, and that flood destroyed the only bridge across the sole sizable river on the entire line of march. You seemed unable even to avoid a mere flood. Again, the one additional prisoner you managed to capture was drowned in the flood, and we gained almost nothing from that, except your sketchy reports on what he reputedly said.” Dettyr’s eyes went first to Drakeyt, then to Rahl. “Have I omitted anything, Captains?”

  He’d omitted the arrow traps that Rahl had found that hadn’t killed anyone, and he’d totally mischaracterized almost everything.

  “I don’t believe so, ser,” replied Drakeyt evenly.

  Rahl could sense a combination of anger and resignation from the older captain, and he forced himself to say, “No, ser.” He also managed to keep his shields in place and his face pleasant, although holding an impartial expression was difficult.

  “As scouts and as Imperial officers, you are suppose
d to act to preserve the roads and bridges of the Empire, not to facilitate their destruction. I cannot tell you how displeased I am that I have been forced to employ troopers and fighting engineers to repair structures and highways that should never have been destroyed.” Dettyr paced back and forth in front of the cold hearth, not looking at either officer.

  Rahl waited.

  “Your performance, Captains, has been marginal at best, and in that evaluation, I am being most charitable. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, ser.” What Rahl understood was that the submarshal was even less competent than the marshal, and that someone had planned for it to be that way. He couldn’t imagine that either the High Command Overmarshal or the Land Marshal could have chosen an idiot like Dettyr as the best qualified senior officer to be Marshal Byrna’s deputy. Then again, Rahl hadn’t been all that impressed with Land Marshal Valatyr on their one brief meeting.

  “Good!” snapped Dettyr. “I trust I will never have to remind you of the need for better performance and accountability again.”

  “No, ser.”

  “You may go.”

  “By your leave?” asked Drakeyt.

  Belatedly, Rahl echoed the words.

  “My leave, Captains. Close the door after you depart.”

  Rahl turned and followed Drakeyt, closing the library door quietly, but firmly.

  Taryl motioned to Rahl from the archway to the parlor, then led Rahl out onto the side porch, while Drakeyt headed down the center hallway in the direction of the front entry foyer.

  “I didn’t say anything,” Rahl said quietly. “Except agree.”

  “It took a great deal of willpower not to object, didn’t it?” asked Taryl.

  “More than a little.”

  “I’d like you to think about what he said for a bit. What did he say that was true, and what was not? How did you link them together?”

  Rahl didn’t say anything for a moment. Did Taryl know just how abusive Dettyr had been? And how inaccurate?

  “Just tell me, gently, where he was right, and where he was wrong,” Taryl said.

  “He was right to be displeased about having to repair the bridges and highways, but he was wrong to blame me or Captain Drakeyt. It would have occurred no matter who was scouting, and it was all part of something larger. The cannonading of the Fyrador took place before I ever joined Third Company. The rockslide was built before we set out from Kysha, and even if we had not triggered it, someone would have had to have taken it apart or it could have fallen anyway. The same was true of whatever dam or levee they used to create the flood. I could have stopped the first arrow trap if I’d known what to look for, and that outrider died because I didn’t have experience. Even so, I don’t know how we could have avoided losing some of the troopers.” Rahl frowned. “If I hadn’t been thinking about the low water level in the river, it could have been worse. I don’t know. Maybe I should have sensed something there, and gotten everyone clear of the flood, but I’d never seen the river before, and how could I have even known what the water level was supposed to be in early winter? Usually water levels are the lowest then anyway.”

  Taryl nodded. “All worthwhile experience has a price. Sometimes we pay it; sometimes others do. Most of the time, we pay but only a part of that price.”

  Rahl looked at Taryl. “You wanted things to be difficult, didn’t you? For me.”

  “I didn’t make them that way, but there were reasons why those difficulties will prove useful.” Taryl handed Rahl an envelope. “Open it.”

  The last thing Rahl wanted to do after the submarshal’s dressing down was to open a sealed envelope, but there was no help for it. He broke the seal and opened it. Inside was a heavy sheet of parchment with a seal at the bottom. He read the short section of parchment once, then blinked and read it again, his eyes falling on the key words—“having fulfilled the requirements, Mage-Guard Rahl is hereby promoted to the level of senior mage-guard.”

  He looked to Taryl, whose lips quirked into a faint smile.

  “Senior mage-guard? After this?” Rahl gestured in the direction of the library and the submarshal. “I’m too young…”

  Taryl laughed. “You are, but you need the rank and position, and I need you to have it. Senior mage-guards rank with majers.”

  “How did this happen?”

  “The minimal requirements are much higher levels of proficiency with weapons and with control of order or chaos. You had those before we left Cigoerne. What did you think those tests were for?”

  “I didn’t know. I just thought you were trying to get me prepared for the campaign.”

  “The other requirement is an absolute. A mage-guard must have completed two tours of duty in different locales and have a position of greater responsibility in a third tour before he or she can be promoted to senior mage-guard.”

  “But…none of my tours were that long.”

  Taryl’s eyes seemed to laugh. “The procedures don’t mention that. They just require completion with an excellent rating. You managed that.”

  “The submarshal won’t be happy with this.”

  “He won’t be, but that’s not your worry. I’m the one who promoted you, and the worry is mine. Jubyl also agreed and wrote a recommendation for you as well. So did Mage-Captain Jyrolt.” The thin-faced mage-guard frowned. “Matters will come to a head before long.”

  “How so, ser?”

  “I’d prefer not to speculate, but you know what you did, and you know how the submarshal reacted. You have also met the marshal.”

  “What should I do?”

  “Just keep Third Company from taking too many losses.”

  Rahl considered matters for a moment. “I have this feeling that matters are going to get much worse, or you wouldn’t be pushing me.”

  “They may be even worse than you can imagine.” Taryl’s voice was sober and low.

  Rahl waited for the explanation. There was none. “Is this because of the white wizards from Fairhaven?”

  “I want you to be most alert, but I’d prefer that you come to your own conclusions.” Taryl offered a sad smile. “You need to get back to Third Company and talk to Captain Drakeyt. Try to listen more than you talk.” He paused, then handed Rahl a pouch. “Here are the senior sunbursts for your visor cap and the insignia for your uniforms.”

  “Senior sunbursts? I didn’t know there was a difference.”

  “It’s not obvious, except to those who know and who look closely. The reason is that seniors still patrol and handle many of the same duties, and it was discovered years back that citizens and merchants inevitably tried to play off the differences and discount the judgments and actions of mage-guards who were not seniors.”

  “Will the officers in the High Command notice?” Rahl studied Taryl’s insignia, but it didn’t look noticeably different from his own.

  “Only some with a great deal of experience, and not all of those.” Taryl smiled faintly. “You’d better go.”

  “Ah…ser…I do have a letter, but not with me.”

  “To the healer?” Taryl smiled more broadly.

  Rahl could sense a certain warmth that had not been there a moment before. “Yes, ser.”

  “If you’ll drop it by later, or in the morning, when we meet after muster, I’ll make sure it gets sent with the dispatches. I’ll caution you that it will probably take two to three eightdays before it gets on a ship.”

  “Yes, ser.”

  “Now…I have a few matters to attend to.”

  Rahl inclined his head, then vaulted over the porch railing, untied the gelding, and mounted. When he returned to the inn, he stabled and groomed his horse.

  As he was about to leave the stable, he saw Drakeyt finishing up with his mount and walked over to the stall. “Are you about ready for something to eat?” he asked over the low stall wall.

  “And something stronger.”

  “It’s been a long day,” offered Rahl.

  “Could be short compared to those ahead
.” Drakeyt did not speak for a time, not until he finished grooming his mount and was leaving the stall. “I saw the overcommander stopped you.”

  “He had a few things to say,” Rahl admitted. “Not quite so directly as the submarshal.”

  “They always do.” Drakeyt shook his head.

  They crossed the dusty courtyard, and Rahl could see a number of mounts tied to the long hitching rail outside the inn. To the north, the green-blue sky looked clear—and chill—in the fading twilight.

  As they entered the public room, Rahl could see three tables that held officers, undercaptains and captains, while two majers sat at another. “Do you know all of them?”

  “Most of them, but mainly just in passing, except for Majer Mezlyr. He’s the bigger one.”

  “Drakeyt! Did you have to wash out the bridge?” called out one of the captains.

  “No. I did it just to give your company experience in fording rivers.” Drakeyt grinned.

  Rahl could sense the anger beneath the smile, but he said nothing. What could he have said that would have been better than the captain’s words?

  Rahl let Drakeyt choose the one unoccupied corner table, slightly away from the nearest other table. No sooner had they settled into the armless straight-backed chairs than the servingwoman appeared.

  “You’re the captain who’s quartered here, aren’t you?”


  “You get the burhka and noodles tonight. Drinks?”

  “I’ll have a beaker of Vyrna.”

  “That’s extra, ser. Two coppers more.”

  “I can spare two coppers.”

  The servingwoman looked at Rahl.

  “Just good lager…whatever you have.”

  “Yes, ser.” She looked at Drakeyt, almost apologetically.

  The captain placed two coppers on the dark wood of the corner table.

  She nodded, but left them there. “Won’t be but a moment with your meal and drinks, sers.”

  “Thank you.” Rahl’s stomach felt more empty than it usually did by dinnertime. He turned back to Drakeyt. “The submarshal was hard on you. I should have told him that it was my lack of experience…”


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