Gavin's Submissives

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Gavin's Submissives Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “I suggest you keep your anger inside, Landon. I’m not in the mood to deal with more of your insolence tonight.” He warned his man.

  “I’m not here to cause trouble. I’m pleased you did it. She scared me.” Landon grew silent.

  “What are you thinking?” Gavin asked.

  “What do you think she’s decided?”

  Letting out a sigh, Gavin made up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. “I don’t know. I’m sure she’ll tell us her decision soon.”

  They moved back to where she sat on the sofa. Her face was flushed. From the buds of her nipples, he guessed some of the flush was down to arousal. Heidi might not know it yet, but she was submissive at heart.

  He handed her a plate. “Eat.”

  She started eating without further instruction. Gavin watched her eat. His chest felt tight at the emotion swamping him. He’d been concerned for her. The instant the sun went down, panic filled him. Didn’t she have any idea how important she was?

  Shaking his head, Gavin stared into the empty fireplace. The summer nights were not cold enough to light a fire. He and Landon spent a great many winter nights making love in front of a roaring fire.

  Heidi put the plate on the coffee table. “I’ve finished,” she said.

  Staring into her hazel eyes, Gavin felt himself drowning in her gaze. He saw Landon’s attraction. She was hypnotising to watch.

  “Did today help?” he asked.

  “Yes. I noticed some things around Creek Valley that I’d never seen before.”

  “What?” he asked.

  “There was a woman at the diner. She came in, and two men were kissing her. No one paid any attention to her.”

  “That would be Diana. She’s with the two Martin brothers,” Landon said. “A lot of things have changed around here since you last visited. Ménage relationships are the norm, or at least, they are here.”

  “I don’t care about those, Heidi. I want to know what decision you’ve come to.”

  She let out a breath.

  Tapping his thigh Gavin’s patience started to go with every passing second.

  “I’d like to give it a try. I mean, I’ve got nothing to lose, but I think I should be honest with you guys about something.” She licked her lips. His gaze went to her mouth. The plump lips looked so damned inviting.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I’m not very good in the bedroom. I mean, Derek was never satisfied with me in bed. I’m going to disappoint you. I don’t want you to expect something from me only to be upset that you’ve settled on me. I’ve never been able to let go.”

  Gavin pressed a finger to her lips. “Shut up. If Derek said you were horrid in the bedroom, he was the one responsible, not you. Did you have an orgasm before him?”

  “Yes.” Tears filled her eyes. “He didn’t like to touch me. I needed to take care of my own needs. When it looked like he was never going to touch me I stopped trying.”

  “How long has it been since you achieved orgasm?” Gavin asked.

  Landon cursed.

  “Two years,” she said. Her voice was so small. He cupped her cheek.

  “Baby, you won’t be going two days without release. I promise your needs will be well met.”

  The tears fell from her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  He held her in his arms. If Derek ever came around he’d beat the little shit to a bloody pulp.


  Seeing Heidi sob in Gavin’s arms was enough for Landon. He despised her ex, but watching the pain in her eyes was too much. No matter what she said Landon would show her how important she was to him. Moving behind her, he stroked her back. She turned to him.

  “Come here, baby,” he said.

  She went into his arms. He let her cry. Stroking her back he saw the same anger in Gavin’s eyes. His master, lover, and friend was as angry as he.

  “We’ll take care of her.” Gavin mouthed the words to him.

  “He was a piece of shit, Heidi. He didn’t deserve you. I never liked him.”

  “I should have listened to you.”

  He’d advised her not to get married to the bastard.

  “We live and learn, baby. I’m here, and he’ll never get chance to get near you. I love you too damn much to let him get close.”

  She pulled back. There was a smile across her lips. “I like the sound of not going longer than two days without an orgasm,” she said.

  “Your wish is our very command,” Gavin said. “First, I need to punish Landon for his insolence.”

  “Are you ready for this?” Landon asked. He was turned on at the thought of Gavin going all dominant on his ass.

  Heidi stroked his cheek. “I’ll be ready for you both,” she said.

  “Then follow me,” Gavin said. Landon kept his hand locked in hers on the way upstairs to their bedroom. “You’re to sit on the bed, Heidi. I’ll get to you soon.”

  Landon watched her ass as she climbed onto the bed. She looked so damn tempting. He couldn’t wait to sink into her tight cunt. She’d have a lovely tight pussy.

  “Strip, Landon.”

  He turned to his Master. “Let me explain to her first. I don’t want her to be upset for me.”

  “Do it.”

  Gavin tore his shirt off.

  Turning back to Heidi, Landon sat on the bed in front of her. “What you’re about to see, I want. This is how Gavin and I are. This is who I am. Do you understand?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “Don’t interfere. I want this. My safe word is red. When I say red, Gavin will stop.”

  “He’s never gotten to red, baby. I promise he needs to be taught a lesson,” Gavin said.

  “I’ll be fine, Landon. I want to watch.”

  “Pervert,” he said, stroking her arm.

  He climbed off the bed going to Gavin. His Master stood at the foot of the bed with his shirt removed. The muscles on his arms stood out.

  “He’s hot,” Landon said.

  Heidi chuckled.

  “Clothes off now. I think she’ll want to see you without anything on.”

  Landon pulled his shirt off. His muscles were not as pronounced as Gavin’s, but they were certainly decent to stand on their own. She gasped. The sound made him flex his arms. “Stop posing, and get your jeans off.”

  Landon pushed the jeans to the floor then removed his boxer briefs. His cock stood out thick, with the tip leaking pre-cum. Staring into Heidi’s eyes, he saw her gaze move to his shaft. Her tongue peeked out licking her lips.

  “Do you like what you see?” Gavin asked.

  She nodded. “He’s perfect.”

  “No, you’re about to see perfect. Get on the floor, and assume the position.”

  Landon went to the floor. He crossed his ankles and sat on them. His knees were open. On a woman the display would show her pussy. Gavin liked him in this position with his head bowed. Staring at Gavin’s bare feet Landon waited for his next instruction.

  “He’s beautiful, isn’t he?”

  “Yes,” Heidi said.

  “I like him with his head bowed. He was losing control until I came along. The only person I couldn’t budge him on was you.”

  Landon listened to their conversation.

  Gavin cupped his cheek. “Look at me, baby.”

  Lifting his head Landon stared at the man he loved. Fingers caressed his lips.

  “Get on your knees on the bed. Stare at Heidi. I want her to watch you when you take your punishment like a good little sub.”

  Going to his knees on the bed, Landon stared at Heidi. Her knees were curled against her chest. Her cheeks were flushed. She was aroused.

  “I’m going to start with my hand.”

  Landon tensed waiting for the first blow to fall.


  The first strike was always the hardest to handle. He grunted as another blow came. The second one wasn’t too bad.

  Ten blows rained down on his ass. The burn warmed his ass, and the bite o
f pain made him rock hard. His pre-cum leaked onto the sheet. Keeping his gaze on Heidi, he saw her legs open. Her nipples were rock hard bullets against the front of her shirt. Licking his lips, Landon stared down the length of her body.

  Her full supple body would feel good against his. He looked forward to being punished while sucking her clit.

  The thought alone made him groan.

  Gavin came back with the wooden paddle. It was Landon’s favourite as it was the largest one his Master owned.

  The first smack echoed off the walls. Her eyes were wide as she watched without a sound coming from her pretty lips.

  “More,” Landon said.

  The blows from the paddle came harder. He’d be bruised tomorrow. Landon didn’t care. The bite of pain would keep him aroused through the day. He couldn’t wait to get started on Heidi. When he’d suggested her to Gavin, he’d been doubtful of her submission. Watching her reactions to his punishment, Landon was no longer in doubt. Heidi was a submissive, and together they’d be possessed by Gavin.


  Her pussy was dripping wet. Landon’s cock stood out hard and proud after each smack of Gavin’s hand. Now he was being punished with a large wooden paddle that looked like a wide baseball bat. Licking her lips, Heidi sat on her hands.

  The desire to touch herself was strong. She resisted the temptation to please herself. Landon’s gaze wasn’t helping. The way he kept looking her up and down made her want to do something about his heated glances.

  “Well done, Landon. You’ve pleased me greatly.” Gavin placed the paddle on the bed. His gaze turned to her as Landon got down off the bed. She watched as he took a seat on the end of the bed. “Come here,” he said.

  She crawled off the bed taking his offered hand.

  “How do you feel?” Gavin asked. “Don’t lie to me.”

  “I’m turned on,” she said, blushing. Staring at the floor she tried to push down her embarrassment.

  “No, don’t look at the floor. You look at me.”

  Heidi returned her gaze to him.

  “I’m pleased you’re being honest with me.”

  She smiled.

  “Remove your clothes.”

  The instruction took her off guard. “You want me naked?”


  Landon reached out to her. “Please, I’m naked. Trust us.”

  Trust. She was supposed to trust Derek, and he’d hurt her more than anyone.

  They’re not Derek. Let go and live. They gave you a promise to protect you, or are you going to be a coward and let Derek ruin your whole life?

  She went to the top button of her blouse. Staring at Gavin’s naked chest she slowly unbuttoned her blouse.

  “Let me,” Gavin said. He slid his hands across her chest, over her back. The blouse she wore slid to the floor. She stood in a prim bra. Instead of taking the bra off, she went for the button of her jeans, trying not to think of her fuller stomach. She’d never have a flat stomach like Landon and Gavin. Both men looked super sexy as if they’d just stepped off the cover of a sports magazine.

  The jeans were on the floor. She stood in her plain white cotton underwear.

  “The rest,” Gavin said.

  She glanced up at him. His cheeks were red. Fumbling with the clasp at the back she removed her bra then went to her panties.

  Crossing her arms over her chest Heidi stood in their bedroom naked and feeling fat. This was a huge mistake.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Landon said.

  Gavin tilted her head back. “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “You don’t want to know.”

  His brow lifted.

  “This was a mistake. I’m not pretty or slim. I’m fat, and you could do so much better than me.” The words slipped out of her mouth before she got chance to stop them.

  “Thank you for your honesty. I can tell you, you haven’t made a mistake.”

  Gavin turned her to face Landon. “Stand, Landon.”

  The man in front of her stood. Gavin leaned down, brushing her hair out of the way. “Look at him, Heidi.”

  “I am.”

  “Look at his cock. He’s turned on from looking at you.” Gavin’s hand moved down her body. His large palm cupped her right breasts. “You’re not fat. You’re full and ripe. You’ll be perfect for us. We don’t want to fuck a stick. I don’t wish to be scared of being rough. When I fuck you I intend to do it properly.”

  His hand went between her thighs. “She’s soaking wet. Come here, Landon, touch our woman.”

  Our woman.

  “Am I?” she asked.


  “Am I your woman?”

  Gavin and Landon chuckled. “The moment you agreed to be with us you became our woman. There’s no getting rid of us now.”

  She smiled, relaxing against Gavin. “I like that.”

  “Good. Hold her for me.”

  Heidi was switched to Landon.

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’ll always have you.”

  Gavin removed his jeans. “And this is what you do to me.”

  His cock was longer and thicker than Landon’s.

  “See why I love him?” Landon asked, whispering the words against her ear.

  “I hope you love me for more than my cock,” Gavin said.

  She chuckled.

  “It helps your cause.”

  “Sit her on your lap. Open her legs wide for me.”

  Landon took her to the bed. She sat on his lap. His hands went to her thighs. She turned to look at him behind her.

  “Trust us.”

  Her legs were splayed open. Turning back to Gavin, she watched the older man kneel in front of her.

  The scent of arousal permeated the air.

  “She’s so wet. I can see her cunt creaming already,” Gavin said.

  Heidi moved her hands to cover her pussy. Gavin slapped her hands.

  “Don’t ever cover yourself.”

  “That’s another one of his rules, baby. You’re ours.” She listened to Landon all the time watching Gavin. His large hand caressed up her thighs. His dark tanned skin contrasted with her pale, fleshy legs.

  She couldn’t stop thinking about her weight.

  “I’m going to give you what I promised you.”

  His fingers opened the lips of her pussy. The small touch made her groan.

  “You’re so desperate for attention. I’ll give you everything you need and more.”

  Gavin’s head closed the distance. In the next breath his tongue danced over her pussy. Landon’s hands went to her breasts. Both men were touching her in ways Derek refused. Her stomach quivered as pleasure finally slammed inside her. For too long she’d been barren and going without any kind of emotion or pleasure. The two men touching her were awakening her.

  “You’re in such need,” Gavin said, mumbling the words against her clit. He circled her nub creating little fireworks to explode inside her body.

  “Please,” she said. She covered Landon’s hand, pressing down. “Harder.”

  He pinched her nipples at the same time Gavin pressed two fingers inside her pussy. He opened her hole with his two fingers widening her. Anticipation filled her with each second that passed. The onslaught of pleasure was too much. She whimpered.

  Chapter Five

  Her pussy was a magnificent sight. Heidi’s taste exploded on his tongue. Gavin could quite easily become addicted to her sweet, musky taste. He saw Landon pinch her nipples. Pressing two fingers inside her heat he opened his fingers trying to stretch her. She wouldn’t be used to him or to Landon’s size. Derek sounded like a prick with a tiny member. The feel of her tightness confirmed his assessment.

  Licking her clit, he worked her channel as best as he could.

  She was close to climaxing. He saw the distress on her face. Heidi didn’t want to orgasm yet. Gavin knew the reasons why without asking her. She feared if she orgasmed too soon then that would be it. He and Landon would show her. There was no way
she’d go without. Neither of them would allow it.

  Sucking her clit into his mouth Gavin added a third finger into her heat.

  Heidi came apart seconds later. Her cries filled the air. Gavin worked her pussy bringing her down from her high slowly.

  She gasped, crying out as he withdrew his fingers.

  “It’s okay, baby. We’ve got you,” Landon said.

  “I didn’t want to come too quickly,” she said.

  His man laughed. “Baby, that’s the first one of the night. I’m sure Sir has plenty more orgasms planned.”

  Her gaze turned to him. “You should listen to him. I don’t believe in one orgasm but multiple orgasms. I suggest you get ready. I’m about to blow your mind.” He stood, sinking his hands into her hair. Gavin pulled, helping her off Landon’s lap. “Now the fun can begin.”

  Pressing his lips to hers, he explored her mouth with abandon. He wasn’t concerned about her freaking out on him. This was about them giving her what she needed, and Heidi needed passion.

  Fisting her hair, he tugged on the length. Their kiss broke as he stared into her eyes. “Tonight we do things my way. Tomorrow, I want to hear every desire, want, and wish.”


  Landon pressed on her shoulders. “I know what he wants from you.” He went to the floor with her. Landon held her hair back. “Take his cock between your lips, baby.”

  She stared up the length of his body.

  “Listen to the man, Heidi. Suck my cock.”

  Her fingers surrounded his length. Her tongue peeked out. Landon winked at him. He didn’t respond as her mouth engulfed him. His cock sank into her mouth. The tip of his cock went to the back of her throat. She gagged on the length.

  “Not like that, baby. Watch.” Landon took Gavin’s cock out of her mouth then proceeded to show her what he liked. Gavin stroked his hair, loving the feel of his cock being sucked. Closing his eyes, he basked in being licked and sucked. “No teeth, and Gavin doesn’t require you to gag in order to suck him.”

  Her mouth replaced Landon’s. She hesitated, and her actions were not smooth or confident. Opening his eyes, he watched as Landon whispered to her. His encouragement filled Gavin with pride. They’d work well together. He stared down at his two subs loving his cock. Together, Landon and Heidi sucked his cock. Their hands stroked the length. Heidi’s smaller hand cupped his balls, and they alternated between sucking his cock. Heidi’s mouth was smaller while Landon took more of him to the back of his throat.


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