“Thank you for going with me. I know you don’t want to talk, but this is important.”
Tatiana groaned inwardly. “Uh, well...”
“Please. It's very important. I know you don’t like me. You have no reason to, and I understand that. But what I have to talk with you about is urgent. I promise.”
Tatiana hesitated. Maya wasn’t being obnoxious like Trent was when he was asking Tatiana to meet him. She was just asking for a few minutes of Tatiana’s time. And if Tatiana didn’t like where the conversation was headed, she could always walk away.
“Okay. Sure” Tatiana said.
Fifteen minutes later, Tatiana, with Amanda in tow, was on the way to the sandwich shop with Maya for lunch.
To Maya’s surprise, on her way out of the travel agency building, Tatiana had spotted Amanda and asked her to join Tatiana and her for lunch.
After placing orders of cob salads all around, and water for Maya while Amanda and Tatiana had iced tea, Maya got right down to business.
“Tatiana?” Maya paused, “How do you feel about Trent.”
Both Tatiana and Amanda stared for a moment and then Amanda burst out laughing while Tatiana continued to stare.
Realizing what her question probably sounded like, Maya back pedaled. “I didn’t mean that the way it probably sounded. I’m not asking because I’m jealous or anything. I just need to know if you hate him?”
“Hate is a strong word.” Tatiana said slowly.
“I hate him.” Amanda quickly offered.
Maya sort of frowned at Amanda then she smiled and turned back to Tatiana. “And you?”
Tatiana sighed. “Why are you asking me this?”
“It's something I must know before I ask my next question.”
“I don’t hate him.” Tatiana paused, “Well not anymore. I sort of feel sorry for him.” Both Maya and Amanda looked shocked by this. “He’s the way he is because of his mother. She’s so… dominating.”
“And nasty.” Amanda said.
“And hateful.” Maya added. Tatiana and Amanda gave Maya a surprised look. Looking around as someone was listening Maya whispered, “Between the three of us,” she paused. “I wouldn’t spit on that vile woman if she was on fire.”
Amanda harrumphed. “I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire.”
Tatiana poked at her salad with her fork. “If she was on fire, I’d probably throw a Molotov cocktail at her.”
Maya and Amanda burst out laughing. After a few seconds Tatiana joined in.
Once they all settled down, Maya proceeded to tell Tatiana how Trent purchased the engagement ring from a friend that he went to high school with, Warren Davis, who went by “Tiger”. Apparently Warren had stolen the ring from the Anthony crime family while in New York. Now Trent had five days to get the ring back to them or it could cost him his life.
Tatiana was horrified at such a thing. She didn’t want to see anyone get hurt over something so trivial. Of course she said she’d give the ring back. All Trent had to do was tell her what was going on and she’d have gladly given it to him.
Amanda’s suggestion was to take that ring down to the ocean and thrown it in. Hopefully the mob would make concrete boots for Trent and throw him in to retrieve it. She told Maya that she was starting to like her, and she thought that Trent at the bottom of the ocean would save Maya a lot of heartache in the long run.
Tatiana frowned slightly. “Amanda, do you remember a Warren Davis going to school with us?”
“Nope.” Amanda said without hesitation. She’s forked up some of her own salad chasing it with a swallow of iced tea.
Tatiana hesitated, “You sure?”
Maya frowned. “Maybe he moved away—”
Amanda shook her head. “Even though Davis is a common name, there aren’t many Davis’s in town. We had no Warren Davis in our high school.”
Maya looked to Tatiana and she saw a look asking for assistance in the other woman's face.
Tatiana shook her head. “Amanda is better than the census. She knows everybody. If she says there wasn’t a Warren Davis in school with us. Then there wasn’t.”
Maya remained silent for a moment. Then she proceeded to tell Tatiana and Amanda of her plan to get the ring back to the Anthony family and save Trent.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” Tatiana said.
“Trent only has a few more days to get the ring back to them.” Maya said.
“Why not leave it with the desk clerk?” Amanda offered.
“This is too important to take that chance.” Maya was shaking her head.
Shaking her head, Tatiana still insisted, “I still think this is a bad idea.”
“Well,” Amanda said thoughtfully. “We could always go with her.”
Tatiana snorted. “No, we can't.”
Amanda was nodding, saying, “Sure we can.”
But Tatiana was adamant. “Uh! No! We Can't!”
Tatiana sat in the back seat of Maya’s car sulking. How the hell did she end up coming with these two nut jobs who were intent on delivering a ring that she had nothing to do with stealing in the first place, to a couple of guys who were probably psychopaths?
Maya turned in her seat looking at both Tatiana and Amanda. “Okay ladies. All we need to do is go up to room 1004, give them the ring and leave.”
“I saw this in a movie not long ago,” Tatiana mumbled. “There were these three really stupid women who went into a hotel room with two deranged killers. At the end of the movie, one of the killers was laughing maniacally as he hacked up the last girl, while his buddy stuffed the other two bodies into a large suitcase for transport and disposal.”
Maya stared at Tatiana open mouthed, while Amanda laughed her ass off.
“Girl, I saw that movie. The girls didn’t get hacked up, they got sold to the Russian mafia who was running a human trafficking ring. They were sent to Moscow for the sex trade where they had to work 20 hours a day servicing disgusting 300 pound men who can't find their penises.” Amanda wagged her brows.
“Somehow, getting chopped up and stuffed into a Samsonite with two heifers that I’m thinking I really don’t like anymore, doesn't seem so bad.” Tatiana muttered.
“Maybe I should just go up alone?” Maya said.
“I can't, in good conscience, let you do that. Come on, let's do this.” Amanda said.
Without another word, Amanda and Maya slid from the car, walking towards the hotel.
Tatiana watched them, gnawing her thumbnail. They should have never come with Maya. This was too dangerous. Maybe they should have called the police or even Trent. It was his fault that Maya was doing this in the first place.
Maya wanted to do this to save her man and that was all well and fine. Amanda shouldn’t be going with her. All they needed was to have one of those lunatics say something to piss Amanda off. She would not be able to let it go, and they would butcher both Amanda and Maya.
Tatiana couldn’t let that happen.
“Ugh!” Kicking the back of the seat in front of her, Tatiana threw the car door open, getting out and stomping towards Amanda and Maya who were standing on the sidewalk in front of the hotel as if they knew she was going to give in and follow them like a lamb to the slaughter.
“If I get killed,” Tatiana jabbed a finger in Amanda’s direction. “I am punching you right in the boob!”
Tatiana walked in front as Maya and Amanda followed. Maya walked to the receptionist. She smiled as she faked a French accent.
“I need a room please.” She asked the receptionist.
“Welcome ma’am, there’s a room available. Can I get you a double bed or single?”
“Single would be great. I just came to this town with my husband and we would like to spend a few days here while he works on his projects.” She smiled at the receptionist. “before I forget, a friend of mine who recommended this hotel for me is in room 1004, can you check me in the room
next to his.”
“It’s okay, there a room available, are you okay with room 1001? It’s not right next to it but they are on the same floor.”
“It’s okay.” She kept smiling as she took the keys.
“Third floor on your left.” They took the elevator.
They tiptoed to the hallway as they read the door numbers. They stopped when they reached door number 1004. They heard people talking as they knocked. The door opened and Maya walked in first. They were nervous, they didn’t know these people.
“I have a bad feeling about this.” Amanda whispered.
There were three men in the room and they couldn’t know which one was Anthony. Tatiana wanted to do away with this and leave the hotel.
“We brought back the ring which was bought from a guy who stole it from you, my ex fiancé could not make it that’s why we brought back the ring.” Tatiana said as she handed one of the guys the ring.
“Can you verify if it’s the same one?” Anthony said. The guy looked at the ring then nodded with approval to Anthony.
“Can we leave now?” Maya asked.
“You can leave but tell your boyfriend that next time he steals anything from me, I will kill him without giving him chances.”
“What do you mean steal?” they all shouted at once.
“Your boyfriend stole the ring from someone who was keeping it.”
“There has to be a mistake, the person who sold it to him is the one who stole it not him.” Maya said desperately. Amanda smiled and Tatiana was shocked. She couldn’t believe that Trent would give her a stolen ring as an engagement ring. She always thought Trent would be everything, but not a thief. Why would Trent steal an expensive ring and lie about it?
“There is no mistake and your boyfriend can confirm it, he is the one who stole it.”
Tears rolled down Maya’s cheeks, she couldn’t believe she left New York to come look for a ring that Trent stole, she felt used. She was so mad and tried to comprehend everything she heard. Trent lied to her all this time, everything was adding up now. There was no Warren, Amanda was right. She couldn’t believe she was marrying a thief and a liar.
Tatiana felt hurt; she realized that all Trent did was lie. She could have married him and found out later that he was a thief. For once in her life, she felt relieved that he left her for Maya. She looked at Maya, who was crying. She was grateful he left; he didn’t deserve her or any woman. She felt sorry for Maya but there was nothing she could do.
“I always knew Trent was a bastard but not a thief.” Amanda commented. Tatiana and Maya both looked at her with rage.
Tatiana looked beautiful. Clyde stared at her with lust. He remembered their last moments at the restaurant and wanted more of her. The bright light coming through the window made her cover her eyes while she fumbled through her bag for sunglasses. The airport seemed empty as they walked ahead.
They waited for twenty minutes, then boarded the plane. She wanted to control herself next to him but it was hard. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She looked beautiful as he watched her sleep.
The flight took them five and a half hours. She leaned her head on the taxi window as she awaited their destination. She didn’t know and didn’t want to ask. She opened her eyes as they reached Coast Alegre.
They walked into the five star resort. She followed him to the receptionist desk. She smiled to let him know that she was okay with his arrangements.
“Hola, como puedo ayudarle?” the receptionist asked before he could introduce himself.
“Hablas Ingles?” he asked.
“Yes, I speak English.” answered the receptionist.
“I’m Clyde Fox, and I have a reservation.”
“One moment please.” She typed his name on the computer and removed two key cards.
“Here’s your card sir.” The receptionist also handed her a key. He held her by the waist as they climbed the stairs to the room.
The hotel room looked big inside even though the space was well-utilized. The air reeked of incense and there was some kind of soft rock music playing. Large crystals all shiny and jagged stood on antique tables at the corner next to the bed. He was unpacking when he heard the knock on the door. Tatiana peeped inside then let him get comfortable.
“Everything is accessible from the bathroom to the toilet; if you need anything else let me know.” She said as she walked to the medicine cabinet.
“I don’t need anything, I only need you.” He said. “Don’t worry about me, I will shower then have you all night.” He continued.
Clyde had other things to worry about upon his arrival, like his raging boner. He walked in the shower and closed his eyes while the hot water poured on his head. He relieved his throbbing member in the shower while imagining what he would do to her body. He imagined her naked body and her lips on him. He was standing in front of the mirror in the shower.
He stood there relaxed, his limbs elegant, loose and almost classical. His form was muscular and compact, not an inch of spare flesh on him. There was a delightful tangle of hair on his chest. His dick was soft and aroused; it swung against his thighs as he touched his chest while imagining her breasts on him.
With a little sigh, he rubbed a soapy wash cloth all over his arms and shoulders and torso, then rinsed the cloth out and wiped away all the traces of lather. He soaped the cloth again and applied it on his genitals. Under the ministration and massaging of the soapy cloth, his dick lengthened and thickened and rose up. He tossed the wash cloth into the water and took himself properly in his hand. He manipulated his cock, pushing and pulling in long strokes. He worked the fine, rapidly blushing skin over the hard blood filled core that kept on swelling.
“Aren’t you joining me?” he yelled from the bathroom.
“In a sec, I was still unpacking.” She responded. She removed her clothes and headed to the bathroom. He glanced up and met her gaze briefly, then kissed her on the lips.
“I love you.” He said.
“I love you too.” She responded with a smile. “I want to let you know that, you have nothing to worry about. My ex is out of my life forever.”
“That’s a relief for me. I want you by my side always. I promise never to stop loving you no matter what.”
Another bonus story is on the next page.
Bonus Story 18 of 24
An Offensive Tactic
Colby stripped out of his pads and threw a towel around his waist. Every muscle in his body felt sore, but it was a good soreness. The Rangers had won their eighth game in a row. He’d scored two goals.
Voices were loud and spirits were high in the locker room. Everybody had a smile on their face. All the players had towels wrapped around their waist, showing off their hairy, muscular torsos. The room was full of hockey stars, the ultimate American alpha males.
Colby took the towel off his waist and tossed it into a basket. He walked into the shower, knowing that plenty of the other guys were checking out his impressive physique, the huge pecs, large, perfectly sculpted biceps and triceps, the six-pack abs. He was quite the male specimen.
Even other guys, professional athletes, had to take time and admire the sculpture, the work of art that was his body.
An hour later Colby got home from the arena. It was a Friday night. Some of the guys had mentioned going out to a club. He definitely felt like going out.
Colby popped the top of the beer, leaned his head back and took a long slow sip. It tasted delicious, so refreshing. It felt really good to have a few days off, a few days before he had to hit the ice again, throw on his pads and go to war again with his teammates, trying to bring the Rangers another championship trophy.
It was rare to have three or four days off at this time of the season, when every part of your body ached and creaked, the months and months of playing a physical and violent game, finally taking their toll. So he was especially grateful. Yet he wasn’t the
type of guy to sit around his Lower East Side, $3,000 a month apartment, all alone on a Friday night. That’s not the kind of thing you did when you were 27, rich, handsome, and a magnet for all of New York City's most beautiful women. Nope, that's not the kind of thing you did when you were one of the most eligible and desirable bachelors, in a city full of them.
Colby walked out onto his balcony and looked down on the busy streets below. It was only seven. The humid July night air brought sweat to foreheads and arms and breasts and legs, all those beautiful body parts glistening in the heat. Even at night this time of night, the air still hung thick with humidity. It had taken a while to get used to the humid and muggy summer weather in New York. He much preferred the milder summers that he’d experienced growing up in Montreal.
Since the playoffs were only a couple months away, this would be one of the last time he got to party and really let his hair down before the season came to an end. One or two phone calls, and he could’ve had a bevy of buxom beauties bouncing up and down in his apartment, rolling around in his king size bed, servicing him like they were his personal whores. That kind of thing came easily to him. Very easily. And it always had. Even before he became the NHL's leading scorer, even before he became team captain, it was the ultimate acknowledgment of his alpha male status.
He wasn’t in the mood to be surrounded by dozens of desperate, fawning women. He wanted to be around his male friends, some of them hockey players, some of them Wall Street guys. They would hit a cigar lounge or two, then swing into an upscale bar, before taking a nightcap at a fully nude strip club. It would be just the guys, shooting the shit, whistling in the wind, comforting each other. Pats on the back, loud voices, and heart, full-bodied laughter.
They would puff on fine cigars, Cuban of course. Now that the embargo had been lifted, there was little question about what kind of fatties they would be smoking. Colby had always loved how the big cigars felt as they rested on his lips. Something about the act of smoking had always excited him. He’d never given much thought as to why he found it so damn exciting, he simply kept coming back for ore and more, hoping to experience that titillating feeling again and again.
Alien Romance: Interview with an Alien (Football Paranormal Invasion Abduction Alpha Sci-fi Romance) (Fantasy First New Adult Contact Science Fiction Mystery Sports Alien Short Stories) Page 57