Lone Star Heartbreaker

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Lone Star Heartbreaker Page 15

by Anne Marie Novark

  Caitlyn looked out at the mesquite trees standing in the pasture; the cool evening breeze swished the branches back and forth. "So you're saying I should give Tyler a chance? I should take that risk? I should just do it?"

  "I'm saying you ought to think long and hard before you throw away his love. If you open your heart to Tyler, he'l always be there for you. That streak of goodness and commitment runs deep in al the McCades. You'l never find another man like Tyler."

  "I know. I want to believe, but it's hard," she said with a sigh. "It's not easy to let go of my fears."

  "Actual y, it's easier than you think," Jessie said. "Al you need to do is imagine how your life wil be without Tyler in it. Which is the greater risk?

  Leaving or staying?"

  Caitlyn thought a minute. "I'm not sure."

  "Wel , nothing's for sure in this life." Jessie reached over and covered Caitlyn's hand with her own. "You've been given the chance to choose what kind of life you want to live. With Tyler or without. You have to take that first step if you want your chance for happiness. The McCades are worth it, Caitlyn. Bury your past and welcome the future with Tyler."

  "I don't know. I'l have to think about al you've said. Seriously think about it." Caitlyn sighed again and shook away the despair. She squeezed Jessie's hand then let go and forced a smile. "So . . . I notice you haven't told me what the men are real y up to today. Why are y'al keeping me out of Tyler's way? I feel like there's been a McCade conspiracy launched against me."

  "It's a secret. I don't want to spoil Tyler's gift." Jessie's eyes twinkled. "You'l love it, I promise. I hope you can accept it graciously."

  Caitlyn bit her lip. "As opposed to how I accepted the prize money, his love and his proposal of marriage?"

  "I didn't mean it like that," Jessie said with a groan.

  "Don't worry about it. I know I have issues with intimacy and commitment." Caitlyn watched a chaparral bird run swiftly across the yard into the pasture where it disappeared. She turned back to Jessie. "You see, I've been let down so often, I guess I've come to expect it."

  "Tyler loves you, Caitlyn. He's ready to give up his freedom and settle down with you. Give him a chance. You'l be glad you did."


  Tyler crashed in bed around five that next morning. It had been years since he'd pul ed an al -nighter. Staying up until dawn wasn't as easy to do at thirty-two as it had been at eighteen. He must be getting old. Just one more reason he needed to convince Caitlyn to take a chance on their relationship. He didn't want to live the rest of his days alone. He'd had enough of that.

  The weeks he'd spent with Caitlyn in and out of the bedroom had been pure nirvana. He'd final y seen why his brothers had settled down into happy domesticity. He wanted what they had. What his parents had shared.

  Now, if only he could make Caitlyn see reason.

  As he drifted off to sleep, Tyler had to smile. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on him. After al these years, after al the women he'd dated, how ironic that when he'd final y fal en in love and was ready to commit himself forever, the woman of his dreams adamantly refused to marry him.

  Oh yeah. The gods in the heavens were surely looking down and laughing. He'd been hoisted by his own petard.


  Every time Caitlyn tried to return to the airfield the next morning, one or another of the McCade women found reason after reason to postpone her departure. It was funny how quickly they dredged up excuses to prevent Caitlyn from leaving.

  What was Tyler up to? Her curiosity was thoroughly aroused. She knew it had to be something big, and it most probably had something to do with wearing down her last defenses against accepting his proposal.

  Never in her life had anyone gone to so much trouble on her behalf. It wasn't only Tyler; it was his family, too.

  She thought about the talk she'd had with Jessie last evening. The woman was right. Caitlyn was going to have to decide which was riskier: leaving Tyler and living without him, or staying and sharing their life together?

  It shouldn't be that difficult to choose. She loved Tyler with her whole heart. He wasn't Scott. Tyler was . . . Everything she'd ever wanted.

  He'd been there for her from the very beginning, even when he'd stil been in pain and recuperating from the crash. He'd helped her learn the ropes of flying the applications; he'd offered her the use of his Sukhoi for the competition; he'd coached her through the contest routines. Who had nursed her when she'd been so sick? Who'd taken her place in the competition and won the money she'd so desperately needed? Who had hunted for Reba in the middle of the cold dark night?

  And the lovemaking? Her body trembled just thinking about Tyler's touch. His care and patience and generosity, his exquisite attention to detail that made her feel special and cherished.

  No one had ever made her feel like that . . . in bed or out.

  A feeling of warmth and contentment settled in Caitlyn's heart. She hugged herself and smiled dreamily.

  It didn't matter what Tyler's surprise was, she final y knew what she wanted. She wanted to share her life with Mr. Do or Die McCade. Happily and forever after.

  Okay, then. She'd just sit back, relax and let the day play out like Tyler had obviously gone to such lengths to arrange. She'd go with the flow and wait to see what Tyler had in store for her.

  She smiled when she thought of al the possibilities.


  Tyler woke up a little past noon after sleeping soundly al morning. He grabbed a bite to eat, then hurried to the hangar. He wanted to test-fly the Pitts before he presented it to Caitlyn.

  The afternoon was clear and bright and cool. The sky was blue with fluffy white clouds floating above the western horizon. A good day for flying.

  He fil ed the fuel tank, walked through the pre-flight inspection, then grabbed his gear. As he climbed into the cockpit, adrenaline started pumping through his veins. Thank God he was able to fly again. He didn't know how he would've lived if he'd been permanently grounded.

  He didn't know how he'd live if Caitlyn left him. He'd dated enough women to know that what he felt for Caitlyn was extraordinary. Amazing.


  Living his life without Caitlyn would be a thousand times worse than being grounded. A mil ion times worse. If he had to choose . . . hel , there would be no choosing; Caitlyn would win hands down every time.

  Taxiing across the tarmac, Tyler maneuvered down the runway, accelerating into a perfect lift-off that made his heart soar.

  Holy shit! No wonder so many pilots loved their Pitts Specials. The plane handled like the gem it was. Damn, he might just have to buy a Pitts for himself.

  Circling around the airfield, Tyler did a few loops and barrel rol s just for the hel of it. Oh, yeah. As soon as he was able, he was definitely getting a Pitts.

  He brought the plane down for a perfect three-point landing. His gift to Caitlyn was nearly ready. A text to his mom and he'd be good to go.


  Caitlyn found herself once again sitting on the front porch of the ranch house, alone this time, impatiently waiting for the unveiling of Tyler's surprise.

  Everyone had gone home after lunch, and Ruth had suggested she sit outside while she straightened the house a bit. Caitlyn had packed her bag so she'd be ready to leave on the instant.

  "But don't go back yet," the older woman warned as she shooed her out the door, eying the overnight bag with a frown.

  "I won't. Not until the coast is clear."

  "That's the spirit." Ruth's smile was warm and loving.

  Caitlyn inhaled a deep breath of the fresh West Texas air and rocked back and forth, her hands clutched on the arms of the chair. Now that she'd made up her mind about Tyler, she didn't want to waste another precious moment. She'd lived her whole life in a sort of limbo--moving from place to place, losing her mom and dad, entering into that fiasco of an engagement with Scott--she'd never real y belonged anywhere.

  She stared off into the distance. She loved th
e Diamondback Ranch. She loved the green pastures where the cattle and horses grazed, the cultivated fields where the cotton and wheat grew, the Double Mountains on the horizon. She loved the bil ions of bright stars in the domed-night sky and the miles and miles of countryside, visible as far as the eye could see.

  She loved the McCade family. But most of al , she loved Tyler. How had she thought she could live without him? How could she have thought she'd be able to leave the Diamondback Ranch? She'd final y found a place to cal home. She'd final y found a family who welcomed her into their inner circle.

  And she'd final y found a man she could trust, a man who would never let her down.

  No, she didn't want to waste another minute.

  The screen door opened, and Ruth walked outside. The older woman's face was wreathed in smiles and her eyes twinkled. It wasn't hard to figure out where her sons had gotten al that McCade charm.

  "I just got word from Tyler," Ruth said. "You can return to the airfield now. Darlin', you've been a great sport about al of this. I enjoyed our girls' night out. I hope to see you again real soon."

  Caitlyn rose to her feet. "I enjoyed it, too. Thanks for inviting me. And thanks for teaching me to bake that awesome chocolate cake."

  "My pleasure. Now you need to get a move on. You don't want to miss the surprise."

  "Miss the surprise? How could I miss it? Oh, Ruth, can't you give me a little hint? Just a teeny-tiny one?"

  Tyler's mom shot her a mischievous look. "Now, you know I can't do that, darlin'. You just get on your little scooter and head on back to the airfield.

  And don't forget to watch the skies. That's where you'l find your surprise." The older woman shook her head, consternation creasing her brow. "Oh dear . . . I've said too much already. Now you run along before I accidently let the cat out of the bag."

  Caitlyn kissed Ruth's cheek and found herself the recipient of a fierce hug.

  The older woman stepped back and smiled. "Now, you go on. Don't want to keep Tyler waiting any longer."

  "Thanks, Ruth." Caitlyn snagged her overnight bag from beside the rocker and dashed across the yard to where she'd parked her scooter. She revved the motor and waved to Ruth.

  Caitlyn rode back to the airfield, the scooter kicking up dust from the dirt road, leaving a trail behind. As she neared the compound, she heard the familiar sounds of a plane engine and propel er preparing for takeoff.

  Ruth had said to watch the skies. Caitlyn shifted gears and zipped along the road at a clipping pace. When she emerged from the mesquite trees into the open airfield, a red and white biplane whizzed overhead. Caitlyn skidded to a stop and gazed upward.

  Oh my God! Her dad's Pitts Special!

  So this was Tyler's big surprise. He'd finished the restoration in record time. He must have had a lot of help. This was what the conspiracy to keep her out of the way had been al about.

  She rode the scooter to her camper and parked it. Reba ran toward her and enthusiastical y greeted her. Caitlyn petted the dog while she watched the plane flying against the backdrop of the clear blue sky. Tyler zoomed low overhead and waved. On the second pass, he blew her a kiss before climbing higher in the sky.

  Caitlyn's throat clogged with tears as she blew him a kiss in return. She couldn't believe what he'd done for her.

  Because he loved her.

  Tyler kept flying almost straight up, higher and higher, then suddenly dropped into a tailspin. Al at once, a great plume of white smoke spiraled out behind him. It was beautiful to behold.

  Caitlyn held her breath and waited anxiously as Tyler plummeted toward earth. Seconds ticked by slowly, and her heart pounded loudly in her ears.

  She knew she was watching Mr. Do or Die McCade doing what he did best, yet somehow this time was different. This time she had something at stake. This time her heart and her future were up there with him.

  Just when she thought she was going to die from the suspense, Tyler smoothly pul ed out of the nosedive; the plume of white smoke cut off abruptly as he climbed quickly in the sky, gaining altitude again.

  The Pitts Special was performing like a champ. Tyler couldn't have given her a better gift.

  The white smoke bil owed out again and it didn't take Caitlyn long to realize Tyler was writing a message in the sky. She waited breathlessly.

  Skywriting required a level of expertise not many pilots' ever achieved. Of course, Tyler not only did it with skil ful precision but also with a flourishing finesse.

  Caitlyn smiled and hugged herself. What would he write? What would he spel out? Would he profess his love for the world to see? Repeat his proposal of marriage? What?

  The white puffy letters were clear in the majestic blue sky. By the time Tyler finished writing the message, tears of happiness and joy coursed down Caitlyn's cheeks.

  Stay and be mine forever.

  Caitlyn laughed and cried as she ran across the tarmac to meet him when he landed. Reba bounded along beside her.

  Tyler brought the plane down and taxied across the runway, stopping where Caitlyn waited for him with tears in her eyes and the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen.

  He climbed down from the cockpit and she launched herself into his arms, lifting her face and inviting his kiss. He didn't need any more encouragement. Tyler gathered her close and covered her mouth with his, drinking in her sweet goodness. Tongues tangled and arms tightened.

  Tyler thought he could stand like this forever. Wel , not forever. They'd need a bed soon.

  He broke off the kiss and stared down into the face of the woman he loved so much it hurt. "Surprise," he said softly. "I hope you like it."

  "I love it!" Caitlyn stood on tiptoe, bringing his head down and kissing him again.

  Tyler's body reacted as it always did when he was anywhere around her. After a blissful moment, he pul ed back again. "I meant what I wrote up there, but I know I can't bribe you to marry me. If you need more time or . . . decide you real y can't marry me . . ." He inhaled deeply and smoothed the wispy tendrils of her hair from her face. His fingers lingered against her soft cheek. He knew he couldn't make her stay. He'd have to let her go, if that's what she real y wanted. Even if it kil ed him. "I only want what you want. But dear God, Caitlyn--I want you more than life itself. I love you so much, it's downright scary."

  Caitlyn stepped back a little, and Tyler's heart nearly broke. Was she going to refuse him? Was she going to reject him yet again? How would he be able to stand it?

  She cupped his jaws with gentle hands, her touch scorching his skin. "I love you, too. I did a lot of thinking at your mom's house, and I decided I do want to take a chance on our love. I want it more than I've ever wanted anything in my whole life." She glanced over her shoulder at the Pitts Special, then back at him. "But I must admit, your aerobatic display just now was awesome to behold. And finishing the restoration of my dad's plane was a very sweet thing to do." She kissed him softly. "Thanks."

  Tyler took a deep breath and gathered her in his arms. His world final y felt right again. "Caitlyn Ross, wil you do me the honor of being my wife? To have and to hold, from this day onward, in the air and on the ground, forever and ever?"

  Caitlyn smiled. "Yes, I wil . And you know what?"

  "What's that, sweetheart?"

  "I think I'm going to enjoy being Mrs. Do or Die McCade."

  "You think? I know I'm going to enjoy it." Tyler hugged her tight and covered her lips once again.

  Reba danced around them, twirling in happiness, knocking against them, barking her approval as Tyler and Caitlyn sealed their future together with a kiss.


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  The Diamondback Ranch Series

  Book One: The Doctor Wears a Stetson

ok Two: The Cowboy's Surrender

  Book Three: A Match Made in Texas


  The Diamondback Ranch Series

  Book One: The Doctor Wears a Stetson

  by Anne Marie Novark

  Jessie Kincaid was fifteen and innocent when Cameron asked her to the prom. She lost her heart that night, but his plans didn't change. He left their smal town to pursue his dreams.

  Seventeen years later, a trip home leads Cameron McCade back to Salt Fork, Texas, and the newly widowed Jessie Divine. Since his return, the fire between them burns as hot as ever. Can they take up where they left off? Can Jessie risk her heart again?

  The Diamondback Ranch Series

  Book Two: The Cowboy's Surrender

  by Anne Marie Novark

  Copper River Oil Company is drilling for oil on the Diamondback Ranch. Dallas McCade can't do a thing to stop them, because he doesn't own the mineral rights. To add insult to injury, they've sent a woman to oversee the operation. Dallas has good reason to distrust women. As soon as he sets eyes on Gillian Bankston, he loses his temper . . . and his control. That makes him spitting mad and frustrated as hell.

  Gillian has never met a man quite like Dallas. He's as prickly as a cactus, but his kisses are hot enough to ignite a West Texas wildfire. Gillian's been burned before and wants nothing to do with love . . . or lust. Battle lines are drawn and it's war between the sexes. Will they surrender to the powerful attraction neither can deny? Who will be the first to wave the white flag?

  The Diamondback Ranch Series

  Book Three: A Match Made in Texas

  by Anne Marie Novark

  When Austin McCade’s wife dies, a vital part of him dies, too. The sexy single dad devotes himself to his motherless daughter and his work on the Diamondback Ranch. For twelve years, he ignores life and women . . . until a new pretty schoolteacher moves to town.


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