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Seducing the Virgin (Sold to The Billionaire #1)

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by J. L. Beck

  Seducing the Virgin

  J.L. Beck

  Copyright © 2017 by J.L. Beck

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Editing by Elizabeth Wright

  Cover Design by J.L. Beck

  Formatting: J.L. Beck

  Meet J.L. Beck

  J.L. Beck is a stay at home to two little minions and happily married to her high school sweet heart. When she's not writing steamy hot as sin books, you can find her with a glass of wine, and book of choice in hand. She believes all love stories should have a happy ever after, but knows that real life sometimes occurs so for her readers if she can give her books a HEA then she's happy.

  If you like romance that bleeds from the pages, and love stories that make you swoon then pick up a J.L. Beck book and forget about the world for a while.

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  Chapter One


  The smell of smoke and sex permeated the air, bathing me in the sinful deeds I was about to commit. I had never been to an auction where the item for sale was alive. Still, I was here with a pocket full of cash and a more than willing cock that needed some virgin action.

  “Tonight, we have a beauty up for grabs…” Tony, the big burly man that always put these underground auctions together, spoke into the microphone. My body was already reacting to the tension and desires of the other men in the room. We all had our eyes on one thing and one thing only.

  The virgin.

  “Her name’s Raven and she’s going to use the money earned tonight to go to college…” Tony’s voice trailed off in my head as my eyes went straight to the stage where the innocent little lamb would be standing any second now. Normally virgins weren’t my cup of tea. They were inexperienced, clumsy, and always seemed to cling to you like you were a God or something, all because you broke their hymen.

  “Shall we reveal the lovely Raven to you all?” Tony asked, earning himself a hoot and holler from the crowd of over aged and overpaid men.

  Beads of sweat formed against my brow, as my stomach twisted in knots. I didn’t know what was wrong with me but something felt off. Like I was about to have the rug ripped right out from underneath me.

  Before I could comprehend what was going on, the stage lights were turning on, revealing a nearly naked woman with black hair that had purple streaks in it. I tried to suck in a breath but couldn’t, my body refusing to do anything but stare at the temptress before me.

  “The starting bid is fifty thousand. Do I have any takers?” Tony smirked at the crowd, as Raven’s eyes sought out someone, anyone to protect her. Her curves were on full display and her plump breasts were pushed up, almost falling out the top of the bra she was wearing.

  She was perfect, and exactly what I didn’t need right now.

  “Fifty thousand,” I announced, without even a thought as to what I was going to do with the brat if I won the bid. I could take her back to the mansion and fuck her senseless or I could give her to my brother.

  Maybe we could share her?

  “One hundred thousand,” another man across the room shouted, causing everyone to stir. I eyed the little lamb on the stage as she tried to look through the bright lights and out into the crowd to see who was her new master was.

  Was she worth it?

  She was naturally beautiful, and she wanted an education, which meant she had at least a good head on her shoulders. Then again, I had to question why she would be here trying to get the money to go to school when they had things like financial aid and shit.

  “Five hundred thousand.” I licked my lips, wondering if she would taste as sweet as she looked. Silence settled over the crowd, and I knew I had won Raven. There would be other women that came through the auction tonight, and most of the men here didn’t want to spend their money on the first thing they saw.

  It was a good thing I wasn’t like most men. I could see the shudder run down Raven’s back as she turned and walked off the stage, as one of Tony’s men came over to me to collect payment. I grabbed the checkbook from the inside of my suit jacket and wrote Tony out a check for five hundred thousand dollars. Then I signed it and walked backstage to find my new pet.

  My legs were stiff and my feet felt as if they had bricks tied to them. I didn’t know why I was dragging so much. It wasn’t as if it was my first time purchasing sweet little thing like her. It was the first time I felt this way about a woman though.

  “Let go of me.” A strong female voice pierced my soul, and I noticed one of Tony’s guards had his hand on my virgin. Before I could truly digest the scene, I was stepping between them, forcing the guards’ hand away.

  “She belongs to me now, and I would appreciate it greatly if you didn’t touch her,” I snarled, seeing red for a second as I moved Raven away from the guard. The guard didn’t care though, he rolled his eyes and backed away, heading back towards the stage to do whatever else Tony wanted. I had killed men for doing lesser things, so the control I showed surprised me.

  “I belong to no one. My virginity, on the other hand, belongs to you. Once that’s done I’ll be on my way.” She tried to look strong, but one could only do so for so long when facing evil head on.

  I pushed her against the wall, my hand gripping her by the chin, forcing her dark eyes to meet mine.

  “Your body, soul, and mind belong to me now. If I tell you to do something, you will do it or you will face the consequences.” I narrowed my eyes, my cock growing hard at the defiance in her eyes. Breaking her wouldn’t only be a joy, but it would be a pleasure.

  She had backbone, and I could see that just from the way she spoke. I also knew she was afraid simply by the way her small frame shook as I raised my hand to push back a lock of her hair from her face.

  “I answer to no one…” Her face was made of stone, showing no emotion as she spoke.

  I couldn’t help but smile, because the front she was putting up was one that I could easily break through with nothing but the touch of my hand.

  “You, my dear, answer to me…” I trailed a finger over the top of her breast that was falling out of the top of her bra. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and even though I wanted her pussy, I knew she wasn’t ready for me to dip my fingers into her just yet.

  She swatted my hand away and a deep robust laugh fell from my lips. I gripped her hand in mine tightly, squeezing it almost painfully.

  “I will fuck you in every way known to mankind, and what’s worse than that is that you will want it, little lamb. You will be dripping for me; your cunt will be soaked with need and there will be nothing that you can do about it.” Her body shook, a shiver blanketing her skin.
  The look in her eyes said she hated me already, but she had an entire lifetime to feel that way and I would change that look into need very, very soon. Raven was mine my little lamb. My pure virgin, and I would do whatever I felt like doing to her.

  “I despise men like you.” Her chest heaved with each breath she took in. I leaned into her face, feeling her soft pants against my lips.

  “Good, because I’m not out to love you, little lamb. I’m out to break you.” With the words already out, I gripped her hand tightly in mine, dragging her towards the back door where my driver always picked me up. Her bare feet tried to dig into the cement floor, but it was no use. She could fight all she wanted. In fact, it made me harder when she fought.

  “You can have my virginity, but you’ll never have my soul. You’ll never have my mind. You’ll never have me.” God, the defiance that dripped from her words enraged me as much as it made me want to bend her over in the backseat of my limo and fuck her.

  “Get inside the fucking car before I decide to do something crazy like fuck you right here where anyone could see us.” She looked at me straight in the eyes, testing me, wondering if I would really do it. Seconds ticked by before she realized I was serious and opened the door to the limo and slipped inside, her bare ass and pussy sliding across the leather seats.

  “I knew you would see things my way, little lamb.” I licked my lips, climbing in behind her. I couldn’t wait to get her to the mansion and show her off to my father and brother.

  “Drive,” I ordered the driver, my eyes slipping over to Raven. I would take care of her in the best way. I would give her the education she wanted, and she would be mine.

  My little lamb.

  Chapter Two


  I never thought the day would come when I had to choose between selling my body and providing for my family. The need to cry was so strong I clenched my fists together as tight as possible, my nails digging into my skin angrily.

  I hated the situation and I hated even more that the man that had bought me was gorgeous, just like the devil in disguise waiting for the moment that I would slip up and he could drag me down into the pits of Hell. I squeezed my eyes shut, wanting this entire thing to be nothing but a dream I could wake up from.

  “I have very few requirements, little lamb, but the most important are respect and honesty. If you respect me then I will respect you. If you tell the truth, I will as well, If you don’t do those two things, then your time in my mansion will be horrendous.” There was no warning in his voice. No, it was pure truth and though he didn’t say it, I knew what he meant: disobey those two rules and you’re as good as dead.

  I didn’t bother to acknowledge him or even pretend as if I heard what it was that he was saying. I refused to give him that satisfaction. Forcing my eyes to the floor of the limo, I could feel the heat from his body slamming into me like waves against the beach.

  “What did I just tell you Ms. Miller…” The growl that ripped from his throat resembled an animal’s growl before it attacked. I went to turn my attention to him, but was never given the chance to react because his large hands slipped through my long hair and dug into my roots.

  Pain sliced through my scalp as he pulled my head back, forcing my eyes to meet his as he stared down at me.

  “I’m going to assume you heard what I had to say, little lamb, and that you were just being a naïve little brat, because if you weren’t, I’m going to have to take you across my knee right now,” he whispered into my ear, his teeth grazing the bottom of my earlobe. Shivers racked my body, and as badly as I didn’t want to feel any attraction to this man, I did.

  The thought of him taking me across his knee excited me. It brought to life something in me that I didn’t even know existed.

  “I heard you... Mr…” I went to say his name, but realized I had no idea who he was, which made this worse. Not only had I sold my virginity to help take care of my mother, but I was giving it to a man whose name I didn’t even know.

  “Master. You will call me Master. You’re my little lamb and you will do as you’re told. Understand?” His tongue scraped across the sensitive flesh of my throat, right underneath my throbbing pulse. I gulped, and nodded my head yes, praying he would release me. Relief filled my belly as soon as he did, my body missing his heat as soon as he let me go.

  “Yes, Master.” I mumbled underneath my breath, rubbing at my scalp. The stinging pain had subsided greatly and all that was left now was a dull ache.

  The handsome devil smiled at me, his perfectly white teeth sparkling in the light. His features told me was Mexican, that coupled with the tanness of his skin, proved that I was right.

  He had on an expensive suit and his shoes were made of leather. The watch he wore on his wrist probably cost more than my entire house, and the longer I looked at him the more handsome he seemed to get.

  Little lamb. I narrowed my eyes at him for giving me such a dumb nickname.

  “I expect you to be on your best behavior in front of my father. If you are, you will be rewarded. If you’re not, then you will discover just how hard I can be…” The flicker of lust in his eyes told me that I didn’t want to head down that road.

  “Yes, sir… I mean, Master,” I stumbled over my words nervously. A part of me wanted to screw up just to see what he would do to me, while another part of me was terrified of the unknown.

  The limo came to a stop seconds later, and my stomach did a tiny flip, my breakfast threatening to come back up. I gazed out the window, sweat forming against my palms as I took in the large mansion. My new owner opened his door, and got out of the limo holding the door open for me. I slid across the leather seats and peeked out of the door.

  “Welcome to your new home, little lamb…” He extended his hand to me, and I looked down at it wondering if it made me a bad person if I took it. I wanted his touch as badly as I didn’t. I caved, giving him my hand and allowing him to pull me from the limo. I was amazed, my eyes taking in every single aspect I could. From the perfectly shaped stone, to the well-manicured grass, to the beautiful fountain on the other side of the limo. This man had money, whoever he was.

  He led us inside, where the beauty of the mansion seemed to amplify. Light shone in through every window, making the great room and kitchen/dining area seem larger, if that was even possible.

  A woman that must’ve been a maid eyed me for a moment before scurrying past us and up the grand staircase. My entire body was on fire, and fear like I had never felt before filled my belly. I had no panties on still, just a see through black skirt covering my bottom half.

  “We will go meet my father now. Remember what I said, little lamb….” He twisted me around forcing my chest to his so that he could see my eyes.

  “Yes, Master, I remember what you said.” My voice wasn’t my own and my entire body shook with need, or fear, I wasn’t sure which. All I knew was that I wanted to hate this man in front of me but my body refused to let me, that and knowing that he would be the reason my mother would live to see another day.

  “Good…” He shoved a few locks of my dark hair behind my ear and pressed a hard kiss to my lips. I could feel every single desire he had for me in that soul searing kiss, and when he finally pulled away, I was left drunk with need.

  He guided me up the stairs and then we turned right down a long hall that was painted red. What is so important about meeting his father? I wondered. Master lifted his hand to a large wooden door at the end of the hall, sounding a soft knock against the wood.

  “Come in, Fox,” his father spoke gruffly. Seconds later Fox pushed the door open with his hand, but not before giving me a dirty look. My knees wobbled as we walked into what I would call the lion’s den. I couldn’t feel anything but pain as my eyes zeroed in on the man that had ripped the rug out from underneath my family. He was the reason my mother was suffering, the reason that I was here right now. He was the CEO of Smith Industries. It all made sense now, and Fox was his son.

bsp; I smiled a little on the inside knowing that, either way, Smith Industries was still paying for my mother’s medical insurance, even if it wasn’t Mr. Smith that was paying but his son.

  The old fucker smiled at me, literally fucking smiled, and my stomach rolled. It took everything in me not to blow chunks on the asshole’s carpet. He deserved to die in the most horrible way.

  “Hello, Father. I just wanted to show you my new pet,” Fox spoke seductively, as if he was showing off a new toy or something. I kept my head low, praying he wouldn’t recognize me from all the times I had come into the office to see my mother.

  His large father pushed away from his desk and eyed me like a fine piece of jewelry. “She’s young son… Pure from the way she’s looking at me. Must’ve paid a pretty penny for something as fine as her.” His eyes darted from mine and then back to Fox’s. I squeezed his hand in mine, praying like hell that he got the message.

  Fox’s father was handsome, or at least he was at one point and time in his life. His hair was nearly white, and wrinkles blanketed his face. He was nothing but an old man one birthday shy of the nursing home.

  “Oh, I did, Dad. I paid, but something tells me she will be worth every single penny.” I hated the way Fox stared at me as he spoke to his father, like he had plans for my body. I wanted to snarl at him for being such an asshole, but didn’t.

  “I’m sure your brother will enjoy her as well.” His father walked to the front of the desk slowly, his age showing in every step that he took.

  “She’s mine, Father. Not his. If I share, it’s only for a short time.” There was a defensiveness to Fox’s tone that made me wonder if he actually cared about me for more than just the hole between my legs.

  “Oh, I know, Son. I just also know how you boys are about your women.” His father smirked at me as if he was trying to strike fear in me by stirring the pot. What he didn’t know, was that I had fantasized about two men on more than one occasion. I just never dreamed of it being in situation like this.


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