Seducing the Virgin (Sold to The Billionaire #1)

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Seducing the Virgin (Sold to The Billionaire #1) Page 5

by J. L. Beck

  “I know, but losing someone you love isn’t easy…” She spoke from experience, which was a bit insulting to because I was positive that she hadn’t the slightest clue what it was like to lose someone you love.

  “How would you know? Have you lost someone you love before?” I snapped, regretting it as soon as the words came out of my mouth. This was supposed to be a peaceful place and I was once again letting the memory of my mother play on my emotions.

  “We’ve all lost someone, a grandparent, parent, sibling…” She shrugged, kicking at a couple of rocks around the penny fountain. “I think, in a way, we know how it feels to lose someone but only to our own degree. From the way you talk, losing your mom was hard, but living with her memory was even harder.” I clenched my fists because no one, and I mean no one, had ever been able to put into words how I felt about my mother’s death. Not like Raven just had, and that evoked something inside of me. It rubbed the wound that had already been raw and bleeding.

  “I need to talk about something else right now…” I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. I didn’t want Raven to see how weak this conversation made me, but I was done talking about the past. I was done reliving the moment.

  “Okay… What’s your favorite color?” Raven asked, as she looked up at the sky. There were rain clouds moving in, which meant a storm was brewing.

  “Green. What’s yours?” I asked back. She smiled, and this time it met her eyes, causing the brown in them to dance with laughter.

  “Purple, of course…” She twirled under what little sunlight there was left. My heart slamming against my rib cage profusely I watched her, knowing that I was falling for a girl that I could never have. A girl that I was going to break one way or another, and one that could never stay.

  “Food?” I asked the next question.

  “I love, love, Italian food.” She laughed, and it melted the coldness in my chest. I was still sitting on the park bench as she twirled around like a ballerina around the penny fountain. The first raindrop falling and landing coldly against her forehead.

  “Me too, but I love Mexican just as much.” It felt strange, but surprisingly fun to get to know someone on a level that was more than just physical. Though I would take Raven in my bed any day. Her body was a beacon to me and I would forever worship it, so long as she allowed me.

  “Ahhh it’s raining…” she shrieked, running under a nearby awning. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her anger towards the tiny little raindrops.

  “Yeah, that’s usually what it’s called when drops of cold water start falling from the sky.” I was a sarcastic asshole nearly every second of the day, so I didn’t see a reason to change now.

  I walked over to the awning, letting the rain drops soak into my white t-shirt. Once underneath it, I settled onto the bench next to Raven. Silence settled over us as the sound of rain drops beating against the metal roof echoed through the garden.

  “You told me when we first met nearly two weeks ago that I should always be honest with you. That if I was, you would be honest with me too.” I nodded my head yes, because that was something I had told her.

  I could see the anxious look in her eyes and wondered what the problem was. Had I said something to her, done something? Suddenly I was overly concerned with her safety and the need for her to be okay.

  “What’s wrong, Raven?” I used her real name, showing her just how serious I was about getting down to whatever it was that bothered her.

  “I’ve been lying to you this whole time…” I ground my teeth together, hating the words that she uttered and knowing what they meant for us. If she was really lying, and Seth could prove it, then the punishment she would receive would be jarring. Lying did sit well with me.

  “Do tell me what it is you’ve been lying about.” It took everything in me to remain seated, when all I wanted to do was take her over my knee and spank the fuck out of her.

  She looked me straight in the eyes as she spoke, unafraid of the devil in disguise. “Hearing you talk about your mother like you did broke me. The reason I auctioned my virginity off was for my mother. She has cancer and we need the money to pay for her hospice care. The cancer she has is treatable but only with medication, medication that neither of us could afford to get her.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Regret. Remorse. Pain. All of those emotions swirled inside my chest. I was evil, so fucking evil.

  “You didn’t need the money for college then?” I had to ask. I had to know that she was lying about that one thing and that that was it.

  She shook her head no. “No I didn’t. I was going to give the money to my mother so that she could get cured and I could focus on graduating from night school.” Sweet Raven. She was so fucking smart, and wise beyond her years, yet she had made a deal with the devil, and one that she couldn’t get out of.

  “You know what lying to me means, right?” I exhaled, squeezing the bridge of my nose in frustration. I was falling for Raven and more than that, I was falling in love with her heart, and the person she was underneath the walls she put up.

  “Yes, I do.” Her face fell, her eyes refusing to meet mine. She knew she had done wrong by lying. Now I just needed the information from Seth and I could confirm everything that she had just told me. The punishment she would face still weighed on my mind.

  I could make it good for her, just as I had today. I could bring her to her knees with pleasure and pain. I could take her to new heights and leave her begging me for more. I could give her happiness instead of giving her pain.

  I could make her see that, though she had sold her virginity to me, there was always a silver lining. I knew now exactly how it was that she knew what it felt like to lose someone you loved. She was losing someone as we spoke.

  “I promise you that it’ll be worth it, Raven. No matter what type of punishment you get from me, it will always come with some type of pleasure. Always remember that.” I placed my hand on hers, gently showing her that I was here, and more than just an evil asshole.

  There were pieces of my heart that still beat and those pieces no matter how small, belonged to Raven.

  “I know that. I also know that, no matter what, it will never work.” She spoke as if she already knew of my feelings and that shocked me. Not once had I showed her that I felt anything more than lust for her. I might have shown weakness, but that wasn’t love.

  “That what won’t work?” I asked, the question burning at the tip of my tongue.

  “Us. There are things you don’t know and will never understand. You make me weak in the knees, and my body craves your touch like it does sunlight, but that’s all this is… and will ever be…. Physical.” Her words hit me in the gut and enraged me all at the same time. She knew nothing about my emotions for her, yet she played off what she was seeing right now.

  “It doesn’t have to work, Raven. All that matters is that you listen and follow directions well. If I say suck my cock, you do. If I tell you to bend over and let me fuck you till you’re worn and beaten, then you do. That’s the relationship we have, and the relationship that will remain between us, and nothing, no sob story you spill, is ever going to change that.” I regretted every word I said, hated how wrong they sounded coming from me. The man I was, and the man I wanted to be when I was with Raven, were two different people and I didn’t know if I was capable of merging them into one.

  “Good,” Raven said, jumping from the bench and heading in the direction of the parked SUV. It was then, as I watched her run in the rain, that I saw a butterfly land against the bench seat next to me. It was free, and beautiful, and I knew then that I would have to let Raven go, one way or another, because even the most beautiful of objects couldn’t remain hidden forever.

  Chapter Nine


  My father was in his office, just as I knew he would be, and of course he didn’t seem to be the slightest bit concerned when I walked in with an angry scowl on my face.

  “Seth, my boy, have you come to have a drink
with me?” His words were slurred and his eyes were half closed. How he managed to run a multi-billion dollar company I didn’t know. All I knew was that you couldn’t do so when you were always drunk.

  “No, I haven’t come to have a drink with you. I’ve actually come because I’ve done some investigating on that little virgin that Fox bought, and I need some answers. Answers that only you can give me.” I hid the anger from my voice, knowing that if I showed my emotions to him it would get me nowhere. You could die in front of this man and he would throw a rug over you and pretend it never happened… I knew that because he did it to his own wife, my mother.

  He tapped his chin, just as I did when I was thinking of something. “You mean to tell me you need Daddy’s help with something. I’m pleasantly surprised.” He was milking this for everything it was worth.

  “It’s not that I need your help, it’s more that I just need conformation of things. Do you know the girl that Fox bought?” I questioned. I wasn’t going to let the old man get away with this, not if I could help it. I knew he was the reason that Grace had lost her job, or at least part of the reason, which meant he was directly linked to the reason that Raven had to sell her virginity in the first place. Not that I cared what the woman did, but it showed courage, compassion, and love on her end.

  “I’ve met the girl once or twice. Why does it matter?” He squinted at me, an accusing tone to his voice.

  “Well, if you’ve met her, I’ll assume that’s because you know her mother, and then I’ll assume further that you knowing her mother has something to do with her working for Smith Industries… Am I getting somewhere?” I narrowed my eyes at him, waiting for it all to click in his head.

  “I… I may know her mother as well, but none of this matters. The girl sold her virginity to your brother. I don’t see the fault in that.” He threw his hand in the air as if he was done with the conversation.

  “You don’t get it, do you? One of your workers told her mother, who was on LOA at the time seeking cancer treatment, that she was fired. You took her health care away, and her only form of income.” The elderly man blinked. acknowledging that he had made those choices, but didn’t seem to care about much else.

  “It’s a shit world, Seth. What can I say? I don’t have any control over those affairs. If she was eating into the insurance company and costing us money, then it’s nothing but a good thing that they fired…” I refused to listen to this man, my father, talk badly about this woman that had slaved away working for his company for years. I was more than going to cut a check to Raven for her mother’s care, I was going to double whatever Fox had paid for her.

  “It’s people like you that make this world such a shitty place. You treated her the same way you treated mom when you found out she had cancer. You brushed it under the rug and pretended like it never existed. As long as you could forget your wrongdoings, you had no issues hurting others in the process.” I grabbed my father by the throat, feeling his fragile bones creak as I squeezed.

  Maybe that’s why I felt drawn to Raven’s situation, or even more, worried about the truth coming out and having to tell Fox about it, because I knew it would open a can of worms that could never be closed again.

  Because my father, Raven would have to pay for lying to Fox, and Raven’s mother would have to cling to life just a little bit longer until I could get the money to her for the care that she needed.

  “You know nothing about the situation…” he gasped for air, almost falling back into his chair. My hand clasping his throat was the only thing holding him in place. Would it be so bad to make Fox and I parentless? After all, my mother would still be here had my father put the effort into getting her treatment instead of abusing her.

  “I know enough to know that Raven is doing this and that it’s your fault. I know enough to know that you’re the reason my mother died.” I squeezed tighter, holding his life in my hands. If he died, nothing bad would come of it.

  His hand moved up to mine where I was squeezing, his fingers trying to pry mine away. I released him that second with a shove, forcing his body into his office chair. He sucked in oxygen like he was starving for it.

  I couldn’t handle sticking around in this room for another second. I needed to find Fox and relay the information to him before it was too late. Yes, we still had a deal, and yes, we would still follow through with it but maybe, just maybe, we could make this right for her.

  Maybe we could give her the pleasure her body craved and make her first time special. That is, unless Fox already claimed that piece of her. Either way, seducing her wouldn’t be the hard part, it would be asking her to stay.


  I spent the entire day wandering the mansion. I had spent way too much time in this hell hole over the years. The place reminded me of my mother more and more every day. It was suffocating and just downright depressing. The second my father died, I was going to sell this place and move somewhere warm.

  Somehow, I ended up in the parlor with a stiff drink in my hand. I was more than ready to claim Raven with my brother, the desire and need was there. I just need to get the information to him.

  It was perfect timing too, because as soon as I let the sweet amber slip past my lips, my brother was stalking into the room, his face a mask of fury.

  “What seems to be the problem, Fox?” I asked, sarcasm lacing my words.

  “She lied to me, she fucking lied to me, and she has been lying since the day I bought her. I have to punish her for doing it, but I can’t bring myself to. I care about her too much.” Fox was practically sobbing. The only part I caught was the part about him knowing she had lied to him.

  “How did you find out? I thought I was doing the digging?” I scowled at him, as he poured himself a drink.

  “She told me… That’s how.” He slammed down on the leather sofa, his body sagging against it.

  “Our pasts are way too similar, Seth. Her mother. Our mother. It hurts to much to look at her, and to know that she did this all for her mother. Fuck.” He slammed back his glass, gripping the crystal in his hand just a little harder than needed.

  I admired Fox’s strength. Where I may be weak he was strong, and where he may be weak I was strong. We complemented each other well and were able to get shit done. But hearing him say he was too weak to punish someone for lying was something I had never heard come out of his mouth.

  “You’re going to get even more angry here soon.” I smirked over my glass, knowing what father had coming to him. This would be the strength that Fox needed to take Raven over his knee.

  Fox perked up, his eyes brightening as he waited for me to start speaking. “I confirmed with Father what I suspected all along. Raven’s mother was an employee of Father’s. She took LOA for a while and when the medical bills became too much, he had her fired, resulting in the reason that Raven is here to begin with.” Fox’s mouth hung open in disbelief.

  “Are you kidding me?” He was off the sofa and pacing the room in a second. “Do you think she’s known this entire time? I mean she’s had to know right? Who our father was, who we were?” I could see Fox’s anger mounting and I fed off of it, my cock growing harder with each passing second.

  “I think she’s known, but I also think she did what she had to do. I think the hardest thing is going to be letting her go when it comes time to release her, because we both know you can’t keep her locked up here forever.”

  Fox smiled but it wasn’t nice, or even funny, no it was evil. It was the devil finally showing his face.

  “I can do whatever I want with her, Seth. I paid five hundred thousand dollars for her, even though I canceled the check to Tony. I can always give her the money, but not until I get to fuck her and claim her pussy like I’ve been threatening for days.”

  Yes, Raven had done a good thing, but she had also signed a deal with the devil, and it was time to pay up. Nothing could stop Fox and I from claiming her now. She would be a begging, whimpering, mess by the time we got done with her.

  “Then let’s go claim the princess, Brother…” My blood pumped straight to my cock. We were going to own her body in ways she could never imagine.

  “Let’s…” Fox smiled like he always did when we were kids and he was about to do something bad. Except this time it was for something good.

  Chapter Ten


  The floor creaked as the door to the room opened. Darkness surrounded me except the tiny bit of light that shined through the window across the room. I could feel eyes on me before I noticed them and when I finally did, concern etched into my features.

  “Little lamb, it’s time to pay the price for lying to your master. You may have done so out of love and compassion but you still lied, and a lie is a lie and you know what we do to liars? We punish them.”

  Something told me he knew the truth, the whole truth, and that made me very aware of my surroundings.

  “I didn’t lie. I confessed to you why I sold my virginity at auction.” My voice was weak in comparison to his, and a shudder ran down my spine as the shadow of another person crept into the room.

  “You didn’t tell me my father was the reason your mother lost her job and that you knew who he was, and who I was, when you met him for the first time.” I bit my lip, knowing there was no way around that one. I had lied, a tiny bit. The room seemed to shrink in size as Fox’s large form came into view, his hand reaching over the sheets and wrapping around my ankle. He pulled me to the edge of the bed and stared down at me. His dark eyes were hard, and void of all emotions.

  I knew he loved me, or at least parts of him loved me. I could tell from the time we spent together at the garden. The story about his mother that he shared with me, and the feelings he radiated.


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