Baking Love

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Baking Love Page 2

by Lauren Boyd

  “Good morning,” they replied. While Walter and Loraine sat down at the table, Cecilia walked over to Eric. She wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips.

  Kate frowned. What’s she doing?

  After they’d kissed, Kate shifted her gaze quizzically between them. “You know each other?”

  For the first time, Cecilia smiled at her. “Eric is my fiancé.”

  Surely you jest. Kate’s eyes darted to Eric for confirmation. As if reading her mind, he nodded.

  I must’ve entered an alternate universe.

  “You lookeded to find out tonightreo surprised,” Cecilia said coolly.

  Try shocked. “I just can’t believe Eric is back in Hillsborough.” Or that he’s engaged to you.


  Despite my state of astonishment, I need to say something appropriate. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks,” Eric smiled.

  Now I need to get it together. “Let’s have a seat.”

  As Kate followed Cecilia and Eric, she bit back a smile. I can’t wait to see the look on Jess’s face when she finds out Eric is Cecilia’s fiancé.

  They arrived at the table, and Cecilia put her hand on Walter’s shoulder. “Kate, this is my father, Walter Prescott.”

  Walter extended his hand to Kate. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you, too.” Kate shook his hand. then took a seat. Maybe this alternate universe will present me with a way to fast-forward to the end of this meeting. Seeing no signs of that happening, Kate rested her hands on her sketchbook and met Cecilia’s gaze. “I drew some wedding cakes based on what you told me and also based on your photo. I’d like to show you those drawings and see what you think.” She turned the sketchbook around to face Cecilia and Eric and opened to the first drawing. It was the one Jess loved, the one she loved, and the one she bet Cecilia would love. “What do you think?”

  “Kate, that cake is nice,” Eric said emphatically.

  “The cake is beautiful, dear,” Loraine smiled.

  “Well-done,” Walter nodded.

  “I’m not sure I like it,” Cecilia announced.

  Say what? “You don’t like this one?”

  “Not especially. May I see the others?”

  Kate could hardly speak for surprise…and confusion. “Uh, sure.” She slid the sketchbook closer to Cecilia. “By all means.”

  Cecilia started to flip through the sketches, and Kate couldn’t believe her eyes. The woman appeared unimpressed, unaffected, and unsatisfied by every drawing. What the hell is going on?

  Finally, Cecilia returned to the first sketch. “This one will do.”

  You just said you don’t especially like that one—which means you like the others even less. “If you’re not happy with these sketches, I’ll draw some new ones tonight. You can come back tomorrow and take a look.”

  “That won’t be necessary. Why don’t we just move on to the groom’s cake?”

  Kate hesitated. Should I ask her what about the drawings fell short of her expectations, or would that only make her angry? In the interest of peace, Kate slid the groom’s cake photo album over to Eric. Knowing him, he’ll be much easier to please than his better…other half.

  As Eric looked through the album, Kate started to tremble. I guess skipping breakfast on account of my nerves finally caught up to me. “Mr. Prescott, Eric, can I get you each a slice of the cake Cecilia and Loraine selected for the wedding?” So I can get a slice for myself.

  Sullivan">“Sure, thanks,” Eric said.

  Kate hurried behind the counter and took the white chocolate cake out of the display case. She cut two slices and plated them, then cut a slice for herself. She crouched to the floor and started cramming cake in her mouth.

  Jess came around the corner, and her eyes landed squarely on Kate. “I don’t understand what I’m seeing right now.”

  “I’ll explain later,” Kate whispered. “Would you get my water bottle off the work table?”

  Jess disappeared into the kitchen and returned with the water. She knelt beside Kate and handed it to her. “Have you noticed the guy at the table looks exactly like Eric Wagner?”

  Kate chugged the entire bottle. “That’s because it is Eric Wagner.”

  “No way! What’s he doing back in Hillsborough?” Jess frowned. “Why’s he sitting next to Cecilia?”

  Wait for it.

  Jess clapped her hands over her mouth. “No.”


  She lowered her hands. “Eric is Cecilia’s fiancé?” she hissed.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Kate stood up and brushed the crumbs off her clothes.

  Jess stood up as well. “From the way you talked about Cecilia, I understood her to be a b—” Her gaze slid to the table and back. “Not a friendly person.”

  “You understood correctly.”

  “An unfriendly person doesn’t seem like Eric’s type.”

  “I agree.”

  Jess clicked her tongue. “Guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.”

  Kate grabbed the plates and two forks. “Maybe Eric should have his eyes checked.”

  Jess stifled laughter as Kate headed toward the table. She set the plates in front of the men and took her seat. “See anything you like?” she asked Eric.

  “I’d take any of them.”

  I knew you’d be easier to please. “Which one’s your favorite?”

  “The one with the fish on top.” He showed her the photo in the album.

  “You still like to fish, huh?”

  “Love to.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want Kate to sketch you some more choices?” Cecilia’s voice rang out.


  “No need for more choices,” Eric replied. “This one’s perfect.”

  Way to go, Eric. “What flavor of cake would you like?” Kate asked him.

  “Red velvet is my favorite.” His eyes lit up. “Wouldn’t it be awesome if you made the cake blue instead of red? You know, like the fish is jumping out of water?”

  That’s absolute genius.

  “Absolutely not,” Cecilia balked. “What would our guests think if they were asked to eat a blue piece of cake?”

  The table fell silent.

  Well, this is awkward. “Tell you what,” Kate finally said. “Why don’t you call me or come by later this weekend and let me know what you decide?”

  “Good idea,” Loraine chimed in. “Before we leave, we’ll sign the contract eight-tiered wedding cake"> Sullivanif you have it ready.”

  “I do.” Kate pulled the two-page document from the back of her sketchbook and passed it across the table to Loraine.

  “My parents said they’ll stop by next week to sign the contract for the groom’s ric told Kate.

  “That’s fine. Incidentally, will the groom’s cake be served at the rehearsal dinner?”

  “Yes,” Loraine answered.

  “What time does it begin?”

  “Seven o’clock.”

  “Great, thanks.”

  While Walter and Loraine poured over the contract, Kate flipped mindlessly through her sketchbook. Keep your eyes down and maybe you can avoid further interaction with Cecilia.

  After going through the sketchbook twice and still not hearing a word from Walter or Loraine, Kate started to curse this alternate universe. It won’t allow time to speed up for me, but it will allow time to slow down for them? She glanced at the wall clock. Have the hands indeed ceased to move?

  “Here you are, Kate.”

  She snapped her attention back to the table and saw Loraine sliding the contract and a cash deposit in her direction. “Thank you,” Kate said, sticking both in the back of her sketchbook.

  Everyone stood up, and Kate inadvertently met Walter’s gaze. “Thanks for your hard work,” he smiled.

  Kate returned his smile. In the case of Cecilia Prescott and her parents, the apple had clearly fallen a great distance from the tree.

“Bye, Kate,” Eric called out, while holding the bakery door open for his fiancée.

  “Bye.” Once they were gone, Kate sighed. I hope Eric knows what he’s gotten himself into.

  * * * *

  Kate sat at the work table, staring at the wedding cake sketch Cecilia had chosen earlier in the day. How is it possible that I missed the mark on every single cake I drew for her? Why did she settle for one instead of taking me up on my offer to sketch a new set of choices?

  “Knock, knock!”

  Kate looked up. “Eric!” What are you doing here? “How’d you get in?”

  “I ran into Jess as she was locking up, and she let me in. She told me she’s your assistant now.”

  “Yeah, I hired her after I inherited the bakery. It turned out to be the best professional decision I’ve ever made because she’s damn good at decorating.”

  “I bet you two kick ass together.”

  “Some days more than others.” Kate ran her hand across the sketch of his wedding cake. “So what brought you here tonight?”

  “I wanted to give you Cecilia’s mobile number and my new mobile number since we’re working together now.” He pulled a folded piece of paper from the back pocket of his jeans and handed it to Kate.

  “My mobile number hasn’t changed, and neither has the bakery’s number, so you can call either one.”

  “Okay.” Eric cleared his throat. “There’s one more thing.”


  “Cecilia and I discussed the groom’s cake. You can make it red.”

  Why am I not surprised? “Red, huh?”

  “Yeah.” He shrugged. “E a folded piece of paperonsaither color is fine with me.”

  Even after all this time, I can tell you’re lying. “Your cakes will look awesome.”

  “I know. Sullivan’s never disappoints.”

  “I appreciate you choosing us, by the way. I’m flattered.”

  “It never crossed my mind to choose anyone else.” Eric’s eyes twinkled. “You’re the best.”


  He held her gaze, but didn’t reply. She noticed the corners of his mouth curl upward ever so slightly. “What are you thinking about?” she asked.

  He looked away. “Nothing. I’ll let you get back to work. Sorry if I startled you when I came in.”

  Kate contemplated questioning him further, but decided against it. He probably needs to go. “You didn’t startle me. I’m glad you stopped by.”

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  “See you soon.”

  Eric left through the back door of the bakery, and Kate’s thoughts immediately returned to his instructions to make the groom’s cake red. Anger filled her frame. Cecilia gets the wedding cake she wants…picked, so Eric should get the groom’s cake he wants. The fish alone isn’t enough: he should get the color, too.

  Resolve surged through hcake,” E

  Chapter Four

  Tuesday, January 31

  “I’m going to show you how to make your cake look like a basket,” Kate told the women in her decorating class. “To do it, you’ll need tip number forty-seven.” The women shuffled through their personal cake decorating kits for the appropriate tip while Kate attached hers to a pastry bag.

  Jess arrived at the table. “I’m sorry to interrupt,” she whispered to Kate. “Loraine Prescott is on the phone for you.”

  “Loraine Prescott?”


  “Did she say what she wants?”

  “Only that she wants to talk to you.”

  Nerves gripped Kate. What’s this about?

  “I’ll take over for you here,” Jess offered.

  “Thanks.” Kate handed her the pastry bag and turned to the women. “Jess will walk you through the basketweave technique.” She dashed to the kitchen and picked up the phone. “This is Kate.”

  “Hello, Kate. This is Loraine Prescott.”You don’t think spappointment

  “Hi, Mrs. Prescott. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, thank you. I’m calling this morning to extend you an invitation.”

  Kate’s nerves gave way to curiosity.

  “As I’m sure you surmised from the size cake we ordered, Cecilia and Eric’s wedding will be a huge affair,” Loraine continued. “There are scores of people involved, so it’s imperative everyone be on the same page. To that end, Walter and I are hosting a pre-rehearsal at the Wynnfield Estate the last weekend in February. We’d like you and your team to come—all expenses paid, of course.”

  This is the first time I’ve ever heard of a pre-rehearsal.

  “This is an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the venue so you’ll know what to expect the weekend of the wedding and can better prepare. We’d like you to see the inn on the estate, where Eric’s family will host the rehearsal dinner and where we’ll need the groom’s cake. We’d also like you to see the banquet hall at the Wynnfield House, where Walter and I will host the reception.” She paused. “Do you think you’ll be able to join us?”

  “If you have a minute, I’ll check my calendar.”

  “Sure. I’ll wait.”

  Kate stepped over to the computer and clicked on her calendar. She looked to the last weekend in February. Good, we’re free. “We’ll be there,” she told Loraine. “What day would you like us to arrive?”

  “You’re welcome to arrive on Friday so you’ll have the entire weekend.”


  “I’ll make reservations for you at the Wynnfield Inn for Friday and Saturday nights, if you’ll tell me how many rooms you’ll need.”

  I want Mark to go with us in June, in case we need an extra set of hands—and if he’s going in June, he’s going in February. “We’ll need two rooms.”

  “Very good. The ceremony pre-rehearsal is that Saturday evening at five o’clock. If you’re finished with your work, we invite you to attend.”

  “Thanks, Mrs. Prescott.”

  “Thank you. We’ll see you in a few weeks.”

  “See you then.” Kate hung up and walked back out to Jess.

  “What was that about?” Jess asked.

  “We’re going to the Wynnfield Estate.”

  “I know, in June.”

  “Actually, we’re going next month.”

  Jess frowned. “Did they move the wedding up to February?”

  “No. They’re having a pre-rehearsal, and Loraine asked us to attend.”

  “A pre-rehearsal?”

  “Yeah. Basically, it’s a trial runD/xhtml11.dtd"

  Chapter Five

  Friday, February 24

  Kate pulled up to the gatehouse and rolled her window down. “May I help you?” the guard asked.

  “We’re here for the Prescott-Wagner pre-rehearsal,” Kate told him.

  “Ah, yes, the pre-rehearsal.” He handed her a stack of pamphlets. “Here’s a map of the estate and information about the establishments throughout the property. Accommodations are at the Wynnfield Inn, and the pre-rehearsal is at the Wynnfield House tomorrow.”


  “Enjoy your weekend.”

  Kate handed the pamphlets to Jess, who sat beside her in the front seat of the van, then rolled her window up and started down the drive.

  Jess opened one of the brochures and began to read. ‘“The Wynnfield Estate, nestled in the heart of the North Carolina mountains, encompasses six thousand acres and includes a vineyard, garden, winery, inn, tavern, and the Wynnfield House itself. The house, commissioned by George Wynnfield in 1895, boasts 165,000 square feet and 230 rooms.”’

  “Sold! I’ll take it!” Mark said emphatically from the passenger’s seat.

  “You wish,” Jess laughed.

  Kate rounded the corner, and the Wynnfield House came into view. “There it is.” She slowed down to take in the surreal sight. The cream-colored French château-style mansion bore exquisite architectural detail. Its smooth, slate gray roof was frequently interrupted by peaks and chimneys, causing the four-story
home to stretch even farther into the sky. A long, rectangular driveway encompassed a perfectly-landscaped front yard and circular fountain. The pastel colors of the sunset illuminated the sky behind the house, acting as a backdrop for the entire scene.

  “It looks like a painting,” Kate commented in awe.

  Jess pulled her phone from her purse and snapped a photo. “I can see why Eric wants to get married here. It’s an architect’s dream home.”

  “It sure is.” At least something about this wedding reflects Eric’s tastes.

  “There’s a sign for the inn,” Mark pointed out.

  Kate turned onto another paved road and followed more signs through a heavily wooded section of the property. Before long, the trees opened up to reveal another four-story French château-style structure, this one visibly more modest in size.

  Jess glanced at the brochure in her lap. “This is the Wynnfield Inn.”

  The cream-colored inn donned a light grey roof dotted with several peaks and a chimney. A decorative stone fountain graced the terrace outside the main entrance, and a circular pool set to one side of the inn. A meticulously-groomed front yard separated the inn from the parking lot, and mountains towered in the distance.

  “It’s beautiful,” Jess swooned. She turned to Mark. “Maybe we should the summer you were home from college..spy get married at the Wynnfield Estate, too.”

  “Whatever you want, babe,” he smiled.

  As Jess and Mark launched into a discussion of their wedding plans, an unexpected pang of jealously struck Kate. That’s odd. She glanced over at her friends. Am I jealous of Jess and Mark? No. While I’m more than ready to find the man of my dreams and get married, I’m not jealous of them. She looked out the windshield again at the Wynnfield Inn. Am I jealous of Cecilia and Eric’s picturesque wedding locale? No. This place is gorgeous, but that’s not it, either. She thought about the eight-tiered wedding cake she’d bring to the Wynnfield House in a matter of months. Am I jealous of Cecilia’s extravagant wedding plans? Kate hesitated. I’m not jealous of the wedding Cecilia will have.


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