The Highlander’s Witch

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The Highlander’s Witch Page 25

by Jennifer France

Removing the cloth from her eyes, he gripped her hair at the base of her scalp.

  “Breathe, mo ghaol.”

  Skye tried to shake her head, letting him know how impossible that was when finally she gasped, crying out through the tight muscles in her throat just as another wave of molten heat raged through her.

  Skye’s second orgasm clenched his cock tight and Aiden roared his release, hammering faster and deeper as his balls tightened painfully.

  She cried, unable to bear the intensity any longer.

  Aiden took a shuddering breath before leaning in to press his mouth softly against hers.

  Skye trembled as she nibbled on his lower lip, her body spasming with aftershocks as Aiden slowly glided in and out before easing from her tight channel.

  Undoing her bindings, Aiden took her face into his hands and brushed away the tear that fell from her lashes with his thumb as he leaned his forehead against hers, trying to get his breathing under control.

  Arms heavy with exhaustion, Skye lifted them slowly to wrap around his neck, turning her head to kiss his cheek, snuggling in as he lifted her into his arms and carried her back to his room.

  Aiden placed her on the bed gently after pushing the covers out of the way, and then he went to the basin, wrung out a cloth before returning to clean her.

  After he cleaned himself, he eased in next to her before covering them with the furs.

  He held her tight, her head resting on his chest with a leg thrown over his upper thigh.

  He looked up at the shadowed ceiling, his heart at war with his common sense.

  Barely able to remain awake as his heart rate lulled her to sleep, Skye managed to say the only thought she could utter before drifting off to sleep.

  “Please, don’t let me go.”

  Aiden sighed at her quiet plea and ran his hand over her curls not trusting himself to say anything.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Hours later, Aiden slipped from the bed and dressed in his clan tartan. He added more logs to the fire before gathering their clothing from the dungeon, taking a moment to look at the place where Skye had given everything to him.

  His heart swelled with pride and determination.

  She was his. She belonged with him and for the first time in his adult life, he was going to be selfish. He had made his decision in the early morning hours before finally being able to sleep.

  Returning to the room, Aiden carefully laid Skye’s gown over the back of a chair before gazing down upon her sleeping face.

  He was concerned that he wouldn’t be back before she woke and he knew the way she was feeling last night might be the extreme opposite this day, as was wont to happen after such intense play, especially for one as untried as Skye.

  Sighing softly, Aiden left determined to ensure the room was set up properly for his first day of courts since returning from the war and then he would return to check on Skye before getting back to begin the proceedings.

  He would also send Keir to guard his chambers in case she needed him.

  Besides Collin, Keir was the only other who would understand what Skye might go through and he didn’t want any mistakes made with her care.

  Satisfied with his decision, he hurried to complete his duties as clan chief.

  Skye heard the door close and sighed, too tired to do anything else but stretch and turn over, burrowing under the covers smiling as she smelled his scent around her.

  Her mind drifted lazily.

  As her amazement over what had transpired the night before grew, the fog lessened and she frowned.

  That had been the strangest event of her life.

  Besides appearing in the fifteenth century.

  It was like floating in space, being separate from herself. Like the effects of a drug.

  And the sex! Oh Lord, that was amazing!

  She hugged the covers close and grinned.

  Then she frowned in confusion.

  She’d gotten that way from a flogging.

  Aiden had flogged her!

  He’d also taken a knife and choked her as well.

  Okay, not ‘choke’, but everything he had done was violent.

  Okay, not ‘violent, but . . .

  But what? He hadn’t physically harmed her. Mentally either. What had he done? He’d flogged her, taken a knife to her and held her throat.

  And she’d gotten off on it.


  She got up, stretching the sore muscles of her body, and paced in the dim light pushing her hair out of her face in frustration.

  Was he disgusted by her?

  Had he used her because she’d begged and pleaded like a blithering idiot?

  Stopping, she stared at the bedroom door. She needed to talk to him, hold him. She needed to find out what he was thinking.

  Whirling around, Skye began pacing again.

  What if he didn’t want to see her?

  Maybe that was why he’d slipped out before she woke up.

  She went to the tapestry that covered the window and looked out at the pre-dawn sky.

  Why had he left so early?

  Swallowing shakily, she let the curtain fall and shivered, more from the worry that suddenly overcame her than the cold morning air.

  “Stop this.” She commanded herself. “You’re starting to sound like an idiot.”

  Forcing herself to breath slowly, she began to pace again, making sure she took slow measured steps as her mind kept slipping back to Aiden and what he thought.

  “So what if he left early. He’s a damn Scottish Lord in the fifteenth century. It’s not like they have a nine-to-five job.” She huffed at herself.

  Skye moved to the fire and looked at it before gritting her teeth and turning away.

  “I can’t talk to Sarah. I can’t talk to anyone.”

  Who could understand anything she’d explain?

  Hell, she couldn’t even figure it out.

  No matter how many things she had shared with her sister, she wasn’t sure this was something she could talk about.

  If only she could just calm down and think.

  She was so damn stressed.

  This wasn’t like her.

  She over-reacted to things yes, but she wasn’t the kind of person that let things get this out of hand and it wasn’t as if it was out of hand, she just felt like it.

  Everything felt . . . consuming . . . and she couldn’t stop thinking about Aiden.

  Everything revolved around him.

  Like she was stalking him in her mind.

  “Oh, shit.” She whispered in shock, suddenly remembering her last words to him.

  Please, don’t let me go.

  Had he answered her?

  Had he ignored her?

  Skye became frantic, her thoughts scattered.

  She could not stop thinking and she couldn’t think about anything but him, them, and what they had done.

  I have to stop this! I’m going insane here!

  She grabbed her head tense with the need to relax so she could figure out what was going on.

  Dropping to her knees, she hunched over, arms crossed holding onto her shoulders and began rocking as her mind continued its whirlwind of frenzied thoughts, all with a constant need to stop it.

  Calm me down, let me think.

  Wrap my body in petals of pink.

  Ease my thoughts, free my mind.

  So the answers I might find.

  She hesitated over the words, trying to find the right mix to settle her racing heart and scattered thoughts, too upset to worry over making a mistake.

  She kept rocking and repeating the chant. Relieved when it seemed to be working, her mind slowed down, her body relaxed.

  That’s when she felt something strange and looked up.

  Aiden rushed up the stairs to his chambers, knowing he had little time to check on Skye and opened his door to see her in the middle of the floor, surrounded by pink flowers, her hands held out catching them as they fell out of thin air.

>   “Dè a tha seo?”

  Skye turned her bemused look to Aiden and scrambled to her feet blushing as she stared at him in a formal looking kilt.

  “Ummm. This is a spell gone wrong.” She winced. “I told you I wasn’t very good at them. It won’t last long.” She shrugged and gave a crooked smile. “At least it’s not raining.”

  Images of her trying to go home whipped through his head.

  “Why do ye need to cast a spell, lass?”

  Suddenly shy and unsure of herself, Skye lowered her eyes and shrugged.

  Believing the worst, he closed the door behind him and crossed his arms.

  “Ye were tryin to go home.”

  “What? No!”

  “Then explain what ye were doin.”

  Searching his chiseled face, Skye began to chew her lower lip. She had no clue what to say without him thinking her completely nuts.

  “Ye will answer me now.”

  Swallowing hard, Skye couldn’t stop the tear that slipped from her lashes.

  “I was trying to stop myself from going crazy.”

  As soon as she said the words, the floodgates opened and she covered her face.

  Aiden suddenly knew what was happening and he was beside her, gathering her up into his arms and holding her close.

  “Och, leanabh, twill be alright.”

  She wrapped her arms around his stomach and held tight, shaking her head against his chest. “But I am goin crazy, Aiden.”

  “Nay, lass. This will pass.”

  “My mind is going in circles. I feel like I can’t think of anything else but one thing.”

  “An what be that?”

  He chuckled at her words even as he watched in amazement as the petals falling from nowhere lessened.

  She looked up at him with big eyes. “You. All I can think about is you.”

  Smiling, he kissed her forehead. “Tis no sech a bad thing, is it, leanabh?”

  “It’s consuming.” Was all she could say.

  He pressed her head back onto his chest and sighed. “I should no have played with ye last night.”

  If he had been thinking properly, he knew he never should have played with her with such intensity knowing he had no time to help ease her from her melancholy.

  “I need to leave, lass. I have duties to attend to.” He took her by the shoulders and held her away from him. “I came to check on ye an to hold ye before I had to go. We have thins we need to discuss.”

  She looked at him and frowned not liking the possibilities.

  If he would only give her an idea of what it was they were going to ‘discuss’.

  She raised herself on tiptoe and tilted her face to his.

  Looking down on her flushed face, Aiden didn’t trust himself to stop at a kiss so he inhaled her scent as he placed his lips on her forehead, then stepped away.

  “I will send Keir up to keep guard on ye til I can return. All will be well.”

  Biting her lower lip, Skye just nodded and watched him leave.

  When the door closed behind him, she let go of the breath she was holding and looked around at the petals that littered the room and went about gathering them up and tossing them into the fire.

  When she was done, she made the bed and sat on the edge, her mind filled with fear that he was still going to send her home.

  If only she could just figure out what he meant by, ‘all will be well’.

  All will be well when she was gone?

  All will be well because she was staying?

  She had been so lost in her whirling thoughts that she jumped to her feet when a voice came out of nowhere.

  “He left ye too, aye?”

  Gasping in shock, Skye stood there staring in confusion at Riona who stood at the entrance to the adjoining room.

  “How did you get here?”

  “From the secret passage, of course.”

  “Of course. And how did you know of it?”

  “Aiden showed me.” Riona shrugged. “I know of the dungeon too.”

  “You do?”

  “There was a time when Aiden couldn’t get enough of me, he would bring me to that room and we would do things, then we would make the most passionate love.”

  Riona looked about the room then returned her gaze to glare at Skye.

  “I am sure you know of what I speak.”

  Skye mind was racing as she looked around making sure there were no more petals.

  “He brought you there and . . . and . . .”

  “Aye, many times.”

  Skye’s thoughts went crazy as Riona’s first words echoed in her head.

  He left you too.

  “He came to me earlier wanting to do it again but I told him only if he married me. He left angry.”

  Skye remembered seeing Aiden when he had walked out of the girl’s room and hated how pieces of the puzzle seemed to be fitting together. She shook her head, trying to clear it but she found herself falling back into the whirlwind of feelings she had before Aiden came into the room.

  “Why are you here now?”

  “I have decided to leave. I will no longer accept being used at his will, to be thrown away when another catches his eye. Then my man told me Aiden was sending ye away and I was appalled that he was already doing to ye what he had done to me and I thought to offer ye an escort.”

  Riona raised an eyebrow at Skye’s blank look.

  “Unless ye enjoy being used with no thought to yer reputation?”

  Was that what Aiden was doing to her? Using her when and how he wanted? He’d already told her she had to go home. Had he had sex with Riona while she was still captive and when he had seen that she’d been responsible for two men’s deaths that she wasn’t trustworthy, maybe even dangerous?

  Was that why he had gone to Riona earlier?

  To take her back after deciding Skye would be returned to the future?

  So why last night?

  Because Riona had probably turned him down, maybe even told him he had to marry her.

  Men hated ultimatums.

  Skye had never asked him to marry her but she had told him to keep her.

  Had begged even.

  And he hadn’t answered her plea last night.

  Why buy the cow?

  “Look, I am leaving, are ye coming or not?”

  Shaking her head, she tried to clear it of the confusion and fear.

  Skye didn’t want to leave him.

  Everything in her screamed to find him and beg him to keep her.

  Clenching her fists and shook her head. She had already begged and it had gotten her nowhere.

  What an idiot she was.

  Nodding decisively she made up her mind.

  “I would appreciate an escort. But only until we get far enough away then I will go my own way.”

  “Fine. We will give ye food when ye decide tis time to go yer separate way.”

  Skye followed Riona and watched her move the armoire and push the gargoyle, just as Aiden had and she was even more convinced that she was just one more in a long line of women Aiden had taken to his bed.

  Riona took a torch from the wall and went down the passageway, ignoring the entrance to the dungeon.

  “How did you get to his room this way?”

  “There’s a connection from a few of the rooms to this passageway.”

  They went down a steep stairway so narrow she imagined Aiden had to go sideways.

  “Did he ask you about being English?”

  “He has always known I was English.”

  “He did?”

  “Aye, but told me twould be easier to be accepted by the elders if I was Scotts. So my brother and I took on a Scottish accent.”

  Riona stopped and turned in the confined space, her eyes narrowed in anger.

  “He said he would marry me. I believed him and would have done anything for him.”

  Skye was shocked at the girl’s fierce look and for a moment, she thought she was speaking to a woman possessed.r />
  She hurried to catch up to Riona as she thought of the feelings she had been battling since waking up. Maybe these consuming thoughts wouldn’t pass as Aiden had assured her.

  The further they went the more Skye became concerned with her decision and it occurred to her just how rashly she had been.

  “Maybe I should have gotten dressed? Or put on shoes. My feet are freezing and the stones are wet.”

  “We cannot turn back now. We are almost at the end and need to be gone before they are finished with the tribunal. Ye can wear something of mine.”



  When Skye felt a breeze circling through the damp air, she knew they were close to the end and she suddenly doubted everything she was doing.

  “Why do we need to do this in secret? It’s not like we are prisoners.” She said when the ground leveled off.

  “For what? So he can convince ye to stay? He does that well. I cannot tell ye how many times I have returned with the assurance that he would protect my good name only to bed me again with nothing but empty promises.”

  They stepped out of the tunnel and Skye shaded her eyes from the sun.

  Riona turned to glare at her and Skye took a step back only to bump into something solid. She whipped her head back and saw the giant that was never far from Riona.

  “Tis because of ye that he has not married me. But he will. Once ye are gone, he will follow through with his promises and this land will be rightfully returned to me.”

  Skye glared and swung her fist, connecting satisfactorily with the other woman’s eye.

  “You lied to me!”

  Skye was yanked off her feet, her mouth stuffed with a smelly cloth as she was hauled away.

  A fricken broken record!

  That’s what she felt she was on.

  * * *

  “I knocked when I had no heard any noise for some time, an there was no answer. I thought she be sleepin but I grew concerned, so I opened the door an she wasna there.” Keir explained to Aiden after pulling him from listening to his tenant’s complaints.

  “Ye looked everywhere?”

  “Aye. Her gown be laid over a chair an the armoire moved to the side. I sent two men to the entrance an came directly here.”

  “Ye did right.” Aiden assured him.


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