More Than Chains To Bind

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More Than Chains To Bind Page 1

by Stevie Woods




  Amber Quill Press, LLC

  More Than Chains To Bind

  An Amber Quill Press Book

  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author's imagination, or have been used fictitiously.

  Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

  Amber Quill Press, LLC

  All rights reserved.

  No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

  Copyright © 2011 by Stevie Woods

  ISBN 978-1-61124-134-1

  Cover Art © 2011 Trace Edward Zaber

  Published in the United States of America

  Also by Stevie Woods

  Best Policy

  A Favor For A Friend

  Lightning Strikes

  Other Worlds

  Chapter 1

  I held up the clothes I was expected to wear for the upcoming feast. How had I ever allowed myself to be talked into this? I heard a slight sound behind me and squashed the sigh that wanted out. I knew damn well how it happened. Liander had but to raise his eyes to me, and I was putty in his hands. Liander's hands on my body...if only it was more than simple words. Or my hands on his body. I would like nothing better than to put my hands on his body, and I didn't mean when I taught him how to protect himself or how to keep his body in good order. Determined to put such thoughts out of my head, I glanced again at the outfit provided by Antell.

  The village patriarch was fascinated by Liander's interest in the history of the coastal people, and now it was time for Liander to end his visit, Antell had come up with a special way to say goodbye. In celebration of Liander's leave-taking, Antell suggested a traditional Calmast feast, something that had not been seen for almost five hundred years. Not surprisingly, Liander had been delighted at the suggestion, including the idea of dressing up in clothes similar to what the coastal folk had worn back then. Liander agreed in my name, too. I'd growled at him in mock anger, but he knew me well enough to appreciate my bark was worse than my bite. Not that he had any need to consult me anyhow; his word was mine to obey.

  The clothing consisted of short-length pants, which fit snugly, reaching to just above the knee, leaving the lower leg bare. On our feet we were to wear sandals with crisscross strapping up to mid calf. The top half of the outfit was a long, sleeveless tunic in the same snug-fitting material. There was no way anything could be worn underneath the outfit. The women had been working non-stop for a week to produce outfits in a variety of natural colors and shades--green, brown, grey, blue and a vibrant orange.

  The outfit was considerably more restrictive than the loose clothing we normally wore, and I was somewhat dubious about wearing it, mostly because the clingy material delineated every line and curve of the body. While I wasn't too bad in that department, some of the villagers were quite definitely an eyeful. Which was when it had dawned on me I'd also get to see some of Liander's curves similarly displayed, and I'd readily grabbed the outfit I was given.

  Liander's voice drifted from behind the screen where he was changing. "I wonder whose idea it was my costume should be blue?"

  "I don't know," I replied, looking at mine in a mixture of dark and light grey, which seemed rather bland in comparison. With Andim still fussing over the fit of his tunic, Liander stepped out then, and I found it hard to take my eyes off him.

  "Enough, Andim," Liander said, brushing the man's hands away.

  "But, My Lord," Andim protested, his hands reaching again for his master, though at a sharp look from Liander he backed off.

  Liander noted my perusal and, glancing down at himself, he asked, "Do I look acceptable?"

  Acceptable? He looked positively edible. The clothing clung to him like a second skin showing every muscle, plane, hollow and curve of his body. What it didn't cover was showed off to perfection, particularly the muscular arms normally hidden by our usual clothing.

  Unfortunately, the long tunic, cut in such a way that it flared more loosely from the waist, hid the curves of his ass, which I had particularly hoped to ogle. Spoilsports, was my first thought 'til I considered that, if the ass was so clearly displayed, so would be the family jewels and, while I had no compunction at all at having a look at Liander's, I had no wish for him to see mine. Might reveal too much. No, it was better this way, unfortunately!

  "Hollis?" Liander frowned, glancing down at himself again.

  "Yes, you look fine," I said.

  "Excellent," he said, smiling. "You look good, too," he added.

  I almost dismissed the comment as no more than a polite response until I noticed the appreciative gleam in his eyes as he studied me, which made me feel better at having to wear the outfit.

  "If you'd just allow me to straighten the shoulder seam, My Lord?" Andim edged closer again.

  Liander sighed. "How many times must I ask you to stop calling me that?"

  "Would you prefer I addressed you as Your Highness?" Andim asked with a perfectly straight face.

  "Hollis, remind me never to bring him again."

  "Rest assured, I will."

  Andim grumbled under his breath, but his words could still be heard. "No other man worthy of the title prince would behave so." If it wasn't for the gleam in his eye, and that I knew Andim doted on his prince, I'd have taken Andim outside and thrashed the man.

  Prince Liander had wanted to visit this small backwater on the south coast so he could check some of his historical research, but he hadn't wanted to be bothered with all the trappings of being a member of the ruling house on the trip; he'd merely wanted to be a scholar. He'd enjoyed himself immensely among the coastal folk, and I'd had fun watching him be happy.

  To the simple villagers, Prince Liander was a most revered guest, not just because he was a member of the ruling family, but because he was a learned scholar aware of things beyond their understanding, who was willing to explain anything to any villager who wished to enquire. Liander had spent almost two months with them and his generous nature had gained immense favor in their eyes, and they were sorry to see him leave.

  Me? I was glad to be able to take him home where I knew he would be safe. They were the thoughts of Prince Liander's Guardian; he was a big part of my personality, but he's not all that I am. The other part, the personal part, wanted to keep Liander safe because he was important to me.

  The women of the village had prepared the feast, but, as per the traditions of the time we were recreating, they were not allowed to attend. The village meeting hall had been strewn with banners in the colors of the royal court, decorated at intervals with garlands of the national flower. In the fashion of the olden times, the feast was laid out on vibrantly colored rush mats surrounding the huge fire pit in the center of the hall, and the guests were to sit on cushions rather than chairs. I decided it would either be lots of fun or decidedly uncomfortable.

  So, as dusk approached, other than the few scattered guards and the very old or the sick, every man of the village was in attendance sitting or reclining as he ate, drank and definitely made merry in honor of their favored guest and his small retinue. I knew it was really Liander they were honoring, but that was as it should be. Liander had been given the place of honor at the right hand side of the village headman, and I had been seated opposite him on the other side of the fire
pit. I had considered demanding a change of place, but Liander had given me one of his studied gazes and, without words, I understood he wished his Guardian not to cause problems when the kind and generous Antell meant only to honor his guest.

  Squirming as I tried to get comfortable whilst squatting on the rather lumpy cushions, I caught my prince's eye for a moment, and Liander grinned at me. I shrugged back at him and lifted my eyebrow before dropping my eyes to the plate in front of me. After a moment, I risked another glance in his direction to see Liander once again deep in conversation with Antell. The old man had been fascinated with Liander from the moment we'd first arrived here.

  Can't say I blame him. I'd been fascinated with my charge for far too long and I didn't even have the excuse of an in-depth discussion of the history and culture of these people as compared to their city-dwelling counterparts of the interior. My fascination with Liander was of a much more personal nature and not something I was able to discuss with him or anyone else.

  I'd been struggling with this for some time now, running from the depth of my feelings, even feeling anger at him for being the object of a love I never knew I was capable of. Could I ever have been a greater fool? Now I had come to accept my feelings, to embrace them, but I didn't know what to do about them. I wanted to tell him--he deserved to know what he meant to me--yet how could I ever tell him? He was my prince and I... I was nothing more than a soldier.

  Watching him, beautiful, compassionate, so full of life, I had never felt more alone. As if he knew he was being watched, Liander suddenly turned and looked at me, a brilliant smile flashing across his features and lighting him up from within. I almost gasped at the vision; instead, I quickly smiled back at him. For a moment, his smile faltered, and I wondered if he'd seen more than I meant him to when, suddenly, he smiled again. I wanted that smile to be just for me because I made him feel that good. Oh, how I wished I could tell him how I felt about him, how he made me feel... But I had his friendship and that was almost as special.

  The celebration was getting more boisterous now. The locals brewed a pretty potent beer and they kept everyone's mug full. On purpose, I had only drunk a little of it. I needed all my attention on Liander, not because I had any reason to believe he was in any danger among these people, but because I wanted to get him home as soon as I could. I really wanted to begin our journey back to the capital first thing in the morning. I noticed Liander hadn't drunk much of the stuff either. He'd eaten a little of each fish dish, some of the fruit and some of the sweet bread which was a staple food of these people, but he'd not drunk much at all. Perhaps he just wanted to get home, too.

  I noticed quite a lot of movement up and down the table as the atmosphere became more relaxed. One rather large, well-built young man, Fortil, pushed in between Liander and Antell and plopped down, almost falling over onto Liander's lap until Liander pushed him upright again. I had good reason to remember Fortil from the first day of our arrival because he'd seemed intent on proving he was a match for the prince's Guardian. Of course, I had soon disabused him of that error. I kept my eyes on Liander, ready to take any necessary action.

  Antell was now involved in a heated discussion with the man on the other side of him, and Fortil leaned in toward Liander and began speaking very close to his ear. Liander had gone out of his way when he first arrived to insist the villagers didn't treat him differently than any other visitor, indeed that they should forget he was a prince. Most people had taken that in the spirit it was intended, but, of course, there was always one who would take advantage of such an offer.

  If Fortil tried to get any closer he'd be sitting in Liander's lap, and I felt my temper rising, mostly because of the uncomfortable expression on Liander's face. It wasn't because I was feeling jealous, truly. It was justifiable ire on my friend's behalf. Liander would go out of his way to avoid a disagreement, but before too long, he was sending out signals of annoyance.

  Liander could have stood on his true status and demanded Fortil abase himself, but he forbore to do so as he had invited the villagers to treat him as an equal. Besides which, Liander was naturally a self-effacing character who found it difficult to behave in such a lofty manner at the best of times. Under no such restraint myself, I was about to get to my feet and inform Fortil, politely or otherwise, to get out of Liander's personal space, when it happened.

  Armed men abruptly filled the village meeting hall with speed and efficiency, seeming to come from nowhere. Not even my experience had allowed me to hear a thing. I leapt to my feet, intending to make for the weapons I had stored by the main entrance, only to stand as still as a statue when a lienda was thrust directly in my face even as Liander's yell of warning echoed in my ears.

  I kept perfectly still, except for allowing my eyes to meet Liander's across the thick colorfully woven mats surrounding the huge fire pit in the centre of the hall.

  Chapter 2

  I was pretty relieved Hollis was sitting on the other side of the room as this moron leaned in closer to me, whispering a particularly crude suggestion I was sure even Fortil would never express if he wasn't drunk. Hollis was always very protective of me, but over the last couple of months he'd become rather "cave man" about it. I should have been angry at his attitude, but the truth was, I was reveling in it. In an unspoken language he'd made his feelings about me quite clear. I just wish he'd put it into words, but I didn't know if he ever would.

  I wasn't even sure if he realized--or perhaps "accepted" would be a better way of putting it--his feelings for me. As far as I was concerned, his jealousy was obvious, though I doubted it was apparent to anyone else. The main problem was the difference in our stations. Not for me. Lords of Creation, I knew of no one better, more noble, more worthy than Hollis, but I also knew he would see our comparative positions as an insurmountable barrier. I had to find a way to make him understand I not only welcomed his interest, but desired it.

  I may be a prince of the ruling house of Tesla, but I had never been in direct line to the throne. I have two older brothers, both married with issue now. My position in the royal family was of such insufficient value that, with a little persuasion, my father had agreed I could make this trip to the coast with only a small retinue. The king had made just one proviso, one with which I had been happy to comply: I listen to Hollis implicitly as my Guardian and obey, without question, any of his suggestions regarding my security. I had also chosen to bring along Andim as a valet-cum-general factotum. I still wondered if Hollis understood how little my role really mattered in the scheme of things. I remained his prince, and he had made my safety his whole world.

  Just then, I caught Hollis' eye and I knew from his forbidding expression that Fortil was about to get a visit from a very pissed off Guardian. In that moment, I decided as soon as we were out of here and back home I would invite an off-duty Hollis to my rooms and have a long talk with him. I'd had enough of living a half-life. I wanted more; I wanted everything. I wanted Hollis.

  And then, in a split second, everything changed.

  With no warning whatever, a group of armed men surrounded us. I didn't recognize who they were, but somehow I knew they were powerful--and dangerous. My attention had been momentarily drawn away from Hollis and, with a sense of foreboding, I quickly looked back at him just as he launched himself to his feet. In the same instant, I also saw one of the invaders bring up a lienda and aim it directly at Hollis. My heart pounded in my chest. One blast from that weapon and my Guardian would be dead.

  "Hollis!" I yelled, damned relieved when I saw him freeze, held by the threat of the weapon and perhaps the panic in my voice.

  Then another voice cut across the many murmurs and shouted questions flowing around the room.

  "Quiet! Who is in charge here?" The voice belonged to a tall man and his demand was met with silence. He wore a smarter version of the clothing worn by the invaders, charcoal grey trousers topped by a black jacket fastened with two rows of small buttons. He had long black hair, which he wore loos
ely, and dark eyes that glittered coldly as he waited for an answer.

  Stepping forward, Antell spoke up. "I'm patriarch of the tribe of the seven villages."

  "Listen well!" He faced Antell, but the man's words were loud enough for all to hear. "If you obey and cause us no problems, we'll take what we wish and leave you unharmed. If you disobey, we'll take what we wish and kill the others. Choose!"

  "What is it you want?" Antell asked.

  The stranger smiled, but there was no humor in it. "The young, strong and healthy. We will choose those we wish."

  * * * *

  Oh Lords of Creation, Liander. The man had just described my prince.

  Liander must have known the danger he was in, too, because he looked at me and with everything he was--without a word, merely by the power of his personality--he told me not to interfere. He believed he knew me so damned well, and in most things he did, but did he actually think I could ever obey that silent demand? It wasn't in me; I'd die to protect him. Didn't he know that? Then with one more look at him, I realized he knew exactly that and he didn't want me to risk my life for him. I held his gaze.

  One of the invaders grabbed him by the shoulder and twisted him around to look him over. He also glanced at Fortil.

  "These two," he called to someone behind him, and I saw another of them move forward carrying a thick bar from which chains and manacles were hanging.

  I watched in growing horror as one end of a chain was manacled to Fortil's right ankle while the other was attached to Liander's left.

  "No! Let him be," I yelled instinctively, my eyes fixed on the tableau across the room from me.

  The leader, who had been standing idly by at the head of the table, swung around at the sound of my voice, even as Antell stood and said sharply, "Hollis!" I glared at the headman, understanding his position and trusting he understood mine. I was Guardian to a prince of the ruling house.


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