More Than Chains To Bind

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More Than Chains To Bind Page 4

by Stevie Woods

  It was easier if the partner in chains helped with the fastenings, and when Ledo slipped the bars through my tunic, I couldn't help but feel his fingers brush my naked flesh underneath. I was assailed with images of Fortil's clumsy fingers enjoying the touch of Liander's silken skin. If I'd been witness to what I knew Fortil would try and I could have put my hands on him, I would've killed him. Not for touching Liander; in such circumstances, that may have been impossible to avoid, I understood. Say Ledo had been chained to Liander, I wouldn't have felt like this, but Fortil was no Ledo. He would abuse his proximity to Liander with zeal; it would be like a gift from the Lords for him.

  "You are concerned for Liander, yes? Lords, I must remember to call him Lian now." Ledo's voice broke into my thoughts. He didn't speak very often unless I asked him questions. Whenever he volunteered something, it had been important. This casual question wasn't like him.

  "Yes, we must call him Lian, you're right. And no, I don't trust Fortil," I said quickly, unsure how he would react.

  "I was unhappy when they linked Lian to him. Fortil is a bully and thinks highly of himself because he's the nephew of Antell. I heard Antell speak sharply to Fortil about his attitude to our honored guest." Ledo smiled at me. "I like Lian; he never acted any different, never expected anything other than a wish to talk to us, ask questions and learn from us."

  I smiled. "Oh yes, that's Liander all right."

  "I think it was also Fortil's problem. I think he expected something more, something special from a prince of the royal house."

  "Liander is special," I muttered under my breath, but Ledo heard me and smiled.

  "Yes he is, too special for such a selfish one as Fortil to see. It made Fortil angry and I think a little jealous. He couldn't understand why everyone flocked around Lian."

  "You said he was jealous, but he seems...interested in Lian," I asked cautiously. I wasn't too sure how village society reacted to sexual attraction between members of the same gender. Even in the capital city, such relationships met with a wide variety of reactions. It was legal, but not everyone approved of it. I suppose the best description was that it was tolerated. There was no specific reference to it in the writings of the Lords of Creation, which made the whole subject open to opinion, and opinion had varied wildly over the centuries. The present attitude of the religious was, at best, ambivalent.

  "I know. Another aspect of his character Antell had caused to reprimand him for--"

  "You mean Antell finds such tendencies unacceptable," I interrupted.

  "No, no. We are all as the Lords of Creation made us. No, Fortil was a bully in every sense of the word. He...wanted a young man who wasn't so inclined, and he tried to use his family connections as pressure. The young man's family complained, and Antell intervened and stopped it. Fortil was chastised, though I wonder how many others Fortil did this to without it reaching his uncle's ear," Ledo finished thoughtfully.

  "Thanks for telling me, but I'm not sure you've done me any favors," I admitted.

  He ducked his head and mumbled an apology, unconsciously reminding me so much of Liander at his nervous best.

  "No, I'm sorry." I sighed. "You were only trying to help. I wish I could do something about it," I said unhappily. "If he were to...try something, would any of the others interfere?"

  Ledo frowned and said slowly, "I don't think so. Most of them"--he paused as he grinned deprecatingly--"most of us have experienced Fortil's bullying at some time, but I also think that, because of Lian's position, they may not think he needs help from them."

  I had to trust Liander could look out for himself, but it didn't stop me torturing myself with a myriad of images.

  Chapter 5

  The guards had stayed in the room as the women came to drop off our new clothing before they moved among us cutting our tunics from us. Then the women left, taking the scraps of our old clothes with them as the guards told us to remove everything else. Even though I'd been expecting this, it was no less unwelcome to hear the actual words. I felt as if even circumstance was thrusting me into Fortil's path.

  With a sigh, I began to pull off the pants, while waiting for Fortil's first comment. It didn't take long.

  "My, my, it was worth waiting for. You sure have got a nice backside. I'd like nothing better than to shove this in deep," he taunted. He hesitated, waiting, I suppose, for me to turn and look at his cock, but I did not intend to pander to him. "Come have to want to know what's waiting for you," he insisted.

  He didn't like to be ignored and walked in front of me. "Not bad, not bad at all." He looked at my cock, laying limply between my legs, before lifting his gaze to my face, saying with a smirk, "Mine, though, that's something different."

  Damn the man, and damn my innate curiosity! My eyes flicked down to look at him and I had to admit to myself that his erection, standing out proudly from his body, was pretty impressive. I lifted my eyes to his face again and let my disdain show, grateful my own cock didn't react at all.

  "If you like that kind of thing," I said, wishing I had Hollis' gift for instantaneous sarcastic response because I couldn't think of anything better to say. "And remember what I said about what I'd do to your fingers? It goes double for cocks." I smiled at him and not in a good way. "You'd be surprised what I know."

  Fortil frowned, puzzled where I was going with this, I suppose, but he didn't say anything, which was a good thing as I wasn't quite sure where I was headed myself. A little exaggeration wouldn't go amiss right now, I thought. "I've spent my whole life studying and, though I say so myself, the depth of my knowledge is extraordinary. You know, it's quite remarkable what secrets one can discover in ancient texts. There was a society once whose citizens prided themselves on their stoicism, on their ability to withstand anything, any form of torture, physical or mental. To them, the ultimate torture success was what they could stand being done to their private parts. Lords, some of the stories I could tell you..."

  The guards interrupted me then, ordering us to move over to the pool. I think, judging by his expression, Fortil was relieved I shut up.

  We were ordered into the pool to wash ourselves, and I kept myself as far from Fortil as our chained wrists would allow. Some of the others washed their partners using the flat stones and the rough cloths provided, while others saw to their own needs.

  Fortil made a snide remark about washing my back, and I turned just as his chained hand reached out to touch my buttocks. Without thinking, I grabbed his wrist and twisted sharply. Fortil had to twist and turn to avoid it being broken. When his back was to me, I lifted my free hand to a point between his neck and shoulder.

  "I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen," I said calmly.

  He snarled and tried to twist out of my grip. I twisted his wrist a fraction more, and he stiffened.

  "You think your wrist is in the most danger, yes? But if I press just here"--I demonstrated by pushing on the pressure point between neck and shoulder Hollis had shown me. "You feel the tingling? Now, if I press feel that? It hurts, yes? I'm in a reasonably good mood considering I'm chained to you, otherwise I could bear down harder still, and you'd lose the use of your arm and not just your wrist."

  "Release him!"

  I looked up into the face of a guard and the muzzle of his weapon. I let go of Fortil and lifted my hands clear so there could be no mistake of my intentions.

  Fortil swung round angrily and I thought, for a second, he really would attempt to strike me. He only got control of himself at the command of the guard.

  "Keep your anger for the training. You'll need it," the guard advised as he turned away.

  Fortil stalked out of the pool, dragging me with him. I grabbed up my towel as I passed. He stopped at our chosen spot near the column and dropped to his knees, stark naked and making no attempt to either dry himself or get dressed.

  The chain between us was not very long, so I was forced down beside him. I attempted to dry myself as best as I could. Then I tried t
o pull on the clothes they had given us. I was one-handed as I had little control over my left arm, with Fortil resolutely keeping his right hand resting on his thigh. Though it was difficult to pull the pants on, I managed. Then I wondered how the hell I was supposed to put the tunic on over our joined wrists until I noticed another pair nearby helping to fasten each other's tunic along the side seams. I dropped the tunic over my head and then struggled one-handed to fasten the right side by shoving the short bars into the loops.

  Suddenly, I felt fingers fiddling with the other seam and looked over to find Fortil had edged closer to me and was now trying to slide one of the bars into the loop. I quickly pulled away as his fingers brushed my skin causing me to shiver in revulsion at the contact.

  Giving me a grin I could only interpret as lewd, he said, "Merely trying to help. I could see how much of a struggle it was for you."

  "Thanks," I said snidely, "but I'd rather struggle."

  He let out of a bark of laughter. "Oh, yeah, I'd rather watch you struggle, too!"

  Bastard! I was faced with spending the night attempting to sleep alongside this Neanderthal. Lords, I hoped they'd leave a couple of guards inside with us; he might just behave then...maybe. Otherwise, I thought I might have to spend the night protecting my "virtue"--oh joy!

  * * * *

  I spent an awful night trying not to worry about Liander and trying to get some sleep, only I didn't get much sleep for worrying about Liander... If he knew he'd probably be furious with me, telling me he was fine. Fine! That must be the most used word in my prince's vocabulary, which was saying quite a lot. Point is, Liander has never liked it when I get concerned about him, but I can't help the fact that I love him. I so wished I could show him.

  I prayed to the Lords of Creation that bastard Fortil hadn't tried to show Liander what he wanted to do to him.

  It looked as if I would soon get to find out as the guards were herding us outside after our so-called breakfast. It had consisted of some kind of sweet bread with a strip of dried meat and a bowl of thick oatmeal-like stuff which tasted remarkably like burnt toast, all washed down with a drink of what I assumed was some type of fruit juice. I forced the lot down because it was important to keep my strength up. One never knew when an opportunity to escape might present itself.

  I had noticed Ledo looking askance at the rather unappetizing food. "Eat up, Ledo. You need to keep up your strength."

  He scowled, but began to eat somewhat grudgingly. After a minute or so, he said, "I'm not really keen on helping Cor'lyn turn me into a fighter."

  "I understand, but it's wise to keep yourself in the best possible condition. One never knows what the future might hold." I didn't go as far as mentioning my hopes of escape.

  He smiled at me and gave a slight bow. "I'd forgotten for a time you're a Guardian."

  Before I realized it, we were back in the arena under the hot sun, and the guards made us get into a line again. I maneuvered it so Ledo and I were on the end of the line nearest the centre of the arena so I would be as near to Liander as I could get. The gate to his hall hadn't opened yet, and I waited with growing impatience for him to be brought out. Just as I was getting worried something must be wrong to cause the delay--something maybe involving Liander and the slimy bastard, Fortil--the gate swung open and out they came.

  Relief washed through me to see Liander looking fine, striding out like he owned the place. Then I had to squash the desire to laugh out loud as I noticed the distinctly awkward gait of Fortil. Obviously, I need not have worried at all. Clearly, Liander knew precisely how to look after himself. I had done my job well. I caught his eye, cocked my head at Fortil's obvious delicate condition and grinned. He raised an eyebrow and then bit his lower lip in an effort not to laugh.

  His group was pushed into line alongside ours, and Liander made sure he was at the end of his line so he was only standing a few feet away from me.

  In the confusion as the guards shoved the rest of his group into place, I quietly called over to him. "Everything okay then?"

  "Eventually, when he learned his lesson." He grinned.

  "Oh, I'm so proud." I laughed.

  "You should be...I used your techniques. The pressure points were quite useful."

  "Yeah, I don't remember teaching you a pressure point in that particular place, though."

  "Ah, no, it was something I learned during my student days. Shalio taught me a method to prolong pleasure. Of course, too much pleasure..."


  Just then, from the gate at the far end where the women had been taken yesterday, Cor'lyn entered the arena and the guards demanded obedience and silence. I noticed a lot more guards than I had seen before, all armed with liendas, placed at regular intervals along the platform set up high inside the surrounding wall. I assumed our training was going to begin, presumably with weapons of some kind for all the precautions they seemed to be taking.

  Cor'lyn took up a position in front of us nicely lined up slaves and started talking, but I tuned out Mr. Tall-good-looking as I mulled over what Liander had casually thrown into the conversation. Did he mean what I thought he meant? Or was I reading more into his comment because of what I wanted it to mean? Shalio had taught him in his student days? Who the hell was Shalio and what had he taught the young Liander--about prolonging pleasure?

  Lords, was it possible? Had it been innocent talk between two young men or perhaps bravado? Could it have been much more? Was there a message for me in that oh-so-casual remark?

  Was I being more of a stupid bastard than usual?

  I just didn't know. I'd already decided to tell Liander how I felt before everything had gone to hell in a hand-basket. I'd been trying to convince myself for a while that I'd seen something in his eyes, in his attitude recently, but I wasn't certain. Could it be he'd sensed something of my...attitude, too? Maybe he decided to send me a signal? Perhaps he thought we might be stuck here--and I had to admit it was a distinct possibility--and he needed me to know?

  I could see that because, if we were going to be captives here indefinitely, I wanted him to know how I felt. I knew it was a quite likely we could be separated and never allowed to see each other again, and all at once it was damned important to me he knew I cared. Even if I could never show him, I wanted him to know. Yet how could I let him know? No way could I say it out loud. Why the hell had that bastard Cor'lyn separated us in the first place?

  Almost as if he knew I was thinking about him, Cor'lyn came over and stood right in front of me. I'd not heard a damned thing he said since he'd come striding in through the main gate and I had the distinct impression I'd missed something important.

  "Perhaps we should start with you," he said to me. "You have some experience, I think. Now who should we pair you with?"

  Ah, so I was to fight. Well, so be it, I could look after myself.

  One of the guards came forward and removed my manacle, separating me from Ledo. I looked down at my wrist for a second, surprised to find myself free. Then I realized it would be somewhat difficult to train us chained together, not impossible maybe, but why make things harder than they need be? After all, they had enough guards to watch over us.

  He glanced over at Liander, and I was torn between wanting Cor'lyn to choose Liander for me to fight with--it might give us a chance to talk--and not wanting it to be Liander, just in case it wasn't to be a simple demonstration.

  Cor'lyn also looked Fortil over until one of the guards came and whispered something into Cor'lyn's ear, at which he laughed, then said to Liander, "I knew there was more to you than just a pretty face and that...body." He leaned very close to Liander as he spoke and, though I could only just hear the words, the tone was unmistakable.

  I saw the expression of distaste on his face as Liander pulled back slightly, and Cor'lyn laughed as he moved on, studying the other men lined up before him. Then Liander flicked his eyes in my direction. I sucked in a breath for suddenly it was all there, there in those very expressive eyes and tel
ling expression; he was letting me see it. He was telling me with everything but words. Everything I'd ever wanted, hoped, dreamed of and prayed for, was mine for the taking. I met his gaze with one of my own, trying to let him see inside my soul, letting him know everything I was, everything I ever wanted to be, was just for him. I knew he understood when the ghost of a smile touched his lips.

  Chapter 6

  I thought for a moment I'd blown it when I carelessly mentioned Shalio, but all I saw in Hollis' eyes was curiosity, followed closely by his detailed mental dissection of my statement. A slip of the type I had made would be looked at from every angle and I saw the frustration as Cor'lyn interrupted Hollis' deliberation. I doubt if he'd heard a single word Cor'lyn had said. I suspected that was the reason Cor'lyn picked Hollis out as his first "victim" in his little demonstration. Not that I was worried about Hollis having to fight without any warning; the man could fight in his sleep.

  I think I might owe Cor'lyn for what he did next, though, with perfect timing after my little gaff. The look Cor'lyn gave me; those words he spoke so close to my ear...I could swear I actually saw smoke coming out of Hollis' ears! I decided--no, that's not true, I never made a decision at all--it was just...time; the natural progression of what I felt and what I saw in Hollis. I let down all those walls I had erected. I opened up my heart and soul and I knew he would understand. And, oh Lords, didn't he just. If I'd had the slightest doubt about his feelings for me, it'd just been ground into the dust. He let me see everything as, in the blink of eye, I saw the truth and it warmed my heart. Whatever the future held, at least I had that. Close to my heart I held that truth; the man I loved, loved me.

  I felt the smile tug at my mouth, but I quickly quashed it as I saw Cor'lyn moving back down the line. I knew it would be a mistake to add to the suspicions he already had about Hollis and me. Not that I believed for a moment Cor'lyn had any idea of our emotional attachment, but it was clear he suspected there was some link between us.


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