More Than Chains To Bind

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More Than Chains To Bind Page 7

by Stevie Woods

  Fuck, this is so not the time for me to get hard. Englo wants me back in the wrestling square. Think of something, quick. Fortil naked? Hell no, that just makes me hard with a need to commit violence.

  * * * *

  Fortil has been watching me every second since they locked us in our hall. Seeing we're chained together, what the hell did I expect? However, every other night he had purposely kept his gaze away from me. This evening, he was sitting on the lip of the pool after taking his bath and waiting for me to finish mine. His constant staring was making me very uncomfortable, which was his intention, I'm sure. I could feel his eyes assessing me, running up and down my body, lingering on my genitals and butt. I couldn't let him know it was unsettling to me, so I plastered a blank expression on my face while I washed my body.

  When I was finished, I started over to the bundles of fresh clothing left for us every evening after our bath when all of a sudden I was yanked back by my wrist chain, only just managing to keep myself from falling. I turned to see Fortil still sitting on the pool wall, one foot on the wall, the other on the floor, exposing himself for my benefit. I lifted my gaze to stare at his free hand gripping his chain as he grinned at me.

  I raised my eyebrows and simply said, "Clothes."

  He lifted the chain and gave it a little shake. The bastard wanted me to try to pull him, knowing the odds were his greater bulk would make it very difficult. I had no intention of falling for his stupid mind game.

  Keeping my eyes on him, I raised my voice, "Clothes!"

  One of the guards stood from his leaning position against the back wall, took in our little tableau and yelled in a bored voice, "Fortil!"

  Fortil wasn't stupid enough to buck the guards, especially after seeing what happened to Canto, so he made a pantomime of dropping the chain, rising to his feet and giving me a scornful bow. Then he marched over and grabbed a handful of clothing so I had to hurry to grab my clothes before he tugged me to our usual place near one of the columns.

  I turned my back on him and, using the column for support, began to pull on my clothes; I'd gotten quite efficient at it now, even one-handed.

  Suddenly I felt a hand on my back and I froze for a second before I pulled away, not bothering to hide my shudder. "Take your hands off me!"

  "Hush now, Lian. Don't make a fuss...I just want to talk quietly," Fortil whispered in my ear. "I know your secret, and if you want it to stay secret, then you have to pay my price," he said with a decided smirk.

  "And what secret is that?" I asked, buying time to think. Which secret was he referring to? My title or my feelings for Hollis?

  "Hollis. You and Hollis. Don't think Cor'lyn would like that."

  "But you think he won't mind about you?"

  "He isn't going to know about me. You won't tell him, and I sure won't."

  "I won't?" I smiled. "I don't think you've thought this through. Your only threat to me is that Cor'lyn will be angry, upset, whatever, because of my...relationship with Hollis. So, why would I give in to you when the only result would be Cor'lyn would be angry, upset, whatever, because of you? I don't think that's a very good argument, do you?"

  "You won't tell him, for your sake," he said confidently. "He wants you; he will treat you good."

  "Ah, but I would tell him." I moved into his personal space until our noses were almost touching. "Treat me good? Fuck that! Cor'lyn might want me, but I don't want him any more than I want you. Why the hell do I care what he thinks when he's already told me he's going to buy me, own me." I placed a hand against his chest. "Understand this...I will never, ever give it up to anyone without a fight. Haven't I made that clear enough yet?" I shoved him away, and he crashed into the column.

  I struggled into my tunic, hand shaking a little with the adrenaline rush. He had slid to the ground still leaning back against the column, still totally naked, as he glared at me. I lay down as far from him as the chain would allow, turned my back on him, wrapped myself in my blanket and put him out of my mind.

  The only time I was really at peace, except for those few precious minutes during the food break, was when I lay quiet at night. I allowed my mind to wander, always about Hollis. I remembered many times when we had bickered, times when we had sparred and I had struggled to beat him. I never did, of course. I saw that tension now as sexually based. It had always been there, but we poor fools had just been too blind to see it. So many memories, so much fodder for dreams. Dreams that maybe began in memory, but ended in fantasy.

  I don't know why, but I think Hollis would be a wonderful kisser and I do so love to kiss. I think it's so intimate. He knows how fond I have become of Begla fruit, so I imagined he brought me some and fed it to me, then he leaned in to taste it on my tongue. It was wonderfully erotic as he licked behind my teeth and the roof of my mouth before finally wrapping his tongue around mine and sucking it into his mouth. The juice of the Begla is so sweet, and Hollis dribbled some on my chest. He stroked the sticky substance around my nipples, then drew it down my sternum to circle my belly button. It was so arousing.

  I took hold of his wrist, pulled his hand up to my mouth and sucked his sticky fingers one by one, cleaning them with my tongue. He moaned softly, and I finished with a quick kiss to each fingertip. He took my mouth in a passionate kiss before pulling away with a gasp. He smiled and then leaned down to lick the juice off my nipples, sucking and laving first one, then the other until I was writhing under his ministrations.

  He put one hand on a hip to hold me steady as he licked his way down my chest, nipping my skin gently between licks. When he reached my belly button, he licked and sucked away the sticky stuff until his tongue was stabbing in and out of me, and I was moaning in anticipation of being taken for the first time by the man I loved.

  He picked up another fruit, and I was begging him to take me.

  "Patience, patience," he murmured, stroking the soft fruit along my rock hard cock. I was thrashing my head from side to side and moaning his name as he licked the thick, sweet substance off before taking me deep into his mouth. I'd never experienced anything like it as waves of sensation rolled through me and just when I thought I couldn't take any more, I felt his fingers slide underneath me and a finger circle my entrance, pushing against the muscle. I bucked up into his mouth, crying out as my orgasm tore through me.

  He took it all, every drop, just kept sucking until I was empty. I was gasping for breath, trying to tell him how much I loved him when he released me, licked his lips and smiled. He moved up my body and kissed me. I was fascinated to taste myself on his tongue.

  "Oh Hollis, that was wonderful. Your turn. Do you want me?"

  "Want you? God, do you know how long I've wanted you?"

  I was drowning in his kisses and I never wanted to surface.

  "I've dreamed of taking you," he gasped out between kisses.

  "Oh Lords, yes, anything, anything."

  I felt a tug on my wrist and I was moving with Hollis--but it wasn't Hollis. It was Fortil pulling on the chain as he moved and my wonderful fantasy faded in the darkness of my reality.

  I feared my fantasies were all I would ever have.

  * * * *

  It was a warm night and it felt wonderful to stand under the cool rain. I watched as the water cascaded over Liander's naked body and I couldn't stop my hands from reaching out and smoothing down his back in long, sweeping strokes. I loved the feel of his skin beneath my fingers, supple and pliant covering his beautiful body. I traced his well-defined muscles and watched as his corded tendons flexed, arching against my caresses.

  Liander looked back at me over his shoulder, gave a small half-smile before stepping away from me. Never breaking eye contact, he walked over to a large iven tree, reaching out to lean his hands on the thick bark. After a last look at me, he dropped his head between his outstretched arms. Oh Creation, what a perfect invitation.

  I moved in behind him and kissed him below the ear before I murmured, "I adore you." I kissed the nape of his neck, and
Liander moaned. I slipped one hand around to tease an erect nipple before releasing it to brush my hand across his abdomen, then taking hold of his waist. I dropped my other hand lower into his cleft, feeling for his opening, sliding a finger inside and getting him ready for me. I slipped in a second finger, sought out his prostate and grinned when he bucked.

  "Bastard," he whimpered.

  "Yes, but you still want me, don't you?" I teased as I nudged his entrance with my engorged cock.

  "Oh yes. Don't tease, Hollis, please."

  Holding his hips, I pushed in, waited for him to adjust and then slid in the rest of the way. The rain was still falling, dripping down onto us through the thick canopy of the Iven tree. I watched as the water ran down his spine and I leaned in to lick it off his back reveling in the special taste of his velvety skin. Suddenly his muscles gripped me, and I groaned at the sensation.

  I got the hint and pulled out, only to slam back inside him. He lifted his hips a little and panted out, "More, harder, Hollis. I want to feel you pound into my heart."

  Oh Creation, but I loved this man; had never felt like this with anyone before. I did as he asked, set up a hard, fast rhythm and pounded into him. I felt his body shuddering as I hit his sweet spot, pulling out and thrusting in again and again until I was pouring all my love into him as my orgasm ripped through me.

  Awakening with a moan as I climaxed over my own stomach, I almost cried out with frustration because once again it had only been a fantasy. As wonderful as it had been, it left me feeling empty.

  I wanted him so badly, yet each day he seemed to be drifting farther away from me as the auction approached and I had no idea how we could escape. We were just too well guarded. Even if we weren't chained to other people, we were locked in separate halls. We were guarded inside the halls and the arena outside was patrolled at night. I was doing my best to appear hopeful, but Liander knew me too well and I was fully aware he could see right through my bravado.

  "Hollis?" Ledo said quietly.

  "Yeah, I'm awake," I muttered.

  He never said anything, but I'm pretty sure Ledo knows about my feelings for Liander. I surreptitiously wiped my blanket over my stomach. I slept naked as the evidence of my nocturnal fantasies made my clothes uncomfortable. We weren't allowed to bathe again in the morning; as soon as they woke us, they gave us a few minutes to relieve ourselves and get dressed before it was straight to breakfast and then out into the arena.

  "Hollis?" he called again.

  "What?" I said wearily, turning over to face him.

  "It won't be long until the auction now. I...I'm afraid of what'll happen."

  I sighed. "I know, Ledo. I'm afraid, too."

  "You?" he asked.

  I laughed. "Oh yeah, me. I'm afraid for Lian, for me, for you, my friend. I hate not having any control. I hate these damn chains and I hate the fucking guards!"

  "Hush, Hollis! They'll hear you."

  "And I despise Cor'lyn," I added in a gruff whisper.

  He reached out a hand and gave my arm a quick squeeze. "Come on and let's get dressed. It's time."

  Chapter 9

  I dropped my empty plate and utensils in the container in the corner of the hall as the guard began to unlock the gate. I turned to follow the others outside into the arena with Fortil right behind me. He hadn't said a word to me this morning, for which I was grateful.

  As we walked through the gate, Fortil suddenly leaned into me and whispered in my ear. "You have more than one secret"--he gave me a bow that managed to confer his sense of irony perfectly--"my prince."

  A chill flitted down my spine and I stared at him. He just smiled and turned away as the guard came to unlock our shackles. I stood, thinking desperately, as the guard separated us. Fortil watched as the man moved on to the next couple of prisoners, then he glanced back at me, smiled and began to walk off.

  "Fortil," I said sharply, and he stopped. I moved closer. "Do you realize what you are threatening? If they know who I am, they can use me against my father, against Tesla. Are you really prepared to betray your country, your home?"

  He looked at me long and hard before he replied, "I did a lot of thinking last night and I came to realize this is my home now. It wasn't my choice, but I have to make the best of what life has presented me with. If handing you and Hollis over will make my life here better, then so be it." He gave me an odd smile. "You had your chance, but you chose him. I choose me."

  "Fortil!" I tried to call him back, but he ignored me and stalked away and stood near a pair of guards who were just watching. I didn't know what to do. Should I have told him I changed my mind? Tell him he could do what he wanted? I couldn't do it; the very thought of it made me shudder. Just then the gate to Hollis' hall opened, and I watched as Hollis and Ledo came out.

  I needed to talk to him, warn him Fortil had threatened to betray us to Cor'lyn. I glanced around and Fortil was still lounging near the guards. It seemed as if fate was playing along that morning, as it was unusual for the guards to let us out before the Guides arrived. I took my chance and casually walked over to the other side of the arena, feeling Fortil's eyes tracking my every move. It didn't matter now; he was going to betray us anyway.

  Hollis saw me coming and he met me, Ledo tagging along, even though their chains had been removed.

  Without preamble, I said, "Hollis, Fortil is going to tell Cor'lyn about us."

  "It doesn't matter if he does. Cor'lyn already wants you and he won't give a damn about any other--"

  "No, no, I mean about you being my guardian-- "

  "And you being my prince."

  "He wouldn't dare!" Ledo declared.

  "Please, Ledo, give us a minute," Hollis said.

  Ledo nodded and moved away a little.

  "I'm sorry, Hollis. I feel so guilty. It's all my fault. If only I'd agreed last night and let him have his way..."

  "Don't you dare! Don't you fucking dare feel guilty about refusing that bastard! You belong to me. You're mine!" He stopped, wide-eyed. "I'm sorry, I had no right..."

  "Yes, you do," I said softly. "It's true."

  He stared at me and swallowed, but said nothing in reply for a moment, then he reached up to grab my shoulders. "Oh, Lian, whatever did I do to deserve you? What do you see in me that is worthy of you? I'm so proud of you. You're stronger than I am, Lian. If...when he tells Cor'lyn, we just go with the flow. Maybe he's doing us a favor...I don't know."

  I would have a few words to say to him when the time was right about his worth, but I knew now was not the time.

  "A favor?" I asked puzzled.

  "I can't find a way out of here," Hollis admitted.

  I wasn't surprised. I knew how impossible it was, but to hear him admit it...

  The guards called us into line then and we had to separate into our own sections. The main gate opened and Cor'lyn entered, followed by the guides and the extra guards. He came every morning and gave us what I guess was supposed to be an encouraging talk, but was little more than a disguised threat to follow his rules or face the consequences.

  This morning was different. Before he reached the low dais from which he always spoke, one of the guards approached him. I recognized him immediately as one of those Fortil had been lounging near. Here it comes then.

  The guard spoke to Cor'lyn, then at Cor'lyn's order, he called Fortil forward. Fortil performed a particularly deferential act as he faced Cor'lyn, and I felt sick at the perfidy of the man. I wasn't surprised to see Cor'lyn glance in my direction and then at Hollis before he turned back to Fortil. They spoke a little more, before, with a slight bow, Fortil smiled and backed away with the guard.

  Cor'lyn then called Kano forward and spoke sharply to him. Kano ordered four guards to accompany him and he marched directly over to the gathered slaves. He stood in front of us, while the guards split into two pairs; one pair came for me and the other pair went for Hollis. They pulled us both out of the line and dragged us before Kano, and for a moment, I thought maybe we we
re going to be whipped. However, instead he stood and watched as one of the guards linked us together with manacles on our wrists. Then he grabbed hold of the chain and dragged us both to Cor'lyn, where he yanked the chain downward so hard we were forced to our knees on the sand in front of him.

  Cor'lyn stared at me for a long moment before he spoke quietly. "I've been informed of your true identity. I think perhaps it explains much. Are you going to deny it?"

  I glanced over at Hollis, but his eyes were fixed firmly on Cor'lyn. I realized he was deferring to me, and it was almost a shock to realize it was something he hadn't done since we'd been taken.

  I turned to face Cor'lyn again and said calmly, "No, I'm not going to deny the truth."

  Cor'lyn gazed at me. "Your real name is Liander?"

  I inclined my head and a slight smile crossed his lips as I belatedly realized the gesture could be seen as one of magnanimity.

  Turning to Hollis, he asked, "Who are you really?"

  "I have the honor to be Guardian to His Highness, Prince Liander of Tesla."

  "Yes, it explains much," Cor'lyn said, but he spoke more to himself than us.

  I wanted to look at Hollis. I needed to see the expression in his eyes, but I knew it was not what my Guardian wanted.

  Cor'lyn stared at us for a little while longer, and I could almost see the wheels turning as he thought over what a prize had fallen into his lap.

  "Kano, take them to the citadel," Cor'lyn declared.

  That intrigued me. We hadn't seen anything remotely resembling a citadel. I glanced over at Hollis, mouthing the word at him. He shrugged.

  Kano gave a hushed order to one of his guards and the man ran off. Next, Kano attached ankle manacles to us in addition to the wrist chains we were already wearing. It was only then I became aware of the muted hum of conversation behind us and I risked a glance over my shoulder. My gaze met the worried look of Ledo, and I gave him a small smile. He raised his hand in farewell, and I felt a tremendous sadness. Whatever was going to happen to Hollis and me, the others would remain to face a future as slaves fighting in the arena. Then Kano grabbed hold of the chain between our wrists and pulled us to the main gate. When it opened, I realized the order he must have given to his guard.


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