More Than Chains To Bind

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More Than Chains To Bind Page 9

by Stevie Woods

  I didn't deign to answer the man, though I knew it was only the beginning of his questions.

  "I have, of course, heard of the man, High Councilor, but it never occurred to me he could be that Hollis."

  "No, I always did think you lacked imagination," Briahm said.

  He turned his attention back to me again. He cocked his head to one side, studying me. He smiled. "I'm sure by now you've worked out what I want from you? My original plan was to use the prince here as a bargaining tool with his father. I can still do so, of course, but how much better to also have informed knowledge of his country's defensive capability. And who better to teach me than the very man who helped formulate said defenses." He glanced at Cor'lyn as he added, "As I said, a gift from the gods."

  For the first time, Briahm got to his feet and stepped in front of me. "Now, where to start?" he pondered.

  "It is of no matter," I replied. "I'll tell you nothing."


  Kano uncoiled his whip and let it lay on the floor next to me.

  "I wondered how long it would take for you to start threatening violence," I said.

  "Oh, it isn't a threat; it's a promise," Briahm stated. He smiled, but it was cold, calculating. "You'd do well to treat me with respect."

  "Oh, and why would I do that? Because you threaten violence? That's the last reason for me to respect you."

  Briahm continued as if I hadn't spoken. "I intend to get the information I want and I'll do whatever it takes. Kano here is quite expert with the whip and that's only the beginning. I have people particularly skilled in obtaining information. If you don't want to suffer, I suggest you answer my questions."

  "No, sorry," I said.

  * * * *

  Cor'lyn turned to me, bending to speak close to my ear, "Will you order him to answer, Liander? I could make things much easier for you; make your life more enjoyable if you give Councilor Briahm what he wants." As he spoke, he reached out a finger and drifted it down my cheek and along my jaw. I couldn't believe he was doing this in front of the High Councilor. However, I saw Briahm noticed, but said nothing. Perhaps I had overestimated my value to him. I tried to pull back, but Kano shoved a hand between my shoulder blades to keep me in place as Cor'lyn's fingers moved onto my neck.

  "I have no need to tell Hollis of his duty," I said stiffly.

  I turned away from him and in doing so, I looked toward Hollis, who was still staring forward with a fixed expression, but I saw the nerve twitching in his cheek. I turned forward again, my eyes fixed on the window drapes softly fluttering.

  "Very well," Briahm said. "Kano, take him."

  Even I was surprised when Hollis suddenly made a grab for Kano and tussled him to the ground. Hollis had the upper hand, though I had no idea what he expected to achieve, until I saw his hand scrabbling at Kano's belt. I hadn't noticed until then that Kano was wearing a lienda.

  "Hollis!" A voice boomed out as someone grabbed a handful of my hair, forcing back my head as I felt a sharp prick at my neck.

  Chapter 11

  "Hollis, cease now or Liander will pay the price!"

  The voice cut through my anger, the threat stopping me as nothing else could have done. Keeping hold of the lienda, which was shoved under Kano's chin and also held tightly in Kano's grip as he fought me for it, I slowly turned my head. Cor'lyn was holding Liander by his hair, forcing his head back and holding a sharp blade to his neck. I held Kano to ransom, too, for if I pressed the trigger under my finger, the charge would probably blow the top of his head off. The problem was that, while I would never endanger Liander, I couldn't say the same for their feelings about Kano.

  "Hollis, release Kano. I know you won't risk Prince Liander," Briahm said. He looked at Kano, then raised his eyes to me and shrugged. He told me, without words, he felt no similar responsibility to Kano.

  Cor'lyn pulled again on Liander's hair, hard enough Liander grunted as his neck arched uncomfortably. Cor'lyn pressed the knife so the tip caused a teardrop of blood to well up and slide slowly down Liander's neck.

  "You won't kill him. He's too...valuable to you," I said, trying to keep the desperation out of my voice.

  "True," Cor'lyn replied, "but that doesn't mean I won't hurt him." The knife moved swiftly, and Liander gasped as the blade sliced a half-inch long cut in his neck. "Now do as I say!"

  I'd lost the moment Cor'lyn put the knife to Liander's neck, and we both knew it. I'd attempted a bluff and failed miserably. I released my grip on the weapon and on Kano. As he pulled himself away, Kano suddenly turned and slammed a fist into my stomach. I folded in on myself, gasping as I tried to pull air into my lungs. He called for the two guards at the door to enter and then he grabbed the neck of my tunic and hauled me to my feet. One of the guards brought forward the manacles Kano had taken off us a short time before and began to fasten them, one on each of my wrists. When I was secured, they each grabbed an arm and dragged me toward a door to my right I hadn't even noticed.

  I managed a glance over my shoulder and saw Cor'lyn had released Liander.

  "So much for your hospitality," Liander spat at Briahm as Kano grabbed a hold of his arm and began to pull him away.

  Catching his eye just as the door closed between us, I knew he was worried for me, and I loved him all the more.

  They dragged me into the adjoining room. It was much smaller, though as high and with only one window. This one had no drapes and I had a view out over the city. This room must be at the end of one of the wings of the building facing east if one assumed the main gate faced roughly south. I wracked my brains to bring the city layout to mind based on the trip we had made in the wagon earlier. I had to reverse it in my mind's eye as we had been facing backward during the journey.

  I heard more footsteps and looked up to see both Cor'lyn and Briahm enter the room. Cor'lyn was carrying a jug and two more drinking vessels and he filled each of them before placing the jug on a small table near the window.

  "You would do best to reconsider," said Briahm, as he took his vessel from Cor'lyn.

  I turned away and stared out of the window, but that didn't stop me being aware of what was happening around me. One of the guards moved to the side of the room, untwisted a rope from its cleat and began to lower the heavy chandelier from overhead. I wondered at first what the hell he was doing, until I saw him lift the large hook from the top ring of the chandelier, which he moved to one side. I understood now the reason for the return of the manacles.

  The second guard unhooked the bars of my tunic and pulled it over my head before he prodded me with his lienda in my now conspicuously naked back and pushed me forward. The chain linking my manacles was fixed to the large hook. The first guard returned to the wall and pulled on the rope until my arms were at full stretch and the manacles digging into my wrists, before winding the rope around the cleat to anchor it again. There was no need to point out it would be easy for them to haul me from the ground adding extra pressure--and pain--to my wrists, back and shoulders.

  "Before we resort to violence," Briahm said with a sneer, "will you answer my questions?"

  I said nothing. I'd been hurt before and I knew I could take pain. I hoped I was as strong as I believed I was. I could never betray my country, my people. I would die first. That was my belief, and I prayed to the Lords of Creation I could keep to it. I thought of Liander.

  Pain seared along my nerves as the whip sliced into my back. I'd been caught unawares as I'd allowed my mind to drift and I gasped, clamping my mouth shut to keep the scream inside. It was at that moment I realized Briahm hadn't asked me any questions yet.

  Then he asked, "Tell me how your forces are deployed?"

  I lifted my head from my chest and looked at him. That was the only answer he was going to get.

  This time I heard the swish of the lash and was prepared. Keeping my eyes on his face, I gritted my teeth as fire flashed across my back. I saw him raise a hand, and I gripped the chains holding my wrists as I prepared for another q
uestion I wouldn't answer followed by another lash from the whip.

  * * * *

  I dreaded leaving Hollis behind when Kano forced me out of the room because I knew they were going to torture him for information he would never give. In that moment, I worried if I would ever see him again. Briahm was not the kind of man who would give up until he got what he wanted. Hollis was the kind of man who would never give in. I wondered if there was any point in praying to the Lords of Creation.

  On reaching our cell Kano shoved me back inside, and I was grateful he didn't put any chains back on me.

  "I think I'll go back and see how your friend is faring. Perhaps the High Councilor would appreciate my expertise," he said, smiling as he closed the door, chuckling as he walked away. His words were meant to hurt me and it worked. Oh, Hollis, I wish you were here.

  Then I was struck by my selfishness. I wanted Hollis back for my comfort when I should want him back for his own safety. What kind of man was I that I should forget, even for a second, that he was suffering to protect not only me, but all of our people? Hollis was fond of talking about my compassion, but he dismissed his own, carelessly suggesting it was but his duty. Duty it may be, but the lengths a man was prepared to go to carry out his duty came from within and the wellspring within Hollis was bottomless.

  He'd asked me only a few short hours ago why I loved him, and I'd never had the chance to tell him. I did pray then. I begged the Lords to let Hollis come back safe to me and I would not only tell Hollis how much he meant to me, I would show him.

  I paced the cell, torturing myself as surely as Cor'lyn could do with images of what they could be doing to Hollis. I had seen what they had done to Canto as punishment for little more than a misdemeanor. What would they do to Hollis? I could but hope it wouldn't be too severe when he refused to answer their questions, hoping they wouldn't go too far this time as they would want to interrogate him again. Interrogate: a word with a strong connotation, more than questioning, but less than torture. Words could instill fear because they allowed the mind to create images, imaginings which were sometimes worse than the reality, and right now I'd rather be under a lash than face this torment of my own creation.

  I heard footsteps approaching and I thought they were bringing him back, until I realized it was the footsteps of one person. Kano?

  The cell door opened, and Cor'lyn stood there. I was surprised to see there was no guard with him. He was wearing his sword, but I couldn't see from the way he was slouching in the doorway whether he also had a lienda in the holster at the back of his belt.

  He pushed off the wall and took a step into my cell. "About time we were alone together, don't you think?" he asked, and I frowned at the tone of his voice. He had never sounded so casual, so careless before. Then I noticed the bright splotches in his cheeks and recalled the beverage he had been drinking earlier, which I was now certain had been alcoholic.

  "Where is Hollis?" I asked, trying to keep him back while I thought this through.

  "Last time I saw him, he was hanging in chains, not looking too good."

  "Bastard!" I yelled stalking toward him.

  "Oh, hardly the language of a prince." He laughed. He pulled out a lienda and aimed it directly at my chest. I stopped a few feet away, and he smiled. "Better. We'll have a little time to ourselves while Briahm is entertaining your Guardian. I had thought maybe your relationship was something else." He leered at me. "But I see now I misjudged the situation. Anyhow, I think he's too old for you. I'm more your age, wouldn't you say?" He waved the lienda at me again and added, "Now remove the tunic."

  I was seething with fury. He'd come from torturing Hollis for this, but I knew I needed to keep calm, keep control of my emotions.

  "Are you sure Briahm would sanction this?" I asked. "Might not he worry my father would think it amiss if his son was raped?" My tone was decidedly sarcastic.

  "Oh, he's well aware he already owes me a big favor for finding you two for him. Briahm won't begrudge me a small reward. Anyway, it'll be too late by the time your father finds out," he said, a lascivious expression spoiling his features as he looked me up and down. "Now do as I say," he demanded, once more aiming his weapon at me.

  I sagged a little, doing my best to look defeated. I twisted my body to unfasten the bars on the left side of my tunic, moving my right foot slightly forward as I did so. Then I repeated the motion to unfasten the right side moving another step forward. Cor'lyn's eyes were fixed on the movements of my hands as I began to pull off the tunic. I lifted it over my head slowly and I could see he was licking his lips as his gaze roamed over my naked chest. If he was distracted, so much the better.

  I snapped the tunic down as fast as possible, whipping it across his hand. I had hoped the sudden, sharp movement would dislodge the weapon from his grasp, but all I managed to do was make him snatch his hand away. At least he was taken aback and that gave me the essential time I needed. I leapt at him, grabbing his hand, twisting his wrist and forcing the lienda from his grasp. He fought back, and the weapon skittered away across the floor.

  I turned to go after it, and Cor'lyn pulled his sword and swung it at me, blocking me from reaching the lienda. He stepped forward and snarled, "You're mine; you're mine. You've been mine since the day I took you!"

  I wasn't sure I had time to get to the lienda before he was on me, and, deciding not to take the risk, I grabbed his sword arm in my left hand, forcing it wide. My right hand was placed against his chest keeping him back. "I've never been yours, you bastard, and I never will be," I grated out.

  Even as I spoke, I wondered why he didn't yell for help--there must be a guard somewhere nearby--but he seemed intent on fighting me. I could only assume the alcohol was affecting his thought processes. The idea must have finally occurred, though, because he half-turned his head toward the door and opened his mouth. I quickly lifted my right hand and grasped his throat, squeezing it hard enough to choke off anything he tried to say into a strangled shriek.

  "Even if you'd bought me in your fucking auction, I still wouldn't be yours. I belong to myself," I stated in his face as he struggled against me, trying to push me off.

  My fury gave me a strength I'd never experienced before and I kept squeezing. I watched as his eyes went wide, his face began to flush and his mouth opened and closed as he attempted to draw in breath I wouldn't allow to pass. His fingers slackened and he released the sword to clatter on the hard earth below allowing me to add my now free left hand to the pressure on his neck. He brought his hands up to scrabble feebly at mine trying to get me to release my hold on his throat.

  I was surprised to realize I had pushed him up against the wall near the door; I didn't remember moving from the centre of the cell. I felt his hands slide away from mine as his eyes slid shut and he collapsed bonelessly against me.

  Chapter 12

  Kano was leading the way, with his two cronies dragging me between them, literally. They had hold of the chain linking my wrists together. My upper body was no more than an inch or two above the ground and my wrists were a blaze of agony. The way I was being dragged meant there was a lot of pressure on my shoulder blades and my back was a sheet of flame. I think I'd slipped into unconsciousness along the way as it didn't seem as far to my cell as I'd remembered. Had the conversation between Kano and his guards been real or had I only imagined it? Something about not having to cart the damned carcass as far by this easier route.

  I heard an exclamation from Kano and painfully lifted my head. My heart clenched when I saw the door open to the cell where Liander and I had been kept. Where was Liander? Had that bastard Cor'lyn done something, taken him somewhere? Oh Lords!

  I'd seen Cor'lyn leave after the first couple of lashes, leaving my tender care in the hands of Briahm and Kano. I was afraid Cor'lyn had gone after Liander, but then I thought perhaps now they knew who Liander was he would be safe. Briahm had other plans for Liander I knew. But now, I wasn't so sure.

  I was dragged into the cell and dro
pped onto the floor on my stomach. I gasped against the pain flowing through me. Gritting my teeth, I tried to roll onto my side so I could look around.

  "Well, look what I found," Kano said. He sounded far too cheerful, and I forced myself to turn so I could see what he was talking about.

  He was holding up Liander's tunic and he threw it at me. The pain in my back faded compared to the pain in my chest as I had visions of Cor'lyn forcibly taking it off Liander as a prelude to rape. I grabbed up the tunic, remembering how he'd kept Fortil at bay for weeks. Of course, Fortil didn't have me chained up under his power at the time, and I had this terrible fear Liander would do anything to help me.

  "He must've taken him somewhere more...fitting. Don't worry. I'm sure he'll bring him back--when he's finished." Kano walked out laughing, locking the door behind him. I could hear Kano and the guards still laughing among themselves as they walked away.

  I pressed the tunic to my face, breathing in his scent, praying he was safe. Carefully, I studied the cell for any more clues. There was nothing, nothing at all. Oh Liander, where the hell are you? The pain in my body faded compared to the pain in my heart.

  Then I heard the lock turning again and I couldn't bear any more of Kano's idea of humor. Then I realized it could be Cor'lyn bringing Liander back and I struggled to my knees.

  The door opened just a crack and Liander slipped inside.

  "Liander," I gasped out, drinking in the sight of him.

  "Oh, Hollis!" He hurried over to me, taking in the bruises on my face and the state of my back.

  I didn't know how many lashes I'd received. Briahm kept breaking up the punishment, asking questions, changing tack.

  "Bastards!" Liander said angrily. He looked closely at my wrists and upper arms and, though he didn't say anything about them, I knew he would recognize the shallow cuts on my biceps as being the result of a knife. He raised his eyes to my face, and I saw the pain and anger in his expression.


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