Texas Stand-Off: The Omega Team Novella (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Texas Stand-Off: The Omega Team Novella (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 15

by Sable Hunter

  “Is that man going to hurt us?” Mickey whispered.

  “Not if I can help it, baby.” She held on to his hand and pulled the gun from her pocket. Footsteps crashing near alerted her to the fact that time was running out. She had to get Mickey to safety, then go back and help the others. Suddenly, a light flashed in the darkness. “Deacon?” She couldn’t tell how far, but he was out there. “Mickey, do you see that light?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “We’re going to play another game. There’s a man shining that light and he’ll take you to your mommy. Do you think you can run in that direction?”

  “I’m scared,” he whined.

  “Don’t be, your mother is waiting on you. Now run!”

  The little boy broke into a run and she screamed as loudly as she could. “Deacon! Mickey’s running toward you. Find him!”

  Before she got all of the words out of her mouth, the pop-pop-pop of gunfire could be heard. She ducked down, knowing Paxton was shooting blind. Even if he had a night-vision scope, there were too many trees for a clear view. Part of her wanted to run toward Deacon, he’d keep her safe. But the better part of her knew her purpose, she had to save the innocent ones caught up in this fiasco.

  Knowing she had to stop Paxton before he followed Mickey to the fence line where Deacon was waiting, she decided to give him something else to chase. So, instead of running from the danger, she turned and ran straight toward it.

  Deacon couldn’t wait. “Taz! Taz!” He crossed over the downed barbed wire and walked a few feet–listening. Damn! Gunfire! “Taz!” Just about the time he was ready to start in after her, he heard the crush of underbrush and a child’s gasping breath. “Mickey?”

  “Here. Are you the man who’s going to take me to my mama?”

  “Yes,” he said, squatting as the little boy ran into his arms. “Where’s Taz, the lady who helped you?”

  He pointed behind him. “She’s back there, playing hide and seek with that man.”

  Hide and seek wasn’t the game she was playing now. It was more like Red Rover because she was running toward her opponents, not away from them. Pop-pop-pop-pop. Taz could see the red fire of the barrel flash, so she angled herself in a slightly different direction. Paxton was making so much noise tramping on the ground, he couldn’t hear her running by him. Pulling her gun, she made her way to the cellar. If they hadn’t discovered how she got out, they wouldn’t know when she returned. Bending down to tug on the handle, she sighed with relief with the door responded. Opening it enough to crawl through, Taz made her way back into the basement.

  Meanwhile, Deacon handed Mickey over to his ecstatic, crying parents. As soon as his arms were empty, he was on the radio with Grey. “Taz sent Mickey out, but she went back. I’m going after her. Over.”

  “I hear you. We’re past negotiations. There’s gunfire. If he doesn’t turn this girl loose, we’re going to take him out and head in also.”

  Inside the basement, Taz gave herself a moment to catch her breath. Her ears were tuned to hear any movements upstairs. Strange. She heard nothing. With gun in hand, she climbed the stairs and eased the door open.

  “No one move.” It was Helmer’s voice. Step after careful step, she made her way down the hall. When she was close enough, she could see he had a gun pointed at the Ainsley family. He was nervous, the barrel of the gun was shaking. She didn’t blame him. None of this had gone as they’d planned. They’d taken a stand, but in a way they couldn’t win. Helmer had to know that in minutes he’d either be in custody or dead. Well, maybe she could make sure neither he nor the people he was holding at gunpoint died.

  His back was to her as she placed a finger over her lips and moved forward. Other than the younger Mrs. Ainsley’s eyes widening, they made no indication they were aware of her presence. Lowering the gun, she pulled one of the syringes from her pocket. Taking it between her fingers, ready to use, she was just about to stick it in Helmer’s neck when Rice came through the door.

  “What the hell?”

  Okay, this was it. Now or never. She jabbed Helmer with the needle just as he was turning, waving the gun wildly. “Down!” she yelled. Helmer staggered, he wouldn’t be on his feet long. Clutching his neck, he fell like a big oak tree. Taz ducked down behind the couch as bullets rained all around them. Thankfully, he wasn’t shooting at the family–only at her. Would she survive this?

  “Come on out, bitch! I knew there was something off about you the moment I saw you.” Taz tensed, ready to move. She edged down toward the end of the couch, trying to figure out the shooters position. One inch. Two. And then she saw the toe of his boot, he was one step away from spotting her. Jumping to her feet, she came up and over the end of the couch, pushing at his gun with one hand, and kicking at his chest. Rice didn’t go down, but he did drop the gun. She landed on her feet in front of him, raising her gun and pointing it right at his chest. “Hands up.”

  “I don’t think so, Red.” He lunged at her, hitting at her face with his fist. She stepped to the side, bringing another kick up and out–straight into his balls. He crumpled to his knees and she disabled him with a pressure point hold next to his collarbone. Gasping, she glanced over at the Ainsley family. “Are you all okay?”

  “Yes, thank you, little lady. Please try to save my granddaughter.” Ainsley looked exhausted. Taz didn’t think he’d slept since this started.

  “Yes sir, I will.” At that moment, she heard gunfire coming from the front. “Everyone back down. Someone’s coming.”

  The front door opened and the young girl was pushed inside followed by Burgess. When he saw his buddies on the floor, and his captives hunkered down, he turned his attention and his gun to Taz. There was no time or place for the element of surprise. She was face to face–gun to gun–with a man who looked ready to shed blood. The only problem was that she had a pistol while he had an automatic weapon.

  “Drop it, bitch.”

  “You drop it,” she countered. Why had they returned?

  “I can kill you and everyone else in this room before you pull the trigger.”

  Taz couldn’t argue with that. “Your buddies aren’t dead. No one has been killed. There’s still time for this to end peacefully.”

  Shouts from outside confirmed her suspicions that Deacon and the others were probably on their way in. Even that possibility didn’t help her immediate situation. She was looking death in the eye and she knew it.

  “I don’t intend to go to jail for the rest of my life.” He leveled his gun, she raised hers–and then a shot rang out from behind her and Burgess hit the ground, blood spreading from a wound in his chest. The next moment, she was in Deacon’s arms.

  “Taz?” He enveloped her. “Are you all right?”

  Weak with relief, she pressed her head against him. “Yes, I got the other two.”

  He kissed her temple. “Yes, you did. You did good.”

  “How’s Mickey?”

  “He’s just fine. With his family.”

  “Did you come in through the cellar?” She’d known he must have, since he’d come from the rear of the house.

  “Yes, I was listening to you.” He rubbed his lips against her hair. The front door opened and several men came through. It was time to clean up this mess. “Let’s get out of here.” Deacon led her out, never once turning loose of her hand.


  Stepping out of the shower, Taz dried off. She was none the worse for wear, just a few bruises. The stand-off was over and no one had lost their life. Even Burgess would survive. He’d been rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery, but he’d have his day in court.

  Grey had returned to Eagle’s Nest with them. She’d slept all the way home and when they’d arrived, Deacon had encouraged her to clean up and rest. After following half of his directive, now she just wanted to know what was going on.

  When Deacon had led her from the Ainsley Ranch, it had taken her a few minutes before the truth hit home. He’d saved her life
. When it did, she’d stopped him in his tracks and launched herself into his arms. “If you hadn’t come in at that exact moment, I would’ve died. The others would’ve died.”

  He’d held her close, rocking her back and forth. “I told you I’d protect you. Didn’t you believe me?”

  She had–even in the darkest moments, Taz hadn’t lost hope. Something inside of her had been expecting him to ride up on a white charger. Deacon Jones didn’t disappoint.

  But what did this mean? Was she on the Omega Team? Had she earned her place? The time had come to find out if she belonged.

  Dressing quickly, she made her way into the kitchen. It was empty, as was the dining and living area. Walking to the window, she peered outside. The sun wasn’t yet high overhead, but there was no one in sight. Stepping back toward the hall, she heard voices. They were coming from Deacon’s office. Unable to stop her feet from moving, she walked to just outside the door. Placing her hand on the doorknob, she started to enter, but Deacon’s raised voice stopped her.

  “Look, I don’t know how much clearer I can be. There’s no way in hell I’ll recommend you hire Natasha Levin to work with the Omega Team.”

  Jerking her hand away, she choked back a sob and fled before they ever knew she was near.

  Inside the office, Deacon was wearing a hole in the carpet, pacing back and forth in front of his own desk where Grey sat lounging comfortably. He listened, not interrupting.

  “Not in Tampa. If she’s going to work anywhere, I want her here with me. Do you understand? She belongs with me.”

  Grey smiled and rose. “Of course, that’s exactly what Athena and I intended from the start.” He stretched and yawned. “My job here is done. We’ll fax all the necessary paperwork. I think I’ll head back to Florida. I miss the sunshine and a certain dark-haired minx.” He clapped Deacon on the back. “I’ll let you break the news to her. You’re going to make a helluva team.”

  * * *

  Feeling like she was living the rerun of a sad movie, Taz gathered her things. She debated whether to wait and say goodbye. She should. Only a coward would run. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. Deacon had been honest with her from the beginning. She’d just hoped to change his mind. She’d hoped to make a place for herself…with him. Taz wiped tears from her cheek. God, this hurt. Being a part of the Omega Team had seemed to be the answer. After meeting Deacon and sharing time with him, she’d come to understand that the job was just a small part of her dream. Taz had been greedy, she’d wanted it all.

  She wanted Deacon.

  But if her life had taught her one thing, it was that she couldn’t always have what she wanted.

  Steeling herself to face him, she picked up her things. Before she could make it to the door, it swung open. Deacon’s gaze moved from the bag in her hand to the sad look on her face. “I feel like we’ve played out this scene before.”

  “I was coming to tell you goodbye and to say thank you for everything.”

  Deacon didn’t move. “I see.” He jammed his hands in his pockets so she wouldn’t see them shaking. “Grey just left.”

  “Did he? I suspect he’ll be glad to get home to Athena.” She hung her head. “I came down to your office. I wanted to…rejoice with the two of you over the success of your mission.”

  “Why didn’t you come in?” he asked carefully, taking one step toward her.

  Taz shook her head. What was the use in dragging this out? “It doesn’t matter. I know it’s time for me to go.”

  “Why didn’t you come in?” he repeated. “Did you hear us talking?” He had to be sure of what she’d heard. If she was leaving because of his declaration that he wanted her to stay with him–he couldn’t stop her. He wouldn’t want to stop her. He’d been rejected before. “What did you hear me say, Levin?”

  Taz heard that tinge of domination in his tone and she reacted to it. What did it matter? He’d been the one to say it, she was just answering his question. “You said you wouldn’t recommend me for the Omega Team.”

  “I did. What else did you hear?”

  She looked to the floor. “Nothing, I ran back here.”

  “How did you interpret what I said?” He moved another step closer.

  Why was he doing this? Her heart hurt. “I think you want me to leave. You didn’t want me here in the first place. We made the best of the situation, but it’s time for me to go.”

  “Is that what you want? Do you want to leave me?”

  Another step. He was in full lion mode and she didn’t know whether to make a run for it or just wait for him to pounce. Taz struggled with her answer. Should she salvage her dignity or tell him the truth? She swallowed her pride. “No, I don’t want to leave. If it were up to me I would stay with you forever. I…love you.”

  That’s all he needed to hear. He covered the rest of the distance before she could take her next breath. Sweeping her up in his arms, he feathered kisses all over her face. “If you’d waited one more second, you would’ve heard me tell Grey that I didn’t want you working in Tampa. I want you to stay here with me. I told him you belong with me.”

  Joy consumed her. She held him close, running her hands over his chest and shoulders. Taz had to make sure this was real, that he was real. “I want to stay. Please.”

  “Good. Since you’re all packed, why don’t we move you to where you’ll be sleeping from now on?”

  “I’m not sleepy.”

  Deacon chuckled. “Me either.” He carried her down the hall like a bride and laid her in the middle of his big bed. “Now, you’re where you belong.” He began to undress. “I’ve been so lonely. I didn’t know it, but I was waiting for you. Didn’t you tell me once that you slept in the nude?”

  The raw masculinity of this man gave her a full-body shiver. “Yes, but I didn’t think we were going to sleep.”

  Deacon gave her one of those heart-stopping smiles of his. “Are you planning on being difficult?”

  Emboldened by the desire she could read in his eyes, she went to her knees on the bed. “No, I’m planning on you giving me multiple orgasms.”

  “Now, you’re talking my language.” Ripping the rest of the clothes from his gorgeous body, he joined her on the bed.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. He was all things to her. She felt vulnerable, yet powerful. “Don’t make me wait.”

  Crushing Taz to him, his mouth closed hot over hers. This kiss was different, it was more. His lips plundered hers and she felt he was branding her, staking his claim.

  He took her. There was no better way to describe it.

  Her body melted at his sensual touch and she did her best to let him know how hungry she was for him. She caressed him eagerly, loving the hardness of his chest, the strength of his thighs. Warm, alive–his skin was both rough and soft in a thoroughly masculine way–burning her, causing her body to writhe restlessly beneath his. She trembled as his hands roamed her body, her breath lodging in her throat when he kneaded her breasts, then slid down to rub the hard button of her clit; the entire time, his lips never left her mouth, it was as though he couldn’t bear to not be kissing her.

  “I’ll never let you go,” he whispered. His words were no threat, she was a willing captive. This was a dream come true.

  His mouth teased her breasts, his warm breath making her nipples bead hard as pebbles. And when he covered one, rolling his tongue tenderly over the puckered areola, she gasped. Taz cradled his head as he sucked at her breast, long luscious draws on her sensitive nipples. When his mouth moved south, she tried to draw him back until she realized where he was going. “Deacon!” she whimpered when his mouth focused on her soft pussy, lavishing it with licks and kisses. Arching her back, she surrendered, helplessly begging for more from his talented tongue. “Oh, you are such a man!”

  Deacon chuckled, nuzzling her softness. “A man’s man?”

  “Better. My man.”

  With a growl, he moved up her body, opening her legs and making a place for himself be
tween them. Her words seemed to enflame him, he reached between them, guided his cock home to the pulsing entrance of her body and began working it in inch by inch. “I’m yours.”

  “Yes, you are.” She framed his face, staring into his eyes as he pleasured her–stretching, filling. Sweet pleasure bloomed and spread through her body like fire. His lips sought hers again and they kissed–deep, so tender it made her chest ache.

  “Hold me tight, come with me.” She didn’t know if he was asking for her climax or inviting her on a journey. No matter, she’d give him whatever he needed. Wrapping her legs and arms around him–she surrendered.

  Deacon sank into her softness; the pleasure her tight little sheath gave him was almost unimaginable. Moving slowly in and out, he held her, his body moving over hers–skin to skin, heart to heart. Happiness rolled over him in waves. For so long he’d been denied and now he had it all, everything he’d ever need–his Natasha.

  Her sex flowered for his thrust, her passion spiking as he moved his hips in lazy figure eights. As he pumped within her, her muscles burned with sweet acceptance. Ecstasy rose on a wave of pleasure, causing her to lift her hips, offering him all she had–all she’d ever be. “Feels so good,” she exclaimed as she clung to him, her desire swelling, riding the wonder of their joining. She had to move–raking her nails down his back, she incited him. Canting her hips, she tempted him to go deeper. Squeezing his cock, she milked him until he shuddered, his groan echoing through the room. Absorbing his passion, she let go as he rode her hard, both shattering in a mindless rush to completion.

  When it was over, he didn’t move, he never wanted to move. Taz soothed her hands over the sculpted perfection of his muscles, giving him ease. “We made it,” she whispered.

  Made it? “You’re right. We made it. We found one another. We survived. We made love and I’m never going to let you go.”

  “I don’t want you to let me go. I love you,” she told him again.

  This time he answered, giving her his promise–his vow. “Natasha Levin, I love you with all my heart. You’ll never be alone again.”


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