The Shifter's Catch

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The Shifter's Catch Page 102

by T. S. Ryder

  I couldn’t work with Carter. There was no possible way that I could. I needed the money more than anything but I was shaking, thinking of my son and the risks.

  “What are you doing in New York?” he asked as he leaned forward to look closely at me.

  “I had a friend who lived here and she suggested that I come out. More jobs and all,” I offered as he nodded thoughtfully. “I guess I needed a change of pace.”

  “You’re in finance now?” Carter sounded surprised and I sat up straight and narrowed my eyes. He licked his lips slowly.

  “I have a bachelor’s degree in it, from an online college. I was always pretty good with numbers. I just didn’t know what to do with it for a while.” That was close enough to the truth. I had always planned to be a teacher, but this degree was quicker and easier and offered good job opportunities. I would never admit to him that my plans changed when I had a baby, his baby.

  “I remember that. You always scored well in classes that dealt with numbers and you were good at English. I always admired that,” Carter murmured. Heat washed over my skin. How was I going to tell him that I didn’t want this job?

  Chapter 4 - Carter

  I was shocked and aroused when I walked into the conference room to see Vivian. She looked fucking good, wearing one of those tight skirts that I liked, with a clingy pink blouse. There was a sweater covering her partly but I got a hint of her generous curves as I stared at her.

  When did she get into finance and better yet, when did she move here? It was going on six years that I’d even seen her. I didn’t go to see my parents too often but when I did, it was quick. I stayed with them in the childhood home that I’d paid off for them with my first million and didn’t go out the door. I had a feeling that it would be a pain in the ass more than anything else, having to remember names that I had long forgotten and caught up with people I didn’t really know anymore. I had a new home now and I loved it. New York loved me.

  “Vivian?” I asked after several moments of silence, watching her flush and nod as she responded. Her voice danced over my skin. I hardened in my pants and I walked to the table to sit down, not wanting her to see what she was doing to me. Not yet.

  I made a bet to fuck my new PA and it was going to happen. Granted, I already had sex with her, but I was going to again. I imagined her coming to London with me as my fake fiancée and my thighs ached at the idea of nights with her in a hotel room.

  I asked her what she was doing in the city and she mentioned a friend and moving out here for work. Everything was vague and when I pressed her about her interest in finance, she explained that she got a degree in it. Why did she get it from an online college, why didn’t she just go to school? I wanted to keep asking her about herself but I knew that we were here for a job interview and focused on that.

  She expressed that she didn’t expect me to do the interview, but I explained about my need for someone. Trepidation crossed her beautiful face. She obviously didn’t want to work for me and I didn’t know why. We got on well back in Vermont and the pink tone of her skin showed me that she was still attracted to me. Why did she look so scared?

  I did want her as my personal assistant as well as my fake fiancée, so I proceeded with the interview. We had always had chemistry and it seemed like it was still there. We could skip the getting to know each other part and move right to sex. Looking into her hungry eyes, I knew that I didn’t need a week to nail Vivian again.

  I moved on to as normal an interview as I could, getting her to talk about some of the smaller jobs she’d had in Vermont. Her recommendation letters were impressive and for living in a small town, Vivian had gained some good experience. She’d be a good employee for anyone. I wanted her to work for me though. I explained what I needed in an assistant and the degree of communication it involves, stressing professionalism. My assistant would be the middle man for a lot of emails and appointments and I had always told everyone in the company to go above and beyond for me. I wasn’t the only investment company in the city or the world and we needed to stand above the rest.

  “I understand. You’ve built an amazing company on that.” She looked at me with big eyes that seemed to be a deeper blue than before and I nodded as I took a deep breath. “I don’t know if I am the best choice for you though.”

  “You have enough experience. Plus, this is just a slightly bigger job than you would have with Nick. He was interested in hiring you and I am as well. I need someone fast since I run this place. You’d be perfect for the job,” I assured her, and I meant it too. “Are you available from nine to five with some later nights when needed?”

  “I am,” she said softly, nodding slowly. She looked so tormented and I wanted to know what was on her mind, what had caused her pain. My parents had never told me of anything bad happening to her back in our home town over the past couple of years.

  “The salary is four thousand a month minus the usual taxes. I pay for the benefits of my employees and offer a gym membership for various locations in the city. I want them to remain healthy and do the best they can while working for me. Many of my employees have been with the company for over three years and this position is a coveted one in the city and field, Vivian.” I stared at her with an impressed expression crossed her flawless face and something weakened in her eyes. “I am going to work you and you’ll earn that salary. In all reality, it isn’t that much in New York but it’s a good start. There’s room to grow as well.”

  “I know. That’s why I’m here,” she replied as I reached below the table to stroke my cock through my pants. Watching her talk was making me horny and I pressed my lips together as I tried to focus.

  “Excuse me for a moment. I need to take care of something. Can I have Rina bring you a coffee or anything?” I asked as she looked at the travel cup she’d been drinking from.

  “I’d like that,” she replied. I nodded and stood, eager to get a break from the thick tension in this room.

  “I’ll be back.” I left the room and grabbed my phone to send the front desk a text as I rushed to my private bathroom. I closed the door, locking it and I dropped my pants to the ground. I never wanted a woman the way that I did this one. I gripped my thick cock and started to stroke it above the toilet. I thought about how easy it would be to seduce her again once I hired her. We would have lots of time together behind my closed office door. I sensed that she hadn’t been touched in quite some time and remembered how passionate she could be.

  I pictured her naked on my desk, bent over for me as I slipped inside of her. She’d be tight and wet like before. I’d do everything I could to make her beg for me. I’d make her wait to come until she was wrapped around my cock, driving myself into her as she moaned my name. I wondered if her nipples were bigger now when she was aroused and the same dark pink. Was her pussy bare?

  I stroked harder, leaning against one hand as I worked myself. I’d fuck her so hard that she screamed my name, making her want it again. I’d take her to London with me so weak with a need that we’d only leave the room for business. She’d have no issue acting like she was with me because there was no doubt that she still wanted me.

  I jerked forward as I came, shooting in and around the toilet. As much as I fucked, I never came this hard and I let out a groan as I felt all the pressure leave my body. I took a deep breath and pushed away from the wall as I looked down to see that I’d kept my pants clean. Thank fuck, because I didn’t have another pair with me and I had to act professionally with her right now. I’d hire her and start seducing her as soon as we were alone, building on what we still had between us.

  I knew that it wouldn’t take much and I reached for some tissue to clean myself up before I dressed again. Once my pants were secured, I walked over to the sink on shaking legs, still overwhelmed by my release. I washed my hands and splashed some cold water on my face, fixing my hair in the mirror as I took several deep breaths.

  I made my way back to the conference room moments later, finally able to
think like a normal person again. I welcomed the feeling of wanting someone like this again. It had been a while and I’d been with some gorgeous women but Vivian was different. She had always been different. It’d be easy to hook back up with her all over again. I walked into the conference room to see her sipping from a new mug in front of her and stopped to stare at her for a moment. It didn’t take much to see that she was aroused sitting there and I licked my lips as she looked up at me. “Sorry. I needed to take care of something.”

  “No problem. She brought me some coffee.” Vivian smiled weakly as I sat down.

  “I think that you have what it takes for this job and I’d like you to join the company,” I was honest as I leaned forward and stared at her. “Will you consider working here?”

  “I’ll think about it,” she told me. I nodded and looked into her eyes.

  She seemed awkward though and ready to go, so we ended the interview. I watched her walk out of the room, her curvy hips swaying in her skirt as I reached down to my cock again.

  Chapter 5 - Vivian

  I needed some air, so I walked around Manhattan a little and sat down on a bench in Central Park. I sighed and dropped my head back as I played back the interview. I couldn’t believe that Carter wanted to hire me as his assistant. I had, even more, trouble believing that I was actually considering taking the job. It was more money than the other position and it would help us so much. I could offer Mason a good life here. With this salary and the paid benefits, we could live a happy life.

  Could I work with Carter though?

  I took the now less crowded subway and changed into leggings and a t-shirt when I got home. I set about cleaning the apartment to work off some of the nervous energy that was coursing through my veins. What were my options? I could turn the job down and look for other jobs of course. I wiped down the counter and thought about the salary. It made my heart hurt.

  My phone rang and I looked at the screen to see that it was a mom. “Hi,” I said with a forced smile so it would come out in my voice.

  “How did the interview go?” She sounded so expectant and I took a moment to think about my answer.

  “It went well, Mom. It’s a fantastic job, a better one than I initially thought. There’s just one problem.” I waited for her answer.

  “What’s wrong?” Mom asked as I walked to the worn couch and dropped onto it. I had about an hour before Mason got home and I needed to relax. I didn’t want him to see how tense I was and vowed to fake it if I had to.

  “The job is to be Carter’s assistant.” I heard the silence at the other end of the phone as I waited for her response.

  “Carter Carter?” she asked as I bit my lip. “Did you know?”

  “I had an interview to assist another manager, Mom. I got there and they sent me to another floor, a higher floor. I knew that must be better but I didn’t know anything more until he walked into the room.” I ran a hand through my hair.

  “Is it a good job?” she asked as I closed my eyes. “Maybe you could tell him about Mason, sweetie.”

  “Mom, it’s been five years. I don’t know…he didn’t seem to want to stay with me before. I’m worried, Mom. I can’t throw off Mase’s world that way.” I felt tears in my eyes as I leaned forward. “We’ve done fine on our own.”

  “If it’s a good job, please think this over,” she told me gently as I nodded. “I know that Mason will be home soon and that you need to get yourself together, but look at the whole picture. You two were good together once upon a time.”

  “Oh, Mom. This isn’t a romance novel.”

  “I’m just saying that you need to think this through. A good job would be great for both of you,” she said. “Listen, I have to go now honey, I’ll call you tomorrow.” I set my phone down and leaned back as I took a deep breath. She was right.

  I called Lainie to ask if she could bring Mason to Discovery Club tomorrow after school. She was so excited about my new job and said she’d be more than happy to help out with Mason.

  I was just cooking us up some homemade macaroni and cheese when Mason came home. I slipped it into the oven and walked out to meet him, hugging him tightly as I asked him how school was. He told me that it was great and we walked inside as he asked me how the job interview went. I answered him that it was good and that I wasn’t sure what was going to happen now. He nodded as he hung his stuff up and went to wash his hands.

  I sliced up some peaches to go with his meal and pulled the dish out when the oven beeped. I heaped some into a bowl for him and set it on the table.

  He had just started eating when I heard my phone ring from the living room. I walked over to look at the screen. I didn’t recognize the number and answered it softly, waiting for the person to answer me. “Vivian Smith?”

  “Speaking,” I said as the woman continued to speak. She was calling from M&B Investments, offering me the job. I listened to her telling me to come down to the building to fill out some paperwork in the morning. After that, I could start right away.

  “You do want the job?” she asked as I sat in silence for a long moment.

  “I suppose I do,” I replied. My stomach twisted into a knot. I told her that I’d come in the morning and hung up, going to join Mason for dinner.

  “Who was that, Mommy?” Mason asked as I looked at him.

  “I got the job. I’ll be starting tomorrow. Lainie will pick you up at school and take you over to Discovery Club. That’ll be fun. Either Lainie or I will pick you up.” I looked at his sweet face. “This is going to be different, kiddo. We’re going to make it work.”

  “Tell me about the job,” he said as I went on to describe the huge, glass building that I was going to be working in. I told him about all the big buildings around it and the cool places I’d get to go for lunch. About the fun trips that we were going to be able to take on the weekends. I loved the smile on his face as he gazed up at me.

  “Can I come and see you at work?” Mason asked and I felt a shocking rush through my system.

  “Maybe. Later. I need to work there for a little while and get trained first, okay?” I smiled and he nodded before taking another bite of his noodles. I heard my phone chime from the kitchen counter and went to get it, feeling a little annoyed, like my time with Mason was being compromised. I wasn’t the kind of girl to text and talk on the phone while spending time with my kid.

  I unlocked the screen and gazed at the message.

  Hello, Vivian. This is Carter. I wanted to congratulate you on accepting the job. Remember how I mentioned working some nights? There is a business dinner tomorrow night that I’d like you to attend. It will be a good learning experience for you. Can you make it after work?

  He really wanted me to go somewhere the first night after work? I sighed. It wasn’t like he knew I was a mom and had obligations and I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell him. I sent a quick text to Lainie explaining the situation and asked her if she could watch Mason for me tomorrow night. She agreed.

  I can make the dinner. How formal is it? What should I wear?

  A black dress would do, he replied.

  OK, I had a black dress in my closet. Wouldn’t it be too sexy for a work dinner though?

  Where are we going? I typed back.

  Somewhere nice.

  Somewhere nice. What was the hell going on? I set the phone down again to go back to Mason.

  He took a bath and we played for a while before bed. I read to him and kissed him goodnight before going to my room to search through my closet. I pulled out the only black dress I had. It was timeless, fun, and flirty and I shook my head as I thought back to the night that I last wore it. The night Carter and I went to a hotel. The dress hadn’t seen a night out since he’d left Vermont. Was I going to wear it to work tomorrow?

  I was headed down a dangerous path.

  I cleaned up the kitchen before shutting off all the lights, but I couldn’t shake the thoughts from my head. What was happening here? I was pushing the boundaries by ag
reeing to this dinner. I could hardly say no, though. This was a business dinner and I was Carter’s new assistant.

  I decided not to wear his shirt to bed, slipping on some shorts and a tank top before I found a steamy book on my Kindle. It reminded me of the times I had spent with Carter and I felt my skin warm as I came across a particularly steamy chapter.

  There had been a hell of a lot of sexual tension between us during the interview. My feelings for Carter had never gone away and the fact that he was Mason’s father pulled at my heartstrings. I didn’t know how I was going to make any of this work unless we kept it completely professional. I probably should have turned the job down but it would help Mason out so much. I could be an adult about this. I could work and support Mason and keep things with Carter separate. I could do all of that. I sighed and turned over, trying to push back the memories of Carter. I finally fell asleep, dreaming about Carter as I tossed restlessly in my bed.

  I was in a fog when I woke up. I got dressed, slipping a white sweater over the dress before I walked Mason out to his bus. Lainie was going to take care of him tonight and I knew that he’d be fine. I wasn’t sure about me though.

  Chapter 6 - Carter

  I knew that Vivian was starting the following day and arrived early as always. I was looking forward to being close to her as I trained her on her duties. I planned to break her down and take her as soon as possible.

  I got some coffee and waited in my office as I warmed up the computer and stared over the city. I never thought I’d see Vivian again, much less in New York. I knew that she was something I regretted leaving behind, but I wasn’t sure just checking her name off a list was going to cure that.

  I thought back to the way we had drifted apart and would get back together like fucking magnets. There had always been something between us and now, six years later, it was still there.

  I busied myself dealing with some emails as I waited for her to arrive, mulling over my feelings and desires. I knew that I cared for her when we were younger but I was so driven by making money that I could only think of New York. I enjoyed the girls in my home town, but Vivian was my favorite. I just didn’t know how much I missed her until she was standing in my building for the interview.


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