Sins of the Father and Mother (A Tanner Novel Book 42)

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Sins of the Father and Mother (A Tanner Novel Book 42) Page 11

by Remington Kane

  “Check on Ali! Make sure she’s all right.”

  Kate said that she would and ran back toward the house. Michael stayed and assisted Taran in helping Bo to stand, while Tanner helped Maxwell.

  “We should have never trusted Vicky,” Maxwell said. “Her hatred for Nancie is too strong.”

  Tanner spoke to Michael. “Go get the van for Bo and Maxwell. You’re taking them to a hospital.”

  “Damn it!” Maxwell said. “We don’t have time for this. And now you have no way to enter the estate in Texas without fighting your way in.”

  “We’ll work something out,” Tanner said. “Right now, you and Bo need medical care.”

  Kate returned with Michael and was holding a note left by Vicky. She apologized for drugging Ali and wished them luck freeing the girls.

  “Are you certain that Ali is just drugged?” Bo asked Kate.

  “There was a bottle of sleeping pills beside the note, and I managed to wake Ali enough to talk to her for a few moments. She should be fine after the pills wear off.”

  “Damn that woman!” Maxwell said. “And damn me for trusting her.”

  “Taran,” Tanner said. “Do you have any idea where Vicky might go?”

  “I do not. And she is smart enough to go somewhere we will not look for her.”

  “I guess we’ll have to rethink the plans we’ve made.”

  Bo and Maxwell were loaded into the van and driven to the hospital by Kate and Michael. With a broken leg, Bo was out as a fighter, and without Nancie, it would be difficult to breach security without losing the element of surprise.

  Taran looked at Tanner. “We will be facing twenty-six armed men alone when we get to that house.”

  “Yes, we will.”

  Taran smiled. “Try to save me some of them.”

  “I’ll do that,” Tanner said, then they went inside the house to check on Ali.


  The Inside Woman

  In Stowell, Texas, Arthur Collins was busy getting ready for the auction that was to take place there the following night. It was a risk holding it on his own property and adjustments had to be made. Fortunately, the work was almost done. Lights had been installed in a perimeter around the house and bars had been placed on windows and locks added. There were also extra cameras for security, but no video would be recorded. If something was filmed, it might be seized by the police.

  It wasn’t until after he’d spoken to Nancie that Arthur remembered that he needed to create a landing pad for the helicopter that would be flying the bidders in. To accomplish that, he had the poles and baskets removed from a basketball court and spotlights placed around it. A red H was painted in the center of the court and there was a workable helipad. A generator had to be set up in order to power the spotlights.

  Arthur’s nieces, Emily and Karen were nervous. They had been the ones to discover their older sister, Regina. They told Arthur that it looked as if a maniac with a knife had gotten to her. Nick had died easy in comparison, as had Johan, although Johan was found with a screwdriver sticking out of his knee.

  Inga fucking Olson. Arthur thought. He was certain that everything that had happened recently was because of that girl. He’d been informed by his client when she’d gone missing at sea, as if the client expected him to send him a replacement for free. He told the client that he would spot him ten thousand dollars on his next bid and that appeased the man. Neither one of them imagined that the girl would have survived to tell her story.

  Arthur had been prepared in case something went wrong someday. He was a third generation criminal and had no intention of ever going to prison. On paper, he was a legitimate businessman who paid his taxes, voted, and never shirked his civic responsibility when called for jury duty. In reality, he owned a string of pot growing operations, was a silent partner in an illegal narcotics business, and sold young women into sexual slavery.

  He knew he would weather Inga’s accusations and resisted the urge to threaten her or outright kill her. There were easier ways to handle Inga Olson. When the dust settled on the auction and every woman was sold and hidden away somewhere, Arthur would have a guy he knew set Inga up to be busted for drug possession. He might even frame her for a murder. That way, the cops would become involved and even those that believed Inga would begin to doubt her.

  Arthur checked his watch. The ship was finally on its way to Galveston after he finally contacted the Frenchman aboard, Roussin, and instructed him to have the captain make a detour. He’d have Emily and Karen fill-in for Nancie when it was time to get the women. After all, they were the ones who had fingered the girls for abduction, along with Regina.

  Poor Regina, Arthur thought. And poor Nicky and Johan too. But on the bright side, my take from the sale of the women will be even bigger without having to give those three a cut.

  That was one of Arthur’s few redeeming qualities. He was always able to find something good in every situation.

  Maxwell and Bo returned to Vicky’s house with casts on their broken limbs. They made the excuse to the doctor that treated them that they had been doing work on a roof and fallen.

  Ali woke shortly after they arrived back. She was downing strong black coffee to fight off the effects of the drug she’d been given by Vicky. She was with Maxwell and Bo in the living room, while Tanner sat with Kate and Michael in the kitchen. Taran had gone off to run an errand that had to do with the attack they would make on Arthur Collins’ home.

  Kate was telling Tanner that more old friends of theirs had died recently. One died from a fall down an elevator shaft, another from suicide, and a third from drowning.

  “I find it hard to believe that seven deaths in so short a period of time could be a coincidence,” Tanner said.

  “So do we,” Kate said. “But it’s bizarre. We haven’t spoken to most of these people in years, decades even.”

  “When you were speaking with them, was it all around the same time period?”

  Kate and Michael appeared thoughtful, then Michael nodded.

  “We did know all those people about the same time. I’d say between twenty-eight and thirty years ago.”

  “Did anything odd happen back then. Is there someone you know who would have it out for your friends? Or for one of you?”

  “Have it out for us? They all died in accidents,” Michael said.

  “That’s possible. It’s also possible that someone is staging the accidents.”

  “We’ve made some enemies over the years, Tanner,” Michael said. “You included.”

  “I’m not your enemy.”

  “I know… I was just… I’m sorry.”

  Tanner smiled at him. “You need to learn to relax around me.”

  “Oh my God,” Kate whispered. Tanner looked at her and saw a light of recognition in her eyes.

  “What is it, Kate? You’ve thought of someone who might have it in for you?”

  “Um, Tanner, can I talk to Michael alone?”

  Tanner stood and headed for the back door. “Yeah. I should call home and check in with Sara.”

  When they were alone, Kate reached out and took Michael by the arm.

  “I think our friends were all murdered.”

  “Murdered? But they were accidents.”

  “What if they were made to look like accidents?”

  “Who would do that, and why?”

  “I think it’s Vincent Lasser.”

  “Vince Lasser. He’s still in prison, isn’t he?”

  “I don’t know. But think about it. Vince knew everyone that died, through us. They were all our friends back then, some very good friends. Vince might think he’s making us suffer by killing them.”

  “Why wouldn’t he just come after us?”

  “He’d have to find us first. He only knows us by our real names.”

  “Vince Lasser. Could he really still blame us for what happened back then?”

  “He was sent away for a long time, Michael. They gave him a sentence of forty years,
but he might have gotten paroled.”

  Michael slid Kate’s laptop toward her. “Do your thing online and find out if he’s been paroled recently.”

  Kate opened her laptop and began a search for information about Vince Lasser. She paused several minutes later and looked up when they heard raised voices coming from the living room.

  “No!” Maxwell said.

  “But it makes sense. Don’t you see that?” Ali said. She was on her feet and standing in front of the sofa where Maxwell and Bo were seated. Maxwell had a fresh cast on his left arm and Bo had one on his lower right leg.

  “There’s no way that I would agree to you doing something so dangerous,” Maxwell said.

  Ali pointed at Bo. “He’s faced danger many times, and so have you. Look at the two of you now with broken bones. I can do it, Maxwell. I know I can.”

  Tanner had walked in the front door just as the Barlows entered the living room from the kitchen.

  “You can do what?” Tanner asked.

  Ali raised her chin as she answered him. “I can help you and Taran tomorrow by finding a way to be on the inside of that house where the auction will take place.”

  “Tell him how you plan to do that,” Maxwell said, his face reddening from anger. “Tell him how you plan to make yourself a target.”

  Ali released a huff as she looked at Maxwell, then turned back to Tanner.

  “I can pretend to be one of the women who have been taken. We know from Inga how they’ll be dressed, and Nancie Ventura told us where they’ll be handed off to her family. I can go there dressed like one of them and slip in among them. If I do that, they’ll drive me right into the estate.”

  “And you’ll be at their mercy with no way to contact us,” Maxwell said.

  “I won’t be hurt. Vicky was hurt because she talked back to them and threatened to make trouble for them. I’ll play it meek and mild until it’s time for the auction and Tanner makes his move. Being inside, I can help out.”

  “I don’t like it either, Ali,” Bo said. “There are too many things that could go wrong. For one thing, their count will be off. Have you thought of that?”

  “If they had one less woman they’d be upset, but one more than they thought? I doubt they’ll believe that one of us is a spy. They’ll probably just think that the men on the ship screwed up the count.”

  “The family knows how many women they drugged.”

  “Yes, and three of them are dead. They can’t ask Nick, Johan, or Regina about it. They’ll have to accept that the count was wrong. And since it will be in their favor, they won’t care much.”

  “What if your white coveralls aren’t the same as the ones they gave Inga to wear, or what if these days the girls are wearing something else?”

  “In that case, I won’t go through with it.”

  “I still don’t like it. Ali… they might hurt you… sexually assault you.”

  “I’m aware of that, Bo. I’m willing to take that risk. If anyone attempts that, I’ll defend myself.”

  “And what if three of the guards attempt to rape you at the same time?” Maxwell said. “What then?”

  “Then I’ll be raped. But I know that risk going in, just like Bo knows that he might get shot whenever he faces off against someone in a gun battle. Vicky took Nancie away on my watch. I want to make up for that. I can do it, Maxwell, Bo. And it will improve our chances of saving those women.”

  The room became quiet. Maxwell had spoken his piece, as had Ali and Bo.

  Ali looked at Tanner. “If I get inside, I can sabotage something, maybe find a way to poison the guards, disable cameras, or unlock a door to let you and Taran inside. You two will be way outnumbered. A little help could go a long way.”

  “It would, and I know exactly how you could help us. But Maxwell is right, it would be a hell of a risk for you to take.”

  “Says the man willing to go up against a bunch of killers who outnumber him more than ten-to-one.”

  “I’ve trained most of my life to be able to do that. And Taran has special training too. We’re also not risking being raped. You would be.”

  “That won’t happen. I won’t let it. It happened once and I swore to myself that it would never happen again.”

  There was the sound of an engine outside. Taran had returned from running his errands. He stepped inside the house and sensed the tension in the air.

  “I feel as if I have missed something.”

  Tanner told him Ali’s plan.

  “Ah, that is why you asked me to get this item for you,” Taran said, and handed Ali a bag. When she removed the contents, everyone saw that it was a pair of white coveralls.

  “This is great, Taran. Thank you. They’re exactly like the ones Inga described to me.”

  Maxwell pointed at the garment. “I said no, Ali. And I’m still in charge of our team. I don’t want you risking yourself that way.”

  “I know you’re in charge, and I won’t go against you on this, but think about it. Tanner is here as a favor for Spenser. Now we’re asking him to risk his life against crazy odds while we three sit on the sidelines. And Taran. Taran has volunteered to help us too. How can we do nothing while they do everything?”

  Maxwell considered Ali’s words and appeared thoughtful. He spoke to Tanner. “What is your plan if she does help you and Taran?”

  Tanner told them. It involved Ali being able to cut the power to the house. Maxwell was nodding with understanding as he finished.

  “That would increase the odds of success while making things much safer for you, but maybe there’s another way. Kate, could you hack into the power company in the Stowell area and cut the power from its source?”

  “It’s possible. But I won’t know until I try.”

  “All right, then. If Kate can cut the power, there will be no need for you to risk yourself, Ali.”

  Ali seemed deflated. “I guess not. But I want you to still consider letting me use my plan. It wouldn’t hurt to have me inside anyway.”

  “I’ll consider it,” Maxwell agreed. “But don’t get your hopes up. If Kate can cut the power, I see no reason to subject you to that sort of risk.”

  “I understand,” Ali said, “I’ll still be ready if needed.”

  Maxwell checked his watch. “The plane I rented leaves in two hours. Can everyone be ready to go soon?”

  They all answered him in the affirmative, then Michael made an observation.

  “Once Arthur Collins figures out that he’s lost contact with his daughter, he’s going to be on full alert. Tanner, are you sure that you and Taran will be enough?”

  “We can handle it,” Tanner said, before turning to Taran to get his opinion. Taran gave a slight bow toward Michael.

  “He is the seventh Tanner. The greatest assassin of all. I will just be there to help him. The men Arthur Collins hires are ruffians, thugs, with little training. They will die before they know it has happened.”

  Michael looked at Tanner. “When this is done, maybe you can help us with our problem, hmm?”

  “Is it a problem?”

  “We think so,” Kate said. “There may be someone out to get us.”

  “Then I’ll help you.”

  Maxwell rose from the sofa awkwardly with his arm in a cast. “Let’s get ready to be on the move. There are a number of young ladies relying on us.”

  Everyone began moving. It was time to head back to the United States.


  A Threat From The Past

  Tanner contacted Henry to ask for a favor. His apprentice was eager to please and had done as he wished.

  If he’d had more time, Tanner would have phoned Duke in Manhattan and ordered the equipment he needed. But there wasn’t enough time to have things gathered, packed, and shipped to him. There was enough time to have Henry make the six-hour drive to Houston. He’d left the ranch early and arrived well before noon.

  There was an arsenal stored at the ranch in Stark along with a vast assortment of equipm
ent. Tanner had asked Henry to bring him a pair of panoramic night vision goggles with white phosphor capability and plenty of spare ammo and magazines. He also required something he had gotten from Duke recently. They were sound suppressors that had the added benefit of being excellent flash suppressors.

  The men who had been guarding Nancie in Tampico had rifles and sidearms, but no other equipment. While on the phone with his daughter, Arthur had stated that he had hired more men from the same source. If they were similar to the men Tanner had seen in Tampico, despite their superior numbers, they would fall easily to two foes with better equipment and training. Add to that the huge disadvantage of being plunged into darkness, and Tanner expected to have little difficulty evening the odds against them.

  Tanner met Henry in the hotel’s underground garage. The boy was smiling at him as he stepped out of the pickup truck he was driving. It was Tanner’s truck. He’d told Henry to use it for the trip. There was a hidden compartment where things could be concealed. If Henry had been stopped by a cop for any reason, it was unlikely that the officer would have found anything.

  “You made good time getting here.”

  “There was an accident that slowed things down for a while on I-69, but after that it was a smooth trip.”

  Tanner checked the box Henry handed him. He saw that he had everything he’d asked for, and there was a welcome bonus too.


  “Franny’s muffins. I know how much you like them.”


  “Cody, let me stay and help you.”

  “I considered it, but I think you still need more training.”

  “In what? I can shoot well, and you’ve taught me self-defense.”

  “When I get back home, we’re going to expand your fighting skills. The man I hired to run the training facility we’re building on the ranch can help with that.”


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