Lyric's World

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Lyric's World Page 7

by Nancy Richardson

in two directions. One went back to Lyric's world, the other led up to the

  portal of Sistra and the brown green tundra of the moon.

  "We know the way from here," Anakin said softly. "Will you be safe? Or

  do you want us to take you back to your people before we leave?" Anakin


  "No," Sannah replied.

  "No you won't be safe, or no you don't want us to go back with you?"

  Tahiri asked the girl.

  "No, I don't want to go back to my world," Sannah said in a quavering

  voice, her yellow eyes fixed on the two Jedi candidates.

  "What do you mean?" Anakin asked.

  "I want to go with you," Sannah replied evenly. "I want to study at

  the Jedi academy, learn about the Force, and develop the skills I need to

  help protect my people."

  "We can't take you with us," Anakin gently explained. "We're not Jedi

  Knights; we don't have the authority to bring anyone to the academy. Only

  Luke Skywalker and the other Jedi can do that."

  "Why?" Sannah said.

  "Yes, why?" Tahiri echoed, as she mulled over the idea.

  "Tahiri," Anakin said in exasperation, "you know we can't just bring

  Sannah back to Yavin 4!"

  "But you saw the way she fought the raith," Tahiri replied. "She's

  sensitive to the Force-I can feel it, Anakin!"

  "You've seen what the predators on this planet do to my people,"

  Sannah said as she met Anakin's ice blue eyes. "The children are

  defenseless. For every avril we successfully fight off, there is another

  that steals two of us away. For every raith we spear, five more devour our

  eggs. And judging from the time it took you to leave the lower passage, and

  the tears in your jumpsuit, you've seen the strength of the purella. We

  cannot fight them at all!" Sannah cried. "It is not in anger that I ask you

  to take me," Sannah said, steadying her voice. "Though controlling my fury

  is something I will have to learn. Take me because I feel the thing you

  call the Force. Take me because I will pledge myself to the peace and

  knowledge of the Jedi, and to the use of the Force not in anger, but only

  only in defense."

  "Do the elders know that you want to leave with us and attend the

  academy?" Tahiri asked. They couldn't take the girl with them without the

  elder Melodies's permission.

  "Yes," Sannah replied. "I leave with their blessing. Especially


  "If Luke Skywalker doesn't feel you are strong in the Force, you'll

  probably be returned to Yavin 8," Anakin said slowly.

  "I'll take that risk," Sannah replied. "I'm only nine years old. If I

  am permitted to stay until my changing ceremony, I'll return with the

  skills to help. And regardless of Luke Skywalker's decision, at least I

  will have tried to help my people."

  Anakin turned toward the portal.

  "Come on, then," he called over his shoulder to Sannah.

  Tahiri grinned at the girl and grabbed her hand. The three children

  emerged from Sistra into the early-morning sunlight. They paused on the

  purple rocks and breathed in the fresh air of hope. Tahiri, Anakin, and

  Sannah climbed down Sistra quickly. Anakin hoped that Old Peckhum had

  returned with the supply ship; he and Tahiri were too tired for another

  battle. Moments later, his hopes were answered as the longhaired old

  courier raced toward the children.

  "I've been searching all night for you!" Peckhum cried, his hands

  wrapped around an old-fashioned blaster rifle. "I couldn't find the portal

  to Lyric's world in the mountains. Where have you been-I was so worried!"

  He didn't pause to wait for an answer. "You look terrible," he said as he

  studied Tahiri's and Anakin's torn, dirt-covered clothing. "Are you all

  right? And who's this?" He gestured toward Sannah.

  "We're fine," Anakin assured the frantic pilot.

  "This is Sannah," Tahiri added. "She's coming back to Yavin 4 with us.


  Peckhum was too relieved to argue with them. All he wanted to do was

  get safely back to the Jedi academy. No more baby-sitting for him! The

  children and the courier began walking toward the shuttle. They did not

  encounter any raiths or reels as they traveled. And, when they heard the

  distant shriek of an avril as they boarded, Anakin smiled at its fierce,

  though strangely beautiful, cry.

  Sannah had never been on a shuttle. She sat next to Peckhum and stared

  out the window as her world shrank from view and the shuttle was engulfed

  by the evening skies. Anakin could hear her questions drift back from the

  front of the craft, and visions of Lyric, who had been in the same seat

  only yesterday, swam through his mind. He wondered if he'd ever see her red

  ringlets, glistening pink tail fin, and gentle yellow eyes again. He hoped

  Lyric would be happy in the crystal waters of her world.

  And what about Sannah?

  Anakin hoped that Uncle Luke would allow the girl to study at the

  academy. The young Melodie was sensitive to the Force. He had felt the

  strength in her, and so had Tahiri.

  "Do you think Master Luke will be angry at us for bringing her?"

  Tahiri asked with a nervous nod toward Sannah.

  "I'm not sure," Anakin replied. He, too, felt his stomach tying itself

  in knots.

  They made a brief stop to deliver Peckhum's supplies to another cargo

  ship that circled Yavin, waiting for the Lightning Rod. Then, the pilot

  headed their shuttle back to Yavin 4. It was all Anakin could do to make

  himself stand up and move toward the door when the ship had landed. A jolt

  of terror ran through him. If Sannah told Uncle Luke about the carvings he

  and Tahiri had risked their lives to find in the lower tunnel of Sistra,

  his uncle would want to know why. And there was no way he could lie to Luke

  Skywalker. Anakin would be forced to tell him about the messages the

  Massassi had left, and the golden globe in the Palace of the Woolamander.

  If that happened, the prophesy that the Jedi Master Ikrit had foretold

  would occur: the globe would shatter into a thousand pieces of crystal and

  the children trapped within its glittering sands would be lost.

  "Sannah," Anakin called urgently. The Melodie walked back to him and

  Tahiri. "I need to ask you a favor."

  "Anything," Sannah instantly replied.

  Anakin steadied his voice.

  "Sannah, I need you to promise not to mention the strange carvings in

  the rocks of Sistra to Luke Skywalker," Anakin said. "Please don't tell him

  that Tahiri and I risked our lives to read the carvings in the lower

  tunnel. If you do, countless beings will be in grave danger."

  "I would never want to get you into any trouble," Sannah said softly.

  "I promise."

  "Thank you, Sannah," Anakin said with relief. "Now please wait inside

  the shuttle until we tell Uncle Luke that we brought you." Anakin didn't

  want to spring Sannah on his uncle without an explanation.

  Sannah nodded and shrank back from the shuttle door as it hissed open.

  As he watched the door open, Luke Skywalker was not pleased. He was

  dismayed to see his nephew and Tahiri emerge bruised and battered. Both

  students were covered with streaks of purple dirt, and thei
r orange academy

  jumpsuits were torn. In addition, thick strands of what looked like spider

  webbing hung from the leg of Anakin's jumpsuit, and blue-green algae was

  dried to the tops of Tahiri's bare feet.

  "Hi, Uncle Luke," Anakin said with a little smile.

  "Welcome home," Luke Skywalker said in a voice ringing with concern.

  "You are both a mess. What happened to you on Yavin 8?"

  "We ran into some pretty nasty creatures," Tahiri said with a nervous

  grin. "But Lyric's changing was a success."

  "I want both of you to see the medical droid about your wounds," Luke

  Skywalker solemnly instructed as he wrapped his arms around Anakin's and

  Tahiri's shoulders and drew them away from the shuttle. "We'll discuss your

  adventures after I'm sure you're all right. And I may have a word with


  "Er, Uncle Luke, there's something we need to talk about before we go

  to see the medical droid," Anakin said nervously.

  Luke Skywalker turned to face his nephew.

  "Can't it wait?" he inquired.

  "Well, it's not exactly an it," Anakin began. "It's a she. Her name is

  Sannah. She's a Melodie we met on Yavin 8.... I think she's sensitive to

  the Force," Anakin continued weakly, embarrassed to even suggest to his

  uncle that he thought he could recognize strength in the Force when he was

  only a Jedi candidate.

  "Tell me about her," Luke Skywalker said.

  "She fought a raith," Tahiri began. "That's a giant black, hairy

  rodent with jagged teeth. She did it using the Force-I know she did because

  I felt it. She wants to study at the academy so she can learn to protect

  the Melodie children from the predators on her moon," Tahiri went on

  without taking a breath.

  "There's so many of them - avrils, raiths, and reels, and enormous

  red-bristled spiders named purellas which, believe me, are vicious." Then

  Tahiri, too, faltered before Luke's silence and the calm of his pale blue


  "She's in the shuttle," she finally murmured.

  Sannah appeared in the doorway of the shiny craft, then slowly came

  down the ramp. The rustling of her light green tunic was the only sound

  that broke the silence of Luke Skywalker's stare. She approached the Jedi

  Master, her large yellow eyes never leaving his face.

  "Welcome to the Jedi academy, Sannah," Luke said when the young

  Melodie reached him. "We have a lot to discuss. Anakin, Tahiri, please go

  see the medic. I'll take care of your friend," Luke instructed.

  Tahiri and Anakin didn't want to leave Sannah. But there was no

  disobeying the stern note in Luke's voice. They both turned and left the


  "Do you think Master Luke will let her stay?" Tahiri whispered as they

  headed to the turbolift that would take them to the upper levels of the

  Great Temple.

  "I hope so, Tahiri," Anakin replied. "But I just don't know."

  Anakin and Tahiri hunched over several sheets of paper on the stone

  floor of Anakin's room. They'd returned from the academy medical droid only

  a short while before. She'd cleaned their cuts and bandaged Tahiri's ribs.

  Tahiri had been right: the reel that had tried to crush her had cracked one

  of them. The medical droid had also taken a sample of their blood to make

  sure the purella's venom had left their systems. It had. And, except for

  the cuts and a few bruises, she said the two Jedi candidates were fine.

  It was late afternoon, and after a shower and a change of clothing

  Tahiri had gone to Anakin's room. Now both candidates sat hard at work,

  trying to decipher the symbols left by the Massassi.

  "Anakin, are you done writing down the message from the lower tunnel

  of Sistra?" Tahiri asked impatiently.

  "Almost," Anakin said, his eyes closed as he recalled the carvings and

  scribbled them down. Tahiri studied the symbols from the Palace of the

  Woolamander. She desperately hoped that they'd be able to decipher them

  from the translation Aragon had recalled of the carvings on Yavin 8. To do

  so would mean breaking down the carvings from the lower tunnel of Sistra

  and matching each symbol to the words Aragon had remembered. Tahiri

  fervently hoped that the elder Melodie's memory hadn't been faulty. If it

  had, they wouldn't be able to translate the carvings in the palace. And

  they would not be able to help the children trapped within the golden


  Tahiri looked at another sheet of paper. On it were the words Aragon

  had spoken. Words that Anakin had written down moments ago, as if Aragon 's

  voice still echoed in his head.

  "Peace to all. We are the Massassi. We beg the ones who read this

  message to travel to the fourth moon. Break the curse that the evil Jedi

  Knight Exar Kun made to enslave the Massassi and imprison our children. We

  cannot break the curse ourselves, but will leave a message in our palace to

  help those who can."

  Tahiri had just finished reading when there was a soft knock on

  Anakin's door.

  "Just a minute," Anakin called as he scrambled to hide the sheets of

  paper he and Tahiri were working on. "Come," he called.

  The door opened and Luke Skywalker stood looking at the two


  "The medical droid told me that your wounds have been treated," Master

  Luke said as he moved to sit on a stone chair. "Anakin, it is lucky that

  you weren't badly hurt, or your mother would have had my head," Luke said

  sternly. "I'm very glad that you both are safe and back at the academy."

  Anakin heard the note of concern in his uncle's voice. Leia Organa

  Solo was Uncle Luke's sister, and his mother had entrusted her youngest son

  to Luke Skywalker's care. There was no way Uncle Luke would accept any

  unnecessary actions on his or Tahiri's part that would have put them in

  danger. If he learned that either had been foolhardy on Yavin 8, Luke

  Skywalker would not only be displeased, but they might be sent home. Anakin

  desperately hoped that Sannah hadn't mentioned the carvings.

  "I've heard from Sannah that you fought bravely to protect the

  Melodies from predators," Luke Skywalker continued. "That you used the

  Force to protect your friend, her people, and yourselves."

  Luke Skywalker studied Anakin's young face. He hoped his nephew

  understood the gravity of the situation he'd survived. "I'm pleased that

  Lyric survived the changing and is now an elder," Master Luke continued.

  "However, we must discuss Sannah."

  Anakin's heart sank. Sannah was being sent home.

  "We're sorry, Uncle Luke," he began. "It's just that we couldn't deny

  her the chance to help her people-"

  "Don't apologize," Luke Skywalker interrupted. "It's true that the

  Melodies on Yavin 8 are unable to protect themselves well from the

  predators that roam their moon. That's one of the reasons that Tionne

  brought Lyric to the academy. Even though Lyric was close to the time of

  changing, Tionne recognized that she was strong in the Force. We both hoped

  to teach Lyric enough so that she could return to her moon and help the

  Melodies. And I think we were successful. Lyric will begin to seek those of

  her people
who are sensitive to the Force, and to help them understand the

  Force. She herself understands it deeply, even though her time here was

  short. Sannah's time with us will be longer."

  "Did you just say what I think you said?" Tahiri cried.

  Before Luke Skywalker could answer, Sannah appeared in the doorway in

  an orange academy jumpsuit. Tahiri leapt toward her new friend and enfolded

  her in a hug.

  "You were right-she is strong in the Force," Luke Skywalker said. He

  embraced the three Jedi candidates before he strode from the room and left

  them alone. Anakin turned toward Sannah.

  "Welcome to the academy," he said softly.

  "Thank you," Sannah replied with an enormous smile. "Thank you for

  bringing me here. I've got to go see the Jedi Knight Tionne now," she

  explained. "She's going to show me where my room is and tell me more about

  the academy."

  Sannah turned to leave Anakin's room.

  "By the way," she said over her shoulder. "I didn't mention the

  carvings in the lower tunnel to Master Luke. Your secret is safe with me."

  Anakin and Tahiri exchanged a relieved look.

  "Let's get back to work," Anakin said when Sannah had left. He pulled

  out the papers and started writing symbols down in the place he'd left off.

  A few more lines and he'd be finished. Then he and Tahiri could begin

  matching symbols to letters. Once they knew what letter each symbol stood


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