Liberty's Deception

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Liberty's Deception Page 14

by Lora Thomas

  Anna had sent Mr. Christopher a message stating that she had a friend named “Mrs. Liberty” who was in desperate need of red thread. He had returned the message and indicated that “Mrs. Liberty’s thread” would be at Mrs. Wilkerson’s. Approaching the cottage, she could make out the shadowy image of a horse tied to the far side. She quickly mounted the beast and took off to the east…to her home.

  As she rode, she hoped that Cameron was there. Mr. Christopher had indicated that his brother was still away in the encrypted note he had sent her, stating that, “I am presently out of stock of red thread. However, Mrs. Wilkinson usually keeps plenty of thread on hand. I suggest you send her a message to see if she can aid your friend. My brother is away on business and has requested my assistance. I will be traveling to meet him. Should you need anything from my store, please feel free to seek assistance from my new employee, Miss Sarah Back.”

  As Anna rode through the dark meadows and shadowy lanes, her imagination took hold. She could picture ferocious beasts and monsters lurking in the shadows, waiting to feast on her bones. She grew nervous. Digging her heels into the horse she took off at breakneck speed. The horse protested the pace, but Anna did not care. She was terrified! As she crested the hill to her home, a feeling of elation filled her.

  A loud crack of thunder reminded her of the coming storm. She slowed the horse to a walk and allowed the animal to stroll to the barn. Tying the mare to a post out of the elements, she then raced to the house. The second her feet hit the porch, the rain came. A shiver ran down her spine as the cool breeze touched her. Looking out she watched as lightning flickered causing the sheets of rain to be easily seen. She turned and entered her home.

  No one was inside. Cameron had not made it to the house. She pulled off her cape and walked into her home. A small lantern was burning beside the door. The wick was short, indicating that it had been burning for some time. She ventured to the sitting room. A shocked expression crossed her face as she noticed the stack of wood sitting beside the fireplace. She walked to the fireplace and started a fire. As the heat of the flames warmed the room, she walked to the window and looked out, but the rain made it impossible to see if anyone was coming.

  Anna unconsciously rubbed her arms and watched the water cascade from the opening in the ceiling. The refreshing water called to her, begging her to bathe without the worry of guards. Without the worry of nosy servants. Without the worry of a repulsive husband. It would help wash away the feel of her husband’s embrace from the evening before. Apparently, a newfound feeling of guilt entered him, and he felt a need to apologize for his actions while Cameron was unknowingly hidden under her bed. His excuse for his cruelty—General Hatfield’s homemade wine was apparently too strong for him. She graciously accepted his apology—like she had another choice—and was taken aback when he wrapped his arms around her in a tender embrace. The thought of the encounter caused a shiver of disgust to travel down her body. She glanced at the cascading water again. A bath would be nice. She quickly undressed and approached the running water.

  She placed her hand outward and touched the falling droplets. A shiver ran down her spine and her nipples became pert as the cool water touched her flesh. She slowly entered the water as it poured through the opening. The exhilarating feel of the cool water on her skin excited her, like she was doing something forbidden. She stood under the water and looked upward, allowing the water to cascade down her body. She took her hands and pushed her now wet hair from her face. A noise behind her caused her to suck in her breath with fear. Placing her arms to her breasts, she turned to find Cameron watching her.

  Cameron could not tear his eyes away from the bathing beauty. She was breathtaking. He watched the water trail down her sleek body. It had been over a week since he had last seen her. His eyes took in every inch of her naked form, memorizing every detail. Her firm legs and narrow waist. Her hips were full and the type any man would love to hold onto as they made love. He felt as though he was gazing upon an expensive painting, something to look upon but not touch. But he had an overpowering desire to do more than look—he wanted to touch the desirable beauty in front of him.

  Anna felt her breath quicken as Cameron gazed at her naked form. A strange sensation stirred within her loins. His gaze made her feel beautiful, enticing, desirable. Her lips parted with anticipation of what she was about to do. She timidly lowered her arms, turned and allowed Cameron a full view of her naked form.

  Cameron tossed the satchel he had over his shoulder to the floor and walked towards the beautiful angel that beckoned him. His eyes absorbed every inch of her body. The fire flickered across the room, causing shadows to dance seductively over her body. Before he knew what was happening, he was standing in front of Anna. He reached out and tenderly touched her face, as if she were something fragile, in disbelief that she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. She pressed her face into his hand and closed her eyes, memorizing the feel of his touch. He placed his other hand on her face and leaned over to her, gently kissing her.

  She timidly returned his kiss, slightly parting her lips to allow his tongue entrance into her. She wrapped her wet arms around his neck and pulled him in close. Her mind told her to stop, reminded her that she was a married woman. That this was a sin. Another side of her reminded her that it was a loveless marriage, an abusive marriage, that this man in front of her would offer her pleasure that her husband could not. The sensation stirring deep inside of her urged her to continue, and she pressed her naked form to him.

  Cameron wrapped his strong arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. Her intoxicating taste was hypnotic. He felt like someone was controlling his movements. He told himself to stop, that her husband would lock her away forever out of his reach, but her kiss held him in place. He felt his body reacting to her kiss. He pulled away from her and looked down. Her steel-blue eyes had deepened with passion to the color of darkened thunderheads. He watched her parted lips as she panted with desire. She took her hand and slowly pulled the laces loose on his shirt and then pulled it off over his head.

  Anna had an uncontrollable desire to see him unclothed. She wasn’t sure where these thoughts were coming from. They were so unlike her. She pulled his shirt from his body and watched the muscles in his chest rise up. His chiseled physique called to her. She traced each hardened line, allowing her hand to travel lower.

  As her hand reached the waist of his trousers, he captured it in his. He watched the disappointment cross her face. The hurt in her eyes was unbearable. He knew her husband found her undesirable and this one action would appear to her that he did, as well. But that was so far from the truth. He wanted her. From that first sweet kiss in this house, he wanted her like none other. He did not fight the sensations inside him. He picked her up and carried her over to her discarded dress and laid her down.

  As she lay on the floor, she watched Cameron. He quickly stripped out of his trousers. Her breath quickened with excitement upon seeing him unclothed. He was magnificent, this Adonis before her. His body was muscular. Perfect. Her eyes locked onto the small patch of hair on his chest and followed it downward to where it reached his manhood. A small gasp escaped her as she saw him, standing proud and erect.

  Cameron knelt down beside her and kissed her again. Her body writhed under the feel of his naked body against hers. It felt like her entire body was filled with fire. Every nerve was overactive with pleasurable sensations. His mouth left hers and traveled downward to her neck. A pleasurable moan left her body. When his mouth took her nipple, she thought she would jump out of her skin from the pleasure. Her hand instinctively traveled to his head to hold him in place as her body moved with passion. He stopped his assault of her breast and allowed his kisses to travel back to her mouth.

  In the next instant, she felt his maleness press against the most intimate part of her body. Her legs opened wider, and she felt him enter her. A sharp gasp escaped her as he breeched her maidenhead. She watched the shocked expression cross his f
ace as he stopped.

  He opened his mouth to speak, but she placed her finger over his lips, halting him. She pulled his head to hers and kissed him. A groan escaped from him as he slowly began to move inside her again.

  The pain she experienced did not take away the sensation coursing through her. Her hips began to move in unison with his. Each thrust was met with her own. She moaned against his mouth. Never had she experienced such a pleasurable feeling in her life. She did not want this to stop. She could stay here forever.

  Cameron could feel her becoming wetter around him. He told himself to stop but something inside him urged him to continue. He realized he had no desire to stop. He moved slowly inside her body. Her velvety wetness enveloped him, as though she was made for him. Closing his eyes, he moved inside her, enjoying the feel of her body, enjoying the knowledge that he was her first. He placed his hand on her hip and ushered her to move with him. She obediently complied. He could hear her breathing change and felt her body tighten around him as she called out his name in ecstasy. He joined her as his body went over the edge, exploding deep inside her body.

  The sound of the crackling fire echoed through the room. Cameron looked down at Anna, the virgin spy who seduced him. A surprised feeling entered him. She was innocent, yet she knew exactly what she was doing. Cameron lay down beside her and pulled her body to him, turning them both to face the fire. Neither spoke for several minutes, enjoying the aftermath of the pleasure they experienced.

  Cameron kissed her shoulder. “Tell me something,” he whispered in her ear.

  She took her hand and captured his, intertwining her fingers in his. “What?”

  “How long have you been married?”

  “Three months,” she replied as she tightened her grip.

  “How can you have been married for three months and your husband not have…” he allowed his thoughts to stop.

  “Consummated our marriage,” she finished for him.


  She took a deep breath. “You heard my husband. He finds me undesirable, unattractive, repulsive. On the night he tried to fulfill his husbandly duties, he was drunk. He fell and hit his head, rendering himself unconscious.”

  “That still doesn’t explain how your virginity is—was—still intact.”

  Anna fixed her gaze on the fire. “After he fell, I found Sarah. She had a plan. She acquired blood from a cow and placed it in our bed. When Albert awoke, he thought our marriage had been consummated. The next two weeks, I found reasons to be away from him…to keep him from touching me. His only desire from me is an heir. So I told him our time together produced his desired heir. He left me alone afterwards. We have separate bedchambers, and he seeks his pleasures with others—which is fine by me.”

  Cameron placed his lips close to her ear. “How could anyone find you undesirable? You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen or met.”

  Anna rolled to her back. She took her hand and placed it on the side of his face. “That is kind of you to say. But I do not believe you.”

  “It’s true, Anna. I have traveled the colonies from North to South and no woman’s beauty compares to yours. Whoever says differently is a liar.”

  Anna blushed and looked away. “Since we are discussing our personal lives, I have a question for you.” Cameron nodded. “Why is it you are not married?”

  “I was,” Cameron answered as he pulled Anna back to him. “She died two years ago.”

  “I’m sorry,” Anna replied, her sympathy obvious.

  “It’s in the past.”

  The couple lay in silence and watched the flames dance. A contented feeling entered Cameron. He could stay right here with her forever. Away from war. Away from death. Away from everything. His emotions startled him. He thought those feelings coursing through him had died with Constance. As he lay with Anna in his arms, he realized he could not allow Stevenson to harm her again. He had to find a way to get her away from her husband forever.

  Anna pulled Cameron’s hand to her face and closed her eyes, taking in the essence of his presence. She wanted to memorize his every detail. For she knew if Albert found out about this rendezvous that he would end her life. As she lay in Cameron’s arms, she realized that she could allow this man to hold her this way her entire life. She felt safe, secure. She knew that as long as she was with Cameron, no harm would ever come to her. Anna closed her eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

  Several hours later, Anna was awoken by Cameron’s kisses. She rolled to her back and smiled as he looked tenderly down at her.

  “It’s getting late. I should see you back home before your absence is noted.”

  As he stood, her body chilled from where his warmth left her. He helped her stand. Both dressed quickly and then made their way to the barn where their steeds were located. Cameron assisted Anna on her borrowed mare, and the pair rode through the shadows to the outskirts of the city. Once at Mrs. Wilkinson’s home, Cameron assisted her down. They slipped through the shadows of the buildings until they reached the alleyway beside her home. He kissed her lovingly and then watched her slip into the shadows to the home she shared with that bastard.

  Anna cautiously approached her home. She knew Cameron was watching her, but she could not help but feel like she was being followed. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled. A cold shudder ran down her spine causing her to increase her pace.

  As she neared the hemlock tree, a hand touched her, causing her to scream. The hand quickly covered her mouth.

  “Shhh. It’s me, Anna,” Sarah said.

  A relieved sigh escaped Anna. “You scared the life out of my bones.” Anna peered around and then looked at Sarah. “What are you doing here?”

  “I had tae come check on ye. It has been over a week since I last saw ye. I was growing worried that the major had done something horrible tae ye.”

  “I’m fine, Sarah.” Anna looked nervously around again.

  Sarah looked at her friend. Anna was acting strange. She could tell something was vexing her friend. As she studied Anna, she noticed that her face had a flushed appearance and that her lips were slightly swollen.

  “Who have you been with? Cameron?”

  Anna looked at her friend and swallowed nervously. She blinked rapidly and replied. “Yes.”

  “Hae ye taken him fur your lover?” Sarah asked as anger entered her.

  “Oh, Sarah. What have I done?” Anna sobbed, covering her face with her hands. “I am married, ordained by God to be faithful to my husband. But I have not been—in my mind—and now in body. I dream of another man constantly. I’m an unfaithful harlot—no better than the mistresses of the officers.”

  Sarah pulled her friend to her. “All will be well, Anna. Ye wur forced tae marry a cruel man in order for yer father tae buy his allegiance tae England. Besides, ye had planned on taking a lover. It was part of oor plan.”

  Sarah could feel Anna’s body tremble as she sobbed. She stroked her friend’s hair as her distraught mistress cried. Anna allowed her guilt to pour out of her body in the form of tears.

  She raised her head up and looked at Sarah. “I love him.”

  “Yer husband?!” Sarah asked with mortification as her eyes widened.

  “No. Cameron.”

  “Does he ken?”

  Anna shook her head. “No. And for that reason I cannot deliver any more information to him. If Albert caught me with Cameron, he would kill him before my eyes. I could not handle that. Cameron has given me the most beautiful experience I could ever imagine, but it will be our last.”

  “Anna, the information ye supply is vital.” Sarah stressed.

  “I know. That is why I have decided you should become my servant again. I will gather the information and you will deliver it. You will not reside with me but continue staying where you are presently.”

  “What will ye tell the major?” Sarah asked, still trying to fathom this new plan.

  “I told him the reason I dismissed you was because I found
you sneaking a man into your room. I will tell him it was a misunderstanding and that the man was a relative that was visiting. During my anger at finding him in my home, I refused to listen to your explanation and dismissed you. We met one day at Mr. Christopher’s store and you explained yourself to me. I felt guilty and reinstated you.”

  Sarah shook her head. “Cameron will nae be happy aboot this change of plans.”

  “He has no say in this matter. I arranged a meeting with Cameron earlier this evening to give him information. I…uh…became distracted and neglected to give it to him. Please inform him that there will be an assassination attempt on General Nathanael Greene. The major has sent a dispatch to Clinton to get his approval. Albert plans on making it appear that one of his men was captured near General Greene’s encampment. The man will be dressed as a British soldier seeking refuge for turning traitor. He is to report false battle plans to General Greene. Albert has acquired several colonial uniforms that he plans on using to his advantage. The man bringing the prisoner to the camp will actually be one of the Queen’s Rangers. The ranger is an assassin and the prisoner is a distraction.”

  Sarah’s eyes grew wide.

  Anna pulled Sarah to her and gave her a quick embrace. “Take this information to Mr. Christopher. I will see you in the morning.” Anna let go of Sarah and slipped into the shadows.


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