Liberty's Deception

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Liberty's Deception Page 23

by Lora Thomas

  A malicious sneer crossed the man’s face. “I’ll see you in hell first before I tell you.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” Cameron said. He fired his weapon at the man. His bullet struck Mr. Walters’s right upper chest.

  The man screamed in pain as the bullet penetrated his lung. His wound was fatal but death would not be immediate. He would slowly die being suffocated to death as he attempted to breathe. Raising his arm weakly, he attempted to point his weapon at Cameron. Cameron knocked the weapon to the ground.


  Walters looked at Cameron and smiled as blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. He spat blood at Cameron. Cameron pulled the knife from his boot and placed it against the bullet wound. The feel of the sharp blade cutting his flesh caused Walters to scream in pain.

  “Keys!” Cameron yelled.

  “Go to hell!” Walters said. His hand slipped to his side, out of view of the others, and he slid the knife out of his belt. If he could muster enough strength, he could stab this traitor. Closing his eyes, he took several deep breaths trying to get the power he needed for his final duty for the Crown. He opened his eyes and locked them onto Cameron’s.

  “Cameron!” Anna yelled from behind the door.

  Cameron took his eyes away from Walters upon hearing his name. “Anna! I’m coming!”

  Walters tightened his fingers around the blade and took his swing. The movement of his arm captured Cameron’s attention. Sliding to the left, the blade slid past him and made contact with nothing but the air. Cameron wrestled the knife from Walters’s measly grip and placed the blade to the soldier’s throat.

  “Keys,” Cameron seethed again. An evil sneer crossed his face. “Or I’ll make sure you have a humiliating death.”

  “Go ahead, slit my throat.”

  “Cameron!” Anna yelled again.

  Taking the knife, Cameron slid the blade gently down the front of Walters’s uniform until it rested just above his groin. His face was expressionless as he spoke. “Tell me, how do you think it would feel to die with your shaft removed? Would you like it removed slowly or would you prefer me to slice it off fast? But of course after you die, I would place it in your mouth. Although I would prefer to put Stevenson’s in your mouth since you apparently have done so frequently to acquire this position.” Walters’s shocked expression caused Cameron to pause momentarily. The sound of Anna pounding on the door caused Cameron’s heart to tear into pieces. But he reminded himself to keep to the plan. He continued, “You are a poor excuse for a soldier, everyone knows so and denying giving me what I want would not prove otherwise.” Cameron could see the words he spoke, sinking into Walters’s mind. “Your choice. Die in humiliation or die in honor.”

  “Give me a soldier’s death,” Walters said.


  Walters pulled the key from his inner breast pocket and handed it to Cameron.

  “Don’t forget our deal.”

  Cameron took the object. “I will uphold our arrangement when I see fit. Just not now. Guard him,” he told Chris as he stood. Cameron walked cautiously to the door. Cameron was apprehensive as he turned the key and released the lock. Was she in there alone? Was she injured? Clothed? Holding his breath, he pushed the door open……

  Anna could hear footsteps above her head scurry about. Albert’s voice was obvious, but she could not understand his booming commands until she heard him order Mr. Walters to hold the key to her hell.

  She looked back down into the dark cellar. She had only left the top step once to relieve herself in the darkness below and then rapidly climbed the stairs again. The noises being emitted from the dark cellar scared the life from her. She wasn’t certain what was making the noises, probably rats, but she wasn’t going to investigate. She was afraid of the dark. Terrified of it. How she managed to muster enough courage to travel at night to visit Cameron was beyond her reasoning. The only thing she could think of was how he made her feel—safe, protected, loved.

  She moved down one step and rested her forearms on the top step and placed her head on her arms. The light coming from under the door was her salvation. It gave her hope but caused despair at the same time. The movement of her guards would momentarily block the light. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks. She wondered if Sarah had managed to escape. Was she safe? Was anyone looking for her? Did she get word to Cameron?

  She looked at the door again. It would be pointless to speak or to pound on the door. Mr. Walters was just as coldhearted as her husband. No amount of begging on her part would get him to open the door. Why couldn’t Gibson be the one guarding the door?

  Her thoughts returned to Cameron. Remembering the feel of his arms around her, the feel of his touch on her flesh, caused a small smile to come to her lips. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  She was awakened a little while later by a gunshot and then shouting. Readjusting her position to the top step, she pressed her ear to the door. She could hear voices. There was a scream. Straining to hear, she closed her eyes to better adjust her senses. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide as she recognized the voice.

  “Cameron!” she yelled.

  “Anna! I’m coming!” she heard him call back. Hope soared in her soul. Cameron was here! She began frantically pounding on the door to her hell.

  She could hear scuffling and then another scream.

  “Cameron!” she yelled again.

  Suddenly there was a sound of something entering the lock. She sat on the top step, unsure if her legs would hold her. The door slowly opened and she blinked rapidly, adjusting her vision to the light now flowing into the room.

  “Anna,” Cameron whispered as he knelt down.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but her words were drowned out by her tears. She flung her arms around Cameron’s neck. The feel of his hands stroking her hair had a calming effect.

  “You came for me,” she whispered.

  He pulled back and captured her face in his hands. He didn’t respond to her statement but instead placed his lips tenderly to her swollen lips and kissed her gently.

  “Let’s get you out of here,” Cameron said as he helped Anna stand. He turned to Sarah. “Get us out of here.”

  “What about him?” Chris asked, gesturing towards the short-of-breath guard.

  “Give him back his pistol.”

  “You promised me an honorable death!” Walter said, his words weak and ragged.

  “I am giving you the option. You have one shot. You can use it to kill one of us, thus leaving you to die slowly. Or you can put that bullet to good use, dying quickly. The choice is yours.” Looking back to Sarah, Cameron said, “Show us out.”

  “Gladly,” Sarah said.

  Chris dropped Walter’s pistol several feet away from Walters. Cameron gave him a quizzical look. “Gives us time to get out of here should he decide to shoot one of us.”

  “Good idea.”

  The group made their way out of the home and went to the stables around back. Two horses were in the stalls. Needing a hasty retreat, they opted out of saddles and mounted the horses bareback. They slipped out of the city, undetected, thanks to Austin’s plan.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Cameron and Christopher headed their mounts in the direction of Anna’s home place. As they neared the edge of the city, they stopped and observed the commotion occurring. Smoke billowed upwards, and flames danced seductively against the night. The outlined silhouettes of the buildings were eerie as they burned.

  “Do you think they’ll burn the town?” Sarah asked.

  “Doubtful. Only wagons were to be set ablaze. There were several groups spread throughout the city, each with a specific job. One was to keep moving, breaking windows and busting doors of loyalists. Another group was to set fire to the wagons strategically placed around the city. Others were to throw stones at the soldiers. Although there were some that joined in who were not expected. They had weapons and were killing the Redcoats at every opportu

  A loud explosion caught their attention. “That’s in the direction of The Dragon,” Chris said.

  “Let’s hope not. Duke will kill us if something happens to his tavern.”

  Chris laughed. “He can kill Austin. It was his plan. Come on. We better get going before the major returns to his home.”

  They walked the horses down the road. Anna placed her head against Cameron’s back and took in a deep breath. Cameron looked over his shoulder at her.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yes. Just a little tired.”

  Cameron stopped his horse, dismounted, and then mounted behind Anna. Pulling her close to him, he instructed, “Place your head against me. Rest while we ride.”

  Closing her eyes, Anna allowed her body to rest. The stress of the day combined with the gentle sway of the horse’s movement soon caused her to drift off to sleep.

  Cameron looked down at the sleeping beauty in his arms. His chest grew tight. If something had happened to her, he did not think he could have gone on living. The memories of their first meeting flooded his mind. She had hidden him, protected him from harm, yet he had allowed her to live in harm’s way since that day. She had delivered information to him at the risk of her own life. The only price she had asked was that he kill her husband. At the time he thought that was a strange request. Now he knew why. Stevenson was a cruel bastard. Cameron should have killed him the first time he had seen him ride down the street like a pompous peacock. He had promised Anna he would kill the man for the information. Now he would do it for her, for her freedom, so she could be his.

  It was close to midnight when the four reached Anna’s Leland home. A dim light could be seen coming from the window. A small billow of smoke was floating gracefully skyward from the chimney. The moon shone sleepily on the home. Cameron could imagine his life here with Anna. Raising children and farming. The realization that he would be willing to give up his adventure-seeking ways struck him like lightning. He knew he loved her, but until now, he hadn’t known he loved her so much that he would give up his lifestyle.

  “Do you think Duke delivered the message?” Chris asked, bring Cameron’s thoughts back to the present.

  “Yes.” He gently nudged Anna. “Time to wake up.”

  Anna took a deep breath and snuggled her head deeper into Cameron’s chest. “Can’t I just stay here?”

  “I don’t think the horse would like to stand here all night with you sleeping on its back.” He dismounted and reached up, assisting Anna to the ground.

  The door flung open as Duke emerged. “What has happened?” he asked, looking at the ragged group.

  “The city is in chaos. Wagons are burning, soldiers are being attacked, and I think your tavern has been blown up.” Cameron calmly answered.


  “You’re missing all the excitement. I would have thought you would have returned after you delivered the message.”

  “Excitement! You let those red devils blow up my tavern!”

  “If it helps any, it was Austin’s plan,” Cameron replied walking up the steps.

  “Oh, that helps tremendously. Why in this world would ya follow that young cockerel’s plan? He can’t even find his way out of a barrel, much less come up with a plan.” Duke turned his head and looked heatedly at Chris. “Why didn’t you try ta stop him?”

  “Me?” Chris asked, pointing to his chest.

  “Yeah. You’re the sensible one of this group.”

  “Why didn’t you deliver the message?” Cameron asked, turning Duke to face him.

  “Your man never showed. Why did you let those devils burn my tavern?”

  “It was an unforeseen event. What do you mean he never showed?”

  Anna walked up the steps with Sarah, ignoring the arguing men. All men were the same—easily distracted. The women walked to the edge of the porch. The blue light from the full moon lit up the meadow. Propping her shoulder against the home, Anna gazed out and watched the fireflies dance over the field. A flicker of a light captured her attention. She stared intently at the area. There was another flicker and then a pop.

  “Gunfire!” Cameron yelled, racing towards the women. “Get down!” he said, pulling both to the porch. Turning to Duke, he said, “Snuff the lantern.”

  “Who do you think is shooting at us?” Chris asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Albert,” Anna said.

  “Stevenson? He’s still in the city.” Cameron said.

  “It’s him.” Anna looked into Cameron’s eyes.

  “Why are you so certain? He was battling near the town square when I last saw him.”

  “He has more to lose if I leave him than you think. Not only will he lose me, but this property, too. He wants my lands.”

  “How much land are you talking about?” Chris asked. “There’s only what? Five, ten acres here?”

  “One thousand.”

  “A thousand!” Cameron blurted.

  Duke made a low whistle.

  “Yes.” Anna looked at the group. “Father only presented Albert with half of my dowry funds. The other half along with my lands would not be his until we are married for a year and I return safely to England. He plans on selling my lands and using the money to buy his way into a seat in Parliament.”

  “He can’t have you,” Cameron said.

  Anna’s eyes locked onto Cameron. “Let me go. You’ll be safe.”

  “No.” Shaking his head, Cameron grabbed her arms. “He’ll kill you. I will not give him the opportunity.”

  “Just let me go, Cameron. Save yourselves.”

  “I said no!”


  “I love you, damn it!”

  His confession caused her to stop her protests. “Do you love me or the information that I provide to you?”

  “I love you,” Cameron said more softly this time. “I cannot tolerate the thought of you being with Stevenson. You will not go back to him. If we have to leave North Carolina and travel west to be together, then so be it.”

  “This is touching and all,” Duke interrupted, “but we need to do something other than discuss feelings. Redcoats are coming.”

  “This home is full of hidden passages and tunnels. There is a tunnel in the kitchen. It takes us near the well on the other side of the barn.”

  “Duke, go upstairs, and see if you can count how many are coming. Chris, go with him. Anna and Sarah, you come with me to look and see if the weapons I placed are still hidden in the lower rooms.”

  Duke raced up the stairs two at a time and peered through the upstairs window of the first room he came to. A cloud had floated by and covered the light of the moon. Keeping his eyes focused on the meadow, Duke attempted to count. He looked upward and watched the cloud slowly drift by.

  “Come on, come on,” Duke spoke to the cloud, as if his words would encourage it to move faster. The cloud slowly moved, ignoring the pleas of the tavern owner to increase its pace. Duke kept diverting his eyes between the cloud and the meadow. Finally, the cloud dispersed allowing the moon’s light to flood over the pasture, exposing the approaching men.

  Duke raced to the top of the stairs and shouted down, “I can make out ten but no more.”

  Anna and Sarah approached Cameron at that time carrying several weapons along with wadding and gunpowder.

  “Can either of you shoot?” Cameron asked.

  “I can,” Sarah said.

  Anna shook her head. “I have never had the need to use a weapon.”

  “Really?” Sarah questioned, her words oozing with sarcasm. “Between your father and husband, you had all the need in the world.”

  “Not now, Sarah.”

  Cameron picked up a pistol and looked at Anna. “Then you load.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  “I’ll show you.”

  Anna watched as Cameron demonstrated how to load the weapon. He handed her a weapon. “Now follow my lead.”
She did as instructed and mimicked Cameron’s actions. She loaded two weapons without issue. “Good. Now load the rest. It will give you the practice you need. See if you can increase your speed each time. I’m going upstairs to look for good vantage points.”

  Cameron left the room and climbed the stairs two at a time. He found Duke in the first room. Duke looked at Cameron, then out the window. Cameron approached his friend.

  “You think we can do this, Cam?”

  “We can try.”

  “What’s your plan?”

  “I’ll have Anna load while the rest of us shoot.”

  “You trust Chris with a gun? He couldn’t hit the barn.”

  “He is a good enough marksman. You and Chris will be in here. Sarah, Anna and I will be in the last room. If they make it to the home, come to that room. There’s a passage that will take us downstairs to the dining room. We’ll go to the kitchen and then take the tunnel to the barn. Before we exit the house, we’ll set fire to it.”

  “You think she’ll let you burn her house?”

  “I won’t give her the option.”

  Duke gave a small chuckle. “What a way to start a relationship. You kill her husband, burn her home, and run from Redcoats. You’re a true romantic, Cam.”

  “Shut it.”

  “Better go get the others. The enemy approaches.”

  Cameron went downstairs. He informed the others of the plan and then helped carry the weapons upstairs. They had seven pistols, four muskets, and about thirty rounds of ammunition.

  “Make every shot count. Take your time when you aim. Remember, the second the ball leaves your weapon, hide. They will fire back, so take cover. Sarah, are you better with pistols or muskets?” Cameron asked.


  “Anna, make sure you only load her the muskets.” Cameron looked at Duke. “Take care and shoot well.”

  “I’ll pick their eyes out,” the cocky tavern owner replied.

  Cameron looked at his brother. The unspoken words of worry were present in his green eyes. Chris was the only family he had. He hated putting his brother in this position.

  “I know,” Chris said, sensing his brother’s worry. “The same goes for you.”


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