ZetaTalk: Government

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ZetaTalk: Government Page 7

by Nancy Lieder

  source] Space relic falls into living room [Jun 12] ‘A solid black lump that crashed into

  an Auckland familyś living room has turned out to be a huge windfall. Experts have

  confirmed it is only the ninth meteorite found in New Zealand. I did a bit of checking

  and I thought maybe there´d been a meteor shower or something, but thereś been nothing at this time of year, says Jennie

  McCormick of the Stardome Observatory. The rock weighs in at 1.3 kilograms.’

  Signs of the Times #891

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta116.htm[2/5/2012 11:41:20 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Market Freefall

  Possible Meteorite Reported in Wash [Jun 3] ‘A possible meteorite may have crashed into Earth about 30 miles south of

  Olympia early Thursday, an astronomy professor said. Bright flashes and sharp booms were reported in the skies over the

  Puget Sound area. Bradley Hammermaster, who teaches at the University of Washington, estimated that the object was

  about the size of a small car. He described it as a piece of a larger meteor.’ [and from another source] Night skies lit up by

  likely Meteorite [Jun 3] ‘A streaking meteor is believed to be responsible for bright flashes and loud booms in Puget Sound

  and B.C.ś Lower Mainland. The event just before 3 AM PDT also lit up radio station switchboards with callers reporting

  the sky bursts. No military or civilian aircraft were reported in trouble. In the Vancouver area, a Delta woman told a radio

  station the sky was unbelievable and beautiful -- like a big bolt of lightning or a transformer blowing.’ [and from another

  source] Prince George is a 500 mile drive from Vancouver, another 200+ from Seattle, and the flash was seen there.

  Signs of the Times #890

  These are not any plane. [Jun 7] I just caught a fireball coming from the skies, some days ago! They are falling more and

  more frequently than ever here in Poland.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta116.htm[2/5/2012 11:41:20 AM]

  ZetaTalk: What They Fear

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  ZetaTalk: What They Fear

  written Sep 7, 2004

  We have mentioned that the establishment fears losing their perch on top of the pile, and being reduced to the stature

  of the common man. They fear, primarily:

  1. A sudden panic in the masses to the extent they leave their jobs and the infrastructure collapses as maintenance

  is not done on power grids or water mains, and security over corporate assets is not maintained.

  2. Opportunistic looting which catches like wildfire when it becomes apparent that security is lacking, the police or

  private security forces distracted by their own panic.

  3. Military sent in to quell riots becoming brutal, as they have frankly been trained, creating in the populace a

  rebellion beyond panic that sets the common man against the establishment, a class war seething under the

  surface boiling and not settling.

  4. Stock markets collapsing under sudden sell orders in an effort to liquidate cash, and banks unable to meet the

  demands that bonds and savings accounts be liquidated, so the financial system is no longer considered

  functional and squatters rights begins to prevail as the mindset of the masses.

  5. Military units or militias becoming breakaway units such that rogue states are formed, the world in the main

  becoming a no-man’s land where the safety of the elite cannot be assumed or assured.

  6. The wealthy elite, and those in power when the big lies are exposed, becoming targets of those who have long

  resented them, with more than focused looting and retaliation unleashed as starving masses of humanity become


  7. The power of the elite no longer recognized when it is reduced to paper ownership no longer enforced by the

  courts and control over police and military forces no longer listening and consisting of paper money no longer

  having any value in a barter driven economy.

  To counter these possibilities, the establishment has desired a firm date when sudden and unexpected Earth changes

  would occur that might throw the populace into a sudden panic, and the ability to close stock markets and banks in

  such an event, and to impose martial law to prevent rioting. These steps were viewed as stopping the erosion of power

  and wealth by substituting fear of punishment in the minds of the populace for their sense of self protection and

  opportunistic greed. Well timed martial law would supplant what the elite fear with a controlled setting, where:

  1. Travel would be prevented, and jobs attended to, by force, with workers returned to their jobs by gunpoint if

  necessary. Thus the power and water utilities would work, and food distribution would continue.

  2. Looting would be reduced greatly by curfews and travel restrictions, and the wildfire effect would never ignite.

  3. Brutal military techniques would not incite rebellion as torture would occur behind doors, not in the streets, and

  the organization needed to incite rebellion unable to occur due to curfew and travel restrictions and selective

  arrests of likely suspects.

  4. Access to stock markets and banking would be controlled, so that the system never reaches collapse due to

  liquidation demands it cannot meet and the populace feels they must continue to honor their bills and

  obligations, as the monster lives and has not died.

  5. Spearheaded from central commands, martial law instituted to encompass all possible militia units would prevent

  breakaway by exposing such maneuvers. A unit on its own can breakaway, a unit required to check in and

  coordinate with others finds this option exposed, and thus inhibited.

  6. The infrastructure of power and water utilities intact and supporting an intact financial system, the political and

  thus the legal system is likely to prevail and not collapse, and thus fear of the courts could be used to prevent

  retaliatory acts against the wealthy elite.

  7. The status quo continues, paper money and deeds and stock ownership of corporations still has the strong arm of

  the law behind it, and the common man sees the fist above them, uneroded, and continues to walk in the ruts of

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta151.htm[2/5/2012 11:41:20 AM]

  ZetaTalk: What They Fear

  their workaday world, despite new dangers such as earthquakes and a tottering and wobbling Earth.

  For martial law to succeed at all, there must be a problem extreme enough to be recognized as a rationale for extreme

  protection, such as the continent rent in two by earthquake, a tidal wave tearing away all the cities along a coastline, or

  a wave of disease threatening to wipe out the country if not controlled by quarantine. And this threat must be real, else

  support for the strong arm of martial law would not be in place, and erosion would occur quickly. Thus, martial law

  imposed just ahead of such disasters would succeed, but attempts to impose it during such disasters would likely fail

  as the components of martial law are subject to panic too, and disrupted communications and lack of reassurance on

  the outcome feed that panic in the very control system the elite counts upon. Once again, the Catch-22 for the elite, as

  without a firm date on changes likely to incite panic, they cannot stop the wildfire they fear, but a firm date will not be

  forthcoming unless the public is informed about what is coming and likewise has the date, and thus cooperation with

  any martial law maneuvers serving the elite over the common man would be reduced. There are Two Scenarios

  possible: a controlled panic where the common man is aware
of what is happening and can listen to their hearts as to

  how to proceed, or the uncontrolled panic the elite fear.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta151.htm[2/5/2012 11:41:20 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Contrails

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  ZetaTalk: Contrails

  Note: written on Aug 15, 2000

  Contrails creating illness are not benign. This is not an attempt to inoculate the populace. This is an attempt by people

  connected with the military, not within the military, but able to drive the military, a rogue unit you may say. Much as

  tear gas or glop that prevents a mob from running effectively, tying them up, this is an attempt to thwart great masses

  of people from proceeding. If you were too ill to get up and walk, vomiting, losing your fluids, laying about in a fever,

  you are certainly not leading the charge. These people fear the coming cataclysms and even before that time. They fear

  people starving and rioting. The contrail experiments are affecting delimited small portions of society. In particular this

  experiment has gone on in the US and is not worldwide, nor is it a germ than can infect and continue such as AIDS or


  The general populace in the United States looks to the government to save it, where's my welfare check, where's the

  militia to help out. This is a comforting illusion, not a reality. Quite the opposite, they should avoid their government

  as the times get tight and the cataclysms occur. The populace should expect to see more of this, where private militias

  are gathered around the very rich and powerful who begin to carve out enclaves of where they can station themselves

  surrounded by their private militias. Even though many of these people will be garnered from the military, taken up

  just ahead of the cataclysms as a way for the military to become mercenaries in effect and be fed, they will turn their

  guns on what were formerly the taxpayers and prevent the hungry hordes from coming to a place where they may be


  Beginning in the year 2000, the patterns of chemtrail had created an alarm in the populace to the extent that public

  outcry was becoming organized and vociferous. Rally’s were being held, petitions signed, and documentation on harm

  to children and other vulnerable segments of the population showing that the tests being run were not as harmless as

  claimed. Those in the government aware of the chemtrail tests had been assured that no harm would come to the

  populace - a slight increase in flu symptoms, a few days lost at work or school, but all in all, relatively minor

  complaints. That the threshold putting a sick child or oldster from the sick bed into the coffin was occurring set those

  among the wealthy and powerful elite at odds with each other, and behind the scenes wars over allowing the chemtrail

  tests to continue broke out, unseen to the public eye but nonetheless fierce. With support eroding, the guilty looked

  about at whom they could point fingers, so as to evade discovery. What better scapegoat than UFO's, especially as the

  government denies their reality and the accused can never defend themselves!

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/govmt/g102.htm[2/5/2012 11:41:21 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Contrail Plan

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  ZetaTalk: Contrail Plan

  Note: written on Dec 15, 2001

  Contrails are an experiment of the wealthy and powerful, to see how much deliberate infection of the wandering

  masses might slow them down. This has been allowed, where practiced, because the experiment was couched in terms

  of crowed control. Those allowing this to continue, the military and national security groups, were assured that only

  temporary illness would occur. However, the intent of the elite was scarcely temporary illness. Imagine elite groups

  settling into North Carolina estates, or in valleys in Utah, or in Wyoming. Why would they want masses of the lower

  class, starving and angry, invading their communities? There would certainly not be food or supplies enough to go

  around, and these elite do not think of the populace as anything on an equal basis to themselves. Their logic is that if

  these starving hordes are to die anyway, the sooner the better!

  Thus, when the time came, what was being sprayed upon the starving wandering hordes would scarcely be temporary

  germs such as flu. They are to be poisoned. Will this actually occur, going into or after the shift? The assumption on

  the part of the perpetrators is that the status quo, in runways, in motion in the air, in gasoline supplies, and in willing

  workers, will remain as today. This is so far from the truth, that we predict that none of these operations will be up and

  accomplished, as planned. During the week of rotation stoppage, there is so much discombobulation that all jobs get

  neglected, and complicated operations that involve many steps and few people have a built in broken link problem. A

  single individual, meant to pass a message to provide poison at the appointed place or time, can create failure. Thus,

  where this is the plan, this is not expected to be the occurrence.

  The target is clearly large urban areas of poor and restless folk, such as LA, for instance, where riots have already

  occurred. Analyze the contrail spots today - militia groups, large cities, and routes the wandering hordes might be

  likely to use. Stay away from those areas, prior to the week of rotation stoppage, and you should have scant worry

  from this source. Anthrax and West Nile are not arranged by the elite to this end. Anthrax being visited upon the US,

  as the World Trade Center occurrence, is contrary to their wishes. This is irony, as they wanted excuses for martial

  law, but now this is upon them but out of their control. Karma, at its best.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/govmt/g137.htm[2/5/2012 11:41:21 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Renewed Activity

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  ZetaTalk: Renewed Activity

  Note: written during the Mar 16, 2002 IRC Session

  Lately chemtrail activity has picked up, and not without reason. We stated recently that the ulterior motive was to

  poison the masses, when the time came, not simply make them ill with flu. Frantic to seem on top of matters with a

  failing economy and failure to capture Bin Laden after the 911 disasters and making one mistake after another, the

  Bush Administration went too far in revealing their plans among themselves to insiders not completely on board.

  Distracted with anger, and casting about, words were said in meetings that would have been kept close in more

  controlled and confident times. Horrified attendees, who were under the impression that flu and temporary illness only

  was to be the result of spraying the masses on the move toward carry-on government enclaves or those of the wealthy

  elite, realized that murder of citizens, of all ages, was the intent. Babies, women with small children in their arms,

  struggling toward what they assumed were the government camps, to be poisoned!

  Arguments broke out, and with the lack of MJ12 use of Zeta travel services, cloaking and the perfect intel that our

  telepathy affords, they could not be sure who knew, and who did not. Sputtering apologizes, excuses that

  misunderstandings had occurred, that this was not the intent, were made. Because the Bush Administration and their

  allies could not be sure how far the truth had spread, they felt they would not succeed in their ultimate plan, to poison

  the public should they threaten to rush the camps with demand
s that food stuff and shelter be shared. They fell back to

  the stated plan, to sicken, not poison, and went over this plan as to practicality. Of course, desperate people will

  struggle on, even if sickened, as they are already sickened with starvation and injury and driven by great fear. Thus,

  new spraying methods are being tested, now in early 2002, more heavy coverage, different chemicals as vehicles, and

  eventually, different flu bugs.

  Expect this, and also slips and leaks as to the campaign, who is conducting it, and why. As the campaign heats up, and

  word of the real agenda of the perpetrators, countering maneuvers will occur among those horrified and disgusted at

  the Bush Administration leadership. Since the blanketing is not intended to spread over wide areas, the wind eventually

  dispels the fog and sunlight and oxygen destroy germs. Thus, one must be misted, fogged, walking under the dropping

  droplets, so to speak, or not affected. Something as simple as staying indoors, in your car with the vent closed, will

  protect you. Certainly, when the shift approaches, to be in heavily populated areas targeted by the Bush Administration

  should be avoided. No point in getting sick, and since this campaign is in the hands of man, and the Rule of Non-

  Interference prevails, it is possible that poisons, not flu germs, will be used.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/govmt/g143.htm[2/5/2012 11:41:22 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Microwave Towers

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  ZetaTalk: Microwave Towers

  Note: written during the September 28, 2002 IRC Session

  Uneasy about the many cover-ups they sense are in place, and the illogical behavior of major powers such as the US,

  the public sees conspiracy everywhere. The upshot of this unease is that the US public, at the least, suspect reasons

  behind the cover-ups and tries to make sense of them in this context. Should we list the cover-ups?

  Alien Presence

  UFOs are being sighted by pilots and masses of the populace at once, such as in Mexico City where these UFOs


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