ZetaTalk: Government

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ZetaTalk: Government Page 33

by Nancy Lieder

  would lose all, in a decapitation that negates any influence over matters that Bush can assert as President. An upset, a

  changing of the guard, such as they might attempt, will hardly change the public perception that all is well in

  Washington. In fact, it will show the manipulation behind the scenes, and make the public even more suspicious of any

  activity in Washington. Would Cheney be a better President? His polls are at 18% approval, vs 36% for Bush. Would

  taking them both out reassure the public and gain cooperation among those in Washington already revolting from

  White House rule? This is likely to alarm, and create an impasse, in Washington, decapitation come early. There are

  few choices available to this vested interest group, but the status quo is alarming, thus threats and ultimatums have

  emerged. Assassination, heart attack or a stroke, mental breakdown, all these are cards on the table, per the edict that

  has been given to Bush by this vested interest group. Bush is thus mustering a show of strength, all the while looking

  angry and deadly serious, as for him this is a deadly serious matter!

  Signs of the Times #1568

  Bush Defends Decisions on Iraq War [Mar 21] http://apnews.myway.com/ 'President Bush said

  Tuesday the decision about when to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq will fall to future presidents

  and Iraqi leaders, suggesting that U.S. involvement will continue at least through 2008.

  Acknowledging the public's growing unease with the war - and election-year skittishness among

  fellow Republicans - the president nonetheless vowed to keep U.S. soldiers in the fight. He also

  stood by embattled Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld. The news conference marked a new

  push by Bush to confront doubts about his strategy in Iraq.' [and from another]

  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/ [Mar 18] 'A bitterly divided electorate gives President George W. Bush

  an approval rating of only 36 percent in the latest NEWSWEEK poll, matching the low point in his

  presidency recorded last November. His image as an effective leader in the war on terror is

  tarnished, with less than half the public (44 percent) approving of the way he's handling terrorism

  and homeland security. Despite a series of presidential speeches meant to bolster support for the

  war in Iraq, as well as the announcement of a major military offensive when the poll was getting

  under way, only 29 percent of the people questioned approved Bush's handling of the situation in

  Iraq. Fully 65 percent disapprove. The way the president has dealt with issues at home hasn't

  brought him much support either. His approval ratings for the handling of energy policy (28

  percent) and health care (28 percent) were new lows, while approval on the economy (36 percent)

  mirrored his overall rating.'

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta269.htm[2/5/2012 11:42:14 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Bin Laden

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  ZetaTalk: Bin Laden

  Note: written during the July 27, 2002 IRC Session

  Bin Laden is still very much alive, and playing a cat and mouse game with the US Government. They wish to kill him,

  hunt him down, but have no clues as to his whereabouts. He is enjoying their distress at being unable to drag his dead

  body about, and declare victory. He is in hiding in a country we will not announce, as this would allow the US too

  much power in the PR game if they could capture him. Their inability to bring him to justice is a humiliation, and we

  like a large percentage of the world see the US arrogance and intent to dominate all the world, during this time and

  especially the coming time, as something to be countered. Thus, he is caring for his health, plotting his opportunities,

  and will emerge in due time with film that will leave no doubt that he is alive and well. To those who would say we

  should assist in his capture, for the sake of US citizens, let us say that we assist in preventing more terrorist problems

  in the US, for the same reasons given. Such attacks would be only used by the Bush Administration to justify taking

  away civil liberties, and rushing down the road to become a world dictatorship. Thus, as with the Enron and Worldcom

  and other revelations, we are assisting with humiliating and distracting the Bush Administration, and preventing

  success of their mission.

  Note: below added during the Nov 30 , 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We months ago predicted, when the Bush Administration was suggesting to the world that Bin Laden was likely dead,

  or dealt a fatal blow, in the caves of Afghanistan, that Bin Laden was alive and would soon be heard from again, back

  to his old practices. The recent new videos of Bin Laden show the first part of our prediction true, and Kenya the

  second. Bin Laden's video made it clear that the Bush pressure against Iraq, would result in terrorism against American

  interests and allies abroad. Kenya and the missile were that, both aimed at Israel. The missile attack missed its mark

  simply because the aim was long range, and the skill required considerable. TWA800 was taken down by such a

  missile, but skilled US Military, employed by those who would start Martial Law in the US early, were at the hands.

  Will this change the Bush Administrations tenor on Iraq, the raw desire to gain control of Iraq oil and put Cheney in

  charge? Since the weapons search is unlikely to turn up anything incriminating, unless it is planeted there, they must

  now change the rules. If Iraq has been firing on British and US planes in the no-fly zone all along, this now has

  become a breach worthy of war on Iraq. Did the Security Council say so? No, just Bush and Blair, trying to change the


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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/govmt/g154.htm[2/5/2012 11:42:15 AM]

  ZetaTalk: FEMA

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  ZetaTalk: FEMA

  Note: written during the July 27, 2002 IRC Session

  Preparations for the passage of Planet X are at last being openly practiced, such as FEMA expecting an entire city to

  be vacating, and military practice on invading cities, only done to a mild degree in the past. This is all under the guise

  of terrorist expectations, bombs and more 911 occasions, but has the year not passed without more incidents? This and

  the shrill demands to have Homeland Security be allowed to be an arm of the puppet President, Bush, are showing the

  shrill edge of fear in the US government, yes.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/govmt/g155.htm[2/5/2012 11:42:15 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Bin Laden Audio

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  ZetaTalk: Bin Laden Audio

  Note: written during the Feb 15, 2003 IRC Session

  Why would Bin Laden produce only an audio, when formerly he produced video? Most of the world is highly

  suspicious, in that Powell failed to rally the UN with his so-called evidence, all hearsay and second hand and not

  evidence at all. Troubled with NATO, anti-war demonstrations, a continuously falling Stock Market, and no terror

  attacks in the US despite the Bush Administrations fervent need for something to act as the trigger for war! The

  inspectors finding no evidence, despite the US giving them all the intel they have, and thus, the Bush Administration

  falling flat. What would it take to manufacture a Bin Laden tape? Do they not have his voice on tape already, from his

  many videos and the like? To certify an audio as coming from an individual, it needs to be produced from that person,

but who is checking for splicing? Go over past tapes the CIA has in their possession, and find a word in the new audio

  that does not already appear in the old. Indeed, manufactured, and as Bin Laden is scarcely dead as announced in the

  past by the US, he will find his own way of announcing this falsehood.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/govmt/g192.htm[2/5/2012 11:42:16 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Saddam's Hanging

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  ZetaTalk: Saddam's Hanging

  written Dec 30, 2006

  Was Saddam really killed today? Or was it a look alike? [and from another] Was the fake Saddam

  betrayed and murdered, or was his death faked. What would happen if the real Saddam makes his

  presence known?

  What is known, from the time of the supposed capture of Saddam and killing of his sons, is that this is neither the real

  Saddam Hussein nor his real sons. Nor did anyone die during this supposed hanging. The real family escaped, to a

  place the US with their espionage arms cannot reach. Just as Bin Laden hides in the hills of Afghanistan and Pakistan

  and Iran, even traveling to Turkey on occasion, just so Saddam and his sons are deep in the territory of a long time

  ally, Russia. Bush bombastically announced the pending invasion of Iraq, giving adequate time for anyone to leave.

  We stated at the outset that there would be no regime change nor would Bush and Blair gain the control over the oil

  fields they lusted after. What is occurring is an evacuation, with the Bush administration clinging to the hopes they can

  still hang on somehow, magically. Bush is rejecting all advice he supposedly sought re Iraq, fresh ideas, and stubbornly

  insisting on sending in more exhausted troops. This is the opposite of what the American people and the new

  Democratic leadership of Congress want, so intent on getting his way he and his fellow conspirators have concocted a

  way to stir up violence, or so they hope.

  The timing of the supposed hanging, on a holy day, was not by accident. Just as the US was responsible for the

  bombing of the Golden Mosque, they are also responsible for the timing of this charade by those parts of the Iraq

  government well in hand. Who were the witnesses? A handful of politicians fearful that the Americans will pull out,

  leaving them to the wrath of whatever faction in Iraq they have insulted. It was Saddam's cousin on trial all those

  months, a fact easily proven by close examination of the teeth of these two men. Saddam with perfect teeth and a

  normal bite, and the cousin with crooked lower teeth and an underbite. Never mind that the CIA claimed the captured

  cousin was indeed Saddam, based on DNA. Does the CIA lie? Now what? There may be slightly more sectarian

  violence, but not the flash point to allow Bush to impose a draft in the US or an invasion of Iran, his fond hopes.

  Instead, there will be the steady press to evacuate, as the civil war will continue, separating the country into pieces so

  the Kurds and Shia hold the oil fields, and the Sunnis merely hold the war machinery that Saddam used to command.

  After the US and Britain are forced out of the country, Saddam will return to command the Sunnis, reinstating his

  regime. End of story.

  Signs of the Times #1657

  Saddam Hussein put to death [Dec 29]

  http://www.rawstory.com/ Refusing to have his

  face covered and uttering curses upon his

  perceived foes, condemned Iraqi ex-dictator

  Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging

  early Saturday morning in a Baghdad square

  outside the Green Zone. [and from another] 'I

  Saw Fear, He Was Afraid' [Dec 30]

  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/ Ali Al Massedy

  was 3 feet away from Saddam Hussein when he

  died. The 38 year old, normally Iraqi Prime

  Minister Nuri al-Maliki's official videographer, was the man responsible for filming the late

  dictator's execution at dawn on Saturday. Ali said he was not authorized to disclose the location,

  and did not give other details of the room. He would not give the names of officials in attendance,

  though he estimates there were around 20 observers. [and from another] Taliban says Saddam's

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta346.htm[2/5/2012 11:42:16 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Saddam's Hanging

  execution to intensify jihad [Dec 30] http://www.alertnet.org/ Mullah Obaidullah Akhund, a former

  Taliban defence minister and top insurgent commander, also said Saddam's execution on the Eid al-

  Adha Muslim festival -- marking the end of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca -- was a provocation.

  [and from another] It wasn't Saddam! See Signs of the Times #540-541, and it wasn't his sons they

  killed in that shootout, either. See Signs of the Times #139.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta346.htm[2/5/2012 11:42:16 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Bali Bombing

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  ZetaTalk: Bali Bombing

  Note: written during the October 26, 2002 IRC Session

  Indonesia is a hotbed of Muslim insurection, in that the government is and has been for decades controlled by

  Catholics. Recent years, and especially recent months, have put them in the news when visitors the the island nation

  are kidnapped and brutally killed if ransom not paid. This trend has recently spread into Russia, with the drama of an

  entire threatre audience held hostage to Muslim protesters. None of this is done at the hand of the Bush Administration,

  to support their demands for essential martial law within the US. These situations existed prior to 911, and have their

  own force and fury outside of parochial US interests.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/govmt/g168.htm[2/5/2012 11:42:17 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Iraq Civil War

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  ZetaTalk: Iraq Civil War

  written Feb 25, 2006

  We have often stated that the war in Iraq was part of a larger plan to commandeer the oil fields of the Middle East, to expand into Saudi Arabia and Iran, and thence up into the oil field of Russia via Pakistan. The stage for the current

  military action was set in the past, with the friendship of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein, who were considered allies

  by George Bush Sr. By allowing Saddam to remain in power at the end of the first Gulf War, the stage was set for

  George Bush Jr. to insist on finishing his father's work. Of course, seeing the junior Bush into the Presidency at this

  time, when the pole shift was anticipated, was in the plan. Thus we had Dubya inserted into the White House by

  Supreme Court fiat in 2000, and by voter fraud in 2004. The group who took the White House by coup in 2000 are

  marching to the original plan, regardless of setbacks, but are seeing their course changed by opposition, and have

  become desperate.

  The military is slipping away, revolt endemic, so that orders from the White House cannot be presumed to be


  The Congress is now in revolt, likely to become a Democratic Congress in 2006, and with voter fraud warnings

  much in the news and the techniques used in 2004 well publicized, a repeat of this fraud unlikely to succeed.

  The American public is up in arms, against Bush and company on all fronts except for his stance on terrorism,

  and now with the UAE port deal well publicized, this has crashed also.

  International support, such as was required to attack and invade Iraq, is lacking for an attack on Iran, so

  attempting a coalition is a lost cause before even being a

  The funds required to support the plan have run the US into a record deficit, so that printing money like a

  Banana Republic is the only option. Iran's plan to switch to the Euro for oil, leading the way to dropping the

  dollar as the world's currency, will create a crisis for the US, as the bottom for funding the plan will drop out

  from under the Bush crowd.

  One option is to give up the plan, resign to being ousted from the Presidency and control of the Executive Branch, and

  go quietly into the night to prepare as any other wealthy citizen might for the pole shift, with a well stocked and

  guarded bunker. Does this sound like the arrogant Bush crowd? They hope, as we stated, to create terrorism attacks in

  the US, via the UAE port deal, which will allow Martial Law to be called in the US with a mandatory call to service, a draft, imposed. With Bush as President for life, the plan would have new life, or so goes the thinking. Why else is

  Bush so adamant about pushing the UAE deal forward, despite opposition on all sides and a drop in the polls? They

  are taking desperate measures! Does this include inciting civil war in Iraq? What would the Bush crowd stand to gain,

  by increased violence in the Middle East? Note the odd timing of a supposed Al Qaeda attack on a Saudi oil refinery,

  the first ever of this scope to be attempted, with civil war in Iraq. Why would one incident incite the other? Al Qaeda

  does not identify with the Shia or Sunni, nor would the Saudi attack help either party. But there is a nexus in the

  interests of Bush and company.

  The only way for the US to incite war with Iran is for the chaos in Iraq to spill over the borders. This would include the

  border with Saudi Arabia, who would require US forces to defend their oil reserves, so the story would go, and thus an

  occupation there would result. Will this play out as Bush hopes, forcing the US Military to support an increased

  presence in the Middle East, an increased scope in the operation? This would be placed in the context of a need to

  have a victory, to stay the course. Should this meet opposition, America's dependence on oil from the region would be

  emphasized. Will these desperate measures go as planned? One should bear in mind that these affairs are in the hands


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