Lords of Chaos

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Lords of Chaos Page 35

by Michael Moynihan

  In any case, I believe that the origin of our race lay in ancient Sumer, and as we know, Sumer was the first urban civilization. From there, the White Man spread out in every attainable direction on the earth, and among other things founded the “super-civilization” of Thule/Atlantis which was, however, destroyed in the antediluvian age. The survivors of the flood then had a decided influence upon the Mayan, Incan, and Aztec civilizations of Central and South America, as well as others.

  “Folkdom” is not only made up of those with common blood. The landscape where the folk live also exerts a large influence on the character of their culture, religion, and civilization. People are molded by the landscape; at the same time there are naturally significant regional differences. Only through this confluence of blood and landscape do a specific “folkdom” and folk customs arise. Of course, the primary aspects of this process are religious and cultural. Although substantial differences can be observed amongst the Indo-Germanic peoples, a correspondence exists between their religious conceptions and their form of writing (which was originally only used for religious purposes). Through these their kinship and “rank” can be known.

  Therefore we feel related to every ancient culture that is illuminated by “Thulean” awareness and aesthetics. Certainly we are very fascinated by martial cultures, such as the Spartan and of course the Germanic ones. The law of the strong operates throughout nature and also among men. We are very proud of our pure German descent. Perhaps the Germans were not the most civilized branch of the White Race, but they were the most honorable and virtuous.


  We recognize DNA as the seat of the (collective) subconscious, and the subconscious shelters everlasting archetypes. We could also be wrong and there is a sort of “eternal force-field,” which houses the collective archetypes and projects them into our souls. But that is not important. I guess we are too secularized to believe in deities as “supernatural beings,” but we view them as archetypes of course, and, as far as it concerns our race, as Germanic ideals. For example, Donar [the German name for Thor], the Thunderer, is the ideal of the armed German peasant: diligent, brave, sincere. He is responsible for fertility and for fighting the hostile-minded Ice-giants (symbols for uncontrollable natural forces). Another example is Wotan, who represents the Sorcerer-King; he is interwoven with every secret of an occult nature—communication with the birds/animals, use of necromancy, bringing the dead back to life, as well as being the leader of the “wild hunt.” He is a gracious and just ruler for the Aesir, as well as for man. It is not for nothing that German aristocratic families have been eager to trace their ancestry back to Wotan. Perhaps the mythology even springs from our shadowy memory of antediluvian times, when our gods in Thule really existed?

  For certain the background of Germanic mythology is of an esoteric/occult nature (such as the world-tree Yggdrasil, the Runes, Valhalla). But more importantly, we are of the opinion that these myths bring us closer to an ethic and desire to show us a way of life. In any event, German mythology is a heritage given to us that we can’t deny, and we are fascinated with every expression of the Germanic being.

  It goes without saying that National Socialism is likewise such an expression. If one looks at the Black Order of the SS without preconceptions, then one sees mostly people who believed in their vision with devotion and fanaticism and who were taken up with their mission. Finally in this regard one can no longer explain the dynamic of National Socialism as “Machiavellianism” or the like, but instead one has to agree with C.G. Jung that a primordial power had newly possessed the people: the archetype of Wotan. As Hermann Rauschning said, “The deepest roots of Nazism lay hidden in secret places.”

  We are convinced that the will of the White Man is actually constructive. Even in cases where he destroys, he does so only to build what is—in his view—a better and more beautiful world. All his endeavors aim for refinement and ennoblement. But wherever there is so much light, there must also be a great shadow. The adversary of the “Aryan” will is the “Semitic” will. Whenever the reflection of Thule fades, the Semite gains a foothold there and begins his destructive work.

  The Germans used to banish negative influence by purifying themselves, i.e., the tribe, from it. Everyone who harmed their natural ethics (deserters, traitors, homosexuals, adulterers, “black magicians,” etc.) was executed and drowned in the bog, in order to incarcerate the “ill spirit.” This concept naturally had to be rejected when whole tribes converted to Christianity. Christianity finds no correspondence with “Thulean” consciousness. It is completely alien to our nature.

  We cannot come to terms with the fact that this anti-spirit, Christianity, which is so diametrically opposed to our true nature, still holds hostage the sacred shrines of our ancestors and that it should determine our history—and not just in terms of the individual.

  From this reason we support every idea or concept that is subversive to the status quo, and which swings the pendulum to our side. Personally I’m rather fond of the “political heathendom” concept developed by Varg Vikernes. He discovered the way for combining Realpolitik and heathenism. Therefore Absurd also supports the “Pan-Germanic Heathen Front” program!


  In a way I can concur, although while emphasizing that our worldview never changed in its orientation. But naturally we developed and came to new realizations. We always placed great value on our origins and therefore explicitly labeled our music as German Black Metal. We have never been truly ardent Satanists; instead we dealt with the matter at that time in an overly superficial way. Classical Satanism—which seems to be as popular as ever in the Black Metal scene—is just an invention of the medieval Inquisition. The heathens and heretics had to be dealt with somewhere in the Catholic catechism; this was best accomplished by demonizing them. The Malleus Malificarum bears testament to it.

  There is no way we could identify with that, and the nihilistic glorification of violence, war, and extermination no longer holds any spectacular importance to us. I mean, these “shadow sides” of humanity are all too familiar to us, and we know that every human being possesses innate “sinister” tendencies. It is exactly the greatest saints who are the worst devils. There is nothing exceptional about this; it’s only “all too human.”


  There are many rumors, some of them hair-raising, about what lead to Sandro’s death and how it transpired. Now is probably the time to at least describe how things really played out in the background of what happened. Sandro was a very odd young man, who obviously had managed to repeatedly bring down the wrath and ridicule of his peers upon himself. I didn’t know him well enough to be able to come to any clear assessments of his character. But I do know that from the start that I found him very disagreeable—not just because of the things he said or did, but because of the manner in which he said or did them. And it was not only me who was repulsed by this. He had such an unpleasant, arrogant disposition. In any event, in the summer of 1992 he wanted to join our clique, after a girl—with whom Sebastian had a relationship and a child—put him on our scent, so to speak. On account of his manner, we wanted nothing to do with him. Also why we would we, who had so arrogantly and “elitely” distanced ourselves from our peers, welcome Sandro the “loser” with open arms? Nevertheless, in the subsequent period a quite normal relationship developed between Sebastian and Sandro since both were close to the above-mentioned girl and Sandro also let Sebastian tape a lot of music from his record collection. If this situation could have actually continued, a disagreement between Sandro and us would never have occurred. What we didn’t know, and only first learned from the court record, was that Sandro was bisexual. With a likelihood bordering on certainty, Sandro had fallen in love with Sebastian. That is also not astonishing, as in those days Sebastian had a cer
tain “sex appeal” among the youths.

  So Sandro discovered the relationship between Sebastian and his lover, who was married and eight years older than him, while Sebastian was also considered the leader of the local Satanists. If this relationship were to become public—which did indeed happen after the arrests—then it would have caused a significant fuss in the small town of Sondershausen, the result being that the girl would have been expelled from her congregation.

  Sandro recognized the explosive nature of this situation and used it for his own ends. He wrote anonymous letters to Sebastian in which he let it be known that he was aware of the affair. At the same time he threatened to make his knowledge public if Sebastian did not leave the woman. Above and beyond that, he spread rumors about our clique and pretended to be a member of Absurd. All in all it was a mixture of jealousy, envy, and vengeful feelings which motivated his actions. However, I suppose it was fate that Sandro wanted to start his trouble at a point when our clique and the band were already experiencing problems. As a result we paid quite a lot more attention to Sandro’s silly game than we would have under normal circumstances. If Sandro had actually made good on his threat, then Sebastian would have—as he said back then—left Sondershausen with the mother of his child. The clique and Absurd would have been broken up. For me personally at the time, it was a very shocking realization.

  Therefore we decided to solve the “Sandro problem” short and quick, by forcing him to abandon his plans. There could be no lengthy discussion with him. If need be, we would put pressure on him. Unfortunately we overestimated our capabilities for conflict solving and underestimated Sandro’s rebelliousness. The rest of the story is known.


  Countless people still hold this view, all the way up to the present. But it is fundamentally wrong! The conflict between Sandro and Sebastian (representing the clique) was of a purely personal nature. Religious and ideological motives played no role before, or during, the deed. I must also deny the assumption that it was a sacrificial ritual, although I know that this simple attempt at an explanation is the favorite interpretation of the death for many people. It sounds, however, too much like a cheap horror film. Such “satanic sacrifices” only take place in and for the media. The reality is much different. If one wants to find a religious component in Sandro’s death at all, then one has to really make a stretch. The manner and the course of his injuries could be seen in conjunction with ancient Germanic sacrificial rites in which the victim was killed by stabbing and strangulation and then sunk into the bog. But that is very far-fetched. At the time of the deed we had not consciously celebrated any ritual. To do so under these circumstances would not have even occurred to us. Instead of imaginary religious or ideological aspects it would be better if more attention were paid to the psychological situation at the time of the deed. I am thoroughly convinced that Sandro’s death would have never come about if he had just behaved somewhat differently. Thus it was a classic “lock and key” situation, one which opened up the possibility for escalation of events. Nevertheless this theme is very complex and also of a very private nature. For this reason I do not wish to say very much publicly. Besides, every passing second a human dies, so there’s no need to make a big fuss of this one kill. The seemingly “exceptional” nature of our deed was something entirely fabricated by the media.



  Due to blind confidence on the part of Sebastian, he told a girlfriend we were in contact with about what happened. She told others about this event, and eventually the parents of our victim became aware of it. They scoured the forest, without knowing their son was buried there, and discovered his damaged shirt. They alarmed the cops once again, who questioned us, among other pupils, about where Sandro could be. A person who did know about our involvement in Sandro’s disappearance, and who disliked us, told the cops what he knew, and thus they arrested us the same day, one week after our deed. I was at home when they came—school was just over this day—and I tried to contact Sebastian and Andreas in order to create some kind of alibi. But the cops were quicker (and I did not know they were already informed, otherwise I would have tried to be even quicker myself!) and arrested me and, a few hours later, my two accomplices.


  Due to our age of 17, they had to use the youth laws for punishment, which meant a maximum of ten years in detention, no matter if even for mass-murder. At the start of 1994 our trial took place, which was a giant media spectacle. Among other things, the court found us guilty of first degree murder, deprivation of liberty, threat and duress, and bodily injury.


  Sebastian and myself were each sentenced to eight years of detention, and Andreas received six years. Now, taking into account the usual punishment for murder—life in prison—we got off relatively lightly. Lastly none of us had to serve the full sentences that we were given; we all were granted early release.

  Ironically, the section we were sentenced under is one of the few pieces of legislation that remains today from National Socialist jurisprudence. Apparently something from the Third Reich held good for modern German “democracy”!



  Basically all of us regret the terrible situation that we brought to our families. This familial liability was and is a fact that we can’t come to terms with. Although what happened with Sandro was not planned, it can absolutely be seen as the ultima ratio in the disagreement between him and us. On a societal level death and murder are so mundane, but individually they are extremely archaic and consciousness-altering experiences. Through a deed of this sort one breaks through borders and reaches regions that play no role in ordinary reality. In this sense it actually has to do with the human “twilight zone” and one becomes a stranger to this “normal” world. Nobody who has not experienced something similar can understand that. I also do not wish to ever explain it to anybody, and with this I should always justify it to myself. Indeed, regarding the deed itself there is nothing that can be changed. “Den Tod geben und den Tod empfangen” [“To give death and to welcome death”]—this was once the motto of the Waffen SS and says much about the original and Germanic relationship to such things. Someone was dealt death by my hand; sometime I may be in his place. Amor fati?


  Our case was publicized throughout the entire German media, both TV and print, quite a lot from May ’93 to May ’94, and even in the following years. Besides the trashy book Satanskinder, at least three other books feature our case. However, this book is certainly wrong with its version (although several phrases sound familiar...), due to the fact we refused to cooperate. A TV-film has also been made based on the events in Sondershausen. We have become “Satan murderers” and “Children of Satan” for all time. One could laugh about these stories, which are eternally the same old thing, if only they hadn’t led to such dire consequences. Apart from the media’s self interest for an ongoing story, there are also circles of people that have utilized the media for engaging in personal conflicts with, for example, my parents. It has long since ceased to have anything to do with “discovering the truth” (if that ever had even played a role) or “informing the public.” It has to do with chicanery, with calculated slander. It can further be asserted in my case that I turn more and more into the archetype of the scapegoat. I am the modern Loki, whom the gods punished for their own sins. That sounds now like tragic self-aggrandizement and self-pity, yet the process of my demonization does actually go on. In the meantime you only hear about me in connection with the murder, as if I were the lone killer of Sandro. Besides, to me alone is attributed the leading role in all of the incidents, which perhaps have only the farthest thing to do with my crime. Throug
h the constant propaganda against me such a poisoned climate has been created in public that barely anyone desires to be made aware of the truth, in others words, to pay attention to the factual relationships. The people say, “Some of it must be true,” for they cannot imagine that they have been duped with an incessant brainwashing propaganda from the side of the media. But I’ve also gotten the accusation that this constant reporting was something desired and encouraged by us. For my part, I would like to deny this. I could have meanwhile appeared on nearly every TV station and in every magazine and expressed my opinions, but I have nearly always refused those offers. It is unpleasant and even embarrassing to me when I read my name in the paper and see my picture. I don’t wish to be a “public figure.”


  Andreas was released a year before Sebastian and I. After getting reacquainted with the scene for a half-year (among other things, he attended a Mayhem reunion concert in Bischofswerda), he retreated completely back into his private life. He broke off all contacts, lives with his girlfriend, and has a good job. Even if I was unhappy about his “departure,” I nevertheless wish him all the best. Sebastian has totally devoted himself to a folkish world of ideas. He is married and has made a small circle of friends and acquaintances in which he actually plays the same role as he once did in our clique in Sondershausen. In the meantime he has also recorded and released new Absurd material. In addition he sings with Halgadom, a joint project with the band Stahlgewitter who are friends of his. He has only a peripheral contact with the scene, a situation that has probably kept him out of the media’s sights. It is different with me, for I have always had and maintained numerous contacts in the scene. In addition, I worked at Darker Than Black Records, through which I naturally was in a more prominent situation than my two former accomplices. Since then the media has decided to put me in the stocks and clothe me as their new scapegoat. Because I also nurtured an association with nationalistically inclined people, I have been charged severely. Nobody was interested in the facts anymore, the only thing that counted was sensationalism. This spectacle left me with no possibility of gaining a foothold in society again.


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