Trina M. Lee

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I sat in the kitchen, shaking in both fear and revulsion. When nobody came back to the office, I paced anxiously until sunrise was so close that I knew I was safe.

  No vampire had instilled this kind of fear in me in almost a decade. It was humiliating, and a part of me wanted to cry. It swept me back in time to when I had been a frightened teenage werewolf coming to grips with the urge to shred living things with my bare hands. This was worse, much worse.

  Chapter Nine

  Shaz was practically having kittens by the time I made it home. Making the mistake of leaving my cell phone in the car had resulted in half a dozen missed calls. I was feeling both stupid and ashamed when I pulled up at home to find his car sitting out front. He probably thought I was dead after being MIA for so long. I wasn’t looking forward to sharing this news with him. My overprotective mate was likely to become even more so.

  “Where in the hell have you been?” The look on Shaz’s face was so stricken with concern that I couldn’t even laugh it off like I’d hoped. “I’ve been calling you since I got off work.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, I forgot my phone in the car.” I went to him immediately and slipped into the safe confines of his warm embrace. “I had an unexpected visitor at the office last night. Harley couldn’t wait any longer to get a look at me.”

  My white wolf lost it then. He pulled back so he could take a good look at me, checking for anything amiss. “What? Why didn’t you call someone? Where was everybody? Did he hurt you?”

  I shook my head and smiled in spite of his worry. It was just so sweet. “No, I’m fine. I promise. He just wanted a little taste of my power, which he took against my will. Then he threatened me and left.”

  I gave Shaz the instant replay of what happened, walking down the hall to my room to change as I spoke. He followed closely, asking questions here and there. His tone was frantic, and I knew that no matter what I said, he was going to go all territorial male on me.

  “I knew that Arys was going to put you in danger. It was just a matter of time.” He ran a hand through his white hair, causing a tuft to stand up haphazardly. “I’m going to fucking kill him, I swear it.”

  “Oh please, not that again. I need you to stay calm. Freaking out isn’t going to put me in any less danger from Harley.” I shed my clothing and shrugged into my leopard print robe. “I need you, Shaz. If you go crazy, you could get yourself killed.”

  He scoffed but didn’t reply. He knew I was right. Crossing his arms over his firm chest, his green eyes followed me around the room as I brushed my hair and piled my laundry in the corner.

  After a long moment, he sighed and said in exasperation, “Arys was adamant that he hear from you. He came by Lucy’s Lounge last night. He was worried when I mentioned not being able to reach you during my last break.”

  “I’m surprised you mentioned it at all.” I smiled teasingly, but he wasn’t in the mood. His jade eyes remained serious.

  He crossed the room, his footsteps falling softly on the beige carpet. With the gentlest touch, he lightly traced the scabby claw marks that ran down the side of my arm.

  “I know there are some things that I can’t save you from and others that I don’t have to. Still, I can’t help but feel the need to try.” He smiled softly and bent to press his lips to mine in a tender kiss. “And that godforsaken vampire is just one of them. I’m sorry.”

  I kissed him back with a desperation that surprised even me. My wolf was eager to cling to him and the comforts of pack. “Don’t be sorry. I love everything about who you are. Even when it makes me crazy.” I laughed softly in between kisses with my hands entwined in his downy soft hair.

  Shaz slipped his tongue between my lips, tracing a moist path along my lower one. I sucked his tongue into my mouth, loving the taste of wolf and pine. Closing my eyes against the daylight streaming through my window, all thoughts of Harley were swept away. As the kiss deepened, Shaz’s strong arms went around me, and he slowly walked me backwards, to the bed.

  I thought he was going to drag me down with him but instead he pulled back. “You better call that damn vampire and get it over with. I want to enjoy you, uninterrupted.”

  His touch fell away as he turned to get the phone from my bedside table. I rolled my eyes when he pressed it into my hand, but I dialed Arys’s number anyway. He answered on the tail end of the first ring.

  “I know you saw him, Alexa. Tell me what he did to you.” Arys cut straight to the chase, not one to waste time on meaningless small talk.

  I sighed and took a deep breath. “You were right. Harley really does want a piece of me. He scared the living shit out of me tonight.” A litany of curses was Arys’s response to that before demanding that I tell him everything. After doing so and taking care to leave nothing out, he immediately demanded that I come to him.

  “I’ll be there at sunset.” I watched Shaz who sat on the end of my bed, waiting patiently. Nothing could pull me from his side right now.

  “You’re with the wolf.”

  “Yes. Is that a problem?” My tone was daring, and he knew better than to push me.

  “Of course not.” He laughed outright in my ear, and I realized he’d been worried that I simply didn’t want to see him. “I’ll expect you at dusk.”

  “Happy now?” I asked Shaz, replacing the phone on the receiver before turning to him expectantly.

  He grinned playfully before his arms went around me, and he tackled me down on the bed. “Almost. I’ll be happier once I’m inside you. I can’t tell you how bad I’ve been aching for you.”

  His words instantly brought both a blush and a smile to my face. If my wolf could get away with never leaving his side, she would never part from him. Regardless of the need we had for each other all the time, it was considerably stronger with the approach and rise of the full moon. Just knowing how bad he wanted me had the heat rushing between my legs.

  I lay beneath him as he nuzzled my neck. Shaz’s hot breath tickled, sending a delicious shiver down my spine. I pulled him closer, inhaling his scent deeply into my lungs. It stirred me to life inside, and I hungered for him.

  “You make me crazy, Lex,” he whispered, dragging his teeth over the sensitive skin of my throat. His tongue was quick to follow, and I squirmed in excitement. “If I had it my way, I’d never let you out of my sight.”

  Drawn to touch his bare skin, I reached under his t-shirt, sliding it up so I could run my hands over his hard body. A sigh of contentment escaped me. “I love you, wolf boy. I wish we could stay this way forever.”

  Shaz rose up on one arm so that he could look down into my face. The look in his eyes was intense, as if he could see into my soul. Maybe he could. He kissed me suddenly, plunging his tongue deep into my mouth. Things tightened low in my body.

  “My mate,” he murmured. “My love … you are my other half. I’d die without you.”

  I felt his emotional words to the tips of my toes and the depths of my very being. A surge of feelings swirled like a tornado inside me, and I clung to him. In light of last night’s events, I feared my time with Shaz would be cut short now more than ever.

  Shaz trailed a hand over my ribs, up my side to my breast. When his fingers deftly found my nipple, I moaned softly and bit at his bottom lip. With fangs, I carefully bit down, drawing just enough blood to coat my tongue. He made a small pained noise, but his growing erection pressed against me indicated how much he enjoyed my bite.

  “I need you,” I panted, pulling at his clothing. Slow and savory wasn’t what I was in the mood for. However, Shaz seemed to have his own ideas. He pushed my hands away, kissing me as he did so, deep and thorough so that I had no choice but to give in.

  “Slow down. What are you in such a rush for?” His tongue dipped in and out of my mouth, playing along my sharp fangs. When he kissed and licked his way down to my breasts, I knew it was going to be his way whether I liked it or not.

  He drew my nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it in a way that started a fire bu
rning in my loins. It quickly grew into a flame that caused my power to rise. Though it was subtle, it was undeniable. Shaz’s head came up suddenly. His eyes fixed on me as he felt the sensations of the energy as it hummed around us.

  After pulling my robe off, he pressed his face against my stomach, inhaling deeply. His tongue dipped into my bellybutton, and I giggled. He held me perfectly immobile as he licked his way down to the edge of my black panties.

  His touch seemed to grow rougher as he quickly stripped me of the flimsy underwear. When it had landed on the floor with my robe, he turned back to me, a fire smoldering in his sexy stare.

  The direct eye contact when he lowered his mouth to me was exhilarating. He gripped my hips, holding me still beneath him as he worshipped me. Though Shaz was gentle by nature, I absolutely loved it when the wolf in him came out to dominate me.

  I moaned and writhed beneath him. The touch of his fangs sent a thrill racing through my veins. I melted as the sensations quickly became overwhelming. Waves of amazing pleasure washed over me with a shattering intensity that had me crying out between gasps for breath.

  I couldn’t have formed words if I’d tried. All I knew was that I wanted him inside me, to fill the emptiness and ease the throbbing ache. He bit lightly at the inside of my thighs before nudging my legs open wider.

  A moan broke from me, ending in a growl. He responded with a similar sound as he thrust into me with an urgency that I felt in my soul. Wrapping my arms around him, I held him close, crushing my breasts against his hard chest.

  Shaz moved slowly at first, teasing me with soft, deep strokes. Though I could feel him shaking with the exertion it took to hold back, he was adept at doing so. My need for more was undeniable. We moved together as one, as if we’d been made for one another.

  Moans and growls filled the room with a delectable array of sounds. Shaz’s pace quickened. He reached up to tangle a hand in my long hair. The sweat rolled off each of us to create a slippery layer on our skin. As he kissed me with a heightened fervor, the pleasure became too much to take. I threw my head back and howled.

  We remained joined together, savoring the moment until at last, he rolled off me, curling his body around mine. Words were rarely needed in these moments. Everything that needed to be exchanged already was. Both the wolf as well as the woman in me was comfortably sated.

  Snuggling up against Shaz was easily at the top of my list of favorite things. I sighed, swept away by the magic of the afterglow. Resting my head against his chest, I closed my eyes and allowed the steady beat of his heart to lull me.

  * * * *

  Arys scowled down at me from his tall, lean frame. He stood in the doorway to his house, glaring out at Shaz and me. I’d known he wouldn’t be pleased to see the white wolf at my side, but he had insisted on coming with me.

  Looking over my shoulder to Shaz, Arys said, “What are you doing here, wolf? This doesn’t concern you.”

  “Like hell it doesn’t. My mate has been threatened because of you.” Shaz shoved past me, daring to shoulder his way past the vampire that was shooting daggers at him with his eyes. “Don’t worry, Arys. I won’t be here long. I have to work in an hour. But, I want some answers.”

  I shrugged meekly and followed Shaz into the house. Arys gave me a dark look that promised things to come that I may not enjoy. I just wanted to get this over with. Shaz was in a real territorial fit since the incident with Julian. Harley’s visit to my office greatly disturbed him, more than he was really letting on.

  “I don’t need you getting up in my face about Harley. I’m going to deal with him.” Arys followed us into the kitchen, his arms crossed over his chest. He leaned against the counter and fixed his ocean-blue eyes on Shaz, then me. “I promise you, Alexa, I will not allow any harm to come to you.”

  Shaz scoffed but said nothing, instead waiting for me to speak. I shuffled uneasily from one foot to the other. Arys seemed to be waiting for me to either show my trust in him or outright admit that I had none. I didn’t feel this was a matter of trust. It was a matter of me wanting to stay alive and knowing that would take more than trust. With a ruthless bastard like Harley, staying alive might just be the beginning of my troubles, what with the way he liked to play.

  I hugged myself tightly as fear stole through me. “I know you mean that, Arys, but this is a big deal. He could have killed me last night if he’d wanted to.”

  “He doesn’t want you dead.” Arys nodded knowingly. “And for now, that means you’re safe.”

  “He tasted my power, Arys.” My voice rose to a pitch that was almost shrill. “He drew me in, physically pressed his lips to mine and tasted me. I can’t remember the last time I was that terrified.” Ok, that was a lie. I could remember it. But, I didn’t want to. It had been when Raoul attacked me, before I’d known it was him.

  A pained expression crossed Arys’s face. Shaz stood motionless, patient but irritated. The dark vampire eyed me, a questioning stare on his handsome face.

  “Did he bite you?”

  “No. He left because he was afraid he would go too far.” I swallowed hard and watched the pain flicker through Arys. “He doesn’t want to do that … yet. He clearly has other plans for me. But, his biggest concern was you. He doesn’t want to share.”

  The rage that filled Arys then oozed throughout the room as his energy burned hot with anger. “That infuriating mother fucker,” he swore, pacing the length of the kitchen. “How dare he think that I belong to him after all of these years?” A sound not so far off from a growl rumbled in his throat, and my eyes widened.

  The look on Shaz’s face said everything that he was thinking. When Arys’s back was turned to him, he made a dramatic show of rolling his eyes. I frowned and shook my head once.

  “Look, I won’t be letting him catch me alone like that again. Let’s all just relax and think this through coherently.” I went to Arys, grasping his forearm, forcing him to look at me. I went stone cold when he shrugged me off. I took a step back, slightly hurt but incredibly confused.

  Shaz cleared his throat from behind me. His tone was firm when he spoke. “You clearly have issues of your own with Harley, and I think that needs to be addressed.” He didn’t flinch when Arys turned his icy stare on him. “I’m just saying that this isn’t personal, this is about doing what it takes to keep Lex safe. And, if that means never leaving her side, I will do it. You have to do your part.”

  The two of them faced off, and my heart began to race. Arys’s energy steadily increased until it began to hurt. I had no way of shielding against it. It was literally inside me as much as it was around me. Shaz appeared uncomfortable but otherwise could not feel it. Not the way I could.

  “Watch yourself, wolf. I won’t be cowed by you. Not now, not ever. I can deal with Harley and I will.”

  “I didn’t come here to go for a second round with you, Arys.” Shaz’s voice rose as his usual cool self began to grow hot-tempered. “Just cool it. Is it really so impossible for us to be civil? If anyone should be acting like the jealous boyfriend, it’s me.”

  My guts twisted at Shaz’s words, and I had to fight the grimace from my face. I tensed, waiting for the snarky response from Arys that I knew was coming. He surprised me.

  “You’re right in that regard,” he relented. “But, both of you need to realize how great a danger Harley is. And, I won’t be bullied into handling it any way other than my own.” He raised an eyebrow, giving Shaz the opportunity to dispute him.

  I knew how dangerous Harley was, and I did not intend to let him get that close to me again. Shaz seemed to contemplate Arys, the two of them staring at each other as if I wasn’t there. If they did fight, I was walking out and leaving them to it.

  “Fine.” Shaz tilted his white-blond head in a slight nod. “Do whatever you need to do. In the meantime, I will do what I need to do.”

  Neither of them said another word. From the way Arys’s jaw was clenching, I knew he wasn’t happy. Clearing my throat, I made them b
oth look from each other to me.

  “And, if you both choose to pretend that I am not at the center of all this, I will be smacking your heads together.” I put my hands on my hips and mustered my best “take no shit” expression.

  Shaz held his hands up in a sign of surrender and flashed me his spine-melting grin. Arys made a noise of disgust and muttered, “Dramatic.” I beamed a smile at him, hoping to enrage him just a little.

  “I’m going to take off to work. Will you come by later?” Shaz came forward to slip his arms around my waist, kissing me quickly. “If you don’t, I’m coming to your place right after.”

  I couldn’t help but sneak a glance at the vampire who glared at the floor. His energy was beginning to simmer down, but it didn’t cool completely. I returned Shaz’s embrace, following when he made his way back to the door.

  “I might come by tonight. If Kylarai is out, I’m not sure I will be up for staying home alone.” I shrugged, embarrassed at the admittance of fear. It felt so unnatural to feel it on this level. Harley had awakened a side of me that had long been dormant, and it pissed me off.

  He hugged me to him once more. My scent lingered on him, mixing with his to make a delectable wolf scent. He pressed a warm kiss to my temple before turning to go. “I love you, babe.”

  I gave him a small smile, keenly aware of the weight of Arys’s eyes on my back. “I love you, too. Don’t worry about me, ok?”

  “Impossible.” Shaz pushed the door open, never once looking back at the vampire. “I’ll see you later.”

  When his blue Cobalt pulled away from where he’d parked near my car, I closed the door and turned back to face Arys. He didn’t look any happier.

  “Thank you,” I said, approaching him slowly. “You know, for not getting into it with Shaz.”

  He sighed and pulled me into his arms. “Only for you.” He sniffed lightly and wrinkled his nose in distaste. “You reek like him.”

  I frowned but let it slide. I couldn’t be drawn into the testosterone war between the two of them. Whether Arys liked it or not, he had been the one that pushed me into Shaz’s arms months ago, claiming that I needed the love only my white wolf could give me. And now, it seemed that Arys was regretting that in some ways.


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