Demon Mine

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Demon Mine Page 30

by Marina Simcoe

  “Maybe it will be possible, one day,” I said, not knowing myself what was it exactly that I hoped for but wanting to offer something positive to cheer him up.

  Sytrius tagged at my hand at that point.

  “I shall take my girl dancing!” he announced. “Would you like to go inside?” he asked me and gestured towards the club. “Andras will take the boys down the street to feed off the passersby. They will come back for us in an hour or so.”

  The techno music blasting from the downstairs wasn’t my favourite, but I felt an instant excitement just thinking about dancing again and nodded enthusiastically.

  Apparently Sytrius already knew how I felt, since the telltale white-blue sparkles lit up his eyes before he turned to the door and ushered me in.

  Chapter Thirty Seven. The Nightclub.

  “Okay, Magic Mike! Don’t tell me you never needed to learn how to dance either!” I laughed as I watched Sytrius flawlessly perform professional-looking dance moves with the perfect mix of feline grace and masculine power. After years of enjoying the club scene in Toronto, I could hold my own on the dance floor. Whatever he was doing right now, though, started making me doubt my own abilities for a second.

  “No, I did have to learn how to dance,” he replied with a megawatt smile on his face. “I watched movies.” He winked at me. “I saw Magic Mike too. I learn fast.”

  “Alright! Just don’t start taking your clothes off here too!”

  “Maybe later…” His arms snaked around my waist and he pulled me closer. “How about a private show later tonight?” he offered suggestively.

  Holding me in his arms, Sytrius moved both of us slowly now, completely ignoring the fast tempo of the music playing.

  “I’d love that…” I whispered, melting into the rhythm of the dance he was creating just for the two of us.

  It was hot inside, and we left our jackets on the bar stools where I had a pint of Bavarian beer and Sytrius had a bottle of water earlier. With his jacket off, I could feel his hot skin through the thin material of his t-shirt.

  Music, dancing, bright lights and throngs of people around us… The ever increasing beat of my own heart from being so close to him again… An idea began to form in my head.

  “Sytrius. Are all incubi good dancers?”

  “Mmhmm.” He hummed in agreement into the side of my neck where he blew my hair away and began to trail a tantalizing line of soft kisses.

  “What if your friends formed a male dance group? Kind of like Chippendales? And did live performances? Alfarr told me that there is not enough sexual energy for incubi to absorb when two people make love. But what if there were lots of single sexually excited people? What could be better than a huge room full of excited women with no other place for their energy to go but towards the stage? No physical contact either, unless you want it?”

  He didn’t answer right away. He didn’t even look like he was listening. He was nibbling the shell of my ear now, pulling me closer, his hands getting more persistent in their travels along my body. The focus of my thoughts started to dissolve, and I knew from experience that I only had seconds left before he made me lose myself in everything that was Sytrius once again.

  “Syt… Sytrius? I asked you a question…”

  “You want me to dance on stage?” he asked as his hands found their way under my t-shirt.

  “What? No! Not you!” I answered quickly.

  Everything underneath his clothes belonged to me now, and I was not going to share! I slid my hands up his hard pectorals, over his powerful shoulders and finally wrapped my arms behind his strong neck. “All of this is mine now. For my eyes only.” I said firmly, choosing to ignore the eyes of many others staring at him from every corner of the club at that very moment. I could handle the extra attention he was destined to receive every time we would go out in public, as long as his own eyes remained on me only.

  “For your eyes. For your hands. For your lips,” he said, punctuating every phrase with kisses along my jawline travelling towards my mouth. “Only.” He finished before his lips fused with mine and his tongue found mine. I moaned into his mouth and buried my fingers in his hair.

  It didn’t matter. I was finally past the jealousy now. None of the women and men undressing him with their eyes mattered. None of them knew what we went through together to be here now. They could admire him for his body, but they had no idea who he was inside or what he meant to me.

  He continued to kiss me with a passion that would get me worried about us getting kicked out of the club if I could still form a coherent thought in my head. As it was though, all I could think about was how he could manage to make my head spin so quickly.

  His warm smooth hands caressed the skin of my back and stomach just above the waistband of my jeans. Suddenly, the memory of these very hands covered with silk velvet flashed in my mind, shooting an electric charge of arousal straight into my panties.

  How was it even possible for me to miss his gloves that I hated so much in the first place? It felt so wrong. However, the confusion in my mind did nothing to cool the rapidly intensifying heat between my legs. The fact that our behaviour was borderline inappropriate at this point only turned me on more instead of embarrassing me.

  “Sytrius…” I whimpered when we both came up for air, interrupting the kiss for a moment. “I… I can’t… I need you…”

  “I know…” he breathed heavily. His eyes were dark with orange-red glow already edging the irises. “Come,” he rasped out and pulled me off the dance floor, along a corridor, up the stairs and out the back door.

  It didn’t even look like a typical back alley in North America, which I would have actually preferred at this point. It looked more like a narrow one-way street or a wide walking path between the two rows of buildings. Some of the buildings seemed to have secondary entrances, and the second floor apartment doors exited in here, with doormats and even flower pots marking them. The door that we exited from had baskets of early spring flowers hanging from wrought iron hooks attached to the wall above us on both sides of the doorframe.

  Despite the late hour, people were sure to walk by here any minute.

  Surprisingly, the apparent lack of privacy wasn’t enough for me to stop Sytrius from pushing me against the wall next to the door and lifting my t-shirt up.

  “God! I want you so much…” he growled, grinding against me. The weight of his body on mine pushed me into the wall, restraining me…

  I was losing my mind when I confessed, “I need the cross…”

  He lifted his head to catch my eyes for a second. His ruby-rimmed irises fixed on me searching somewhere inside for an answer. He must have found what he was looking for because he nodded silently and slid his hands up my sides, just like he used to do then. The air caught in my throat and the memories flooded me with the familiarity of his movements.

  He was pinning me to the wall with his hips only now as he arched his back to bring his upper body away from me. His hands continued to move up my sides, pushing the t-shirt all the way up past my breasts, exposing my bra. He slid his hands further up making me lift my arms above my head and then wrapped his fingers around each of my wrists, pinning my arms to the wall.

  Held in place by his hips and hands, I couldn’t move. It felt just like being on the cross again, except that the restraints felt far more exciting this time.

  The helplessness of my position made me nervous, and I begged, “Talk to me.”

  He moved his head side to side slowly. His mouth pressed into a firm line, his eyes narrowed into slits, and I wondered if this was the exact facial expression he used to have under the mask.

  He moved both of my wrists together and held them with one hand above my head. The second hand moved down between us, and I heard the sound of his belt buckle clicking open.

  My breathing was heavy from the nervous anticipation that fuelled my need. My body was aching to be touched. My hands itched to sink into his hair and drag him closer to me… But I co
uldn’t move an inch in his iron grip.

  With the swishing sound, he pulled his belt out of the loops of his pants in one swift movement then looped the belt around my wrists, throwing the other end over the flower hook above our heads. He pulled down on it until I was almost suspended by the wrists. I could barely reach the ground with just the tips of my toes.

  He leaned into me then, gliding his hands down my naked arms. His face was only millimeters from my hair, moving down to my temple, my cheek, my neck… Inhaling, breathing me in, so close but not quite touching… as if there was the mask between us.

  I closed my eyes feeling his short steady breaths fanning over my exposed skin and spreading waves of nervous excitement through my body. The anxious feeling from even the slightest possibility of being watched by someone right now put me on edge, stripping me of inner balance, not unlike what the presence of the Council members in the room did to me.

  The difference was that this time it was for me, not for them. This time I asked for it. I wanted it to happen. I trusted Sytrius without reservations when I surrendered all control over my body to him, and I knew he would never break my trust.

  He slid further down my body, the hot blasts of his breathing moved along my stomach. I felt his hands at the waistband of my jeans and then heard the sound of the zipper open.

  “Syt…” I started and stopped myself, suddenly afraid to say his name out loud, as if we were inside the arena again.

  “Shhhh,” he whispered against my naked stomach as he lowered himself in front of me. He pulled my jeans and underwear down, exposing me below the waist to the cool night air, and tossed the jeans aside then grabbed my ankles and spread my legs apart in one abrupt movement. His hands released my ankles and began their trip up the inside of my legs while he was slowly rising to his feet.

  I felt his hot breath between my thighs when he blew on my wet exposed folds, and I bucked my hips forward searching for his lips, craving them on me.

  The tight ball of nervous energy that had been gathering inside of me was churning now, ready to explode with all the power of a lightning bolt. Yet he didn’t touch me there, just like he never could when I was on the cross.

  His hands moved up past the place where I needed them most, and I groaned from the feeling of frustration that only intensified my need, making it almost painful now. I rolled my head on the rough surface of the concrete wall. Sytrius must have opened the hooks of my bra at some point because his fingers were now rolling my nipples, sending wave after wave of sweet ache through my very core.

  With a grunt, he leaned into me suddenly, closing any distance that remained between us, and pushed me into the wall with his hips again. I writhed under him, glad to finally have the contact and grinded against him.

  He leaned his forehead on my arm beside my head. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer.

  “It’s torture…Alyssa…” he groaned, breaking the scene. “It was a pure agony not to be able to touch you then, and it is still now… I need to… “ His voice trailed off as his hands moved down my back and grabbed my backside. I pushed off the ground with my toes and wrapped my legs around his waist. Flexing my leg muscles, I brought him even closer to me making the hard ridge of his erection rub against my core. Yes!

  “Touch me, Sytrius…” I moaned. “Take me, please…” I turned my face to his and met his mouth with mine in a frantic, hot, messy kiss.

  The sound of his zipper opening was like angels’ singing to my ears at that point. Please!

  In one powerful push, he entered me finally, and the feeling of him moving inside me righted everything that was wrong with the world, if only for that moment.

  He was here, he was mine, he was peace…

  He reached over our heads and pulled on the belt, releasing the loop that suspended me from the flower hook. My arms fell forward, still tied together at the wrists by the remaining loop of his belt. I let his head go through the circle of my arms and then pulled him closer to me by his neck and shoulders.

  “Hold me. Never let me go. Don’t ever leave…” I whispered like a prayer for our future with the same frantic desperation that seemed to be moving his powerful hips encircled by my legs, pushing me higher with every thrust.

  “I love you, Sytrius…” I whispered when the bolt of lightning inside of me finally exploded like a supernova, shaking me to the core in sweet rapid spasms and sweeping Sytrius over the edge with me.

  “Alyssa…” he grunted out, collapsing over me with his forehead pressed to my temple. “My angel…” he whispered. “My heart…”

  With my hands still tied behind his neck, I rubbed my cheek against his soothingly, waiting for both of us to catch our breaths coming down from the high.

  “Alyssa, come away with me,” he said unexpectedly. His chest was still rising and falling with heavy breaths. His eyes were still burning bright red.

  “I thought I already did…” I smiled lazily into the soft hair just above his ear, inhaling his familiar scent there, absorbing it with my whole being.

  I felt very relaxed now, almost sleepy, with blood flowing through my veins like warm caramel. Although I knew for certain that Sytrius only skimmed the sexual energy off me and never took any directly when he made love to me, the pure intensity of being with him still extorted too much energy out of me. On the contrary, after being with me intimately, Sytrius seemed to burst with energy himself. I could almost see it rushing through him in a current.

  “No. I always wanted to give you the world even when I couldn’t let you have a hairbrush of your own.” My trip down the memory lane must have unintentionally stirred something in him along the way too. “I want at least to show the world to you now.”

  “How about the hearing? What if Council summons you while we’re gone?”

  He paused to think for a second.

  “We will have to stay within a day or less of travel distance to Belarus then. It is your first time overseas, right?” he asked. I nodded in agreement with my nose nestled into the grove between his neck and his shoulder, and he continued. “That’s fine, so we can start with Europe and Mediterranean then! Is there anything in particular that you would want to see first?”

  Was he kidding me? How was I supposed to choose? I felt the excitement rushing through me too, washing away the lazy sleepiness.

  “Everything!” I exclaimed, lifting my head from his shoulder …and came eye to eye with a middle-aged gentleman riding a bicycle past us along the narrow street where Sytrius just made a crazy hot love to me and where we still stood in various forms of undress!

  Wedged between the large body of Sytrius and the wall, I was mostly hidden from the man’s view by Sytrius’s broad back. Only my arms and legs still wrapped tightly around him could be seen from the street. It was fairly obvious what was going on though, even if the man didn’t notice my jeans and underwear lying tossed aside on the pavement, he could not have missed the fact that Sytrius’s pants were still lowered half-way down his hips, exposing his perfectly toned ass for all of the street to see.

  My eyes flew wide open in shock as I gasped in belated embarrassment. The man on the bicycle only smiled and winked at me as he rode away and disappeared into the darkness of the street.

  “Oh, my God!” I exhaled, jumping off Sytrius’s waist and shaking his belt off my wrists frantically. “How about we start our travels with a place as far away from here as possible?” In one jerky movement, I pulled Sytrius’s pants up for him while he was laughing hard, absolutely unconcerned that he had just mooned a complete stranger. I then pulled my t-shirt down and crouched to the ground, locating the rest of my clothes on the pavement. “Somewhere where there is absolutely no chance in hell for me to run into that man ever again!”

  Chapter Thirty Eight. The Travels.

  We left Munich the very next day. Instead of rushing out of Germany to see the most prominent European landmarks like the Eifel Tower and Big Ben, I decided for us to stay in Germany for a few days
and to see Cologne and Berlin first before leaving the country.

  Sytrius had gained the full control over his European accounts by now and insisted on paying for everything, of course. Since I still had not a penny in either of my names, either the real one or the fake one from my forged passport, I had no choice but to accept his generous offer.

  After Germany, we took a train to Austria, where we spent over two weeks visiting museums and going to theaters.

  After a while, I worked out a system. I approached visiting a new country the same way I would approach a visit to a museum back home: like another project to plan, organize and execute.

  I used to do research of all the exhibits in a museum that I wanted to see. I would then figure out approximately how long it would take me to see each of them and then put it all into an itinerary.

  Without an itinerary, I knew that I would end up wanting to see every little thing in the museum and there would never be enough time for me to see it all. I had lost many friends inside Toronto museums and art exhibitions due to the lack of planning on my part before. They would lose their patience waiting for me, and more often than not I would end up being left behind to browse on my own until the closing time.

  The biggest problem I had with compiling an itinerary for out trip through Europe was that I had no time frame, no ultimate return date. We may have a week before the summons from the Council arrived or we may have months. There was no way of knowing.

  I didn’t want to rush through Europe in a week anyway, so I planned for a few months, keeping in mind that Sytrius could be called in any minute, and we might end up abandoning the rest of the trip.

  Sytrius let me make plans for both of us and went along with most, if not all, of my suggestions. Despite being around for a while to put it mildly, he hadn’t seen much of the world. Most of what he had seen had undergone massive changes since he saw it last. Essentially, he was discovering everything with me for the first time too.


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