A Writer at War

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A Writer at War Page 39

by Vasily Grossman

  With Ilya Ehrenburg, during the war

  Again there was no reply. Finally, eleven months later, in October 1947, the committee was informed that the book contained ‘grave political errors’ and was banned. The Cold War had begun in earnest that September, and the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee became even more suspect after its contacts with the United States. It was closed down two months later. The type of The Black Book was broken up. In January 1948, Solomon Mikhoels was crushed to death by a truck in Minsk. This later proved to be a KGB operation to eliminate him. Grossman, who had accompanied Mikhoels to the station on this fatal excursion, may have suspected something when he received the shocking news, but the method of assassination used was almost too crude to be believable.

  In 1945 and 1946, Grossman’s career had continued to prosper, despite his work on The Black Book. Some of his Krasnaya Zvezda articles were reprinted in a small volume called Gody Voiny, or The Years of War, which was then circulated in several foreign translations. A new edition of The People Immortal was issued and even adapted as a play. But this success did not last much longer than a year. In August 1946, a period of ideological and cultural repression was launched by Andrei Zhdanov, which was to be dubbed the zhdanovschina, an echo of the great terror known as the yezhovschina. Even without his work on The Black Book, a writer as honest as Grossman was bound to face a difficult time in this post-war ‘lesser terror’. In September, his play If We are to Believe the Pythagoreans was viciously attacked in Pravda. Then an oblique attack was made on his wartime writing, but the main target of official displeasure remained The Black Book.

  Subsequent attacks on Grossman were also part of the Stalinist ‘anti-cosmopolitan’ campaign, which began in November 1948 with the disbandment of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. (With the bizarre logic of Stalinism, this more or less coincided with the Soviet Union’s instant recognition of the State of Israel, a démarche purely intended to discomfit Britain.) Three months later, in January 1949, the Soviet press began a full ‘anti-cosmopolitan’ assault on the orders of the Kremlin. Fifteen members of the committee were arrested, interrogated, tortured and eventually put on trial in May 1952. The proceedings were all in closed session. Thirteen of the defendants were executed in August. In January 1953, a group of doctors, most of whom were Jewish, were accused in the press of plotting to kill Soviet leaders. This nakedly anti-Semitic campaign halted only because of the death of Stalin in March.

  Viktor Komarev, the deputy chief of the investigative unit of the MGB interrogating the members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, bragged in a letter to Stalin ‘how much I hate our enemies’. He boasted of his cruelty and of the terror he inspired in his victims.

  ‘I especially hated and was pitiless towards Jewish nationalists, whom I saw as the most dangerous and evil of enemies. Because of my hatred of them I was considered an anti-Semite not only by the defendants but by former employees of the MGB who were of Jewish nationality.’ One of the defendants, Boris Shimeliovich, was tortured so badly that he had to be carried back for further sessions on a stretcher.

  Vasily Grossman and Ilya Ehrenburg were extremely fortunate not to have been among those associated with the JAC who were arrested in the first wave. They were lined up for investigation in March 1952 as preparations for the trial progressed, but in the event they were left alone. Grossman’s first novel about Stalingrad, For a Just Cause, was published in instalments that year after he was forced to make many changes to render the text politically acceptable. The novel was nominated for the Stalin Prize, but soon afterwards Grossman was furiously denounced. Party hacks were appalled that he could write about the battle of Stalingrad without mentioning Stalin. The list of criticisms extended much further. He had deliberately reduced the achievements and role of the Communist Party in the victory. Grossman, forced to write a letter of repentance, was saved from the Gulag only by Stalin’s death in March 1953.

  Yet however much Grossman had come to loathe Stalinism, with its constant lies and forced betrayals, he never lost his faith in the simple Russian soldier and the huge sacrifices of the Great Patriotic War. His daughter described in a memoir how, at his urging, the family would sing songs from the war in private.

  A large empty room. Twilight – because evening is coming, or perhaps rain. There are three of us in the room, Papa, my stepbrother Fedya and I . . . We are singing some songs from the war. Father would start in a stern, thundering voice. His unmusical ear did not prove too great a problem. The simple melody was so familiar to us:

  The aircraft is spinning around,

  It is roaring, it’s flying down towards the Earth’s breast . . .3

  But now my father stands up. Fedka and I stand up too. Father is standing there stooping, his hands at his side as if he were on parade. His face is solemn and stern.

  Arise, the huge country.

  Arise for the mortal battle.

  With the dark fascist force,

  With the accursed horde.

  My father considered this song a work of genius: he said so often and with much conviction . . . He always stood up when he sang it.

  Grossman also remained interested in the whole question of courage and cowardice. His daughter noted a conversation at home with some visitors which turned to the subject of behaviour in battle. One of them said that when a person is experiencing strong emotions, such as patriotism and anger, then fear disappears. ‘Grossman replied that this was not true. “Just as there are two kinds of courage, I think you should distinguish between different kinds of fear – a physical fear which is a fear of death, and moral fear which is the fear of disgracing yourself in front of others. Tvardovsky, for example, possessed moral courage to a high degree. Other people, Simonov for example, did not possess courage in their behaviour in civilian life although Kostya Simonov was extraordinarily brave during the war.”’

  Grossman was not entirely a political outcast, and even during the most difficult times he received support from some Stalingrad generals. Rodimtsev, whom he had always revered, had come to his defence when For a Just Cause had been attacked. It was an act of considerable bravery. And in 1955, following Stalin’s death, when things did not look so bad for Grossman, he had a meeting with Stalin’s old crony, Marshal Voroshilov, who tried to persuade him to join the Party at last. Grossman persisted in his refusal. ‘Well, it’s clear to me,’ Voroshilov replied in a kindly fashion, ‘that you are a non-Party Bolshevik.’

  In 1954, For a Just Cause had been republished, this time in book form, and again it was praised. During the rest of the 1950s, Grossman worked on a sequel which was to be his masterpiece, Life and Fate. This deliberate tribute to Tolstoy’s War and Peace has the same epic quality, but with the battle of Stalingrad at its core. One of the great differences between the two novels, however, is the way Grossman bases his story and characters on himself and those close to him. The fact that so much of the book is taken from real life does not in any way lessen its effect as a novel. On the contrary, it forms the basis of its extraordinary power.

  Grossman was convinced that under Nikita Khrushchev, the chief commissar at Stalingrad and the denouncer of Stalin at the XX Party Congress in February 1956, the way was open at last for the truth to be told. But Grossman’s lack of political judgement served him badly. He failed to see that the implicit parallels between Nazism and Stalinism in his novel constituted far too harsh a reality. The heroic myths of the Great Patriotic War had taken too deep a hold. He should also have realised the full significance of the fate of the Hungarian uprising in 1956, crushed brutally by General Babadzhanyan, his hero in The People Immortal.

  Grossman completed Life and Fate in 1960 and submitted the manuscript. It seemed as if his novel was being sat on due to incompetence or idleness, but in fact his editors were in a state of fear and consternation. The decision was passed upwards. On 14 February 1961, three senior KGB officers arrived to seize every copy of the manuscript. They ransacked the apartments of both Grossman and
his typist, taking papers and even the carbon paper and typewriter ribbons. The manuscript was passed to the Communist Party’s chief ideologue, Mikhail Suslov, the immensely powerful chief of the Cultural Section of the Central Committee.4 Suslov’s verdict was that it could not be published for over two hundred years. This remark was a striking recognition of the novel’s importance.

  The devastation appeared complete. Grossman’s previous books were withdrawn from circulation. Reduced to penury and with only a few friends prepared to risk association with him, he soon suffered from cancer of the stomach. He died in the summer of 1964, assuming that his great work had been suppressed for ever. Ehrenburg offered to chair a committee on Grossman’s work, but the Writers’ Union refused. In the eyes of the Soviet authorities, Vasily Grossman was virtually a non-person in political terms.

  Grossman had, however, deposited a copy of the manuscript with a friend. And this friend, who had put it in a canvas satchel, had left it hanging on a hook under some coats at his dacha. Eventually the manuscript was discovered and copied on to microfilm it is said by Andrei Sakharov, the great physicist and dissident. Vladimir Voinovich, the satirical novelist and creator of Private Chonkin (a Red Army equivalent of The Good Soldier Schwejk), then smuggled the microfilm out of the Soviet Union to Switzerland.5 Life and Fate was published there and in many other countries across the world. It appeared in Russia only as communism itself collapsed. Grossman’s unspoken promise to his mother was finally fulfilled. She lived again through the novel as Anna Shtrum. Grossman himself may have been dragged down by the wolfhound century, but his humanity and his courage have survived in his writing.

  1 For details on the troubled progress of The Black Book, see Garrard & Garrard, pp. 199–221, Rubenstein, pp. 212–17 and, in greatest depth, Rubenstein & Naumov. An English edition of The Black Book was published by Vad Yashem in 1981.

  2 Zhdanov, Andrei Aleksandrovich (1896–1948), born Mariupol, joined the Bolsheviks in 1915 and became Stalin’s loyal henchman. After the assassination of Sergei Kirov in 1934, Zhdanov was made governor of Leningrad. He played a major role in the purges and was put in charge of the city’s defence in 1941. He then reverted to his role of Stalin’s cultural policeman overseeing the Sovinformburo and then the Cominform in 1947. His doctrine, known as ‘Zhdanovism’, was based on the notion of partiynost, or ‘party-spirit’, as the guiding principle for artists and writers. It was later alleged by the Stalinist authorities that his death in 1948 was part of the ‘Doctors’ Plot’, but Stalin, afraid of the growing power of Zhdanov’s Leningrad fiefdom, might have had a hand in Zhdanov’s death, if it were from unnatural causes.

  3 Grossman wrote down this song about a heroic Soviet pilot when visiting the aviation regiment of Vasily Stalin, the dictator’s son, near Stalingrad in the early autumn of 1942.

  4 Suslov, Mikhail (1902–1982), Soviet Central Committee ideologue who had supervised the 1937–8 purges in the Ukraine and the Urals, and then in 1944–5 directed a brutal campaign of execution and deportation against national minorities who had been under German occupation.

  5 Voinovich, Vladimir Nikolayevich (1932– ), began to write poetry when in the Soviet Army between 1950 and 1955. He turned to prose and later became a dissident. His most famous book, The Life and Amazing Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin, contributed to his ejection from the Writers’ Union in 1974. He emigrated in 1980 and was stripped of his citizenship by Brezhnev.


  This book could never have been possible without the agreement and assistance of the author’s daughter, Ekaterina Vasilievna Korotkova-Grossman, and stepson, Fyodor Guber. We are most grateful to them for their help with manuscripts and photographs.

  Once again, Professor Anatoly Chernobayev has aided us enormously with excellent advice and introductions. The staff of RGALI (the Russian State Archive for Literature and the Arts) have been unfailingly helpful. Angelica von Hase has checked out further details in Germany arising from the notebooks and Olga Romanov and Simon Marks have assisted on points of detail. We would also like to thank those who have read the manuscript for us: Sir Rodric Braithwaite, Professor Geoffrey Hosking and Dr Catherine Merridale. Needless to say, any mistakes which remain are entirely our responsibility.

  The editors and publishers are grateful to Ekaterina Vasilievna Korotkova-Grossman and the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents for permission to reproduce the photographs.

  This book also owes its very existence to the enthusiasm of our agent Andrew Nurnberg, to Geoff Mulligan and Stuart Williams at Harvill Secker, and particularly to Christopher MacLehose, Grossman’s first publisher in this country, who encouraged the project from the start, and improved the book immeasurably with his impeccable editing.


  Adair, Paul, Hitler’s Greatest Defeat – The Collapse of Army Group Centre, June 1944, London, 1994

  Addison, Paul, and Calder, Angus (eds), Time to Kill, The Soldier’s Experience of War 1939–1945, London, 1997

  Beevor, Antony, Stalingrad, London, 1998

  Beevor, Antony, Berlin – The Downfall, 1945, London, 2002

  Bocharov, Anatoly, Vasily Grossman, zhizn, tvorchestvo, sudba (Vasily Grossman, Life, Creative Work, Fate), Moscow, 1990

  Chuikov, Vassily I., The Beginning of the Road, London, 1963

  Chuikov, Vassily I., The End of the Third Reich, London, 1967

  Davies, Norman, Rising ’44, London, 2003

  Ehrenburg, Ilya, Lyudi. Gody. Zhizn. (People. Years. Life.), vol. 2, Moscow, 1990

  Ellis, Frank, Vasily Grossman, The Genesis and Evolution of a Russian Heretic, Oxford, 2004

  Erickson, John, The Road to Stalingrad, London, 1975

  Erickson, John The Road to Berlin, London, 1999

  Garrard, John, & Garrard, Carol, The Bones of Berdichev, The Life and Fate of Vasily Grossman, New York, 1996 Glantz, David M., and House, Jonathan, When Titans Clashed, How the Red Army Stopped Hitler, Kansas, 1995

  Grossman, Vasily, V gorode Berdicheve (In the Town of Berdichev), Moscow, 1934

  Grossman, Vasily, Gliukauf! (Gluck auf! Good Luck), Moscow, 1934

  Grossman, Vasily, Stepan Kolchugin, Moscow, 1937-40

  Grossman, Vasily, Narod bessmerten (The People Immortal ), Moscow, 1942 and 1962

  Grossman, Vasily, Esli verit’ pifagoreitsam (If We are to Believe the Pythagoreans), Moscow, 1946

  Grossman, Vasily, Za pravoye delo (For a Just Cause), Moscow, 1952

  Grossman, Vasily, Vsyo techyot (Forever Flowing), New York, 1972

  Grossman, Vasily, ‘Tovarishchi’ (Comrades), in Zhurnalisty na voine, vol. ii, Moscow, 1974

  Grossman, Vasily, Zhizu I sudba (Life and Fate), Geneva, 1981, 1985

  Grossman, Vasily, Gody voiny (The War Years), Moscow, 1989

  Guber, Fyodor (ed.), ‘Pamyat i pisma’, in Daugava, no. 11, 1990

  Hilberg, Raul, The Destruction of the European Jews, New York, 1985

  Markish, Simon, Le cas Grossman, Paris, 1983

  Merridale, Catherine, Night of Stone, London, 2000

  Ortenberg, D.I., Vremya ne vlastno (Time has no Authority), Moscow, 1979

  Ortenberg, D.I., God 1942 (The Year 1942), Moscow, 1982

  Ortenberg, D.I., Iyun–Dekabr Sorok pervogo (June–December 1941), Moscow, 1984

  Ortenberg, D.I., Sorok trety (1943), Moscow, 1991

  Overy, Richard, Russia’s War, London, 1998

  Rayfield, Donald, Stalin and his Hangmen, London, 2004

  Rubenstein, Joshua, Tangled Loyalties – the Life and Times of Ilya Ehrenburg, New York, 1996

  Rubenstein, Joshua, and Naumov, Vladimir P. (eds), Stalin’s Secret Pogrom, The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, New Haven, 2001

  Sebag Montefiore, Simon, Stalin: the Court of the Red Tsar, London, 2004

  Simonov, Konstantin, Days and Nights, New York, 1945

  Todorov, Tsvetan, Mémoires du Mal, Tentations du Bien, Paris, 2000

anovsky, P.I., Na vosmi frontakh (On Eight Fronts), Moscow, 1982

  Volkogonov, Dmitri, Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy, London, 1991

  Yeremenko, A.I., Stalingrad – Zapiski komandujuscego frontom, Moscow, 1961

  Zaitsev, V.I., Za Volgoi emli dlya nas ne bylo (For us there was no land beyond the Volga), Los Angeles, 1973

  Zhurnalisty na voine (Journalists at War), Moscow, 1966

  Source Notes


  EVK-GP Ekaterina Vasilievna Korotkova-Grossman Papers RGALI Rossiisky Gosudarstvenny Arkhiv Literatury I Iskusstva (Russian State Archive for Literature and the Arts), Moscow

  RGASPI Rossiisky Gosudarstvenny Arkhiv Sotsialno-Politeskoi Istorii (Russian State Archive for Social-Political History), Moscow

  TsAMO Tsentralny Arkhiv Ministerstva Oborony (Central Archive of the Ministry of Defence), Podolsk


  p. vii Grossman family names russified, Garrard and Garrard, p. 53

  p. viii On the 150,000 Jews murdered in civil war, S. Yelisavetsky, Berdichevskaya tragedia, Kiev, 1991, p. 13, quoted in Garrard and Garrard, p. 61

  p. viii ‘At first glance, Father . . .’, interview with Ekaterina Korotkova-Grossman, 24 December 2004

  p. viii ‘The wolfhound century’, Mandelstam, Sobranie Sochinenii, vol. 1 (Munich, 1967), p. 162

  p. viii For estimates of famine victims, see Donald Rayfield, p. 185

  p. x ‘He was an extremely kind . . .’, Ehrenburg, p. 35

  p. x On the arrest of Olga Mikhailovna, for the most detailed account, see Garrard and Garrard, pp. 121–5

  p. xii ‘I’ll tell you about myself’, Guber, p. 100

  p. xiii ‘During the whole war . . .’, RGALI 1710/3/50


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