Built Overnight (The Middleton Hotels Series Book 5)

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Built Overnight (The Middleton Hotels Series Book 5) Page 1

by C. M. Steele

  Built Overnight

  C.M. Steele

  Copyrighted © 2017 C.M. Steele

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without written expressed permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Cover design: C.M. Steele

  Cover Image: Shutterstock

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows, and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

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  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior express, written consent of the author.

  This book is intended for mature adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. Suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Adult Erotic Romance.

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  Chapter 1


  It was nine at night and both Jake and I were still at the office, but I was about to be on my way to a party at a club. I had no damn interest in going, but my brother, Andy, just turned twenty-one and we’d recently been reunited. It took me years to find him after the events that changed our lives forever.

  “Tony, you’re sweating, man,” Jacob said as I straightened my tie. He was my boss and best friend. I owed him everything and more, especially after the papers I signed today.

  “You know how I am in crowds.”

  “Remember that it’s just a club. This isn’t war. Hell, maybe you’ll meet your future wife there.” He winked, taking a seat at his desk.

  “I doubt it. What are you so chipper about anyway?”

  “I’m about to make a huge deal. Hello,” he exclaimed. Yes, a huge deal that he let me be a part of. Well, all three brothers agreed to let me taste a bit of success.

  “Um, how could I forget? This is an opportunity of a lifetime for me.”

  “You deserve a break, Tony. You have the head on you to be successful. Now that I think about it, stay away from the females. They can ruin everything.”

  “I’ve stayed away for twenty-three years. One night isn’t going to make a difference for me.” It wasn’t a secret to him that I was still a virgin at my age. After my past, I didn’t want to be like my father. I worried every damn day if I had his bastard gene in me. Could I be that evil? Even as a soldier who killed the enemy, I still had more sympathy for the dead than my father had for the living. My virginity was a bit of planning as well as by accident. I was horny all the time and saw some attractive women, but something inside held me back. Instead, I’d just go home and jack off until I passed out, though it was rare for me to even do that. I think my father’s physical and emotional abuse got to me. I hated myself and everything that I wanted in life.

  “You’ve been harsh on yourself. You know it’s not because my brothers and I have genes like our father that makes us like him. It’s the lessons he instilled in us. You hate what your father stood for, so you live with the notion that it’s wrong. I don’t see you becoming abusive, physically or mentally. Trust me, I’m great at picking out gems, even in the most fucked up places.”

  “That you are, Jake.”

  I took another look in the mirror and ran my hands through my perfectly styled short hair. Years of strict discipline couldn’t be broken. My tailored suit, paid for by the company, looked immaculate.

  “You never look disheveled. I don’t even know why you bother to check.”

  “A habit. Anyways, I’m meeting up with Andy in a bit and I have to remind him that being a slob is not cool.”

  “It is to him. Years of oppression makes people rebel or stay formed to the pattern. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m damn neat myself, but you take it to a new level.”

  “I’m working on it, but since I’m going out, I don’t want to be approached by anyone. My suit should intimidate those kids.”

  “Kids, more than half of them are our age.”

  “Then why don’t you go out?”

  “Meeting with the family tonight. Have a good one, though.” He had more excuses to avoid socializing than I ever could. The most he did was with me and the occasional sports game.

  I shook my head and walked out the door of his office. I drove out to the club, which was almost a damn hour away. Andy was lucky that I loved him. This wasn’t my scene at all.


  I entered the club in my black suit, looking more like the owner than just a patron. This place wasn’t meant for someone like me. I was too stiff and hardened to be in here, trying to grind up on a young little thing with a fat ass and downing lots of liquor. Why was I here? I thought to myself, looking at all the overly made up faces with tight dresses or tops where their nips were a twist away from being exposed. I combed my fingers through my thick, brown hair, hoping to calm the sudden need to turn and run. My stark blue eyes scanned the crowd, but I didn’t see my brother.

  The place was crowded and hot. I could smell the stench of cologne and perfume mixed with sex and sweat. Damn, my nostrils weren’t going to like me in the morning. I had a very acute sense of smell that was making my eyes water and my head throb. I needed a drink, and fast. The bar was crowded with young bodies cramming together to get their hands on a drink, but as I approached, a group stepped away. I placed my large hands on the bar top where it was dry and leaned my huge frame forward. Immediately, I caught the bartender’s eye. Her interest was clear, itching for a tip or sex, but either way it got her to me.

  “How can I help you, handsome?” she asked over the loud music.

  “A Jack and Coke, please,” I replied, looking at her with a serious gaze. I wasn’t interested in pussy, just in finding my brother. The jackass wasn’t here yet. He was studying in college and took time to be young.

  She handed my drink while I handed her a ten. “Keep the change,” I muttered, then turned around to scan the dance floor.

  This place wasn’t the best in town. It was run by a shady character. I just wanted out of here before my suit was ruined. I spotted someone on the dance floor that looked like he could be Andy. I took one huge gulp from my drink, finishing and setting it on the bar. Then I made my way to the dance floor, but as I got closer, I realized it wasn’t him. I did an imme
diate round about when I slammed into a small-framed body. I looked down because she was clearly over a foot shorter and I was hit. Fuck if I knew what they called this emotion, but it was a culmination of three at once, possessive, lust-filled, and protectiveness all bottled up in one.

  I looked into her doe like eyes, wondering if that green was real or did she have on those contacts that looked natural. She had long raven colored hair that framed her face and rested on her shoulders in waves. It shined in the terrible lights, and I itched to slip my hands through it and pull her mouth to me. A mouth that had been parted since we bumped into each other. It was plump with a nude glossy color that made her look just above eighteen. This was a twenty-one and older club, but something told me she had snuck in.

  “I’m sorry, beautiful,” I finally managed to utter after ogling her for more than I should have. It was longer than I’d spent looking at any woman, and I wasn’t ashamed of it either. Something about her had my nuts pulling up and tightening, my dick stiffer than the night wind. Everything I was demanded that she belong to me. A feeling I’d never had before. At twenty-three, I’m one of the oldest virgins around, or so I believed. It wasn’t something men talked about, but as a man with a terrible, violent past, women weren’t on the road to making me whole, or I had thought so until she collided into me.

  “It’s okay. If you’ll excuse me, I have to take this to my friend,” she said, trying to end our encounter, but her body hadn’t moved an inch.

  “I’m Anthony, you are?”

  “Trying to get to my friends.”

  “That I can see, but your name, please. Or I could just call you mine if you’d like,” I said.

  “I have a boyfriend.” Immediately my teeth ground together and determination told me to go on the hunt.

  “Really, and he let you come out like that? Like you were available.”

  “I’m here to dance.”

  “In that? I can see your nipples pressed against your skin-tight top. And that skirt, well, it looks a bit short.” I leaned around to look at her ass. “Yes, very short. Your ass is too big to keep it from riding up.”

  “That’s a terrible thing to say to a woman,” she charged.

  “Well, I don’t agree. I think your ass would feel wonderful in my hands as you rode me.”

  “Wow, you’re a bit too much,” she said, shaking her head with a chuckle.

  “I don’t care. I want the truth. Do you really have a boyfriend? And does he know you went out like that?”

  “Fine, I don’t have a boyfriend. And I’m not here to find a guy. This is my friend’s outfit, so please leave me be.”

  “No can do, Mine.”

  “I’m not yours.”

  “I beg to differ.” I don’t know what came over me, but it was this sense of possessiveness that demanded she be claimed. I slid my hand around her waist and pulled her to me. For all that talk, she hadn’t resisted my touch. She was acting tougher than she was. Something she didn’t need to do with me.

  Chapter 2


  His hands wrapped around my waist with his fingers pressed into the small of my back, nearly touching my ass. I didn’t move because despite every bit of attitude I muttered, none of it was legit. I wanted this man. One that didn’t fit in here. This was a club for kids and yet, he was in a suit looking too old for me. There were several other men in suits, but they weren’t with him and something about them screamed danger. Anthony and his pretty blue orbs made me feel safe. Even though he was massive in size, something about the way he looked at me assured me that I had nothing to worry about. I tilted my head up in a weak attempt to stand my ground, but all I could do was give him what he wanted.

  “Denise,” I whispered as his face dipped closer to mine.

  “Denise, you’re mine,” he replied just before he kissed me. It wasn’t hard and demanding, but it took my breath away. Whoever this man was, he’d done something to me in a moment that would take a lifetime to shake.

  “Introduce me to your friends,” he demanded. I could tell he was used to being assertive and bossy, but somehow it turned me on. I hadn’t even started drinking and my inhibitions were down where this man was concerned. My body screamed for him to take me, and from the stiff length that pressed up against my belly, his was screaming for me, too.

  “Okay,” was all I could muster. My eyes were trained to the lips that had seized mine. I was putty. Pure putty. He took a drink from my hands, then grabbed that hand with his other to hold. He even intertwined our fingers. Putty, I say, pure, messy putty.

  Chapter 3


  Three girls sat at this large table. They were dressed just as skimpy as Denise, but I only had eyes for my woman. “Ladies, I’d like you to meet…”

  “Tony,” I interrupted. I hated to be called Anthony, but something told me I would love to hear it from her lips. I leaned down near her ear and whispered, “Only you get to call me Anthony.”

  “This is your drink, Veronica.” She took the one in her hand and placed in on the table, then took the one from my hand and downed it, finishing in one gulp. It wasn’t a large drink, but it was clear she needed fortification. Hell, I could use some, too, but I had to be strong. I was running on false bravado and two drinks.

  “Wow, someone’s thirsty,” Veronica said.

  “Hi, I’m Amanda. It’s nice to meet someone who caught Denise’s attention. Especially so quickly,” she smiled, her eyes flirting with me. I arched my brow at her like she’d lost her mind doing that in front of her supposed friend.

  “You know, Denise, we’re going to call it a night.”

  I wonder what was going on, but just then my brother sent me a text.

  Hey bro, sorry, have to cancel. Hot chick. Hope you understand.

  Sure. Happy birthday.

  We’ll catch up tomorrow.


  Truthfully, now that I’d met Denise, I didn’t give a fuck that my brother bailed. These chicks were ready to roll out and I didn’t have a problem with that either, other than they were bailing on their friend without worrying about her safety with me.

  “What? You’re the ones who wanted to come,” she squealed.

  “Yeah, because we wanted to get your ass out, and it seems that you’ve done it all on your own. Call us when you want us to pick you up.” They got up from the table and gave her a squish each before leaving.

  I looked toward the exit then back at Denise. “Did I miss something?”

  “I don’t know, but I feel like I did,” she muttered, looking at the exit as well.

  “So, they don’t normally bail on you when you meet a guy?” I asked. It was a pointed question, but I had to get to know her one way or another. And I was going to get to know her.

  “I don’t meet guys. In fact, they never leave even if they meet someone.” She looked to the exit and I could sense something was bothering her. It was more than just them leaving. Maybe this wasn’t the first instance of them acting shady.

  I pressed my thumb to her chin, turning her head to look at me. Staring into her eyes, I said, “Denise, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Okay?”

  Her eyes smiled behind the sadness. “Thanks. It seems my roommates don’t seem to care about my well-being.”

  “How long have you all known each other?”

  “Just the past few months. I moved here recently from Lakeland, and they had an extra bedroom for rent.” So she was new and they were probably friends forever. She was an interloper and it bothered at least one of them. I’d seen that pack mentality before. It wasn’t going to be long before things came to a head with them.

  “Well, I’m glad that I don’t have sisters because I’d be pissed as fuck if they let some guy take her home,” I said, leading her to the vacated seats in the booth. I slid in beside her, inching as close as possible without freaking her out.

  “No sisters?” she asked, playing with her glass that sat on the table in front of us. Her nerv
ousness eased mine. I’d learned to be calm for many years and it paid off. My emotions were hidden and controlled.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her. “No, though I was here looking to see if my brother showed. But he’s not around.”

  “Do you come here often?” she asked. I knew from the start what she was thinking.

  “I’ve never been here. And I’ve never kissed a woman I just met,” I informed her. She needed to know that this was a one-off. “I’ve never wanted another the way I want you.”

  Even in the harsh light, she was perfection. Her smile was contagious and fucking made her lips my target. “This is all new to me. I don’t go out and I don’t have any sisters either. These broads are on my shit list now.”

  I chuckled. “I hope that I make for better company.”

  “You definitely do, but what if you’re some crazy nut and they just left without checking?”

  “I’m not. I promise. There’s nothing I want to do to hurt you. Well, maybe a nice spank on your ass before pushing my way inside you,” I growled, leaning in and stealing a kiss. My lack of self-control was growing as the blood left my brain and went straight to my cock.

  “I’m not kinky like that, mister,” she said, after pulling her lips from mine.

  “We’ll have to see about that, sweet Denise. I have plans for us.”

  “Really? And those would be?” She arched her brow at me with a crooked smile.

  I took her hand and wrapped it in mine. “I don’t know. Lots of baby making, a house with a white picket fence or a ranch if you want.” She started laughing, but didn’t understand that I meant it. I knew from the moment I saw her that she was going to be my wife one day. I had to prove it to her and I would.

  I could tell that she didn’t take me seriously, but she was curious. “What do you do, Anthony? Because I’m just a receptionist. No baby making and fancy ranch for me.”

  “I’m the head of security for a big company, so I got you,” I said with smirk.

  “Head of security? That I can totally see. You look like a giant in a suit.” She glanced at my arms, then nodded her head in appreciation.


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