Sweet Evangeline (Moon Magic Book 2)

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Sweet Evangeline (Moon Magic Book 2) Page 6

by Sable Hunter

  “Damn! Do you have one of those stupid, firemen, beefcake calendars?” Eric laughed as he pulled into the restaurant, parked the car and pulled her across the seat and into his arms. “I don’t understand everything that’s happening, but you’re the hottest little thing that I’ve ever seen in my life.” He kissed her with tenderness this time. She knew it was unwise to start something they couldn’t finish, but Eric was making her feel things she had never imagined—it was, as if, he intended to claim her for his very own—and that was a heady thought.

  “I know it’s hard to comprehend. But it’s true. And I don’t have a calendar, but if you’re in it, I want one.” She clung to him, like she never wanted to let him go.

  “Oh babe, you are making me be the strong one and that’s not easy. Come on, let’s go in and make nice with the family. Then I’ll drive you home, we’ll talk about those dreams and fantasies, and I will torture us both with just enough lovin’ to keep the fires burning until we’re together again.”

  They found the family waiting for them in one of the private dining rooms. “Ahem.” Arabella laughed. “Why did it take you two twice as long to get here as it took us?”

  “We were just getting acquainted.” Evangeline explained softly.

  Eric held out her chair for her and Nanette looked on approvingly. A waiter brought everyone a glass of champagne and Jade stood and proposed a toast. “Evangeline, the family is so proud of you. You have a beautiful talent. As the newest member of this family, I would like to tell you what it means to Arabella and I to have you close by. I know that Nannette and Angelique miss having you in New Orleans, but when the baby comes we’re going to be looking for a baby sitter.” They all laughed

  “I wish Elizabeth and Tyler could have come.” Evangeline mused.

  “Tyler’s mother fell and broke her hip, they had to go and get her set up in rehab. Believe me; they wouldn’t have missed it if they could have helped it.” Arabella patted her on the hand. Then she leaned over and whispered in her cousin’s ear. “He’s gorgeous, sweetie.” The girls exchanged knowing glances. Both of their men were exceptional looking.

  The food was incredible, but Evangeline tasted very little of it. Every few moments, Eric’s hand would find her knee. It seemed as if he was keeping a connection, stoking a fire, making certain that she never forgot he was nearby—as if she could.

  Eric was on her right and Nanette was on her left, so seizing the opportunity Evangeline leaned close to her grandmother and asked, “Nanette, when you touched his hand earlier, did you sense anything? Do you think that I have manipulated his feelings for me in anyway? I know I called him to me, but are his emotions real?”

  “The only thing I felt was pure male interest. You’ve hexed him baby, but with your feminine wiles—not with any type of magick.”

  Evangeline looked somewhat relieved. “Thank you, Grandmother that makes me feel better.” Still, she didn’t know if she believed it or not. What if everything he was saying, everything that he was doing was just a result of her bending his will to her desires? Just one night with him, she promised. Then I’ll make certain what he is feeling is real, or I’ll let him go.

  The rest of the evening flew past in a blur. All Evangeline could think about was being back in Eric’s arms. Soon, they were saying their goodbyes. She kissed every member of her family and thanked them for their support. Arabella promised to call her in a few days and she told Angelique and Nanette to make themselves at home and not to wait up, she wanted to spend a little more time with Eric before she gave him up for the night. Nanette had said there was no spell, but Evangeline was afraid that the light of day would change things.

  As they walked to the car, Eric took her hand. “I don’t want to take you home.”

  “I don’t want to go, but I have to, eventually. Why don’t we go somewhere for coffee, that is if you want to?”

  “Oh, I want…but I’ll take what I can get’

  “How about Kerby Lane over on Guadalupe, it’s open twenty four hours?” Evangeline named a popular local chain located across from the university and very near her house.

  “Kerby Lane it is.”

  “Thank you, Eric.” She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it.

  “God, you are nothing like Jessica.” Eric’s voice was rough. At the mention of another woman’s name, Evangeline’s heart tightened.

  “Is Jessica the beautiful woman you were with tonight?”

  “Yes, that was Jessica.” She was trying to read him, but her own emotions were in such a state of flux that she couldn’t concentrate.

  They had arrived at the car and as he opened the door, she stopped him. “Eric, I can talk to her. If Jessica is who you want…”

  “Hell, no,” he towered over her. She was trembling. But she had to understand.

  “But you just admitted that I’m nothing like Jessica. And I’m not. She was fabulous looking…” Evangeline was remembering how well endowed Jessica had been, and she had no illusions about her own looks, especially her less than ample bosom.

  “You have nothing to be jealous about. Jessica and I were over before tonight. She found no pleasure in my bed, she was seeking comfort elsewhere.”

  Evangeline couldn’t stop herself. She put her arms around his waist and pulled him close. “I’m so sorry. No man should ever have to go through that. But it was her fault, not yours.”

  He chuckled. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. But, how could you possibly know that?”

  “Because,” she was about to tell him that he had brought her pleasure hundreds of times, but how would that sound? He probably already thought she was certifiable.

  “I know how you make me feel.”

  “How many hours until your grandmother goes back to New Orleans?” She could feel his arousal, nestled against her. She wanted to strip him where he stood and give them both relief, but she stepped back, biding her time.

  “I enjoy my family, but I’d rather be with you. Let’s go get that coffee”

  The drive to Kerby Lane was an intimate one. It was nearly midnight and it had been the best night of her life—and it wasn’t over. “Which fire station are you assigned to?” she asked knowing there were several in the city.

  “I’m at the one closest to downtown. I live in one of the Railway Condos on 4th street.”

  “I rent a house in Hyde Park. I was lucky to find it; there is a building out back that I converted to a studio.”

  “I know I’m prejudice, but your work is fantastic.”

  “Thanks, I had this incredible model.” She teased him. “With a body like yours, it was a pleasure to mold the clay, pretending that I was caressing your body, lovingly shaping . . . .”

  “Evangeline!” He laughed. “You’re going to make me wreck!”

  “Okay, I’ll be good.”

  “I bet you are.” All he could think about was what she would be like in bed.

  She didn’t always pick up on other people’s thoughts. She had trained herself to block them out. But that thought Evangeline heard loud and clear. He was wondering what kind of lover she would be. That sobered her. He was expecting experience and all she had were her fantasies—with him—but fantasies none the less. He was expecting technique and all she could offer was love. Evangeline wondered if she could fake it. She was grateful to see the diner up on the right. She needed a moment to compose herself.

  The coffee was hot and strong, just the way she liked it. “It’s difficult to get good coffee in Texas.” she commented.

  “Really? Why do you say that?”

  “The coffee in New Orleans and all of South Louisiana is super strong, and that’s the way I like it.”

  “At the firehouse, we make our coffee extra strong too. We need to stay alert.” She tried to just listen to what he was saying, but she could almost read his mind—and his thoughts were hotter than the coffee. They made her blush, and Eric reacted as the rising heat made her skin look like rose petals. “God, you intr
igue me. How can you be so erotic, yet seem so innocent at the same time?”

  She had no answer for that, and he didn’t force her for one. Instead he asked, “So, are you sure you don’t know one of my ex-girlfriends, someone who had a hidden video camera or something

  “No picture, no video. I had an assignment to sculpt the perfect man.” Evangeline struggled for words. She wanted to be honest, but leave magick out of it as much as she could. She would eventually tell him, but not on their first night. “One night I was lonely, and I started to imagine what that perfect man would look like. Feature after feature. The end result was you.”

  “But Evangeline, you even have the scar on my thigh, the exact spot, the exact shape, the exact size? How could your vision be so detailed?” He wasn’t looking at her with judgment or disbelief—it was almost a look of hopeful wonder.

  They were in a public place, she could afford to be truthful—almost. “I’m a little bit psychic. In fact my whole family is, and my fantasies were very detailed. Did I have everything else about the right size?”

  Eric chuckled. “A man doesn’t like to brag.”

  He was having fun with her, she could tell. “You have every reason to brag. As I remember, you were very…uh…blessed.” As she watched him, discretely—a shadow crossed his handsome features. What could possibly be wrong?

  * * * *

  Eric had to ask—considering what had just happened with Jessica—he had to know. “In your dreams, did I please you? Did I please you, in bed?” Looking at her closely, he held his breath. What she had been telling him was definitely strange. And he didn’t know for certain what he believed, but his ego needed to be stroked. God, that wasn’t all that needed to be stroked. She was the most entrancing woman he had ever met. And he would take her, no matter how their original connection was made.

  He watched her closely. She closed her eyes as if remembering. Then he almost came over the table when she moaned. “Oh, yes. Sometimes, I would come so hard . . .” A cough from a nearby table jerked her back to reality. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t you dare apologize. You are the sexiest, hottest, most passionate woman I have ever met. I knew when I looked at those bronzes. The sight of me and you, your legs wrapped around my waist, me deep inside of you.” His voice became hoarse. “I want that passion; I want it wrapped around me tight.”

  “I’m not very experienced, but if you are willing to give me a chance, I have an idea. Will you fulfill a fantasy for me, Eric?”

  He had walked out of Kerby Lane uncaring that his desire was on display for all to see. All he saw in the eyes of the observers was envy. He had never been so excited. Eric didn’t know what she had in mind, but he was up for whatever it was. Up, hell yes, he was up! Humor—hold on to the humor. It will make the walking easier.

  “Give me the keys, let me drive.” He didn’t argue. She held out her hand and he put his keys in her palm. Pushing the passenger seat as far back as it would go, he made room for his overblown package. They didn’t go very far, he realized that she had taken him to her house.

  “But your grandmother?” he protested.

  “We aren’t going in.” She pulled around behind the house, next to her studio.

  “Do you have a bed in there?” he asked hopefully.

  “We aren’t going in there, either. In fact you aren’t even going to get out of the car.” She was around to his side, before he could comprehend her plan. Opening the car door, she knelt on the ground. “Pull your pants off Eric, I’m going to kiss you.”

  He realized that she didn‘t mean his lips. Oh, sweet God! “Your beautiful dress.”

  “Don’t worry about the dress. It’s just a dress.” Making room for him to stand up, she helped him unbuckle, unzip, and get the boots, socks, and underwear off and to the side. “I don’t want anything in the way of what I want to do with you. “

  “Evangeline, sweetheart, you don’t have to do this.” Why was he arguing? Was he crazy?

  “Believe me, it’s no chore. Besides, you’ve suffered enough. And I…I want to do this, so much.” He sat down heavily, his back toward the interior of the car, spreading his legs, making room for her. “Take the key out of the ignition, so it won’t buzz.” He did as she asked.

  The interior light of the car gave off enough illumination for her to see him, somewhat clearly. “Oh, Eric, look at you!” she breathed in awe. The size of his organ was immense. She looked up at his face, there was such hunger in his eyes. Evangeline prayed that she wouldn’t disappoint him. She rubbed his thighs, enjoying the hair-roughened texture. Seeing the lightning bolt shaped scar, she couldn’t resist kissing that first, letting her tongue trace the shape.

  “Oh, sweet baby, I’m going to come before you ever—”

  “No, you’re not.” She took him in her hands, marveling at the thickness of him. “You are so beautiful.” Forgetting her Cinemax-After Dark schooling, she laid her face tenderly against his quivering cock, rubbing her cheek across the velvety skin. His harsh breathing reached her ears. Turning her head, she teased him with her teeth, nibbling her way to the engorged head of his member. Reaching the tip, she opened her mouth and drew him inside.

  “Babe!” he groaned.

  With tongue and lips, she loved him. This was Angel! She had done this before, in her fantasies, she knew what to do. She sucked him deep inside her mouth, taking as much of him into her wet warmth as she could. Providing suction, she moved her mouth up and down on his manhood. His hands were never still; they were stroking her hair, rubbing her shoulders, reaching down to massage her breasts through her clothes. But what made her heart flip was the sweet sounds of encouragement that came from his lips—telling her how much he appreciated the attention and how good she was making him feel. “That’s right, sweet doll. Oh, that feels…so, damn good! Suck hard, baby. Yea, like that. Good Lord in Heaven, you’re going to be the death of me!”

  Evangeline was captivated. This was so much better than any dream could ever be. Her hands weren’t still, either. She held him as if she were holding a flute, her fingers playing a melody of seduction, as she brought him to Heaven’s gate with her mouth.

  “Love, I’m about to explode. Raise up or…” He tried to lift her head. She pushed his hand away, wanting to experience it all. This wasn’t sex for Evangeline; this was an act of love.

  * * * *

  Eric was in paradise. Leaning back, he gave in to the incredible feelings rushing over him. Knowing he was near the apex, she had increased the pressure of her lips and now she was rubbing his sack, tenderly massaging his balls. He had never known a simple blow job could be so beautiful. Even as his world condensed down to the ecstasy that radiated from his convulsing manhood—even as rockets exploded and missiles were launched, even as he cried out her name in triumph—he knew that the difference between this and all the others he had experienced was simple. This was Evangeline. And the others—he couldn’t even remember their names.

  Even after he had spilled the last drop of his passion, Evangeline continued to love him. Holding him in her hand, she tenderly kissed the side of his spent organ. “Wait here.” She rose and went into her studio and returned with a warm wash cloth and a towel. Back on her knees she tenderly washed and dried him.

  “Thank you, love. That was incredible.” Then he reached for her, intending to return the favor.

  Evangeline intercepted his hands, bringing them to her lips. “No. I want you so much, that I could cry. But I’d really rather wait until we are inside.” She helped him gather his clothes and get redressed.

  “We should have gone back to my place,” he growled.

  “It just gives us something to look forward to next time.” Then she hesitated. “That is, if you still want to get together.”

  “Oh, darlin’, there’s nothing I want more.” He stood up, pulling her into his arms. “What time can I come back tomorrow?”

  “I think tomorrow is already here. And I know you need to get your rest. Ho
w about eleven?”

  “I’ll take you out for lunch, then I want a five course banquet—of you. If your company is still here, we’ll escape to my place for awhile.” Holding her close, he let his mouth capture hers. Kissing her was the sweetest thing he had ever done. “God, I want you.”

  “I want you too, Eric. More than you can imagine.” She paused, biting her lip, nervously. Tonight, if you get home and have a change of heart,” She looked down, unable to meet his eyes. “I mean, if you don’t show up at eleven tomorrow, I’ll understand.”

  “No way, babe. No way in hell.” He held her close. “There is nothing on this green earth that will keep me away from you.”

  And he meant it. Eric meant every word. He fully intended to return to Evangeline at the exact time he had promised. But when the phone rang at five the next morning, he realized that keeping his word would be impossible. There was a fire, a bad one in a hotel on south I-35. His first thought had been to pick up the phone and call her, but then it hit him that he didn’t have a phone number. In desperation, he tried to look her up in the directory, but there was no listing. Damn! She probably had a cell phone, instead of a land line. He considered swinging by and trying to get her to come to the door, but he knew that he couldn’t take the time. Lives were at stake.

  Sorrow tore at his heart. He knew what she would think. He could still hear her words, ‘If you get home and have a change of heart, I’ll understand…’ Hurting her terrified him. If he didn’t show up at eleven Evangeline would think he had changed his mind. She’d think he didn’t want her.

  * * * *

  “Your mother’s spirit isn’t here, sweetie.” Nanette held Evangeline close. “We don’t understand what’s going on, but whatever is in your house, it isn’t Aimee’s ghost.”


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