Wanting Winter

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Wanting Winter Page 11

by J. L. Ostle

  “That’s not very nice,” Joshua says pushing the door open, walking into my home.

  “How do you know where I live?” I ask crossing my arms, and his eyes zoom to my cleavage.

  “I always knew where you lived; I have my sources. You look really good and sweaty—nice image to use for later.” He winks at me before looking at the pictures on my wall. “I am here for your best interest really. I was on a run through the park not that far away when I saw something out of the ordinary.” He walks around my living room.

  I begin to feel impatient. “You came here to annoy me?”

  “That’s just an added bonus. You should be nice to me as I’m here as a friend because your friend seems to be a backstabbing bitch.” He walks towards me.

  “Listen, what went on with you and Candice is between you two. I am not getting involved.” I wave my hands in the air. I don’t want him to take out his jealousy on me because she has been hooking up with other people.

  “That whore can screw who she likes. I know she was an easy fuck—we all know I did it to be a dick—but it’s who she is screwing now that concerns you.”

  I hate that he’s talking in riddles. I hope she isn’t sleeping with any of the professors; that would be taking it too far. “You came here to tell me who she is sleeping with?”

  “I did.” He is a few feet away from me, his eyes looking into mine.

  “I don’t care who she sleeps with.” That’s the truth.

  “You will care about this one. You know, if you were mine, I would never do this. I may be the biggest asshole on campus, but declaring to the whole school that they want to be with you exclusively then doing this behind your back… it’s just evil.”

  I shake my head, confused. “What has Trent got to do with all this?”

  “Who do you think Candice is sleeping with?”

  What he’s trying to say suddenly all clicks together.

  “You’re sick; get out of my house. They wouldn’t do that. I don’t know what you are trying to pull, but this is just a new blow even for you.” I walk towards my door opening it for him to leave.

  He walks towards me, lifting his phone, and there is a video of Trent and Candice on the park bench. His hands are cupping her face, and they are looking adoringly into one another’s eyes. They’re saying something, but it’s too far away to hear.

  Then she straddles him.

  Then she kisses him.

  Tears fall down my cheeks, my heart breaking. I feel like I can’t breathe. I walk towards my couch sitting down, my hand going to my chest.

  How could they do this to me?

  Candice is meant to be my best friend.

  “Why?” I ask out loud, not expecting to get an answer.

  I feel Joshua sit down next to me, pulling me into his chest. He’s the last person I want to confide in, but I need someone to hold me.

  “No one deserves this. They were both lucky to have you.” He strokes my hair.

  “Am I that bad to be with?” I sniff.

  He pulls back looking at me. “Winter, every man I know wants to be with you; you know how badly I want to be with you. You did nothing wrong,” he tries to reassure me.

  “You are just after sex, just like any other male who is after me.” I sit back.

  “Do you think I would be this persistent if I am after just a quick fuck. Yeah, I want to fuck you, but I want you as mine. I’ve always wanted to claim you. I still do.” His eyes look at me darkly and I have to look away as those words do something to me.

  Claim me.

  The two words repeat over and over in my head.

  “Do you know where they are?” I stand up and start pacing.

  “I don’t think seeing them now is a good idea,” he says, looking unsure.

  “He was going to take me on this amazing date tonight; he was going to act like he isn’t screwing my best friend. I feel sick. He was fucking us both at the same time. Oh my God.” I cover my hand over my mouth. “That’s why he stopped having sex with me. It was because he would rather sleep with her.” Tears fall once again.

  Joshua stands, pulling me into him. “I am so sorry, Winter, but you had every right to know. If it hadn’t been me who saw, it would have been someone else and they would have spread it all over school.”

  “You haven’t told anyone?” I asked shocked. We tease each other, I thought he would have already messaged his jock friends, filling them in.

  He shakes his head. “I came straight here.” I look into his green eyes—same colors as Trent’s but yet so different.

  “Where are they?” I whisper.

  “They came back here,” he finally says.

  They came back here?

  Oh hell no. They came back here to sleep together.

  Anger boils my blood making me grab my keys, and I run up the stairs with Joshua right behind me, him calling me to wait and to slow down, but I can’t.

  I need to catch them at it.

  To see it for myself.

  Standing on my tiptoes grabbing the spare key that is hidden above the door, I open it quietly. My heart is beating loudly. I poke my head through and its empty. I feel Joshua stand behind me. I turn to look at him and he gives me a nod indicating he has my back. Opening the door fully, leaving it wide open as I head further in.

  Hearing the sexual noises coming from Trent’s room makes me feel like I’m going to be sick. I can’t believe they did this to me. Images of Trent telling me he was fascinated by me, that he is used to girls like Candice and that it doesn’t do it for him. I guess it really does.

  I try to keep quiet as I’m walking down the hall and the noises get louder. Standing in front of Trent’s door, tears already falling down my cheeks again. I feel like I’m in a huge nightmare and I pray I will wake any second, but I know I won’t.

  I glance to Joshua who looks really angry at the door.

  I place my hand on the door handle and I quickly push it open, causing Candice—who is sitting above a half-naked Trent—to scream. My heart breaks even more. I sob louder.

  “Winter.” Candice makes no attempt to move.

  “Winter, listen…” Trent sits up.

  I raise my hand stopping him. “If you say it's not what it looks like, I will gut you both.” I wrap my arms around myself. “How long?” I ask.

  “Winter, please,” Candice pleads, but it feels half-hearted.

  “How long?” I scream.

  “Five days,” she answers.

  Five days? That’s almost as long as my relationship with Trent. They were doing each other the whole time. “So I guess when you said I was probably shit in bed and that’s why he wasn’t sleeping with me was true.” Tears continue to fall.

  Trent looks to Candice who looks away from us both. He is still inside her and yet neither of them moves.

  “How could you both do this to me? How could you hurt me?”

  “Winter.” Trent finally moves Candice off him and stands, putting on his jeans trying to walk closer to me.

  “I think you should stay where you are as you still smell like sex,” Joshua says, standing in front of me, acting as my shield. Trent looks at him like he’s ready to hit him.

  “Why the fuck are you here?” Trent roars at him.

  “Someone had to tell her the truth. Next time don’t show your affection out in public: that’s how you get caught.”

  Trent charges for him but I block his way. “You hit him, I will never speak to you again. You will be dead to me.” He is dead to me anyway; any other time I would have enjoyed Joshua getting his ass kicked, but now he is the only one who is there for me.

  “I was going to tell you tonight.” Trent looks at me sadly.

  So tonight was going to be a pity date, so he could break it off with me. “How nice: one last date before you broke my heart.” I step back. “With my best friend Trent. All the girls out there, you chose my only best friend?” I remember last night. “So last night, when you wanted me to kiss Cand
ice, were you hoping for a threesome? Have the two girls you are screwing in one room?”

  “It wasn’t like that.” He tries to hold my hand, but I pull away from him.

  “You broke me, Trent. All the things you said, were they lies to get me into bed?” I look into his eyes, letting him see all the hurt he is causing me.

  “What? No. I meant them.”

  “But who could say no to Candice? She is sexy and confident. Everything I’m not.” I look to his bed, remembering where we slept together. I feel sick knowing she has been in his bed too.

  “What is going on?” Drake walks in and his eyes go wide when he sees us all. He looks angrily at his friend. “You promised man. You said you wouldn’t go there again,” Drake yells.

  “You knew?” I look to Drake, more tears falling. The one person who I thought liked me knew. But then again, he is Trent’s best friend.

  “I caught them last night at the club,” he says.

  At the club?

  “Drake, fuck man,” Trent shouts at him.

  “It’s a bit too late for secrets, don’t you think? Look at her man. She is distraught. Look at her fucking eyes. You fucking burnt her light.” Drake yells back. “I went to go get them after you passed out and they were at it in the bathroom. He promised me it was over as he wanted you, but I guess that was a lie to keep me quiet. You are a sick motherfucker.”

  “Candice, I know you are a whore but didn’t think you were a slut,” Joshua adds.

  “Fuck you,” Candice cries at him.

  “Don’t you dare talk to her like that,” Trent yells at Joshua.

  “You’re defending her. How cute,” I add.

  “Yeah man, how can you defend her after she was blackmailing you the whole time? If it weren’t for her, you wouldn’t have got into this mess,” Drake says, shaking his head.

  “Fuck man.” Trent looks up at the ceiling.

  “Blackmail?” Joshua asks.

  “She was blackmailing him to sleep with her. If he hadn’t have done, she would have told you about them.”

  I look at her, confused. “You were blackmailing him to sleep with you? Why would you do that after I told you how I felt about him?”

  “I was jealous okay,” she admits. “Men look at you like you are some goddess, this untouchable precious thing; men look at me as someone to fuck. I was sick of it—I was sick of men looking at you like that. It pissed me off when I tried it on with him and he turned me down, calling me every name under the sun. Then I got the idea. I didn’t think he would do it.”

  “Do what?” I ask.

  “I saw him jacking off and I knew it was my way in. He let me suck him off and I knew I had him trapped.”

  “You are sick,” I tell her.

  “I am sick of men treating me like I’m not good enough. But guess what, he chose me, princess. Me. Not you. Me.” I see tears prickle her eyes.

  “Nice girl you picked here,” I say. “You two deserve each other.” I spit at them. “I’m out of here.” I head towards the door.

  “Winter, wait,” Trent calls out, but I ignore him.

  I need to get out of here before I get locked away for murder. I am near the front door when I am being pulled to a stop. I turn, facing Trent who looks so guilty and sad. “I am really sorry.”

  I look behind him seeing everyone watching us. Candice stands there with a sheet wrapped around her. “One thing before I go.” I wrap my hand around his neck pulling him down for one last kiss.

  I feel his hands go around my waist, pulling me into him. I kiss with everything I have, knowing this is the last. I start to slow down, choking back on a sob, and my lips start to tremble when I pull back. I open my eyes to see him looking at me. “I was yours,” I whisper before walking away, heading back to my place with my heart crumbling into a million pieces with each step I take.


  Having her lips on mine, feeling her body against mine, it is something I am going to miss so much. It felt right kissing her, holding her. Now, it’s going to be a distant memory.

  Drake looks at me with a sneer before heading back to his room. When I look to Joshua, he looks pleased with himself; I’m ready just to punch him.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll look after Winter. I am sure she is going to need a shoulder to cry on, and guess what?” He steps closer to me. “She is going to be mine. You fucked up. You picked the wrong girl. Candice only wants what she can’t have. Why do you think she fucked me? Because I wanted Winter.” He winks at me and leaves.

  I look at the ground, feeling unsure with myself.

  Have I fucked up?

  Did I pick the wrong girl?

  I look back to Candice and she smiles dropping the sheet to the ground, walking slowly towards me before she goes on her knees, freeing my cock and taking me into her mouth, letting any kind of thought in my head turn into mush.

  I have seen a different side to Candice, I just hope it’s not all fake.



  Joshua and Drake were both at my side all day yesterday, doing anything they could to cheer me up—from watching chick flicks to eating tubs of ice-cream—and they even let me give them facials, which did make me laugh.

  I am just dreading today.

  Drake drives me to school, and when we hit the parking lot, it takes a lot for me not to look around to see if Trent or Candice is here yet. I am getting out of the car when Patrick runs over hugging me.

  “Joshua messaged me telling me what happened and that you may need your friends around you right now. I can’t believe Candice would do that to you.” He squeezes me tightly before letting go.

  “Yeah, well, I kind of want to forget about it and move on. They deserve each other.”

  “I should have told you first thing in the morning and maybe, I don’t know, things could be different for you,” Drake says, looking down to the ground.

  I stop moving, standing in front of him, lifting his chin. “I told you yesterday: you were put in a bad position—you were protecting your best friend—and they told you it was over. I don’t blame you. I’m just happy that you’re still my friend.” I hug him, and he hugs me back.

  I really am glad I have him; he has been amazing and has helped me to not think about the assholes a floor above me.

  “Of course I’m still going to be your friend; I do like hanging out with you. Plus, it's nice having a friend that’s a girl.” We laugh. I notice his hair is how it was on our night out; it really does suit him.

  “I am going to need you all as I know it won’t take people long to find out what happened when they see Candice and Trent together. That’s when it's going to get hard. The whispers and rumors I’m not looking forward to.” I link my arms with Drake’s and Patrick’s.

  “We got your back,” Patrick says.

  We are walking through the court when I freeze on the spot. I see Trent and Candice making out against the statue, the same statue where Trent asked me to be his. I cried enough yesterday, but it still hurts. I notice people whispering and pointing and when they spot me.

  I keep my head held high and I walk by them, keeping my eyes forward. “I guess I spoke too soon,” I say with a shaky voice.

  I avoid being anywhere near Candice. I hate that I am in a few of her classes. At one point I do look over at her, and she had that smug look on her face making me almost lose it. I want to scream and punch her in that perfect nose of hers.

  Lunchtime can’t come quick enough. Walking down the hall, I feel everyone watching me, hearing their whispers; I even get some sympathetic looks. If only they knew what really went down.

  Walking in, I don’t have to guess where Trent and Candice are as everyone is staring in their direction. I am tempted to turn around and leave when I hear my name being called. Everyone turns to face me, their mouths dropping open when its Joshua who is calling me.

  He waves me over, and I give him a smile heading to his table. Once I’m in front of him, his arms go ar
ound me, pulling me in, like he knows that I need to be held—to be hugged. I wrap my arms around him, snuggling into his chest.

  I don’t know how long I stay there for—I don’t want to move—but eventually, I move away. When I look up, all of Joshua’s friends are gawping at us with surprised looks.

  “Hey, guys.” I give them all a small smile.

  “Am I dreaming?” I hear one guy saying.

  “This, I never thought I’d see. The Ice Queen and the campus womanizer being civil,” one guy chuckles, shaking his head.

  “I heard what happened,” another guy says, looking at me softly. I look to Joshua. “He didn’t say anything. It's just all over campus. I don’t know the details, but it doesn’t take a genius to guess what went down. That’s just cold coming from your best friend. If you need us to beat Trent’s face in, just ask.”

  All the guys nod.

  “Thanks, I will keep that in mind.” I bite my lip. “I’m going to quickly grab something to drink.” I stand and so does Joshua.

  “Want me to come with you?”

  I smile at his protectiveness. “I think I can manage, but if I get lost, I will send smoke signals,” I joke.

  “You really do think you’re funny, don’t you?” he chuckles.

  “I think I’m hilarious.” I wink at him, my old self finally coming back.

  I stand up, getting in line and grabbing myself a can of Coke. I’m waiting to pay when I feel my body shiver and it freezes knowing he’s near me. I turn my head to see Trent watching me, his eyes focused on me.

  I have tried hard to cover the dark circles and swollen eyes with my makeup, but I can’t hide the sadness that’s present in my eyes.

  “How are you?” His voice vibrates right through me. Stupid voice.

  “How do you think I am? I caught my boyfriend doing my best friend less than twenty-four hours ago.” I pray for the line to hurry up.


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