Loving the CEO (bundle of five romance novels)

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Loving the CEO (bundle of five romance novels) Page 91

by Noelle Adams

  It had taken all his strength to tear himself away from L’etoile du Nord with nothing but a quick squeeze of her breasts, a hungry smooch of her mouth, and the velvety feel of her wet, tight flesh gripping his fingers as he’d cornered her against the refrigerator. All he’d wanted to do was pick Kaya up, toss her over his shoulder, march up the stairs to her bedroom, and spread her out on her bed where he would have spent the rest of the day performing licentious acts on her body.

  But the house was too crowded and he’d had to get Jason to school. By the time he reached Granite Falls Elementary, Bryce had known he’d have to break a rule or he’d pop a vein in his brain if he denied himself of Kaya any longer.

  He’d love to whisk her away on his jet to a honeymoon destination of her choice, but he couldn’t do that until he knew the kids, especially Alyssa, could cope without them for more than one night. Since they couldn’t go away on a honeymoon, he would bring the honeymoon to them. He planned to make tonight exceptionally special for both of them.

  It was time she got to know him. Really know him. She’d begged for deeper penetration that night, but Bryce was wise enough to know it would have been a mistake to grant her request. He remembered too vividly the look of fear and surprise in her eyes the morning after when she’d gazed at his naked body for the first time. The fact that he was the first man she’d seen naked had deepened his affection for her. He’d given her something he’d never given another woman.

  Bryce knew he was more heavily endowed than most men. When he’d first began experimenting with sex, he’d been ever so eager to show off for the girls, but when some of them—especially the petite ones—backed out of their promises, he’d learned to be discreet, ease them into the experience of taking him. Many were surprised that their bodies could stretch that much to accommodate him, and even more surprised at the depth of pleasure he brought them.

  Even Pilar had been a little bit scared of him.

  His size was the reason he’d kept Kaya literally in the dark as he’d made love to her. He hadn’t wanted her to touch him or see him, even though at the time he was unaware that she was still a virgin—the first one he’d ever had, Bryce thought with a deep sense of admiration for her. Now that she knew that she could handle him, he would have no trouble enticing her back to his bed. If her eager response to him this morning was any indication, he knew she was ready to proceed with the sexual phase of their marriage.

  Their first time had been under cover of night. Their next time would be in the light of day, Bryce suddenly decided. He couldn’t wait for tonight. He wanted Kaya to enjoy the pleasure of seeing exactly what he was doing to her.

  A groan echoed in the room.

  “What was that, Mr. Fontaine?”

  Bryce shook his head as he became aware of the constriction in his groin. Damn! Damn! Damn! He was hard as a rock. It was a desperately horny man who developed a hard-on while sitting in the middle of a conference room surrounded by his colleagues and subordinates.

  The men stared at him, waiting for him to offer some brilliant complement to their discussion. He had nothing. They had assembled to discuss wind turbine models and power, wind maps, access roads, environmental aesthetics and nuisances, and everything else associated with Fonandt Wind Energy, an emerging wind farm corporation owned by Fontaine Enterprises and Andretti Industries.

  Fonandt Wind Energy would be one of the few wind farms in New Hampshire, and its expected net production would tremendously exceed all the others put together. The other wind energy companies that were providing power as far south as Boston and north to Vermont were already petitioning the state to restrict the size of Fonandt’s farms. They knew, as Bryce did, that it was only a matter of time before he gobbled them up. It was the nature of the beast.

  As important as this meeting was to the success of Fonandt Energy, Bryce knew it would be wise to reschedule. He couldn’t concentrate, nor could he contribute anything meaningful to the meeting. He cleared his throat. “Gentlemen, I must confess that I’m a bit preoccupied. It would be in our best interest to cut this meeting short and reschedule.”

  “But, Mr. Fontaine, this is a reschedule. You postponed our first meeting a few weeks ago when one of your godchildren was ill.”

  Bryce turned his attention to Marcus Spencer, the chief engineer at Fontaine Construction. “Yes, I did do that, Marcus, and I apologize for all inconveniences this will cause each of you, but—” he added, pushing back his chair and rising to his feet now that he’d regained his composure, “since you all work for me, it’s my prerogative to cut short or reschedule a meeting as often as I please. If any of you think I’m wasting your time, please feel free to express yourself.”

  He looked from one man to the other, and when he was satisfied that none of them would dare challenge him, he closed the folder in front of him. “Mrs. Grant will be in to reschedule at each of your earliest convenience,” he stated on his way to the door. “Good day, gentlemen.” He opened the door then closed it upon his exit.

  “Elaine, is everything all set?” he said, coming to stand in front of the desk of his personal assistant, a stout, kind-faced woman in her forties.

  Elaine smiled from her chair behind her desk. “Yes Mr. Fontaine. Everything is in place as you ordered.”

  “Thank you.”

  “There’s a change again,” he said. “Could you please schedule another meeting with the gentlemen?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And I don’t have any other appointments for the day, correct?”

  “No, sir. I cleared your calendar up until Wednesday and rescheduled all your appointments. I already uploaded the revised agenda to your phone.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “It’s what you pay me to do, Mr. Fontaine.”

  Bryce chuckled. “I will be leaving shortly.”

  “I understand, sir.”

  He was sure she did, Bryce thought as he smiled down at her. Elaine had been his personal assistant for the past four years, but he’d known her for much longer. She was still a faithful member of the church where he used to attend with Pilar, and Michael and Lauren—the church Kaya now attended regularly with the kids.

  Elaine had seen him through the beginning and end of each relationship in between. She’d sent flowers, picked out jewelry—most of which he’d seen for the first time on the necks or wrists or dangling from the earlobes of his then current interest. She’d signed birthday, Christmas, and Valentine cards—none of which he’d ever seen. She’d made dinner reservations, and covered for him when he was in no mood to deal with the unpleasantness of unpredictable female mood swings. He’d had no patience for them, and it was usually his cue to end the relationship.

  He’d noted the look of relief on Elaine’s face when he’d brought Kaya to Fontaine Enterprises and introduced her as his wife. Elaine didn’t know Kaya, yet the warmth in her green eyes had assured Bryce that she thought he’d chosen wisely in marrying Kaya.

  Elaine was among the very few people in this world whom he trusted.

  “When you’re finished with them,” he said, jutting his chin toward the conference room, “take the rest of the day off. Take your husband out to dinner at Andreas. As you know, I have an open reservation there. Tell them I sent you. Order anything you want, on me.”

  Elaine’s eyes lit up as if she’d just won the lottery. “Thank you, Mr. Fontaine. The only time Bill and I dine at Andreas is when you take pity on me.”

  “When are you going to start calling me Bryce?” he asked, beaming at the joy on her face at such a simple favor.

  “On the day your first child is born.”

  Bryce closed his eyes briefly as a dull pain reverberated in his gut.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Fontaine. I should not have said that. Me and my loose tongue.”

  Bryce reached across the desk and touched her on the shoulder. “It’s okay, Elaine. It doesn’t hurt as much anymore. And I do hope that Kaya and I have children. I need an hei
r to leave all this to.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. She’s a lovely girl. And I’m sure you’ll have your full share of beautiful children.”

  Bryce’s lips split on a wide grin. “I’ll hold you to that promise. You will call me Bryce the day my firstborn enters the world,” he stated, walking across Elaine’s office towards his.

  Once in his office, Bryce closed the door and headed for the wall of glass that overlooked the immediate vicinity of downtown Granite Falls and the towering mountain range in the distance. It had begun to rain. He loved making love when it rained. A little lightning and thunder wouldn’t be unwelcome either.

  He pushed his hand into the pocket of his suit pants and pulled out a black strip of lace—his wife’s panties from three nights ago. He brought it to his nose and inhaled deeply. Kaya’s scent, her taste—like a fine wine with an earthy erotic undertone and a soft delectable finish—were natural aphrodisiacs. Bryce groaned as he felt his temperature rise and his sex engorge with blood and need.

  With his free hand, he pulled his cell from its clip at his waist and speed dialed.

  “Hi,” he said upon her “Hello”.

  “Oh, hi, Bryce.”

  The sound of her voice, the echo of his name on her lips made his heart tremble in his chest. “Where are you?” he asked, knowing exactly where she was. He didn’t want her to know he kept tabs on her. He knew where she was every moment of the day. Paranoia had taken up residence inside him since the first time he kissed her. His protective instincts had soared to new heights that night in the library when he’d realized the kind of man her ex-fiancé was.

  “I’m at the country club with Michelle. We came in for an impromptu spa day.”

  Bryce smiled. There was nothing impromptu about her visit to the country club. He’d commissioned Michelle to take her in for a manicure, a pedicure, a full-body massage—the works, from head to toe. He wanted her completely relaxed and feeling lovely, desirable, and special tonight—well, today now. “What time will you be done?”

  “We’re actually finished. We were just enjoying a cup of herbal tea before we leave. I have to pick up Alyssa from ballet. Haley dropped her off but Anastasia is asleep and she can’t leave home. And Jason has karate after school.”

  “It’s all been taken care of,” Bryce said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Libby is on her way to pick up Alyssa. I’ve arranged for a car for Jason. It will take him to karate then home. Libby will stay at the house with Haley and the kids until you get back.”

  “Back from where? Bryce, what’s going on?” Panic edged her voice.

  “Nothing to worry about, darling. I just need to see you alone. We need to talk without the distraction of the kids or anyone else.”

  “Yeah, I guess we do have some issues to discuss, but I thought we would talk after dinner tonight, if we’re not busy doing other things.”

  Bryce smiled at the hope in her voice. He did promise her that tonight they would finish what he’d started in the kitchen this morning. “It can’t wait that long. Our issues need to be addressed as soon as possible. I found myself free this afternoon.”

  “Oh, okay. You want to meet somewhere? I drove over with Michelle, but she can drop me off wherever you want. I can come to your office.”

  “There’s a car outside waiting to take you to my penthouse. I want you to go up and wait for me. Can you do that?”

  “Your penthouse?”

  The skepticism in her voice was apropos since she’d never been to his penthouse. Until three days ago, he wasn’t ready to share that part of himself with her. His penthouse was where he communed with the ghost of his late wife. He’d never taken a woman there before.

  But Kaya was not just any woman. She was his wife. And if he wanted their marriage to work, he had to share all of himself with her, even Pilar’s ghost. “Yes, my penthouse.”


  Bryce took one last sniff of the panties and stifled the groan that lodged in his throat. Has she missed them at all? he wondered. He had to make sure to snatch a fresh pair. “I’ll see you soon, Kaya,” he said, returning the lacy underwear to his pocket.

  “Okay. We’ll talk soon.”

  Bryce chuckled after he hung up. Yep, they’ll be doing a lot of talking, but not with words. Bryce walked to the huge mahogany desk in the middle of his spacious office and placed his phone on it. He shrugged out of his suit jacket and threw it over the back of his chair. On his way to the bathroom adjoining his office, he began loosening his tie and belt.

  He didn’t want to waste time showering once he got to the penthouse.


  Forty-five minutes later, Bryce opened the door of his dimly lit penthouse to the sensual sounds of soft music floating from the surround sound stereo, and the earthy aroma from pillars of burning candles spicing the air.

  He stepped inside and his breath caught in his throat at the sight of his wife leaning against the back of the sofa—one black stiletto-clad foot, slightly bent, one hand resting seductively on her thigh, and the other holding a juicy red strawberry, dipped in whipped cream close to her half-opened mouth. Her curly brown hair fell like a mystical curtain down the sides of her lovely face, grazing her shoulders, and hugging the curve of her back. Her eyes were wide and luminous, and full of enchantment and expectation.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered when she made an attempt to straighten up. “And don’t talk,” he added when she opened her mouth to speak.

  She settled down obediently, but not before she brought the strawberry to her mouth and closed her succulent lips around half of it, a wicked smile flashing in her eyes as she brought her hand seductively to rest against her voluptuous cleavage, spilling over the pink lacy bodice of her outfit. She was glowing.

  Bryce swore he would have come in his pants if he hadn’t recently taken a cold shower. He’d been anticipating this moment; he’d left orders for her to follow, and she’d obeyed. Good girl. But God, he didn’t expect her to look this freaking tempting and irresistible like a centerfold lingerie model straight out of the latest issue of Victoria’s Secret. Bryce didn’t know Kaya was the first thing he would see when he came home, much less find her standing in such a provocative pose. She must have asked the front desk to let her know when he arrived. His little recently deflowered bride was staging for him.

  He loved it!

  She made an erotic picture as she stood there, clad in the sexy lingerie he’d left on the bed for her to wear—innocent and sinful all at the same time, he thought, admiring the soft curves of her brown body through the silky black mesh that made up the lower half of the garment. The shapely beauty of her near-nakedness taunted him. He knew well the full weight of her firm young breasts in the palms of his hands, the smooth texture of her broad areolas and the hard knob of her brown crusted nipples against his tongue, and the sleek sensation of her moist heat opening for him like a morning flower opens its petals to the magic of the sun for the first time.

  He quivered at the thought of running his hands up her smooth legs to the sensitive area between her thighs, hooking his fingers in the thin strip of lace running along her delicate hips and pulling her panties down her thighs to her dainty little ankles.

  Knowing his wife’s copious reservoir of love juices, Bryce could bet that the crotch of that thong was already soaked. Oh yeah, he was keeping those.

  He dropped his keys on the table next to the door and shoved out of his jacket, letting it drop behind him. Without taking his eyes off of Kaya, he hastily stripped off his clothes and tossed them in a pile on the floor near the door. When he pulled down his briefs, his sex sprung out with an excited slap against his stomach. He heard Kaya’s intake of air into her lungs. Bryce couldn’t remember ever being this hard. It was pleasurably painful, and there was only one thing that would stop that ache.

  He advanced slowly into the room, his eyes taking in the numerous bouquets of flowers placed strategically about, the red and
beige velvet drapes hanging from the windows, blocking out the rain and the world, and the oversized decorated pillows strewn along the floor. A trail of red rose petals began at the foot of the short flight of stairs and extended up to the second floor.

  The hotel crew had done an exceptional job preparing the place, and he was sure the bedroom was as romantically decorated as humanly possible. Bryce’s eyes caught the red stage and ramp on the floor in front of the burning fireplace—all set and ready for action. Because of his and Kaya’s huge differences in stature, he’d requested that two sets of sexual position aids be delivered—one for the downstairs and one for the bedroom. He doubted they would make it that far.

  Finally, he stopped in front of his wife, her entrancing eyes twinkling with mischief as she gazed up at him with half of the whipped cream-covered strawberry sticking out of her mouth. “You look ravishing.”

  She made a guttural sound in her throat, halfway between a moan and a chuckle.

  He picked her up, and hoisting up her gown to her waist, he sat her on the back of the sofa. He settled his body between her parted thighs, his hands pressed into the small of her back. He opened his mouth over hers and bit into the portion of red strawberry extending from her lips. Their lips stayed glued together and their tongues worked in unison as they consumed the piece of fruit, chewing, offering, receiving, and swallowing in an oral mating dance until there was nothing but warm breath left between them.

  “That was delicious,” Bryce said against her lips, savoring the tastes of strawberry, whipped cream and woman on his tongue—tangy, sweet, smooth, wet, and hot. While exploring the soft lines of her back, her waist, and hips, Bryce closed his eyes and nuzzled his nose in the hollow of her neck, breathing in the intoxicating smell of her skin and reveling in the enhanced ultra-silkiness caused by the lingering traces of massage oil. She felt like warm honey under his palm, and for the first time in years, Bryce felt truly blessed.

  “And this?” she asked, wrapping her legs around his waist and turning her head slightly to reclaim his mouth as if it belonged to her and she had every right in the world to it. She kissed him deeply and possessively, spurting a hunger in his belly that awakened every single nerve cell in his body. He felt like a helpless log tossed carelessly into a fiery furnace.


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