BION_Elemental's MC

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BION_Elemental's MC Page 7

by Alexi Ferreira

  I nearly burst out laughing again when I see the look of expectation on Nova’s face. Jasmine and Gabriela are staring at Aria with such intensity that if Bion has to look at them, he will know they’re up to something. Looking back at Aria, I see her blushing, but then a smirk crosses her face and she nods.

  “Hell yeah!” Nova shrieks. Bion was about to unwrap the bandage from my leg when he jumps in surprise. Only now do I notice that the leg of my jeans has been cut away, exposing my whole leg to him, and even though I waxed and I’m not prone to cellulite, I still worry that he may think my leg’s fat.

  “What the hell, Nova?” he grumbles, looking at her questioningly.

  “Oh, sorry, I just remembered something,” she fibs as she looks at him innocently, making all of us fight our giggles.

  “You’re up to something again,” he states as he looks at her, but she shrugs and then turns to go stand by the bed where the other woman is lying.

  “Your imagination. I’m not doing anything,” she states quietly as she strokes the hair away from the woman’s face. Bion grunts and then goes back to checking my leg. When I look down, I see that even though my leg isn’t healed yet, it’s looking pretty good for someone who was bleeding out yesterday.

  “Thank you for helping me yesterday,” I say as I look at his hands while he prods my leg, making me feel warmth flooding my body. His beautiful eyes raise to mine, and I see such anger that I gasp in surprise. Is he upset with me?

  “You shouldn’t thank me. I let you down,” he states as a scowl adorns his forehead.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, surprised at the anger I can also hear in his voice. Why would he think he let me down? It’s not as if he knew they were going to kidnap me.

  “I didn’t protect you. I told you you would be safe, and then they take you from right under my nose.” His hands are now fisted low on his waist, making his arms bulge with muscles that, if I’m not careful, will make me drool. I want to pay attention to what he’s saying to try to appease him, but all I can think about is the way he was stroking my face so gently when I was injured.

  Stretching out my hand, I take one of his fists and start to stroke the outside soothingly, feeling his anger pulsating. “There’s nothing you could do. At least now they have what they wanted and they will leave us alone.”

  “Are you saying they were FBI?” he asks.

  “Well, they showed me a badge. Unless it was fake, I would say that yes, they were,” I grumble.

  “Did they say what they wanted?” His voice is an angry rasp, and his eyes are snapping with his emotions. Leaning back more comfortably, I relay my story to him. Midway through, he starts to stroke my face gently, making me forget what I was saying until he prompts me.

  When I’m finished, he leans forward and kisses my forehead with such gentleness that tears fill my eyes. I have never had anyone be so gentle or caring with me as this man is being, or the way the women have taken me into their fold.

  “They will pay.” He stands back up. “You are mine, and no one will hurt you and live,” he promises with such venom in his voice that I’m surprised how he can be so gentle with me and be so angry.

  “Okay, well, we’re going to go. Is she going to be able to be at dinner with us?” Jasmine asks. Before Bion can answer, I confirm that I will be there. I’m feeling perfectly fine; my leg hardly hurts, and I don’t know how my face looks, but it’s not sore.

  Bion frowns as he looks at me. “Are you sure?” he asks, and I nod. He turns his head towards Jasmine. “You will see her, then.” After the women leave, he moves closer to me and places his arm behind my neck and then the other below my knees.

  “What are you doing?” I squeak as he picks me up against his chest as if I don’t weigh anything. “Put me down. You’re going to hurt yourself,” I demand, but he ignores my plea. A frown appears on his face, but he continues to walk out of the infirmary and makes his way towards the bedroom.

  “This is the second time I have heard you say that. First with Brandr, and now with me. Why would you think you’re too heavy for us?”

  “Because I’m too fat for anyone to carry,” I state embarrassingly. I can feel my face fill with heat at my confession. Bion doesn’t comment. I feel his arms tense at my words, but he continues to walk without any more conversation between us.

  BION 9

  Why the hell does she think she’s fat? She’s got the perfect body. Her breasts can fill my hands with their lusciousness. I’ve spent many hours dreaming about suckling them until the nipples pebble with lust, begging for more. Her hips are just rounded enough for me to grab and give her a good pounding. I couldn’t be more pleased with my woman. She’s perfect, and I will make sure she starts to see herself as I see her.

  I enter our room and place her gently on the bed, turning before she can see what she does to me, and move to the door to close it. I then walk towards my chair and sit facing her. “Are you in pain?” I ask, trying to distract my mind from what it actually wants to say and do.

  “No, I’m actually feeling fine. A little tenseness around the leg, but the rest is fine. Did you give me something for the pain?” She leans back against the headboard and then looks at me.

  “No. When we got back to the compound, you were already starting to heal,” I reveal, and see a frown cross her beautiful features.

  “I’ve never been able to heal myself this quickly or in this way. I wonder why I can now?” she states, looking sceptical.

  “Brie, you do know that I touched you and we bonded, don’t you?” I ask cautiously. I regret having done it like that, but if necessary, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Her cheeks fill with colour, and then she nods. “Are you okay with it?” I ask, hoping she won’t object to being my woman because no matter what, she’s mine now, and nothing can change that.

  “What does me being bonded to you mean?” The images that assault me at her question nearly make me groan in anticipation. My dick twitches in eagerness, but I lean forward, hiding my hard-on.

  “It means you’re my mate now, like a wife.” I see her eyes widen in surprise, and then her breath hitches. “I know this might seem fast, but we know from the moment we see our mates that they belong to us, and nothing can change that.”

  “What if someone gets a mate they don’t like?” she whispers, her hands twisting in her lap. There’s that insecurity I saw before. I will have to do something about it.

  “That won’t ever happen,” I state. “You’re my other half. You bring light to my world and hope for a better future. You’re also everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman—sexy, caring, and beautiful inside and out. I wouldn’t change you for anyone else.” Her eyes are shining with unshed tears, and I can’t hold back any longer. I stand and walk towards her. Sitting next to her on the bed, I stroke her cheek gently, looking deep into her light-green eyes.

  “That’s because you don’t have an option,” she grumbles.

  “No, I would always choose you. When I saw you across the bar, I was instantly hard for you.” I take her hand and place it on my lap for her to see what she’s doing to me. “Do you think that reaction is of someone being forced?” I see the surprise on her face, and then she’s flushing a deep red in embarrassment.

  I lean forward, gently touching my lips to hers; her lips are sweet and moist, making me groan before I deepen the kiss. Her arm comes around my neck, and then she’s kissing me back, making me lose track of all my good intentions. We are both breathless with lust when there is a knock on the door. We both groan in disappointment as I draw back and nearly dip my head again when I see her swollen lips from my kiss. I would have tasted her again if whoever on the other side hadn’t knocked again.

  “Fuck,” I growl, and hear her laugh at my outburst. I charge towards the door, wanting to strangle whoever is on the other side. Opening the door, I see Celmund leaning sheepishly against the doorframe.

  “What?” I growl, and he has the audacity to smirk.

; “Sorry for cockblocking you,” he teases, and I know he’s not sorry at all. I can hear Brie laughing behind me. The little minx thinks this is funny. Wait until her leg is better, and then she won’t be laughing.

  “Asshole, this better be good,” I state. I know I’m scowling at him, but I can’t help it. My cock is straining painfully against my jeans, and all I want to do is close the door in his face and bury myself deep in my woman’s warmth.

  “I thought you would like to know that I might have found the guys, going by what you said. I just need Brielle to confirm,” he states with a cocky smile. The asshole has a right to be cocky; he’s a genius when it comes to computers. Knowing that we may be close to catching the fuckers who hurt my woman, my anger starts to surface again, never really dormant.

  I nod for him to enter, and I go sit by Brie again. Taking her hand in mine, I squeeze lightly. “Hi, sugar, how you feeling?” Celmund asks, and even though I know Celmund is just being friendly, him calling her sugar and being near her is making me want to rearrange his smile.

  “Get on with it,” I snap.

  “Jeepers, grumpy much?” Celmund states. He opens an envelope that he’s carrying and takes out a couple of photos. “I need you to look at these and just let me know which of these guys took you, if any.” He hands the photos to me and then steps back, letting me look at them before handing them to her.

  There are three sheets of paper with five photos on each. I look at Brie as she starts to look at the first page. There’s a frown on her forehead as she concentrates. I want to lean forward and kiss it away, but I don’t want to interrupt her. She lowers the first sheet and then starts to look at the second one. After a minute, she lowers that one too.

  And then I feel her tense beside me, and I know that if not the two guys, at least one of them is on that page. “Do you see any of them, beauty?” I ask gently.

  She nods, and then she’s pointing at one of the photos. “This is the guy who was driving. I don’t know his name.”

  Fuck, I was hoping for the other one, but this one will also do. I will squeeze him for all the info he has, and then I will hurt him. He needs to know that no one messes with Brielle and gets away with it, and then she points at another photo.

  “This is James, the one who punched me,” she whispers.

  I take the paper from her and stare at a dead man, because as soon as I get hold of him, he’s going to die. Celmund is now standing next to me. I look up at him, and he nods, knowing what I want.

  “I will let Draco know,” he comments, and then he’s looking over at Brielle. “Thank you, sugar. They will pay.” He takes the page from me and places it back in the envelope and leaves.

  “You can’t hurt them,” Brie suddenly says from next to me.

  “What?” If she thinks I’m just going to let this slide, she’s very mistaken.

  “You will get into trouble; these guys are FBI. You can’t just hurt one of them and expect to get away scot-free.” Her eyes are two huge pools of anxiety as she stares at me. I won’t tell her that I’m not just going to hurt them but obliterate them completely for what they did.

  “Are you worried about me?” I tease, trying to lighten her mood.

  “Of course I’m worried about you. If you go to jail, it will be my fault. I can’t live with that on my conscious,” she declares angrily. “Thank you for wanting to avenge me or whatever you want to do, but it’s okay. It’s over.”

  “Don’t worry about it, beauty. Nothing will happen to me,” I state, trying to calm her.

  “Don’t you think that’s what they all say? And meanwhile, the jails are full of people,” she argues passionately. I lift my hand and start to stroke her face before lowering my head to take her lips in another kiss that I’ve wanted ever since Celmund interrupted us.

  “Don’t try to distract me,” she says, pulling away slightly, but the heat has left her words and I can see that she wants this kiss as much as I do, as her eyes are staring at my lips. I slowly lower my head again and kiss her with a passion that will make her forget what she was thinking about, but the kiss works way too well. Her hands are stroking my chest, making me groan in pleasure as her hand encounters my nipple piercings.

  But then the realization of what I’m doing hits me, and I tear myself away from her before it’s too late and I can’t think about anything but taking her. “You’re still hurt,” I murmur at her pout. She stretches out and takes my hand, placing it over one of her luscious breasts, making me groan. I can see the flush of passion on her cheeks, her eyes filled with want.

  “I’m fine. There’s no pain, and it’s nearly healed,” she gasps out as I can’t help myself and rub her perky nipple gently over her clothes.

  “No, I won’t risk it. You nearly died yesterday.” The memory of nearly having lost her sobers my lust, helping me pull away once again. I stand, allowing some space between us or I know that I will kiss her again, and that will just roll onto me taking her finally as mine. And even though I would give anything to have her right now, I won’t risk a relapse.

  “Okay, then,” she says, her eyes downcast as she fidgets with the cut off of the jeans that I cut from her leg so I could see the wound better.

  “What’s wrong?” I can feel her unease now that we’re not kissing, but she shakes her head and then starts to move over to the side of the bed. “Look at me.” But she ignores me. I grunt, moving towards her once again as she tries to stand. I place a hand on her shoulder, holding her down. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I need to shower,” she states, finally looking up at me to see me shake my head.

  “I don’t want you to get your bandage wet yet.”

  “It’s okay; I can bandage my leg. I am a nurse, after all,” she says, lifting her chin in a challenge.

  “All right, if you insist, I will help you,” I state.

  Her eyes widen in shock, and then she’s shaking her head briskly. “You don’t need to help me. I can manage fine by myself.”

  “I insist. Even though the wounds look better, you lost a lot of blood and can feel faint while in the shower,” I declare as I place my hands under her arms to pick her up, but she starts to back away from me.

  “Never mind, I’ll wait,” she grumbles.

  “Why? I thought you were keen to shower? You don’t have to be embarrassed about me seeing you naked, you know. After all, I’m planning on us spending a lot of time naked around each other,” I tease, and see her cheeks deepen with colour again as she buries her face in the pillows.

  “Oh my goodness, shoot me now.”

  “Come on, beauty, I can’t be that bad,” I tease.

  “No, you’re not. You’re perfect. That’s the problem.” She’s still talking from between the pillow. “You’re going to be so disappointed,” she murmurs, but I can still hear what she says.

  “Why? Why do you think I will be disappointed?”

  I hear her groan loudly at my question, and then she lifts her head, suddenly glaring at me.

  “Because I’m fat and I’m sure you’re used to these perfect skinny women.”

  “What!” I know I frightened her with my roar, but how can she think I would prefer any other woman to her? “Why the hell do you think you’re fat?” I snarl. The thought of her having this complex about herself angers me.

  “Because I am,” she says with a shrug, calmer now in the face of my anger.

  “You’re not fat,” I roar, “and why would I want a woman who is just bones if I have someone with perfect curves.” Taking hold of her good leg, I pull her towards me, hearing her squeak in surprise. “Now listen to me. I don’t ever want to hear you say you’re fat. Your breasts fit my hands perfectly, and your hips will fit mine like a glove. I wouldn’t change anything about you, because there is nothing to change. And if anyone ever said you were fat, they were jealous of not having a perfect body like yours.”

  A tear rolls down her cheek as she looks at me with a haunted look on her fac
e, making my heart constrict at her pain. “No one has ever said I was perfect,” she murmurs.

  I lower myself to my haunches so I’m at eye level with her. “Come here, beauty.” I pull her towards me. Holding her head against my chest, I inhale the sweet fragrance that is all my woman. She has this fresh smell of apricots that surrounds her, making me want to take a bite just to make sure she’s as sweet as she smells.

  “You are perfect.” I feel her relax against me, and then her arms are slipping around my chest and a feeling of contentment and peace I have never felt before surrounds me.

  “Thank you . . . but please give me time. I still rather you not help me shower,” she murmurs.

  I grunt. I want to rip her clothes and worship every inch of her body until she’s assured that she’s perfect, but I curb my desire. As soon as she’s completely healed, I won’t let her out from under me until she knows how absolutely beautiful and sexy she is.


  We are the last to arrive at dinner. Today, Jasmine made homemade pizza, and even though everyone is already eating, there is still more than enough for the two of us. “We thought we weren’t going to see you tonight,” Ceric quips as we walk in, making us all laugh. “What’s wrong, going soft in your old age?”

  Bion shows him the finger as he sets me down on my chair, still insisting on carrying me. I can feel myself blush, but I also laugh. I see Nova smack Ceric’s arm, which makes him look at her. “What?” he asks.

  “You’re embarrassing Brielle,” she states with a glare. He grumbles something and then takes another bite of his pizza, making the guys laugh.

  “How are you feeling, sweetheart?” Draco calls from the head of the table. Looking over at him, I see his dimples showing as he smiles at me. Since dinner the other day when he told me that I must stay, we haven’t really spoken. Draco frightens me; even though I know all these men have extraordinary powers, Draco’s energy radiates such danger that anyone would be stupid to try to mess with him.


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