The Highlander’s Stolen Bride_Book Two_The Sutherland Legacy

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The Highlander’s Stolen Bride_Book Two_The Sutherland Legacy Page 18

by Eliza Knight

  He wanted her.

  “I fear I may scare ye,” he said.

  “How could you ever scare me?”

  “A man is different than a woman.”

  She gazed down over his plaid, making out the jutting fabric where his…man parts…must be. “I know that,” she said quietly.

  Curiosity coiled inside her. Oh, how she wanted to touch.

  She trailed her fingers over the crisp hair of his muscled thigh, beneath his plaid. She stopped when she reached his hip.

  “Teach me,” she said.

  Strath pulled at his plaid, revealing himself to her. An engorged shaft, thick and long with a velvety-looking head, jutted from between a thatch of dark hair. Goodness, it was…mesmerizing.

  “That is your…” She swallowed, unable to say the word.

  “My cock, princess, and now yours.”

  “My cock.” She grinned down at him, and his smile widened.

  “Ye really are a wonder, Eva.”

  She laughed softly and reached out to touch him. When he’d stroked her, it had been with his fingertips, but he didn’t appear to have a button like her, unless the engorged tip was it. She touched it, and he hissed a breath.

  “Am I doing it right?” she asked.

  “Almost.” He took her hand in his, moved her fingers to grip his cock at the base and then stroked upward and back down again. “Like this.”

  “Oh,” she said, barely audible.

  Stroking his velvet hot flesh sent frissons of desire careening through her once more. Giving pleasure gave pleasure; how incredible.

  She explored him stroke after stroke, watching his face, watching the way his belly rose and fell in jagged breaths. His gaze never left her as they continued, and she thought she might burst from wanting to…to see him climax.

  “Lass,” he croaked. “We need to stop before I…”

  “Nay, I want you to finish.”

  “But it is…messy.”

  “Messy?” she asked before realization dawned. His seed.

  She leapt up, located his wash basin, and returned with a linen. “Will this do?”

  “Ye will be the death of me,” he chuckled.

  “Nay, I will be the climax.” Grinning, Eva sank back down to her knees, took his cock in hand, without his help this time, and then leaned over him to kiss his mouth as he’d done to her when he brought her to fruition.

  Taking notes from what he’d done to her, she quickened her pace, and Strath groaned into her mouth, his breath fanning quick and hot over her cheek. Then he groaned, and warm liquid spilled over her hand.

  Climax… She kissed him one more time and pulled back to take in his flushed face and the cloudy look in his eyes.

  “You climax just as beautifully, heathen.”

  “God, I love ye,” he said in reply.

  He used the linen to clean himself up and then pulled her down beside him to kiss her tenderly.

  “It is a wonder there are any virgins at all,” she mused.

  Strath burst out laughing. “Mo chreach, lass, ye think the funniest things.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Eva woke with a start, her body cramping on one side, and she realized she was still inside Strath’s room, lying on his floor, with his body curled around her back.

  They’d fallen asleep on the carpet at some point, after hours and hours of discovering each other and surrendering to pleasure. She’d felt safe and happy in his arms. And once again, she was reminded of those moments in the chapel when she’d realized that to her, Strath represented home.

  How she would have liked to remain like they were for the next twenty years. Alas, the aching in her side and the very real need to use the chamber pot forced her awake.

  Gently, she removed his arm from around her waist and stood, stretching out the kinks from having slept in the same position on the floor for nearly the whole night. How quickly she’d gotten used to sleeping in a bed.

  Gray light filtered through the shutters of his windows. With morning came the stark reminders of what she’d not told him, and what his mission from the king could mean. Eva glanced down at him, wondering if she should wake him. Tell him now.

  But her maid would have noticed she hadn’t sleep in her room, and at any moment, a search could be called. While she hoped the woman was discreet enough to not tell anyone, there were no guarantees. Alas, no one had come looking for her yet, so it wasn’t too out of the realm of possibilities. Unless of course, her maid had guessed where Eva was and had chosen to keep it a secret.

  Even with no one looking at her, she felt her cheeks heat. Well, it was time to face judgment. Eva tiptoed over to the door, wincing when she stepped on a board that creaked loudly. She glanced back to make sure she’d not woken him and saw he was in the same spot as before.

  Eva raised the bar on the door and opened it, breathing a sigh of relief that it made nearly no sound. She didn’t want to wake Strath, or anyone else in the castle.

  “Where are ye going?”

  Too late, the sound of his groggy voice reached her, and she turned around to smile down at him. He’d rolled over to face her and propped his head up on his bent arm.

  “I was going to wash up and prepare for the day. And also assure my maid that I am still an innocent, though she probably won’t believe me. But I must try.”

  He grinned lazily, got to his feet, and came toward her. “Ye’re no innocent, Princess.”

  Eva laughed softly. “Perhaps not in my head, but certainly as far as any priest is concerned.” She bit her lip. “Well, mayhap not. I should probably pray on that. Confess.”

  “Will ye tell your confessor every detail?” He nuzzled her neck, pulling her into his embrace. “Do I need to refresh your memory?”

  “Oh.” She gave a gasp of mock outrage and playfully slapped at him. “You’re a rogue.”

  “And ye fell in love with me that way.” He softly bit her earlobe.

  “That is true.” She wrapped her arms around him and sank into his solid warmth. “Maybe I do need to be reminded…”

  “Reminded of what?” The gruff sound of Uncle Jamie behind them had Eva springing away from Strath, her face flaming red as she took sight of Laird Montgomery in the dimly lit corridor.

  He was fully dressed and eyeing them both with barely concealed amusement. She was certain her hair was a disaster and her gown was wrinkled enough to alert everyone to the fact that she’d slept in her clothes. But she thought he might be most amused by the way her face had gone from flushed with desire, to pale white, to flaming red again.

  Thankfully, when she peeked between her lashes, Laird Montgomery was no longer looking at her, but at Strath. What excuse would he, her lover, come up with? And would his uncle believe him?

  “Reminded of why she loves me.” Strath’s voice held the same note of teasing that it had the first night they’d arrived and he’d told the entire table about how he’d had to get her to agree not to take advantage of him.

  “I see,” Uncle Jamie said, rocking on his heels with his hands clasped behind his back.

  Eva’s tongue was paralyzed. By now, Jamie had to know what she’d told Tomaidh and the men. She should declare the truth now. But how could she say anything? She could barely think. And the warrior standing before them blocked any escape she might make. She was well and truly trapped. Whatever shame she was supposed to feel in this moment, she didn’t. If anything, she wanted to staunchly support their relationship. To fortify that she meant to make a life with Strath. She raised her head, trying to find the courage to speak up.

  “And are her feelings returned?” Jamie asked.

  Eva’s gaze swept to Strath, wondering if this would be the moment he denied her.

  “Aye, uncle.” Strath glanced at her, eyes glittering with amusement. “Verra much.”

  He was finding humor in this. It took a good measure of her will not to stomp on his foot and wipe that smile off. The warrior wasn’t taking this seriously at all.
  Eva straightened her shoulders and regarded the older laird. “I love your nephew, my laird, and I’m not ashamed of that.”

  The older man smiled at her with genuine affection. “Well, then,” Uncle Jamie said with a very distinctive note of authority. “Now that it is settled, nephew, ye’d best inform your Da and Ma. I’m certain they’ll want to know ye’ve found yourself a bride. And your Da can plead your case to the king. Of course, ye have my blessing. Ye’ll make my nephew a good Scottish wife.” He left no room for argument, not that he’d get any from her. And then she realized what he’d said—Scottish.

  She had a sudden panic that Strath would argue. An irrational fear that he’d change his mind when he found out the truth.

  “Aye.” Strath touched her elbow, and she blew out a sigh of relief. He’d not mentioned his uncle’s reference to a Scottish bride. Had he not heard him? Saints but she’d dug herself into a corner. How was she going to make this right?

  “Strath, I need to tell you something.” She flicked her gaze at Uncle Jamie who didn’t seem to catch her hint that she wanted privacy.

  “Can it wait, lass? I’d like a moment alone with my uncle. I’ll come find ye to break our fast in a little bit.”

  Eva hesitated. And he smiled encouragingly, fortifying her. “Nay, it cannot.” She swallowed, keeping her eyes locked with his and pretending his uncle wasn’t standing there. “My mother was…is a Lindsay. I was told she was dead by my father, but I believe her to still be alive. She was abducted by Belfinch’s father, and... Part of the reason I offered myself to you in Northwyck was in hopes I might find out what really happened to her.”

  To his credit, Strath did not react. He nodded curtly, then cleared his throat. “Why did ye wait so long to tell me?”

  Tears threatened and she wrung her hands in front of her. “At first I thought it best to protect myself, and then when I determined to tell you, the timing just…” She swallowed, knowing her explanations were only excuses. “I made a mistake.”

  “I see.”

  “Please forgive me.”

  He nodded. “I’ll come find ye shortly.”

  Eva could have burst into tears right then, but she managed to stand up tall. “Aye, my laird.” She curtsied to his uncle and took off at a near run down the corridor, feeling the niggling sense of mortification at having been caught in such an improper encounter, and a fear that soon she would find herself back to being a prisoner.

  Strath had no comment on what she’d revealed other than to ask why she’d not told him sooner. How would he trust her again after she’d proven to be a withholder of the truth? She wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t.

  Her maid stood in her chamber, face pale, hands wringing, while Lorna paced in front of the hearth. A low fire was lit, and Eva’s bed was still made from the day before.

  “Oh, thank God.” The lady of the castle rushed forward to grab Eva by the shoulders and examine her. After searching her person and finding nothing harmed, she regarded Eva’s face with motherly concern. “What happened?”

  Eva cleared her throat, trying to find some of the strength she’d had with Laird Montgomery. Why was it harder with Lorna than it had been with him?

  “I was… Well, Strath and I…” Eva’s face was so hot, she was pretty certain it was going to burst into flames.

  “Oh.” Lorna’s eyes widened with realization. “No need to say more.” She turned to face the maid and nodded her heard toward the door. “I’ve got it from here, thank ye for coming to find me.”

  Ah, so her maid had gone to look for her after all. But at least she’d waited until morning. Once the maid was gone and Lorna had shut the door, she indicated that Eva should follow her to sit in a chair before the hearth.

  “When I was about your age, I found myself in a similar situation.” The older woman arranged her skirts around her feet and then leaned back, rather more relaxed than Eva would have guessed a lady could be.

  “You did?”

  “Well, as far as a man is concerned, aye. Jamie was visiting our castle in Sutherland. We fell for each other, harder than I thought possible. My brother, Magnus, Strath’s father, found us one morning in the stables…quite in a state of undress.”

  Eva’s mouth fell open. “Really?”

  Lorna chuckled, nostalgia making her eyes misty. “Aye. I suspect that Jamie will be quite a bit kinder to Strath than my brother was to us. Though I could never fault Magnus for what he did. He was only trying to do the right thing and take care of me. Our parents died when he was only a lad, and he’s been in charge of all of us ever since.”

  “What did he do?”

  “Well, what any protector of a maiden might. He took Jamie to task. Left him bloody, and then sent him on his way, forbidding us from seeing each other ever again.”

  Eva gasped, her hand coming to her mouth. What would happen if she were sent away? There was no way she wanted to live out her days without Strath. Every minute would be misery. God, she prayed he forgave her.

  “How did you…come to be together?” Eva asked, wanting to hear a happy ending to what could have been a disaster.

  Lorna sat forward and tucked an errant lock of hair behind Eva’s ear in a motherly fashion she ached for.

  “I was with child. My brother had no choice but to let us be together. We were so in love, but Magnus didna believe in such things. Of course, the irony of that was he found Arbella not too long after.”

  “Strath’s mother?”

  “Aye. A lovely lady and a true, genuine heart. Everyone that meets her loves her, and you will, too. Besides, she’s also English, so ye’ve already got that in common. She will be a good mother-by-marriage to ye.” Lorna frowned and pursed her lips. “That is, I assume ye’ll marry.”

  “We said as much to each other last night. And he confirmed it once more this morning when Jamie found us.” But that was before…

  “I hope ye werena too embarrassed to see my husband.” Lorna bit her lip. “But he insisted on investigating when your maid woke us to say ye were not abed. We worried something had happened to ye.”

  “I’m sorry to have disturbed your sleep. That wasn’t my intention, I assure you. I fell asleep and didn’t wake until just before Laird Montgomery arrived. However, I was fully dressed.” Eva smiled through her worry. “Though that hardly made a difference at the time for how embarrassed I felt.”

  Lorna laughed. “Ye’re a sweet lass. Ye’ll make a great addition to our family.”

  “I would be honored to be a part of it. I…” She was about to confess how much she missed her own family, but her words got caught in the emotional knot in her throat. Eva glanced down toward her lap where she’d wrung her skirt around her fingers.

  “What is it, my dear?”

  Eva gave a slight smile. “I miss my family.”

  Lorna reached forward and patted her on the knee. “I understand that, lass. My family is scattered across the Highlands. We do try to get together occasionally for a family gathering, usually around a wedding or the birth of a bairn. This past Yule, Strath’s father held a massive feast that brought many clans together to celebrate. Where is your family?”

  Eva looked down at her hands again. “My sister, Jacqueline is married to a lord who resides near London.” She steeled herself. “Papa is…” She held her breath, unsure how to answer, because the truth was she didn’t know where her father was exactly, but she could guess he was on his way here. Hiding the truth was difficult, and she might as well tell Lorna now before it came out. The woman had shared so much with her, and she felt they were growing close in the way friends and family should be. A lie would ruin all the good they had between them, and the truth was bound to come out soon. “My father is the Earl of Northwyck.”

  Lorna nodded slowly, the slight twitch at the corners of her eyes the only sign she gave that she knew who that was.

  “He is probably on his way here now. With Lord Belfinch.” Eva waited for the storm that was sure to

  But it didn’t. Lorna folded her hands together in her lap, and said calmly, “I see.”

  “I want you to know that I had no idea what Belfinch had my father involved with. I…”

  “Ye needna explain yourself to me,” Lorna said softly, kindness filling her features.

  “But I do. And there’s more.”

  Lorna’s brows rose, but she remained quiet.

  “My mother was abducted two years ago. I was told by my father she’d died of a fever. But, about a year ago I received a letter I thought was in my mother’s hand. Part of the reason I wanted to come to Scotland was to find out what happened to her. She’s a Lindsay.

  Lorna let out a long sigh. “Ye’re part Scots.”


  “The Lindsays are a powerful clan.”

  “Ye know them?”

  “Aye, my dear.”

  “Will ye help me?”

  “I will try.”

  Eva choked on a sob. “I hope you can forgive me for keeping it from you.”

  “It is easier to forgive than to foster resentment. So tell me, what of the story Strath told of how ye met? Was that also a falsehood?”

  “It is mostly the truth. I did ask him to take me, but it was in place of my father. I…I didn’t want to be left behind and forced to marry Belfinch. Which would have happened. I knew he was evil. He’s been blackmailing my father for the past two years.” She stopped abruptly, realizing she was babbling. Tears sprung to her eyes. Stay strong!

  Lorna let out a long exhale. “Well, then ye’re verra lucky my nephew listened.”

  “I feel terrible for not telling you everything before. And for not telling Strath sooner about my Scottish roots. When I arrived and everyone was so welcoming and kind…I got caught up in the web of being someone else.”

  “Dinna fash. Ye’re not someone else,” Lorna said. “Ye’ve been yourself the whole time, have ye not?”

  “What?” Eva blinked rapidly, confused by the question.

  “Well, we are not our parents.” Lorna grinned, her features soft and her demeanor calming. “We are not the men who want to marry us. We must remain true to ourselves, no matter what.”


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