Darkness Follows

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Darkness Follows Page 2

by J. L. Drake

  Why was Lasko so—dare I think it—nice to me? In spite of no shoes, I started to pace the room. I needed to get out of there. I felt panic creeping up on me fast.

  The click of the door made me freeze. My mouth went dry, and I broke into a sweat as Lasko walked in the room in a tux. What the fuck?

  “My, my, my, don’t you look lovely, darlin’?” His normal voice was back. He held out his hand. “Come. Dinner awaits.”

  I took a step back; I didn’t want to go. I’d rather have rotted in that room than eat with that man, but the look on his face told me not to push him. I swallowed and tried to moisten my throat. I took a shaky step forward.

  “Wise choice,” he said. He gripped my arm tightly.


  A round table with a red cloth sat in the middle of the basement. The spotlight was turned off, and white candles were lit throughout the room. Two plates with domed covers over them sat across from each other. The haunting cello music from earlier came from an old record player next to the computer.

  I could see Seth and Garrett on the screen. They both stood up and started to talk when they saw me, but I couldn’t make out what had been said because of the music.

  Lasko pulled out my chair. “Please sit.” When I didn’t comply right away, he pushed me hard into the seat. Then he placed a napkin on my lap and took a seat across from me. I glanced to my left at the screen and felt my heart race.

  “Eyes on me, darlin’,” he said calmly. The music filled the awkward silence. Lasko closed his eyes and moved his hand to the melody. “I just love Bach.”

  Bach will forever be ruined for me.

  “Soothes my soul.”

  Soul? Oh my God, I need to get out of here!

  He poured us some wine and held his glass up in the air. “Finally, you’re right where you belong.” This man was insane. I didn’t move, remaining frozen. He leaned forward and tapped his glass to mine. “Cheers.” He smiled widely and then took a sip. “Mmmm, this is nice, don’t you think?” He looked at the label. “2011 St. Michelle Merlot, one of my favorites.” He clapped his hands together. “Shall we eat?”

  He pulled the dome off my plate and revealed a pork roast with mashed potatoes and green beans. He smelled the food and started to eat, but his mannerisms did not match his attempt at a romantic atmosphere. I almost puked in my mouth. When gravy started to drip down his chin, he made no effort to wipe it away.

  I didn’t risk another glance at the computer. As much as I needed to know Seth was here with me, I was afraid Lasko would turn it off, and then I would truly be alone with this animal.

  “Eat,” he ordered as he pulled me from my thoughts.

  I didn’t move.

  He set his fork down and finally wiped his mouth. As he tapped his fingers on the table, his expression hardened, but then his mouth turned up. “Have I told you how lovely you look this evening? That color makes your face glow.” His tap got a little louder. “But, if you don’t eat, I’ll be the one making your face glow.”

  I picked up the fork and speared a small piece of meat. I put it in my mouth and chewed without tasting it.

  “Good, right?” he asked with a bright smile. We continued to eat until we were both done. It took every ounce of determination in me to keep it down. My only saving grace was the thought that the food might give me the energy I would need to fight this man when the time came…and it would come.

  His cell phone rang, and I watched as he pulled it out of his pocket. “Forgive me, darlin’, but I need to take this.” His turned down the music and answered the phone. “Hold on a second,” he said into the receiver.

  He pulled out zip ties and fastened my legs and arms to the chair. Then he made sure I was nice and snug before he tied the gag around my mouth. “Don’t want you getting ideas,” he joked. He left to go upstairs. I heard the door slam shut, followed by his muffled voice.

  I quickly glanced at the computer and saw Seth in conversation with someone. I was so glad they were with me in the only way they could be. I tried to get closer so I could hear. I leaned my weight forward to buck the chair in that direction. It took two or three tries just to move an inch.

  I let out a little grunt-scream, I felt so frustrated, but that seemed to get Seth’s attention. So he could hear me?

  I heard a click, and I froze. Heavy breaths followed, and then the pit bull stepped into view. Oh shit! He walked toward me. A deep, low growl vibrated in his throat. He stepped up on my legs, his weight driving his nails into my skin. His face just inches from me, the glow of his yellow eyes burned into mine. His breath reeked like rotted meat, and I had to hold my breath for fear of getting sick. His stench was intolerable. He stayed there for a few moments, to make his point, and then he shifted off me. His claws left indentations on my skin. He huffed as he went back into the corner, where he flopped himself down heavily. I let out a long, unsteady breath.

  Terror didn’t describe what my heart was going through at that moment.

  My brain wanted to shut down, but I fought against it. I felt exhausted.

  My head snapped up when I heard Lasko’s footsteps above me. I tried to stop the doubt that swept across me every few minutes. What if I never saw Seth again? Why hadn’t I told him I loved him when I had the chance? What I wouldn’t have done to feel his arms around me one last time!



  He wasn’t due to arrive until after my date. Danny was either late or early. I got incredibly annoyed by this. However, he was willing to come all the way out here to deliver, so I’d deal with him for a bit, until I found someone dumber and cheaper.

  I grabbed my gun and tucked it into the front of my pants and made sure to leave the handle exposed. I pulled back the stained curtain and saw Danny huddled under the overhang as he shielded himself from the rain.

  Slowly, I unlocked the door and pulled the wooden door open. His dark eyes met mine, and his pupils were dilated, which made my defenses heighten.

  “Hey, man.” He bounced on his heels. “You gonna let me in?”

  Adler stood by my side, and my fingers brushed over the top of his bony skull. It was my signal to him to be alert, but I commanded him to go back downstairs and guard my Emily.

  “Show me.” I stood my ground. He rolled his eyes, lifted his jacket, and did a turn to show me he didn’t have a weapon. “Come.”

  I led him into the living room and tipped a chair over to get rid of the shit on the cushions. Danny picked up a porno magazine and raised an eyebrow. “You have a thing for the blondes?”

  “I have a thing for what’s in your coat pocket.” I didn’t want to talk about what made me hard, I wanted my goddamn coke.

  “This,” Danny pulled out a baggie, but when I went to grab it, he pulled it back, “is my newest creation.” He took the magazine and started to make a line. He grinned when he handed it to me to try. I cracked open a pen and used the shell of it to sniff the powder. I clutched my head as it absorbed into my nasal cavity. “Good shit, right?”

  I handed him a wad of twenties and moved toward the door. “Same time next week. I’ll tell you where.”

  Danny looked around then stood. “It’s a long drive out here. Can’t I stay and hang out a bit?”

  “No.” I opened the door and motioned for him to leave.

  “Friendly.” He snickered as he popped his collar. I blinked a few times as the urge to jam my pen in his throat started to consume me. I shook my head as the drug took its effect. Danny needed to leave or I’d have to dig a big-ass hole to stuff his body into.

  Danny stepped outside and began to say something as I slammed the door in his face. Get the fuck out!

  As soon as I stood at the top of the stairs, my erection grew hard. I rubbed it twice before I descended into the darkness.



  Agent Crew moved toward the screen, adjusting his glasses again. “I wonder who was on the phone. Poor thing.” Crew ran his hands through his hair. �
��She was trying to move her chair, I think to get closer to the screen, but that dog came and warned her not to move.”

  Avery came up. “I’m going to grab something to eat. You guys want anything?” Crew shook his head.

  “Sure, anything,” Garrett said, with his eyes locked to the screen.

  Avery cleared his throat. “All right.” He turned to me. “Doing a dinner run. You want anything?” He handed me a menu.

  I glanced at the paper and quickly handed it back. “Turkey sandwich on wheat.” I didn’t look at him as I spoke; I was too engulfed in the computer screen.

  “Oh God,” Crew hissed. “She’s got company again.”

  “Shoot it to the big screen,” Patrick ordered as he pointed to the projection screen they had just finished mounting on the wall.

  I shifted to the couch and watched in horror as Lasko stuck another needle in her and watched her drift away. Lasko gave a wave to the police before he turned off the camera.


  I wiped the sweat off my temples and didn’t know how much longer I could watch. I felt so helpless. I glanced at my watch—11:35 p.m. It had been roughly fourteen hours since she’d been taken, and almost twenty-one hours since I’d held her in my arms. Mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted, I rubbed my eyes.

  “Go get some sleep, Connors.” Sarge looked at me, concerned.

  I shook my head. “No, I’m good.”

  “That was an order.”

  I glanced at Garrett, who nodded his understanding. He would inform me the moment Emily woke up.

  I opened the door to one of the four bedrooms in the penthouse suite and flicked on the bedside lamp. The silence was painful and the room was cold. With a heavy heart I trudged into the bathroom and dropped my bag on the counter, then turned on the hot water.

  My numb fingers pulled my shirt up over my head and undid my pants. I kicked them off to the side. Stepping into the shower, I stood directly under the water and let it beat into my face. My hands slid up the wall for support as I broke down for the first time in eight years.

  Please, please make her be okay. I need her.

  Exhausted, I unzipped a bag of clothes, thankful Garrett had sent Johnnie for them. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, combed my hair, and studied myself in the mirror. My finger traced my puffy eyes, and then I brushed my teeth, plugged in my phone, and set the alarm for five a.m.

  I chugged down a bottle of water. God, I was thirsty. I pulled open my bag on the bed in search of some painkillers. My head began to ache and a nerve twitched in my neck. My hand rubbed the tension, but it was no use. I tossed my clothes out of the bag but stopped suddenly. Emily’s green blouse was stuck to my sweater.

  I carefully peeled it free and held it up to my nose and took in a deep breath. My fingers balled into tight fists as my eyes stung with tears again. I sank into the mattress, curled into a ball, and hugged her shirt next to my face. I closed my eyes and, for just a brief moment, I pretended she was with me.

  There was a knock at the door, and Garrett entered. “Seth, she’s starting to wake.” My eyes popped open to my nightmare that was reality. Sunlight filled the room, and I saw Garrett was dressed in different clothes.

  “What time is it? I must have slept right through my alarm.”

  “10:53 a.m.” Garrett gave a grim smile. “I didn’t want to wake you until I had to.”

  I yawned as I tossed the blanket aside. I felt groggy. I’d only gotten about three hours of uninterrupted sleep. I could work on less, had done so in the past, but not when there was this much emotion involved.

  “Riggs has coffee and bagels out there, and we’ve got another manhunt out in the woods today. But you should stay with the camera feed. I think she needs to know you’re with her.”

  Garrett took a chair in one hand and moved it so he could sit in front of me. He rubbed his face then took a sip of coffee. He looked as tired as I felt.

  “Tell me.”

  I shook my head, not sure I could do that yet.

  “Come on, Seth.” He shrugged, then nodded toward the door. “If not me, then one of them.”

  I closed my eyes. I knew Sarge risked a lot to keep me on the case. I knew a psych evaluation was coming, and I should be thankful it was Garrett and not someone else. I took a moment to sort the fog inside my head. “I’m fine.”

  “That’s Emily’s line,” he muttered, but I could see the pain on his face too. Her name made my chest ache so much, and I rubbed it hard. I needed some way to ease the hurt. Not that it worked.

  “Not sure what I’m supposed to say here.”

  Garrett sighed as he leaned back. “Fuck if I know.”

  My hands flexed over the sheet, then balled into fists as the emotions I kept locked up tight started to claw their way to the surface. I went to stand in front of the window and watched the world as it moved on while I felt rooted in place. Couldn’t move forward, couldn’t move backward, just stuck in this helpless hell.

  Garrett moved to my side, and we both stood for a few minutes in silence. I felt like my body wanted to break down, to lose control. I tried to fight back, but my heart didn’t seem to be able to beat properly. When she wasn’t around, it was out of rhythm.

  “I…” I cleared my throat and tried again. “I…” My jaw clenched and locked in place as the pain flooded through me.

  Garrett’s hand snagged my arm, but his stare remained out the window.

  My eyes burned as they blurred, and the outside colors mixed together. “Hum…” I choked back. “I feel like I’m already walkin’ over her grave.”

  His hand flexed on my arm. “No, no, don’t go there.”

  I took a quick breath as my mind shuddered at that image. “Not sure—ah…” I shook my head. How could this happen? He took her from me. “She’s mine.”

  Garrett nodded, then snapped his eyes over to mine. “Yes, she is.” He lowered his head and his voice. “Minute by minute,” he reminded me. His finger swiped over his lips. “If we get too far ahead, all we do is stress. If we fall behind, we lose sight of what’s happening.”

  “Stay focused and take it minute by minute, so the brain can cope with the situation,” I finished for him. I pressed my hands to the window frame and bowed my head. I cleared my mind and just concentrated on what I needed to do next.

  The door opened and in walked Sarge. He looked over at Garrett, who gave him a quick nod. “Great.” He looked at me. “Eat something, then come back in. You should be there.”

  “Yes, Sarge.” I watched as he walked out. I glanced at the door and hated the idea of watching it. It was like an obsession with a nightmare. Terrifying as hell, but you can’t look away in fear you’ll miss something. How does he know where we are? Why is this happening to us? What did we do to deserve this? Emily has so much warmth she could warm you with just a smile, one that reaches her eyes and makes them crinkle ever so slightly.

  “Fuck,” I hissed as I felt myself lose it.

  Garrett’s hand wrapped around my neck and brought my head to his shoulder. I couldn’t help but let out the sob that had been held hostage in my chest for so long. I allowed myself a memory, needing the moment.

  I woke wrapped around her warm body. She smelled like home and comfort. I nuzzled my nose into her hair and felt my body flood with pure adrenaline like it did whenever she was near. I pressed my morning woody against her tight little ass. She squirmed with a needy sigh which only made me grin and press harder. My teeth pinched her soft skin right above where her neck met her shoulder. My tongue swirled up to her ear, then I nibbled on her lobe. Her top teeth bit down on her bottom lip, and it nearly sent me over the edge.

  “I want you, baby,” I whispered with a little growl I knew she loved.

  She mumbled as she turned into me. My finger traced the strap of her tank top, then traveled down along the lace that hugged her breast snugly.

  “Umm.” She wiggled, but I could tell she was still asleep. My mouth covered her n
ipple through the fabric and sucked lightly. Her hips flexed, which only fueled me further. I licked just under the seam of the lace, then hooked my finger and exposed her pink nipple. I swirled my tongue around the edge, and just as I was about to dive in, my phone went off.

  Fuck. I pulled back and checked the message.

  Garrett: Damage to the barn door and window. We should head into town. Davis is out with me. He’ll stay back. Yeah?

  I looked down at Emily, her shiny hair spread across the pillow, her skin like honey against the sheets. She was beautiful, and she was naked and ready to go, and my cock blocker partner wanted to go to Home Depot. Fuck me. I grabbed my phone.

  Seth: Buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Give me ten.

  Garrett: We may not have enough time.

  I laughed; we loved that movie, Old School. I fixed her strap and kissed her on the neck one last time.

  “You don’t know how hard this is.” I smiled, then cursed as I got up and dressed.

  “It’ll be okay.” Garrett slapped my shoulder, bringing me back to the painful present. I nodded and shook away the memory. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t retreat into the past. I needed to be in the here and now if I was to get her back.

  I stepped back and took a deep breath.

  “I’m fine.”

  “I know.”


  Day 2 In The Basement


  I held my breath as I waited for my dad to say the words.

  “Lift up! Now, everyone under!” Dad yelled as a group of my friends and I all gripped the edges of the colorful parachute. We pulled it in under ourselves and sat down on it and let it float above us like a dome. “Jessie, you’re up first. Go stand in the center hole.” She popped her head through and laughed at the sight.


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