A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact

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A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact Page 8

by Richard Dolan

  One source of the authors, a man who has worked extensively within the national security establishment for many years, met with Bill Clinton at a social gathering during the late 1990s. After a few moments of one-on-one time with the president, the man delicately raised the topic of UFOs. Clinton’s only comment was, “There’s a lot there, and I wish I could do something about it.”

  George W. Bush built an administration which prided itself on secrecy, but it is quite possible that he was never fully briefed on this subject. At least, this is according to a senior intelligence official speaking on the condition of anonymity to the authors. It is, however, a reasonable speculation that his vice president, Dick Cheney, did have the clearance. Early in the Bush administration, the vice president appeared as a guest on the Diane Rehm PBS radio program. Grant Cameron, a Canadian UFO researcher specializing in presidential policy, was lucky to be the first caller. Cameron asked Cheney whether he had ever been briefed about UFOs while in the government. Cheney replied, “Well, if I had been briefed on it, I’m sure it was probably classified and I couldn’t talk about it.”33

  President Barack Obama has avoided discussing the topic in public, at least not in a way to give it any credibility. When asked about the subject during the 2008 presidential campaign—having just seen his rival Congressman Dennis Kucinich savaged for admitting to his own UFO sighting—Obama deflected with humor: “I don’t know, and I don’t presume to know. What I know is there is life here on Earth, and that we’re not attending to life here on Earth. We’re not taking care of kids….we’re not taking care of senior citizens…. As president those are the people I will be attending to first. [audience laughter] There may be some other folks on the way…. [more laughter].”

  Some individuals made well-publicized claims that Obama would be the “Disclosure President.” Specific predictions (forever the bane of the alternative research community) were offered repeatedly for such Disclosure announcements, which of course never occurred. The predictions were based on alleged inside sources that clearly existed only in the realm of fantasy. If any further evidence were required to throw cold water on the notion of Obama as the Disclosure President, the White House statement of November 4, 2011 more, than suffices. This was in response to the “Disclosure Petition” organized by Stephen Bassett’s organization, Paradigm Research Group, asking the Obama Administration to acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence on Earth. The reply was only granted because more than 17,000 signatures were attached to the petition. Yet, a low-level functionary drafted the reply that there is no credible UFO evidence, nor any to suggest a cover-up.34 Whether or not Obama was ever briefed is not certain, although unverified sources told the authors that he had been briefed on the basics of the situation, but has no authority over the program.

  Despite the importance of the subject, it is not clear that all U.S. presidents are briefed on it. Knowing details of black budget programs has become a liability. Moreover, presidents are transitory players on the national and world stage. They come and go. From the perspective of lifelong program managers, they cannot be trusted to deal with the issue in a secure manner during their term, nor after they leave office.

  Who Is Really in Charge?

  If the UFO secret is real, someone or some group is in charge and doing an acceptable job at keeping it quiet.

  During the 1950s, American sociologist C. Wright Mills described a “power elite” in the United States comprised of corporate, military, and government elements. It was a radical analysis at the time. But Mills was onto something. Today, we can see that corporations—or more accurately, transnational corporations—have gained a dominant role in this relationship.

  Right or wrong, globalization is the reality of today’s world. By the late 1980s, it created new opportunities for corporate visionaries, primarily by access to cheap labor. The goal became to create an international legal structure to facilitate this process. There have been many facets of this transformation. One was the creation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), others included strengthening the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade Organization (WTO), and World Bank, all of which promote privatization of natural resources and have often been accused of undermining national laws regarding health, food safety, and the environment.

  It was a silent revolution. Until the 2011 “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations in Manhattan, followed by similar “Occupy” demonstrations elsewhere, the question of who is in charge had not been up for much public discussion. Yet, a new global structure of power has been created that heavily influences, even dominates, nation states. Old-fashioned national sovereignty has become a quaint relic, like an old portrait of a forgotten family member, fading to yellow in a worn-out frame.

  It is natural that these same private interests would eventually take charge of the UFO secret as well, albeit through the auspices of the U.S. government and military. The money is certainly there with which to do it.35

  Worlds Within Worlds

  By now, the classified world has moved far beyond the reach of the public world, and far beyond in its power and capabilities. This has great implications for UFO secrecy.

  Consider the story of a former NSA scientist who spoke with the authors. According to this individual, the NSA was operating computers during the mid-1960s with a processing clockspeed of roughly 650 megahertz (MHZ).36 To put that in perspective, it took 35 years for personal computers in the consumer market to reach that speed. Indeed, in 1965 there were no personal computers at all. Immediately, the near-fatal Apollo 13 mission in 1971 comes to mind, with its reliance on slide-rulers by mission specialists to guide the damaged NASA spacecraft back to Earth. When presented with this image, the NSA scientist shrugged and stated that secret computational capabilities were too important to share with NASA.

  So, in computing, the National Security Agency was an amazing 35 years ahead of the rest of the world. This leads one to wonder not only what its computational capabilities are today, but what might be the capabilities of an organization charged with managing the UFO secret (in which the NSA is almost certainly involved). With a head start in studying exotic properties from materials obtained, say, at Roswell in 1947, is it not likely that some scientist would have a Eureka! moment at some point? Perhaps he might not be able to duplicate all the features of the object under study, but could important improvements be developed toward such things as better integrated circuits, high tensile fibers, laser technology, and fiber optics? Naturally, such claims have been made—and denied—for years. But there is a logic to them.

  Here is where it becomes interesting. For sure, there would be a great profit motive at work. One would assume that there would be spin-off products introduced at great commercial value as a useful money-making venture. Ideal ground-floor business opportunities.

  But what if some of the innovations derived from such exotic technologies were so advanced, so radical, that their very existence was deemed to be too sensitive to share with the rest of the world? What if, for instance, a true breakthrough was made with propulsion technology, and the black-world scientists produced some form of field propulsion—in other words, anti-gravity? Or biotech breakthroughs such as super-longevity? Such developments would transform the world (which we will return to).

  If the clandestine world did invent a “flying saucer” of sorts, as an example, something that operated on principles of gravity-negation, why would the U.S. military refrain from using it during warfare? Surely, such a technology would be of immense value in fighting the wars that have severely strained the U.S. economy, to say nothing of the immense damage caused to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and elsewhere during the past decade as a result of military actions. Would it not be logical, sane, and even humane to employ such technology to end warfare in a region that is being destroyed by it?

  Cynics would state that the prospect of never-ending warfare is desirable to certain groups that influence U.S. policy. True, but there is another reason t
o consider. Within the history of U.S. military technology, we have examples of the military withholding the use of its best weapons because their existence was classified.

  One of the better-known examples of this was the U.S. air strike against Libya in 1986. The raid employed F-111 fighter aircraft. Left out of the mission, however, was the F-117A Nighthawk, better known as the stealth fighter. It had been operational since 1983, but was still classified in 1986. In a form of logic both perverse and rational, the F-117A was so radically advanced that keeping it secret was more important than using it for this military mission. As it turned out, the strike on Libya failed to achieve its main objective, which was the elimination of Libyan leader, Muammar al-Gaddafi. The stealth fighter was reserved for a more important military engagement, which turned out to be the U.S. invasion of Panama in late 1989.

  By applying this logic to the world of reverse-engineered UFO technology, one might see how something even more exotic than the stealth fighter would be reserved for missions considered more important than mere geopolitical struggles. If, as may very well be the case, some form of flying saucer was “made in the U.S.A.,” what possible missions would it have?

  The answer is obvious: to deal with the beings responsible for the UFO phenomenon in the first place. Whether these beings are extraterrestrial, long-term transplants, home-grown, interdimensional, time travelers, or something even more fantastic, the technology used to develop man-made UFOs must be used specifically to deal with them. We will expand on this theme in Chapter 4.

  And so, the years turned into decades, the world entered the 21st century, the U.S. military structure became dominated by private contractors, and the world became a global village. Meanwhile, the secret-keepers of the UFO mystery became more fully international, and also became private to a large degree.

  Given the mixture of a treasure chest of government money, private connections, and an extraterrestrial secret, the likelihood exists that six decades later there is a clandestine group that possesses:

  Technology that is vastly superior to that of the “mainstream” world.

  The ability to explore areas of our world and surroundings presently unavailable to the rest of us.

  Possible interactions or encounters with the Others who are here in our reality.

  Scientific and cosmological understandings that give them greater insights into the nature of our world.

  A significant “built-off-the-grid” infrastructure, partially underground, that affords them a high degree of secrecy and independence of action.

  This might well qualify them as a separate civilization—one that has broken away from our own, in effect, a breakaway civilization. Still interacting with our own, its members probably move back and forth between the official reality of what we are supposed to believe, and the other reality which encompasses new truths and challenges.

  When Disclosure finally comes in the future, it will reveal the existence of a group that has pulled the strings on the UFO secret for years. It probably has a name, one that we are unaware of now, that will be exposed and become infamous.

  In this book, we refer to the leadership council and those men and women who answer to it as the Breakaway Group. Bolstered by tremendous co-opted assets worldwide, they have gained independence from the established political and military authorities. For it is likely that this Breakaway Group answers not so much to the president of the United States as it does to private, internationally based individuals and groups. These have been the quiet leaks from the classified world which have reached both of the authors for years, and which have reached many other researchers of this topic.

  With the Breakaway Group in mind, one might be tempted to dismiss our formal government as mere window dressing. That would be a mistake. The Breakaway Group is able to exist in part because it draws from established, powerful institutions of government, finance, and military authority. Nationalistic governments exist, and they are powerful, even if they are infiltrated and co-opted by the Breakaway Group and individuals who serve it. In fact, most of the people who work in these existing institutions have no knowledge of their own manipulation.

  The point is that, despite their co-option, the world’s institutions still have a life of their own. In an A.D. world, they will still be engaged in the debate, held accountable for actions taken by their members, and will still be reactive to their constituencies—sometimes with and sometimes without the direction of the Breakaway Group.

  Let us hope that those people in the Breakaway Group who are dealing with the presence of the Others are doing so in a way that is responsible to humanity as a whole. For now, we have no way of knowing whether this is so, and no way of holding them accountable to the people.

  Disclosure presents the opportunity for a structural change in how the world does its business. The Breakaway Group fears the public blowback and loss of power from such an act of honesty, however, so they will maintain the secret as long as possible. They will do this because once their existence is intuited, then acknowledged, and then scrutinized, their longstanding role as puppet-masters may be coming to an end.

  Yet even the power-brokers of the Breakaway Group cannot control everything. Although they will never disclose of their own choice, circumstances are in place that could force a decision, no matter how closed to the idea they might be today.

  A secret once thought necessary to save the world has taken a quiet toll on many lives. Now, in order to save the world, that secret must be dragged into the light of day. Ready or not, here it comes.


  To: The President of the United States

  From: Veterans Supporting Recognition of Pilots Lost During ET Contact

  Date: July 1, 2023

  The following is a petition posthumously to award Air Force pilot Captain Thomas Mantell the Congressional Medal of Honor for valor displayed in the line of duty while protecting his country on January 7, 1948.

  Thomas Mantell died on that day more than 70 years ago while attempting to intercept an unknown flying object. This object was reported to be large and round and descended over Kentucky, where it was seen by the commanding officer and others at Godman AFB, by state police, and various citizens. Captain Mantell, a veteran pilot, was scrambled to intercept, along with two other fighter planes.

  Mantell climbed his jet aircraft to more than 22,000 feet, leaving the other two pilots behind, and apparently blacked out and crashed to his death.

  At the time, the Air Force gave the official explanation that Captain Mantell had inadvertently chased the planet Venus. Although the planet was visible in the sky, it was 5pm and the sun had not set. It is unlikely that Venus could have been that bright at that time so as to fool Mantell and the other witnesses. Three years later, the Navy disclosed that a secret, high altitude photographic reconnaissance Skyhook balloon had been nearby at the time, and that became the official explanation.

  But in 1985, the transcript of Captain Mantell’s transmission to Godman AFB was declassified. His last words were: “It appears to be a metallic object…tremendous in size…directly ahead and slightly above…I am trying to close for a better look.”

  Even astronomer and Project Blue Book consultant J. Allen Hynek conceded long after he blamed Mantell’s death on the planet Venus, “Sometimes, I stretched too far.”

  Given the disclosure of the reality of an alien presence on Earth dating back to at least the 1940s, we, the undersigned, believe that Mantell’s last words should be taken literally and that his honor be restored by awarding him his posthumous Congressional Medal of Honor.



  Chapter 3

  Endgame: When the Impossible Becomes the Inevitable

  You may fool all the people some of the time;

  you can even fool some of the people all the time;

  but you can’t fool all of the people all the time.

raham Lincoln

  Change can happen with breathtaking speed. Consider the fall of Communism. For more than 70 years, the Soviet Union stood as a seemingly implacable enemy to America and its allies, an enemy that defined the lives not only of its own citizens, but those who lived in the “free world.” Then, like flashes of lightning, the Berlin Wall was down, the Soviet Republics were independent, and all of Eastern Europe was holding free elections. No one saw it coming.

  Complete change happened again on September 11, 2001. As that fateful day began, the world was as preoccupied and complacent as ever; by nightfall people went to bed frightened and focused.

  However, sometimes the change we expect keeps us waiting like a date that never shows up. Disclosure of the UFO reality is like that. It is a truth obvious, clear, and absent from our public discourse.

  Indeed, UFO Disclosure comprises a neat paradox: it is impossible and inevitable.

  Twelve Angry Insiders

  For years, the insiders managing UFO secrecy understood the problem.

  Disclosure is impossible. Secrecy is the immovable object. The powers-that-be have no incentive for revealing the truth about UFOs, so dramatic its transformative power would be, so threatening to established interests. Surely, too, the years of official silence and cover-up might make people powerless to effect change.

  Disclosure is inevitable. Truth is the irresistible force. Something this large cannot be held back forever. It is easier to stop a tsunami from reaching the shore.

  Let us imagine a situation that sparks a crisis, a “trigger” to action. It could be an event in which many credible witnesses record what appears to be a genuine UFO. It might be the unauthorized leak of sensitive data. It might be a surprise detailed statement by a prominent figure about the UFO cover-up—something that allows for fact-checking and verification. The event that triggers Disclosure will probably involve multiple factors that will turn into an avalanche of truth, rushing over everything in its path.


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