Craving Stassi

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Craving Stassi Page 5

by Erica Lynn

  The waiter took the rest of the table’s order, and conversation resumed as Stassi took another drink of her wine.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I have to use the restroom.” Lacey said as she placed her napkin on the table.

  “They’re in the back, sugar.”

  “Okay, thank you.” She leaned down and pressed a kiss to Cameron’s cheek. “Stassi, come with me?”

  Stassi nodded and stood, her eyes focused on Alec as she followed closely behind Lacey. He looked up just as they passed, a sexy little smirk on his face. He sent her a subtle nod, which she returned with a small wave.

  When they’d reached the back, Lacey pushed open the bathroom door and Stassi followed her inside. Instead of going into one of the stalls, Lacey turned and leaned against the wall, eyes trained on Stassi. “Okay, missy. Give it up.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Oh don’t play that crap with me. You know what I’m talking about. Spill it. Right now. What’s going on with Alec and you?”

  Stassi thought about lying to her, about denying she even knew the man, but she didn’t want to do that. To other people, maybe, but not with Lacey. “We may or may not have hooked up.” Lacey remained quiet, so she continued. “And it may or may not have been the best sex I’ve ever had. And I do mean ever.” Stassi smiled and waited for Lacey to respond. When she still didn’t, she added, “And by may or may not, I mean we definitely did.”

  “I knew it. The way he was looking at you…it was written all over his face.”

  “Really?” Stassi didn’t like the way her stomach flipped with the knowledge, but she couldn’t help but smile anyway.

  “When did this happen?”

  “Last night. I was at the party and he approached me. Honestly I didn’t recognize him at first, it wasn’t until we were in the middle of things that he told me his name and I made the connection.”

  “And now?”

  “And now…I don’t know. We talked about seeing each other again, but I haven’t heard from him.”

  “Seeing each other. Like dating?”

  “What? Oh God, no.” Stassi shook her head vehemently against the idea. “Lacey Wilson, you know me better than that. I’d never do such a vulgar thing.”

  Lacey rolled her eyes and turned toward the mirror, pushing a few dark curls away from her face. “Please. You and I both know Alec is an amazing catch. You might have a relationship phobia, but even you would be crazy to let him get away.”

  Stassi took in her friend’s words, working her bottom lip between her teeth as she mulled them over. “Who says he would even want a relationship? I’m a fun time, and a fabulous lay, but I don’t exactly scream girlfriend material.”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake. You’ve got to stop this.” Lacey fanned her hand through the air as if to swat the thought away. “You’re not your father. You know that, right?”

  Stassi nodded and laughed. “Yeah. I know.”

  “Do you really know?”

  No. “Yes.”

  Lacey crossed her arms, then spoke in a more gentle tone. “How is he?”

  Stassi took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She’d told Lacey everything that had happened with her father and his health, but they didn’t talk about it often. “As far as I know he’s okay. He’s…I can’t believe I’m about to say this…he’s living with Karen.”

  Lacey’s eyes got huge at the information. “He’s what?”

  “Yep. You should see the house. She’s cleaned it and bought candles. Candles. She takes care of him and makes him little snacks. Just…ew.”

  “The man leaves her when you’re six-years-old, pops in every now and then whenever he feels like it, then has a heart attack and your mother jumps to take care of him?”


  Lacey shook her head in disbelief. “Huh. I don’t even know what to say.”

  “That’s because the words haven’t been invented yet.” Stassi laughed and motioned with her head toward the door. “Anyway, we better get you back, birthday girl.”

  “You’re right.” Lacey smoothed down her purple dress, then turned toward Stassi with a look that said she meant business. “Just for your information, Stassi Sanderson, you are an amazing woman. You’re much more than sex, even if that’s the way you choose to present yourself. Alec is handsome and successful. In other words, he’s a catch, and that catch is totally into you. He isn’t your dad, he isn’t your mom, and he isn’t Chris. So don’t blame him for their fuck-ups.”

  “You’re so classy.”

  “Don’t I know it.” Lacey laughed and held the door open. “Now, let’s get back to dinner and to your new suitor.”

  * * *

  Stassi finished her glass of wine, okay maybe it was her third glass, and sat back in her chair so their waiter could take her plate. The food had been nothing short of decadent. Perfectly cooked steak, savory and juicy, with a side of fresh vegetables. The rosemary bread was incredible, and she hadn’t felt the least bit guilty when she used it to wipe up some of the juices and butter from her steak and broccoli.

  “Dessert, ladies?” Cameron asked as he ran his hand over his stomach. “What about you, sugar? Birthday treat?”

  “Oh, gosh no.” Lacey shook her head and looked at her sister. “Gigi?”

  “Even I’m going to have to pass.” Gigi laughed and leaned into Jackson. “And I never pass on sweets.”

  “We know.” Jackson smirked as she swatted him in the chest, then leaned in and kissed the side of her forehead.

  Cameron waved down the waiter and asked for their check, only to be shocked to discover Alec had taken care of everything.

  “Oh my gosh, that’s so nice of him.” Gigi looked at them with wide eyes. “That meal couldn’t have been cheap. Man…he must really like you, sis.”

  “I don’t know if it was me, but it was definitely generous of him.”

  Stassi’s cheeks warmed at Lacey’s hinted statement, although luckily no one else seemed to notice.

  Cameron placed some cash on the table for the waiter, then they all made their way to the front of the restaurant.

  Alec stood at the hostess stand speaking with a somewhat short man with curly black hair. As they got closer, he looked up and smiled, but didn’t look directly at Stassi. She felt a pain in her belly at the realization. “Hey, how was everything?”

  “Amazing.” Cameron shook his hand and clapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks, man. The food was incredible. And thank you for taking care of the meal. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Of course I did. You only get one birthday a year.” Alec smiled at Lacey and then turned his head toward a small hallway. “I’ve got some stuff to get to, but I’m thrilled you enjoyed dinner. I hope you’ll come back sometime.”

  He gave them a nod as they said their goodbyes, and as Stassi followed behind everyone, he gently laced his fingers through hers and whispered in her ear, “Come to my office. Down the hallway, second door on the left.” Then he was gone.

  Relief flooded her as she looked at her friends and realized they hadn’t seen anything. “Y’all go ahead, I’m going to use the restroom.”

  “Do you want us to wait for you?” Jackson asked.

  “No, no. I’ll be okay.” Stassi smiled and gave everyone hugs, except for Gigi, of course. Even though they weren’t quite as nasty to each other as they used to be, mostly out of respect for Lacey, Gigi still got the usual nod and Stassi knew her well enough to know it was perfectly fine with her. It wasn’t like they were ever super close, anyway. Their friendship had been fine, until it wasn’t.

  She waved as they made their way out the door, then turned and gave a quick look through the restaurant before heading down the hallway to Alec’s office.

  The door was cracked just a bit, and she gently knocked as she pushed it the rest of the way open. “Alec?”

  She yelped as his arm wrapped around her waist and he tugged her the rest of the way in. He shut the door and pulled her into him, t
hen crushed his lips to hers.

  She let out a soft moan as his tongue skated over hers, warm and determined. She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss, and holy hell could the man kiss. Like he’d been born to do it. His lips massaged hers, his tongue moved against her tongue with the perfect amount of pressure. Caressing her. Worshipping her. His fingers ran through the hair at the back of her neck while his thumb gently stroked her cheek.

  When he finally pulled away she was breathless, her legs threatening to give out from underneath her. “I’ve been waiting to do that all night.”

  Stassi smiled and let out a breathy laugh. “Is that why you paid for dinner?”

  Alec pulled back and looked into her eyes. “No. I took care of the meal because it was Lacey’s birthday, and Cameron is a good man. They deserved something nice.”

  “So it had nothing to do with me?”

  Alec slid his hand down her throat and ran his thumb along her collarbone. “It’s not always about you, Stassi.” He brought his hand lower, and she shivered as his fingers caressed the smooth flesh of her thigh. “Right now? Sure. But not then.”

  He looked like he was about to kiss her, and the thought made her uneasy. Not because he wanted to kiss her, but because she wanted him to kiss her. She wanted him to kiss her and hold her and make love to her. She’d just met the man, and for some reason she wanted to tell him everything. Every frustration and happiness in her life. What made her smile. What made her cry. All of it. She wanted…intimacy. The very thing she’d avoided for thirty-one years like it was the fucking plague.

  She pulled away and ran her fingers through her hair. She couldn’t keep this up. It had to stop before things got bad. Before people got hurt. Before he left her. “I have to go.”

  “So soon? I was hoping we could talk a little.”


  “Yeah. We didn’t get to chat much last time we were together. I—”

  There was a knock on the door, interrupted Alec’s thought. Thank goodness.

  “Come in.”

  The black haired man from before poked his head inside, looked at Stassi in apparent surprise, then directed his attention to Alec. “Gracie is on the phone.”

  “Thanks, Frank. Tell her I’ll call her back.” Alec shook his head as Frank left, then turned to Stassi. “That girl is going to be the death of me.”

  Stassi gave him a small smile, hating that she was curious who Gracie was.

  “Gracie is who I named the restaurant after. She—”

  “No, it’s okay. I don’t need to know who Gracie is.”

  Alec raised an eyebrow and stood quiet for a moment, then put his hands in his front pockets and rocked on his feet. “Okay. Can I ask why?”

  “Because we aren’t friends.” Stassi swallowed the lump in her throat as she tried to ignore the tightening of her chest. “We aren’t lovers. We don’t need to know personal details about the other. We may even need to reconsider playing at the parties.”

  Alec walked toward her, and the intensity he emitted made her take a tentative step backward. “Why? Because you feel like we could be something more than just fuck buddies?”

  “I’m not looking for anything more. Remember my rules?”

  Alec released a bitter chuckle. “The rules. Yes. I remember them.”

  “Okay. Good.”

  “Yeah. Great.”

  “Awesome.” Stassi tried to hold her head high, even though she felt only two-inches tall. “So, if you want to meet up tonight at the party, that’d be great. Otherwise I need to head out.”

  Alec looked down and shook his head, then glanced back up at Stassi. “Tonight isn’t going to be good for me. Maybe another time.”

  Stassi honestly hadn’t expected him to turn her down, which made her feel even lower. Was she really so conceited? “Oh. All right.”

  “Yeah. Anyway, I need to get back to work. It was good seeing you.” He opened the door for her, then went and sat down behind his desk.

  Stassi stood for a moment, not used to being dismissed so easily, then cleared her throat and left. Her chest tightened as her pride absorbed the blow. She walked out of the restaurant and to her car, ultimately knowing things had played out as they should. He found her beautiful now, maybe even exciting, but in time it would have faded. It always does.

  Chapter Six

  “Uncle Alec, why are you so grumpy today?”

  “Grace!” Jen laughed and pulled her daughter into her side. “That isn’t nice. The polite thing is to not say a word to your grumpy Uncle Alec about how he’s moping around like a big ole, man-sized Eeyore.”

  Alec eyed his sister as Gracie erupted into a fit of giggles. “I’m not Eeyore. It was a long night, that’s all.”

  “Mm-hmm.” Jen rolled her eyes and handed Gracie some cash. “Go grab me a few bell peppers.”

  “What color?”

  “Doesn’t matter. You pick.”

  Gracie pocketed the money and looked at her mom with her syrupy-sweet smile. “Can I please get a lemonade?”

  “Yes, that’s fine. But next time you give me your I’m going to play my mom look, the answer will be no.”

  Alec couldn’t help but smile as Gracie shrugged and headed toward the vegetable stand. The kid was simply too much. Every Sunday afternoon they went grocery shopping for the week, and today they decided to hit up the new farmers’ market in town. Most of these places were overly priced and not as local as they pretend to be. But this particular market actually did get its goods from farms in the area, and that was something Alec had no problem supporting.

  “So…you going to tell me about her?”

  Alec groaned and picked up a bag of candied pecans. “Who says there’s a her?”

  “Right. Because your sister has no idea what it looks like when her big brother is losing his mind over a woman.” Jen crossed her arms and cocked her eyebrow. “Please don’t make me beg you, because I can do this all day long. You really should save us both the trouble and spill it.”

  Alec scratched his head and wondered how much to tell her, because when she said she could keep it up, she was in no way exaggerating. Plus, he wouldn’t hate to talk about it. Stassi had him stumped, to say the least. “I met someone.”


  “Where isn’t important.” He damn sure wasn’t telling Jen about the parties. No way, no how, never going to happen. “She’s…hell…she’s amazing. She’s beautiful. Stunning, really. She’s got this confidence about her that I’ve never seen on another woman. She’s so sure of herself. I swear when she walks into a room…”

  Jen stopped walking and grabbed his arm. “You like this girl.”

  “I don’t know her. That’s the fucking problem.” Alec ran his fingers through his hair. “She’s playing it pretty close to the vest.”

  Jen nodded and seemed to consider his words. “So ask her out. Get to know her. Isn’t that the point of a date?”

  “Well that’s the thing. She wants to keep it…casual.”


  As smart as Jen was, she could be a little naive at times. It was one of his favorite qualities about her. Alec raised an eyebrow and smirked as he waited.

  “Oh, gross.” Jen stuck out her tongue as she shook her head. “That’s fine, don’t elaborate. I got it.”

  “You asked.” Alec chuckled.

  “Yes I did, and now I know better. So bottom line is she wants to keep it fun and carefree, and you want to see where it could potentially go?”

  “Yep. That about sums it up.”


  Alec waved at Gracie as she carried the bag of bell peppers to the lemonade stand. “The logical part of me knows to let it go. She’s in a weird place. It’s not what I want, so I should move on. It’s what makes sense. Why waste either one of our time, you know? Especially when I don’t even know the girl.”

  Jen nodded and chewed on her bottom lip. “Right. And what does the other part of you say?”r />
  “That she’s worth being patient with. Something is obviously going on with her, and if I stay patient, let her take her time…”

  “So do it.”

  “You think so?”

  Jen looked over her shoulder at Gracie, then turned back to Alec. “Look, it’s been a really long time since you’ve felt anything for someone. Claudia really did a number on you.”


  “Yeah. And honestly I wasn’t sure if you’d ever be willing to put your heart out there again, but here you are, sweating it over some chick you barely know. That says something.”

  Alec considered her words. Jen was smart, always had been, and she didn’t often give bad advice. A wise man would listen. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “I am. But let her know if she screws with you, I’ll kick her ass.”

  “Mom!” Gracie’s mouth hung open as she handed Jen the bag of peppers. “You’d ground me for forever if I said that.”

  “I’m a grown-up,” Jen said matter-of-factly, as if the simple phrase explained all life’s problems. “When you’re a grown-up, you can say whatever you want.”

  Gracie laughed and took a drink of her lemonade.

  “Any good, tater tot?” Alec held out his hand for the cup.

  “Get your own, Uncle Alec.”

  “Grace!” Jen threw her hands in the air, but the laughter still exploded from her mouth.

  “Jeez,” Alec said as he threw his arm around Jen and Gracie. “Both the girls in my life are giving me hell today. I don’t know what I did to deserve this. Maybe I should—”


  He turned his head to see who had called him, and almost choked when he laid eyes on Stassi. She looked more beautiful than ever. Her hair fell in loose waves over her shoulders and down her back, and her basic white tank top and blue jeans made her look like the quintessential girl next door. How a simple shirt could be so sexy, he had no idea, but it hung off her body perfectly, accentuating every curve. Today was the first morning it had been warm enough to venture outside without a jacket, and if he weren’t in a crowd of people he’d have dropped to his knees right that second and thanked the lord for the gift of sunshine. That’s how damn good she looked.


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