Blade (Archer's Creek Book 3)

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Blade (Archer's Creek Book 3) Page 4

by Gemma Weir

  “He wasn’t a biker, he just owned a motorbike. And it was a sports bike, not a Harley like your bikers ride. He also wasn’t my boyfriend. Just a guy that knew what was going on and helped me out every now and then.”

  Angelique’s eyes go wide. “He wasn’t your boyfriend? I always thought he was the reason you left; that you fell in love. Thinking you were free and happy when you died, was the only thing that made you not being there even slightly tolerable. I was so grateful that you had a chance to fall in love and meet the man of your dreams, and now you’re telling me that he was just a random guy.”

  Sheepishly, I cringe and nod my head. “Kenny was a really nice guy, but he was gay. He saw me with a black eye one day and called me out on it. I ended up telling him everything and after that he was there when I needed help. The sperm donor assumed I was fucking him and beat the crap out of me for it. After that I let him carry on thinking it, and Kenny came and got me when I needed him to.”

  Angelique stares at me for a moment and then bursts into laughter again. Her body vibrates as a gut-wrenching, manic sound comes from her. After a second, I start to laugh with her; not because it’s funny, but more because in this moment, the choice is laughing or crying and we’ve both cried enough.

  Angelique’s laughter gradually subsides, and she looks at me in question. “This is real isn’t it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, this is actually happening and not just some elaborate dream.”

  I open my mouth to answer, but she continues to speak before I get a chance to respond. “I mean sometimes I can be a little odd, but I’ve never hallucinated, and really if I was going to imagine you, I don’t think I would have gone for the red hair or all of the tattoos.”

  Angelique continues to babble, so I sit up, lean forward and pull on a strand of her hair. “Did that hurt?”

  “Owww, yes of course that hurt,” she pouts, rubbing at her scalp.

  “This is real,” I say vehemently. “I’m here, I’m alive, and I’m not going anywhere. I shouldn’t have left and I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I can’t even begin to justify my actions, but just know that I never wanted to leave you behind. Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but at the time I just didn’t have any other options. I should have known his anger wasn’t just for me, but at the time, I truly believed it was. I never considered you would become the target of his anger, and I’m… I’m just so sorry, and I really hope you can forgive me.”

  My sister’s brows lift in surprise. “There’s nothing to forgive,” she says.“You did what you had to do to survive. We’ve both lived as a victim of his abuse and if I’d know what he was doing to you at the time, I would have told you to run if you had the chance.”

  Her eyes are earnest and full of such burning honesty that I feel scorched by her.

  “Am I sorry that we missed out on two years of each other’s lives? Of course, I am. But we’re here now and we have a chance to make up for lost time. I love you, Sissy, and I’m so glad you’re alive,” Angelique says, her eyes bright and full of love.

  I start to speak but she interrupts me. “Also, please don’t call me Angelique, I hate it.”

  “But that’s your name,” I say.

  “Not any more. Just like you aren’t Nicole. Angelique is the broken girl I was, and she’s gone now. All I can hear when you say that name, is their voices in my head,” she admits softly.

  Understanding washes over me. She means all she can hear is his sneering, angry voice. I shudder and try to force the memories of him down. I don’t think about him, or at least I try not to.“Okay, so what should I call you instead?”

  She smiles, and again I’m shocked by how different she looks. “Call me Dove, that’s what everyone else calls me and I like it.”

  Reaching up, I run my fingers through her long blonde hair. “You grew up pretty great, Dove. I always knew you were gonna be beautiful, but you’re absolutely gorgeous.”

  She blushes, and I chuckle. “No point trying to hide it. I’ve seen the way your biker looks at you, like he wants to eat you alive. Tell me about him, I need to see if I approve of my baby sister moving in with a badass Doomsday Sinner.”

  The smile that covers her face at the mention of her man is glorious, and I shuffle onto the bed to make myself comfortable while my sister tells me all about the man she loves.

  I leave Prez’s office with Daisy following behind me, and we make our way into the bar. Daisy’s eyes zero in on the corridor that leads to the bedrooms, and he positions himself on the closest couch, obviously intent on standing sentry until his girl comes out. Shaking my head, I grab us both coffees from the pot that’s bubbling away on the bar and hand one to him. Then I lower myself down next to him.“You okay, brother?” I ask.

  Daisy drops his head into his hands. “Nope. I don’t like this. Nikki’s gonna try to take Angel from me and I have no idea how I can stop her. She’s her family.”

  Lifting my hand, I slap him around the back of the head. “Don’t be such a fucking pussy, your woman isn’t going anywhere. She’s not a frightened little mouse anymore, brother, Dove’s a Sinner, and this is her home. Nikki might be her blood, but we’re her family, and even if all of that was irrelevant, she’s not going anywhere because you’re here.” Sighing, I reach up and squeeze his shoulder. “I’ve never seen a couple more in love than you two; you were made for each other. But if you ever fucking tell anyone I said all of this lovey-dovey bullshit, I’ll kill you.”

  Daisy lifts his head up and looks at me. “I’m not a fucking pussy,” he growls.

  “Then fucking act like it. Pull on your big girl panties and man the fuck up. So Dove’s sister is back, who gives a crap? If she tries to take Dove from you, then you fight. We’re not pussy-whipped little bastards who sit by and let people take our women. You didn’t back down when one of the most fucked up mob bosses in the country came sniffing around your girl, so why the fuck have you got your head in your hands over someone she hasn’t seen in years?”

  A determined resolve settles over Daisy. “You’re right.”

  “Course I fucking am.”

  “She’s mine, and sister or not, she’s not taking my Angel anywhere.”

  “Damn straight,” I say, pointing at the doorway where Dove and Nikki are emerging. “Now go get your girl.”

  With a determined look on his face, he jumps from his seat and purposefully strides toward his old lady. As soon as he’s close enough, he pulls her into his arms and kisses her passionately.

  Snickering, I lean back against the couch and sip my coffee. My eyes focus on Nikki. She looks different, all of the anger and fire she’d been consumed with before she spoke to her sister has gone, and now she seems haunted. As much as I try to ignore her, my eyes refuse to look away. Her attitude from earlier had pissed me off and spiked my interest in the best possible way. I’d assumed she was just an angry bitch, impossible to ignore but easy to tire of. But as I watch her now, she looks exhausted and delicate, like the slightest blow would shatter her into a million pieces.

  For the first time I can see a resemblance between the sisters that I hadn’t noticed before. Her shoulders are hunched, and her eyes are looking at the ground. She looks small and young, a lot like Dove did the day she turned up here looking for Daisy. Her hurt, rejection, and fear, are palpable, and for a moment I almost feel sorry for her. Nikki’s been gone for a long time and she obviously didn’t expect to come back and find her sister in love and surrounded by a new family who’d do anything for her.

  My gaze drifts to Daisy and Dove, and I shake away any sympathetic thoughts I’d started to feel for Dove’s sister. For the moment, Nikki is the enemy, and the sooner she realizes we’d all be prepared to go to war for Daisy’s old lady, the better. Dove’s a Sinner and the Sinners look after their own.

  Nikki draws my attention again and I watch as she shuffles on her heel clad feet. The lovebirds finally separate and Nikki straightens
and steps toward Daisy. His protective grip tightens around Dove and he stiffens, obviously unsure what to expect from his new sister-in-law.

  “Maybe we should start over?” Nikki says.

  Daisy’s assessing gaze runs over her face and after a brief pause he nods.

  I watch as Nikki offers him a weak smile and holds out her hand. “Hi, I’m Nikki.”

  Daisy looks down at her hand and then lifting one arm from around Dove’s shoulders he reaches out and takes it. “Hi, Nikki. I’m Daisy and I’m in love with your sister.”

  Nikki’s cheeks redden. “I can see that.” Then she pulls in a shaky breath. “Thank you for saving her,” she says, her brow furrowed and her voice somber.

  Daisy looks to Dove and her eyes immediately lift to his. “She saved me too.”

  Nikki’s smile falters, her fingers curl into fists, and she visibly inhales. She looks lost. When Daisy’s attention moves back to her, I watch as she clears her expression and replaces it with a wide smile. I narrow my eyes suspiciously. Nikki Coleman makes me uneasy. Most people are easily read, but this girl, she’s an enigma, and that makes her unpredictable.

  “Nicole, err sorry, Nikki, we have to go get the keys to our new apartment. Do you want to come with us? You can see where we’re gonna be living,” Dove asks excitedly.

  “Sure, honey, I’d love to come with you,” Nikki answers.

  “Where’s your car?” Dove asks.

  “It’s at home. I got a cab straight here from the airport.”

  “I’ll follow you guys to your new place. Nikki can ride with me,” I say, and immediately want to punch myself in the face. Why the fuck would I volunteer to go anywhere with Dove’s sister? The answer to the question immediately jumps into my mind, because something about her climbing onto the back of one of my brother’s bikes pisses me off.

  Trying to justify my reaction to her, I remind myself that something about Nikki doesn’t add up and as V.P, it’s my job to protect the club. But if I’m being honest with myself, I just don’t want her arms wrapped around anyone but me.

  “No,” Nikki shouts, eyeing me warily. “I’ll call a cab to take me back to Chestnut Grove. Then I’ll grab my car and meet you at your new place.”

  “Are you sure?” Dove asks. “It seems silly to waste money on a cab when Blade can just take you.”

  Nikki nods. “I have money, it’s fine. Plus, I need to go check on my dog anyway. My neighbor’s been caring for him while I’ve been out of town. You and Daisy go get the keys to your new place.” She pulls a card from her back pocket and hands it to Dove. “My cell’s on there, text me the address and I’ll meet you there in two hours.”

  Nikki pulls out her cell phone and her fingers swipe across the screen, bringing it to life. She turns to walk away but Dove steps forward, grabbing her arm and stopping her. “You’re coming back, right?”

  Dove looks like a frightened child and my dead, rotten heart, pounds in my chest. Since the moment she turned up here looking for Daisy, I’ve felt an overwhelming need to protect her and keep her safe. I planned to kill her jackass of a father to safeguard her and I sure as shit won’t let her hellcat of a sister hurt her either.

  Standing up, I take a defensive position behind Dove. I don’t know what the fuck I actually plan to do if she gets upset, but Dove’s a sinner and just like when her dad turned up, we stand united: a club, a family.

  Nikki fully turns so she’s face to face with her sister. She lifts her hand and cups Dove’s cheek, staring directly into her eyes. “I promise I’m coming back. I just need to go check on Jock and get my car. You can come with me if you want, you both can,” she says, glancing up at Daisy before looking back to Dove.

  “Jock?” Dove asks.

  “Yeah, my dog,” Nikki says.

  Dove nods. “I’m sorry. I’m being silly. It’s fine, go take care of your dog. But I’ll see you in a couple of hours, right?”

  “Two hours. I promise.”

  Dove reluctantly releases her sister, and waves as Daisy pulls her out of the bar. Nikki watches them go and I pause, a step behind her. “She won’t leave him,” I say.

  Nikki sighs. “She’s so young.”

  “Age is just a number, Duchess. She won’t leave him; they need each other. I don’t know what the fuck your angle is here, but I won’t tolerate you trying to fuck with them.”

  Nikki spins on her heels to face me, her cheeks tinged pink, and steam practically coming out of her ears. “Back the fuck off. I don’t have a goddamn angle, other than I just want my sister back. I might have to learn to accept one biker into my family because my sister loves him, but that doesn’t mean I have to have anything to do with the rest of you.”

  She turns to leave, but my arms snap out and I grab her before I process my actions. “You need to tone down the bratty little hellcat routine. Dove’s one of us and the sooner you get used to that the better. Now get your ass on the back of my bike and I’ll take you home.”

  “Fuck you. You’re not my fucking father and I don’t appreciate you barking orders at me. Now I’m gonna call myself a cab and then try to forget that somehow my little sister managed to get herself ensconced with you lot. I know how the biker life works. I’m not in, so I’m out, and that’s absolutely fine with me. But understand this: I’m not a brainless little idiot, like the club whores who jump at your every command. I don’t now, nor have I ever, wanted to be involved with the club, and just because my sister happens to be in love with one of you, that won’t change. As far as I’m concerned, I have no reason to ever see, or speak to, anyone from the Doomsday Sinners apart from my sister’s boyfriend. All I want is my sister, the rest of you are none of my business.”

  Wrenching her arm free from my hold, she stomps across the room, shaking her perfect fucking ass as she walks out of the club. My eyes don’t leave her until the door slams shut and she’s gone, a whirlwind of sass and attitude.

  “Follow her,” Anders says from behind me.

  I look over my shoulder, impressed that Prez managed to sneak up on me. “Oh, I’m going to. Nikki Coleman is one seriously fucking angry, little bitch, and she sure as hell doesn’t like us. I’m just giving her a minute to call the cab company, then I’ll get her on my bike and find out where she lives.”

  Prez nods, a knowing smile on his face. His hand lands on my shoulder and he squeezes, chuckling quietly. “Good luck, brother.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I shout into the cell. “I only need a cab from Archer’s Creek to Chestnut Grove. That’s less than fifteen miles; how can that be a problem?”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am, but we don’t collect from your location. You could maybe try Starkey’s,” the snooty woman on the other end of the phone offers.

  “I already did, they’re on a big run to the airport and can’t get to me for two hours.”

  “Well, I’m sorry that we can’t help. Enjoy the rest of your day,” she says and ends the call.

  “Bitch.” I hiss at the black screen of my cell.

  “Problem?” A voice says from behind me. Spinning around, I find Blade standing a few feet behind me, his hands buried deep in the pockets of his jeans, and a grin etched across his annoying face.

  Rolling my eyes, I sigh dramatically. “No problem.”

  “When’s your cab gonna be here?”

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I lift my hands and rest them on my hips. “You already know I can’t get anyone to pick up from here, don’t you?”

  His grin turns into a smug smile that twitches at the corner of his lips, making my stomach clench in annoyance. “Ready for that ride now, Duchess?”

  Closing my eyes, I beg God for enough patience to stop me from slapping Blade’s face. Without another word, I turn on my heel and walk away from him, straight through the open, large metal gates and onto the street. His laughter echoes through the warm summer morning and I clench my fists. “Asshole,” I mutter to myself, forcing down the irrational anger that’s bubbling in my stomac

  I focus on the asphalt in front of me as I start the walk back into town, lengthening my stride and hoping that the mile or so walk won’t kill me in these heels. At least once I get back to civilization I can get a cab or a bus. Fuck, at this point I might just go buy another car. Anything to get the hell away from my sister’s merry band of fucking bikers.

  The roar of a motorcycle has me pausing mid-step, but my body continues to move and I avoid stumbling by doing a mini hop-shuffle-step. Embarrassment flushes in my cheeks and I pray that none of my sister’s bikers witnessed my almost face-plant. Falling on my ass would definitely lessen the impact of my dramatic exit. I expect the bike to speed past me, but instead the roar quietens to the burble of a powerful engine right behind me.

  “Duchess, get on the bike.”

  “Oh God,” I groan. Why is he following me? Ignoring him, I refuse to turn and acknowledge his presence. The click-clack of my heels along the road and the rumble of Blade’s bike, seem out of place against the peaceful backdrop of the fields surrounding us, but I don’t speak and neither does he. Minutes pass and I continue walking, while he rolls along behind me. I want to turn around, the urge is almost overwhelming, but I don’t and with my back straight and my head held high, I pretend he doesn’t exist.

  “Duchess, I’m gonna follow you all the way home whether you walk or get a cab, so you might as well just get your bratty fucking ass on this bike and save us both the hassle.”

  “I’m good thanks.” I reply tersely.

  “Pain in my fucking ass,” he mutters.

  A small smile curves across my mouth and I swallow the urge to laugh. Instead I keep on walking all the way back into town. When I hit Main Street, I pull out my cell and call the snotty bitch at the cab company that refused to come to the Sinner’s compound.

  “Creek Taxi’s, how may I assist you?”

  “Hi, I need a cab from Main Street outside Blooms florists to Chestnut Grove please.”


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