The Works of William Harrison Ainsworth

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The Works of William Harrison Ainsworth Page 741

by William Harrison Ainsworth

  Of the Preston belles we shall speak hereafter. For the present, we must confine ourselves to the beauties of Lancaster.

  If we said there were a hundred really handsome young women in Lancaster at the time of which we speak, we should be under the mark. We believe there were double the number, and they were all as gay and good-humoured as they were beautiful.

  Since we cannot describe them all, we shall select three of the most attractive — namely, Dryope Dutton, Nicola Glasson, and Aurelia Heysham.

  Had they not been nearly of an age, these three lovely girls might have been taken for sisters, so much were they alike. Each was between nineteen and twenty — each had delicately-formed features, blonde tresses, and blue eyes, capable of the tenderest expression — and each was tall and graceful. All three knew how to set off their charms to advantage by dress.

  Dryope Dutton, however, was considered the prettiest girl in Lancaster, and had the greatest number of admirers, all of whom were sent about their business on the arrival of the rebel army, their places being immediately filled by gallant young insurgents. None of her new suitors were discouraged by Dryope, but she appeared to have a decided preference for Captain Shaftoe.

  Following Dryope’s example, Nicola and Aurelia, dismissed their lovers, and laid themselves out to captivate the new-comers, in which design they were eminently successful.

  The rest of the pretty girls did the same thing. None of them would now be seen without a Jacobite admirer.

  During their stay at Lancaster nothing was thought of but flirting by the amorous youths, who were completely enthralled by their lady-loves, and had these syrens desired to turn them from their cause, we fear they might have succeeded.

  Luckily, all the girls professed themselves ardent Jacobites, and if they fancied their lovers were lukewarm, strenuously urged them to go on.

  As we have intimated, the town now presented a very lively appearance. Not only was the terrace near the castle thronged with handsome young troopers and charming girls; but when the promenade was over, the company wandered about the streets, visiting the market-place, the town-hall, the custom-house, the quays and the bridge, and strolling on the banks of the Lune.

  On Sunday, Saint Mary’s Church was crowded by the same young ladies, who expressed a great desire to hear the Reverend Mr. Paul, who had recently joined the expedition, read prayers, and Mr. Patten preach; but it may be doubted whether they were not still more anxious to meet their admirers.

  Be this as it may, when the service was over, the ladies congregated in the churchyard, and each fair girl was escorted home by the trooper she preferred.

  Whether all this flirting was approved of by the mammas of the young ladies in question we will not pretend to say. No effort was made to check it. Neither did the officers of the regiments to which the young men belonged interfere — well knowing interference would be useless — so it went on to the last.

  At length, the day of parting came, and a very sad day it was both for the enamoured young troopers and their lady-loves.

  How many tears were shed! how many tender adieux taken! how many protestations made of undying affection!

  “We shall never see you again!” cried the heartbroken girls. “Military men are always inconstant. You will forget us as soon as you arrive at Preston.”

  The young troopers vowed they were an exception to the rule.

  “Have no doubts as to our constancy!” they cried. “We will always remain faithful. Preston may be full of pretty girls — as they say it is — but they will have no attraction for us.”

  “Don’t be surprised if we come to look after you,” said Dryope, to Captain Shaftoe; “and if we find you false and forsworn?”

  “How can you suppose I could be false to you, sweetest Dryope?” said Shaftoe; stopping her mouth with a kiss. “Think it not. But I fear you won’t come to Preston.”

  “Yes, I will — if I can — that I promise,” she rejoined.

  “Then I will only bid you adieu for a short time,” he said, kissing her once more as he sprang to the saddle.

  Many more partings, equally tender, took place. Many a bright eye was dimmed, as the regiments to which the handsome troopers belonged quitted Lancaster, and took the road to Preston.

  Full of sadness were the young men as they looked back at the fair creatures they were leaving; and had they been told at the moment that they would soon forget them they would have resented the imputation.

  We shall see how they behaved at Preston.

  In quitting Lancaster, where he was so well received, and where he was constantly receiving slight accessions to his force, General Forster committed a grave error.

  At Lancaster he had a strong castle which might have been garrisoned and provisioned, and could certainly have been held till assistance arrived from Scotland; while not far from the town was a seaport whence succours could be obtained from France.

  These advantages were pointed out to him by Lord Derwentwater, but he replied that his object in marching to Preston was to secure Warrington Bridge before the enemy could destroy it.

  The possession of this bridge, he thought, would give him both Manchester and Liverpool, and these important towns gained, the whole surrounding country would flock to his standard.

  In vain Lord Derwentwater showed him the difficulties he would have to encounter, and explained that the inhabitants of Liverpool were decidedly adverse to the Jacobite cause.

  A totally different view was taken by Lord Widdrington, who assured the general he might depend upon receiving the support of the High Church Tories of Manchester, and Mr. Charles Beswicke, who had just arrived from that town, confirmed the idea.

  General Forster, therefore, resolved to go on, despite Lord Derwentwater’s opposition.

  Several important additions, as we have just stated, had been made to the rebel force. Amongst these were five gentlemen belonging to some of the oldest and most distinguished families in the county, whose adhesion could not fail to be serviceable to the cause. They were Albert Hodgson of Leighton Hall, John Dalton of Thurnham Hall, Edward Tyldesley of the Lodge, Henry Butler of Rawcliffe, and Thomas Walton of Walton Hall. They all brought retainers with them, and each was made a captain. Charles Beswicke, previously mentioned, who likewise joined at Lancaster, was son of the Reverend Charles Beswicke, rector of Radcliffe.

  A dull and gloomy morning harmonised with the feelings of the insurgents as they quitted Lancaster, but as they advanced on their march the day improved, and by the time they reached Garstang it had become quite fine.

  Here the infantry proposed to halt for the night. They brought with them the six pieces of cannon seized on board the Robert, and likewise some casks of brandy taken from the custom-house.

  At Garstang, Brigadier Mackintosh set free Christopher Hopkins, who had been hitherto detained a prisoner, telling him if he again fell into his hands, he would shoot him.

  Long before the cavalry reached Preston they came in sight of the town, delightfully situated on a ridge overlooking the flat district they were traversing, and the aspect of the town was so cheerful, that the spirits of the young troopers began to revive.

  They had heard much of the beauty of the ladies, and curiosity to behold them was suddenly awakened in their breasts.

  Could they compare with the lovely girls they had left behind? That was a question which would very soon be answered.

  The young troopers now became impatient to get to Preston, and wondered whether the ladies would come forth to meet them as had been the case at Lancaster.

  In this respect they were disappointed.

  There were no ladies at the foot of the hill — none on Friargate brow — but in the market-place an agreeable surprise awaited them.



  Proud Preston

  PROUD Preston — or Priests’ Town, as it was originally called from the number of its religious houses — merited the epithet applied to i
t, albeit somewhat derisively.

  Proud were its inhabitants — proud of their town — of its fine situation, its beauty, its salubrity — proud of their wives and daughters, whom they deemed, and not erroneously, the handsomest women in the kingdom.

  As a place of fashionable resort, where the best society could be found, Preston, at the period of our story, ranked higher than any other town in the North of England. A great number of gentry resided there — many of them belonging to the oldest Catholic families of the county, and these persons gave an aristocratic character to the place.

  But the Preston gentry were not as wealthy as they were proud. High Churchmen as well as Roman Catholics abounded in the town, and the only thing low about the parish church was the steeple. Hence the old rhyme:

  Proud Preston, poor people,

  High church, and low steeple!

  Delightfully situated on the summit of a ridge, rising gradually from the Ribble, which sweeps round it on the south, and commanding extensive and beautiful views in every direction, Preston, from its salubrious climate, and contiguity to the sea, enjoyed the reputation of being one of the most agreeable and healthy towns in England.

  In the early part of the eighteenth century Preston was but a small place, and could boast little regularity of construction, but it had a remarkably clean and cheerful aspect.

  Attached to many of the houses were good gardens, and these being laid out on the slopes of the eminence on which the town was reared, contributed materially to its beauty.

  The best houses were in Church-street and Fishergate, running from east to west on the south side of the hill. A few of the habitations were old, but the greater part were modern. Amongst the latter were two large mansions, standing nearly opposite each other in Church-street, and belonging respectively to Sir Henry Hoghton and Mr. Eyre. Both these mansions possessed large gardens and good stables, and are specially referred to because we shall have to speak of them hereafter.

  But there were also some good old houses in Friargate, which led from the Lancaster road on the north side of the hill to the market-place.

  In the market-place, which formed a large square, with an obelisk in the midst instead of a cross, there were several good old houses; and here, also, was the town-hall, an extremely picturesque old edifice, four stories high, and each story projecting above the other, painted black and white, and having great gables and large windows.

  At the corner of one of the streets communicating with the market-place stood the Mitre, the principal hostel of the town, and noted for its good cheer and good wines. Not far off was the White Bull, another good inn, much frequented by the townsfolk.

  The parish church, dedicated in the first instance to Saint Wilfrid, but more recently to Saint John, stood on the south side of Church-street. A fine old structure, it had undergone repairs, not altogether judicious, and was disfigured by a low tower. A large churchyard separated it from the street.

  At this time the Reverend Samuel Peploe, a staunch supporter of the reigning family, and greatly opposed to the Jacobites, was vicar of Preston.

  On Fishergate brow stood a small Roman Catholic chapel, dedicated to Saint Mary.

  At the Grey Friars was the old prison; but a house of correction had been recently erected in the fields on the west side of the town — rather a large building for so small a place.

  From the eastern extremity of Church-street, a road leading to Wigan descended the hill, and after passing through some pleasant fields bordered by high hedges, crossed the old bridge over the Ribble near Walton-le-Dale.

  Such was Preston when garrisoned by the insurgent forces.

  With the exception of the vicar, to whom we have just alluded, all their enemies had disappeared.

  Colonel Stanhope had gone with his regiment of dragoons to join General Wills at Warrington; and Sir Henry Hoghton had abandoned his large mansion, and taken the militia to Wigan.

  There was nothing, therefore, to prevent the inhabitants from giving them a hearty welcome.

  But as the municipal authorities, from prudential reasons, declined to act, the office of receiving them devolved on private individuals.

  As General Forster and the other leaders rode into the market-place, they were met by a large party of gentlemen, who welcomed them to the town, and professed their desire to show them every hospitality. General Forster, the noble lords, and all the officers were invited to dine that day at the town-hall, and it was likewise intimated to the general that a grand dinner, to be followed by a ball, would be given at the same place on the following day, by which time it was expected the infantry and Highlanders would have arrived.

  In regard to quarters, Mr. Eyre’s large house in Church-street was assigned to General Forster and Lord Widdrington, and Sir Henry Hoghton’s mansion was offered to Lord Derwentwater. Good quarters, it appeared, had likewise been provided for all the officers.

  Greatly pleased by their reception, the rebel leaders repaired to their quarters, with which they were well satisfied. In the mansion assigned to them, General Forster and Lord Widdrington found everything they could desire. Nor was Sir Henry Hoghton’s house at all inferior to the other. Indeed, it presented a far handsomer appearance from the street, as it occupied a more elevated position. Nor did the internal accommodation belie the exterior. The house possessed a spacious entrance hall, and several commodious and well furnished rooms on the ground floor. Attached to it were excellent stables, and at the back there was a large garden.

  Sir Henry had taken his grooms and coachman with him, but part of the establishment was left behind.

  After settling themselves comfortably in their new quarters, the rebel leaders proceeded to the town-hall, where a sumptuous dinner awaited them, and so well pleased was General Forster with the entertainment, with the attentions paid him, and with his quarters, that he resolved to stay as long as he could at Preston.

  At the very time when the rebels were taking possession of the town, the vicar, of whose attachment to the House of Brunswick we have spoken, happened to be engaged on his duties in the church, and he seized the opportunity of reading prayers for King George and the royal family. For this display of zeal and courage, he was made Warden of Manchester, and subsequently Bishop of Chester.

  No molestation or interruption were offered by the rebels, but when the Reverend Mr. Paul, the new chaplain of the regiment, heard of the circumstance, he begged General Forster to order the troops to attend prayers at the church forthwith.

  Within half an hour after Mr. Peploe had quitted it, the church was entirely filled by the rebel soldiers. Captain Wogan, Captain Shaftoe, and most of the officers were present.

  While the bell was ringing to summon this second congregation, Mr. Paul took the prayer-book, just used by the vicar, and erased the name of King George, substituting for it the name of King James. And in the prayer for the royal family, he scratched out the name of the Princess Sophia, and introduced that of Queen Mary of Modena.

  Habited in a blue coat, wearing a long wig, and having a sword by his side, this stout church militant proceeded to the reading-desk, and in tones quite as fervent as those of the vicar prayed for the Pretender and his mother. Had James the Third come to the throne, no doubt Mr. Paul would have been rewarded with a bishopric.

  Most of the young gentlemen troopers found capital quarters in the Fishergate and Friargate, and as a great number of tea-parties were given that evening, to which they were bidden, they had an opportunity of comparing the belles of Preston with those of Lancaster.

  Till then they had believed it impossible that lovelier girls could be found than those they had just quitted. Now they confessed their mistake.

  That morning the inconstant youths tore themselves away distractedly from their Lancaster loves, but at night an entire change had taken place in their sentiments, and they retired to rest deeply enamoured of the Preston girls.


  How King James was proclaimed for the last Timer />
  NEXT morning, the town, never dull, presented a gayer appearance than usual.

  Fortunately, the weather was propitious, and enabled the ladies to come forth and see the troops paraded.

  After this pretty sight, they proceeded to the Lancaster road to witness the entrance of the Highlanders, whom they were very curious to see.

  They laughed a great deal at the strange dresses of the men, and stopped their ears to shut out the shrill sound of the bagpipes; but, on the whole, they were pleased.

  As was the case wherever he went, Brigadier Mackintosh produced a strong effect upon the beholders. His tall martial figure riveted their regards. On this occasion, the rigid muscles of the grim old warrior’s countenance were somewhat relaxed, and he even attempted to smile. Perhaps, he was gratified by the undisguised admiration of the Preston beauties.

  However, the fair spectators were best pleased by a party of young recruits who followed the Highlanders.

  Raw soldiers they might be, but they were very pretty fellows, and had plenty of spirit. Number, three dozen — not including captain. Height, rather below the average — features delicate and feminine — figures slight, but remarkably well formed.

  Never did scarlet coats, laced cocked-hats, flaxen wigs, and all the rest of their accoutrements find more graceful wearers. Red and white cockades showed they were English recruits — the Scots being distinguished by cockades of blue and white.

  All carried muskets, except the captain, who alone had a drawn sword in his hand. Perhaps he had been chosen on account of his good looks. Certainly he was the handsomest, as well as the tallest of the party.

  The whole troop presented a very animated appearance, and none of them looked fatigued by the march. Highly diverted by the notice they excited, they ogled the ladies very freely, and occasionally paid them a passing compliment.


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