Summit at Sunset (Sunset Vampire Series, Book 3)

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Summit at Sunset (Sunset Vampire Series, Book 3) Page 11

by Primo, Jaz

  The auburn-haired vampire disappeared through the door in a flash. He only had time to take a breath before the restroom door burst open. Katrina appeared before him, and her eyes were glowing bright green.

  She immediately began assessing him for signs of harm, but he insisted, “The woman vampire, she just left!”

  Her eyes registered surprise, and she turned to leave, but then stopped and looked back at him. “No,” she insisted. “I’m not leaving you like I did the other night.”

  “Well, you’re gonna have to, because if you thought I had to go a few minutes ago, I really have to now.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Fine. Go,” she challenged and deliberately pushed each stall door open to view them, although she sensed nobody else in the room but him.

  He pointed to the exit with his forefinger.

  “Fine. I’ll be right outside,” she added and turned to leave.

  A few minutes later, he exited the men’s room to find two other men standing a few feet from Katrina as they warily studied her with confused expressions. He anticipated that she must have stopped them at the door in abrupt fashion.

  As they walked back through the dining room, she teased in a whisper, “You really did have to go, after all.”

  He blushed slightly. “I had three glasses of tea, you know,” he mumbled. “And what’s with the eavesdropping on my –”

  “Vampire hearing, remember?” she countered, at which he made a disapproving grumble.

  He momentarily fumed at the occasional indignity of a vampire’s all-too-acute hearing. But his thoughts quickly returned to his recent visitor. “So, you never saw the woman then?”

  “I didn’t see her leave the restroom, but I had told Paige to keep an eye on the exits. Unfortunately, it appears she wasn’t able to catch her before she disappeared,” she quietly explained as they approached their table.

  Both noted that Paige was already seated and waiting on them with an expectant expression.

  “She was gone as soon as I made it out the front entrance. So, we know they’re following us at least some of the time,” she ascertained as she watched Caleb sit down.

  “So it would seem,” Katrina darkly agreed.

  “They’re demanding to know if we’re attending the conference this summer,” Caleb offered as his eyes locked onto the mostly-eaten cheesecake before him.

  Paige shrugged at him when he looked sidelong at her with an expression of disdain.

  “Good cheesecake?” he asked with a hint of annoyance.

  “Hey, Red ate some of it too, you know. And you offered, as I recall.”

  “Well, we’re definitely going to Europe now,” Katrina stated as she ignored their exchange.

  I’m getting to the bottom of this issue now, no matter what, she thought. It angered her that they were being stalked, particularly because the tactic involved cornering Caleb for information.

  Another slice of cheesecake materialized before Caleb as the server appeared out of his blind spot. He winced slightly at the momentary surprise, and she apologized upon realizing that she had startled him. Despite the dessert’s unexpected appearance, he adopted an approving visage and alternated glimpses at Katrina and Paige in turn.

  “Eat up, kiddo,” Paige suggested. “I took the liberty of anticipating your dessert-longing angst.”

  He appreciatively regarded her as he picked up his fork. “Thanks.”

  She briefly smirked at him and murmured, “Our boy likes his cheesecake, after all.”

  However, her delight quickly faded as she watched him. She had to leave for her contract job overseas soon and hated the idea of leaving him. Not that Katrina couldn’t take care of him, of course, but Paige wanted to be nearby if she were needed. However, she acknowledged that it was for the best, given the latest developments. Anger rose in her as she contemplated how he was being sought for information by an unidentified group of vampires. A quick peep at Katrina suggested that she probably felt the same.

  “Perhaps we should forgo the Civic Center this evening,” Katrina suggested.

  “No,” Caleb insisted, his fork suspended midway to his mouth. “We run and hide, and they win.”

  Katrina imperiously arched one eyebrow, but he maintained a defiant expression. Paige observed the exchange with a degree of amusement.

  “Very well,” Katrina acquiesced. “However, you don’t go anywhere without being in proximity of Paige or me,” she stipulated.

  He shrugged. “Fine,” he conceded. “But I can’t wait to see the expressions on faces in the men’s room at intermission.”

  The corners of Katrina’s mouth upturned ever so slightly, and she agreed with a penetrating stare, “Really? Neither can I.”

  “You really freak me out sometimes, Kat,” he admitted.

  She tried not to appear astonished, even as Paige struggled to avoid laughing out loud.

  “But I know that you mean well. And I still love you,” he thoughtfully added.

  Katrina flashed him a relieved look.

  He was impressed as he watched her deftly withdraw a credit card from her purse and hold it up at perfect height for their server who had approached her from behind. All the while, her vivid emerald eyes never left his as she stared at him resolutely.

  Show off, he silently challenged as she adopted a gratified expression.

  The remainder of the evening was uneventful compared to dinner. Fortunately, all of them enjoyed the stage production, which particularly pleased Caleb since it had been his idea. And despite Katrina’s threat in the restaurant, she maintained a respectable vigil outside the restroom during intermission.

  He hated to admit that he actually appreciated the additional attentiveness from both vampires, and he made an effort to make appreciative gestures to both of them throughout the evening. He wrapped his arm around Katrina’s waist as they walked and initiated a kiss or two when possible without making a public spectacle.

  As for Paige, he bought her a drink during intermission and traded whispered, humorous comments with her as they took in some of the more outlandish attire of some of the patrons. He felt like he was a high school student all over again with that, but she seemed to enjoy it immensely.

  By the time they drove back to the estate, he had nearly forgotten about the confrontation in the men’s room. Once he and Katrina were sequestered in the estate’s sublevel room, they shared passionate, intimate time together. Afterwards, he curled up behind Katrina and tenderly held her in his arms.

  While it was unlikely that she would sleep, she appreciated the feeling of his body spooned against hers as they lay together. He brought so much pleasure to her and genuinely made her happy. She appreciatively listened to his breathing become more even as he drifted off to sleep.

  Later, her mind wandered to the events of the past few days, including the unexpected confrontation between the auburn-haired vampire and Caleb at the restaurant. The unknown faction’s persistence annoyed her, even as she admired it.

  However, I refuse to be caught off-guard by them again, she vowed.

  * * * *

  During the following week, the excitement abated somewhat as there were no further attempts at contact from the mysterious vampire faction that had been stalking them. And while Caleb was happy about that, he was looking forward to a time when his activities wouldn’t need to be so closely monitored. He had free run of the estate’s interior, of course. But his activities outdoors were always accompanied by either Paige or Katrina.

  On one occasion, he went outside during midday to walk around the estate and appreciate the sunshine. When he walked on a portion of the property where the exterior surveillance cameras had limited visibility, his cell phone rang within minutes. Naturally, it was Katrina.

  “Hi, Kat,” he patiently answered. “I’m on the northeast side of the house.”

  Then a short figure wearing motorcycle leathers and a helmet appeared to his left. He jumped slightly before realizing that it was the ou
tfit that Paige had purchased at the downtown Harley-Davidson dealership.

  “Yeah, Paige just appeared,” he muttered as his heartbeat calmed once more. “Since she’s here, I think I’ll take a brief stroll through the park,” he ventured with a self-satisfied expression.

  She shook her head back and forth and placed her gloved hands atop each hip.

  He neatly slipped his cell phone back in its holder and started walking towards the gate leading into the secluded park-like area adjacent to Katrina’s property.

  “Not happy,” Paige’s muffled voice emitted from inside the helmet.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll head back if anybody’s there. Heck, they might just think you’re a NASA astronaut practicing for a mission,” he teased with a chuckle.

  Paige’s charcoal visor reflected the image of his face back at him as he looked over at her. They walked along the path leading through the park area and were the only people in the area. After they finished, Caleb walked to the back porch and plopped down into one of the patio chairs.

  “Time to go inside already,” Paige complained in a muffled voice.

  He reclined back in the chair with closed his eyes while appreciating the warmth of the day.

  “Come on,” he pleaded. “It’s really nice out today. Not too humid, and it’s not raining. So, please, just a little while longer.”

  She shook her head and pulled up a chair in the shade not far from him. She sat down and leaned her helmeted head against her gloved hand, propping her elbow against the arm of the chair.

  This really sucks, she thought.

  If it weren’t for how much she cared about the young man nearby she would probably have abandoned him to his fate. Not that she expected the recent visitors to drop by during the daytime, but she didn’t want to take any chances. She realized that Katrina appreciated her efforts, as well.

  He happily dozed for an undetermined length of time when he felt a few droplets of water tickle his arms and face. His eyes immediately opened to stare up into a blue sky, which confused him. He glanced over to where Paige had been seated, but she was gone. Then he looked in the opposite direction to see her standing in her cycle outfit and helmet, but holding a sprayer attached to a water hose.

  “Remember what you said about rain?” she asked in a loud, muffled voice.

  His eyes widened, and he threatened, “Don’t you dare!”

  She unleashed the full force of the sprayer upon him, and he flew out of the chair like a rocket. However, she effectively doused him as he tried to avoid the spray.

  “Paige! Stop it!” he yelled while running back across the porch.

  The vampire roared with laughter at his plight.

  “Dammit, Paige!” he cursed as she doused his back while he fumbled with the door leading into the house.

  He was drenched as he stepped onto the tile just inside the door, and he felt the cold water penetrating his shirt and jeans. He continued to hear muffled laughing from Paige behind him, followed closely by giggling from in front of him. Glancing up, he saw Katrina standing not far from him.

  “I guess your idea was all wet,” she managed to say before giggling again.

  He ground his teeth at both the bad pun and his indignity as he stomped through the house to change clothes.

  “Vampires,” he muttered with annoyance as he squished down the hallway.

  The remainder of the week passed quickly, and before Caleb realized it, the time came for Paige to leave town. He had thoroughly enjoyed her visit and looked forward to the time when she would permanently reside in Atlanta.

  The truth was that Paige felt much the same way he did. While Caleb sat on the edge of the guest bed watching her pack, she focused upon him and warmly smiled.

  “Come on, kiddo,” she encouraged. “It’s not like the summer will last that long. Before you know it, I’ll be back, and you can help me unpack my stuff in a new house somewhere. Besides, you’re going to be preoccupied with Katrina at the conference.”

  “Yeah, I guess. I’m just going to miss you. We’ve had some good times the past couple of weeks.”

  She looked at him in a penetrating fashion and moved in a blur to sit beside him. She wrapped her arms around him and popped a quick kiss on his cheek.

  “Getting into trouble, that is. But it’s been good, hasn’t it?”

  He turned and kissed her on the cheek in return. “Yep, good times. And don’t forget bar fights.”

  Her bright blue eyes flashed once, and she broadly grinned.

  “Just wait until I see you again, tiger,” she promised. “There’s more where that came from.”

  He quirked his lips in response. “I can only imagine.”

  She winked at him. Just you wait. I’m plum full of surprises.

  By evening, it was time to take Paige to the airport, so Caleb and Katrina drove her. It gave them an opportunity to give her a final hug and wish her a safe flight overseas. Then they returned to the estate, and Katrina wrapped Caleb in her arms as they stood in the middle of the living room together.

  “Alone at last,” she offered in a suggestive tone, to which he bent his face up to hers to kiss her passionately on the lips. She had appreciated Paige’s visit, but also enjoyed time alone with her mate.

  He relished the feeling of being in her embrace and wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her closer against him. While Paige was dear to him, Katrina was the woman of his dreams, the one who ignited his passion and made him feel safe and cared for. She understood him at so many levels and accepted him for who he was. He only hoped he was able to convey to her properly how much she meant to him.

  “I love you so much, Kat,” he whispered.

  She gazed into his pale blue eyes while considering the endearing tone of his voice. It spoke volumes, and she bent down to kiss him warmly.

  This man is everything to me, she resolved.

  “I love you too,” she replied after their lips parted.

  He took her by the hand and led her though the house in the direction of their sublevel room. While he might not always be able to convey how he felt in words, he could certainly show her. The remainder of the evening was spent doing just that in tender ways that only two loving bodies could convey to each other.

  * * * *

  Chapter 4: Slovenia

  Time quickly passed following Paige’s departure, and by early June, Katrina and Caleb were packing for their European trip. As the Slovene vampire conference tentatively indicated only a cursory agenda, there was no way to determine exactly for how long they needed to pack. Following a last-minute call to Alton, they assembled enough for at least a two-week stay. As opposed to the suitcases they had used for their spring excursion to London, Katrina acquired actual trunks for their belongings. To Caleb, it felt as though they were moving.

  “Heck, I don’t even own three weeks’ worth of clothing!” he had joked.

  However, he quickly wished that he had kept his mouth shut, as Katrina took immediate steps to take him shopping. His wardrobe nearly doubled in a matter of days, and he was certain they had been to every upscale department store and men’s clothier in the major metropolitan area.

  One thing was certain; he didn’t want to step foot in another clothing store for at least a few years. As Katrina insisted on tailoring for proper fitting, he had been poked throughout the process and herded like a longhorn on a cattle drive. She often alternated between contemplative and gratified expressions while supervising each fitting.

  I’m so glad that I manage to keep her amused, he reflected sourly.

  Despite the annoying experience, he realized that perhaps for the first time in his life his clothes fit him perfectly. In fact, he grudgingly conceded it did make him feel more confident. Fortunately, the trip wasn’t anticipated to be an entirely formal affair, so he was able to pack an ample supply of casual slacks, blue jeans, and nondescript pullover shirts. Katrina suggested that he not take many clothes that blatantly advertised he was an America
n. It wasn’t as if his speech patterns wouldn’t give that away soon enough.

  “Are you afraid of terrorists or something?” he had inquired.

  “Not while being surrounded by vampires. Tourists from the US just tend to flaunt themselves, that’s all. You may not realize this, but American vanity makes Europeans disdainful towards the nation.”

  He had never actually considered that before and conceded the logic of it. He also noted that Katrina didn’t refer to the US as her nation. She had once told him that she recognized herself to be a citizen of the world with no national affiliations. However, her current passport indicated US citizenship.

  She booked their flight on the prestigious Sunset Air, a company that catered to all, but specialized in safe and luxurious air travel for vampires. While the airline did use part of their fleet to operate a competitive traditional airline for human passengers, their vampire-customized fleet was something altogether different.

  Each plane sported a limited number of spacious cabins that accommodated four passengers each. Aside from the four roomy, comfortable seats, there was a small bed and separate bathroom with a shower. A large flat-panel display was affixed to the wall, and all food was prepared fresh to order. Caleb had experienced the accommodations for the first time on their trip to England. Needless to say, it made flying seem like a pleasant dream.

  Another convenient aspect to using Sunset Air was their pick-up and delivery shuttle service. Of course, “shuttle” meant a stretch limousine for Katrina and Caleb, while their luggage followed them in a van. Once onboard the plane, they enjoyed the comforts afforded to them in their reserved cabin, including watching films on the large screen display, sleeping, eating, and simply appreciating each other’s company. Katrina also took the time to brief Caleb on some preliminary topics.

  “I’ll probably be in meetings most of the day,” she cautioned. “But I plan to spend most of our evenings touring the surrounding area, or perhaps doing some shopping.”

  He wrinkled his nose slightly at the mention of shopping, but she lightly admonished, “Oh, hush. Souvenir shopping, primarily.”


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