Ultimate Sins

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Ultimate Sins Page 3

by Jean Roberta

  Ellie rubbed herself against his cock, certain that tonight she would make him leave the club early.

  “Just a moment,” she told him, pulling away and dashing to the toilets. Quickly she slipped off her sodden thong, stroking her clit once, then restraining herself as she straightened her skirt.

  Surely this would do the trick?

  She walked outside, disorientated for a moment as she saw that Greg had moved. Then she saw him, and sighed; he was with Adam.

  Adam was cute; there was no denying that. But it was still tacky to have slept with friends, even if she hadn’t known at the time. She didn’t know if Greg knew about it, hardly a question she could slip easily into conversation.

  “Hi Ellie, how are you?” Adam asked, kissing her cheek as she approached.

  “Fine thanks,” she replied, trying not to blush.

  “I was just asking Greg if he wanted to come round mine, check out my new plasma screen and watch the game. You coming?”

  “Sure,” Ellie answered, though football and gadgets bored her she wasn’t giving up on getting laid tonight.

  The boys talked football in the taxi, and Ellie felt herself dozing off, only waking when they pulled up outside Adam’s house.

  “Make yourself comfortable,” Adam shouted, going to fetch the beers as Ellie and Greg walked into the living room. Ellie lay on the sofa, placing her head in Gregg’s lap. Now she wished she’d had more energy drinks, the vodka having made her feel flirty and drowsy. As she heard Adam moving around the kitchen she turned her head to kiss Greg’s stomach, trailing her tongue along the waistband of his jeans, feeling him growing hard, until Greg stopped her.

  Adam brought a tray of beers in and went to sit on the armchair but Ellie called him over, lifting her legs so he could sit on the sofa, her legs in his lap, her bum against his thigh.

  She was so horny.

  Her fantasy had always been to have a threesome, and though she knew she’d never dare in real life, the thought was guaranteed to get her off.

  Greg and Adam would be ideal, she’d slept with them both before, knew they were open-minded and skilful lovers.

  She imagined what they would do to her as she began to doze off, Adam and Greg glued to the TV and discussing football across her.

  When she felt Greg’s hand on her shoulder she first thought she was dreaming.

  He stroked her softly, and she kept her eyes tightly closed as she felt it travel lower.

  Sometimes in bed she would feign sleep as he began touching her, refusing to open her eyes and ‘wake’ until she felt he deserved her attention.

  Now she felt him touch her breast through her top, stroking around her nipples as they hardened in response.

  Even with her eyes closed she knew Adam was watching, could feel his eyes upon her, unsure whether he was meant to see, whether Greg was taking advantage.

  Like anyone could take advantage of her... Unless she wanted them to.

  As Greg slowly eased the straps of her top down she felt Adam moving to get a better view.

  Greg’s hand travelled down to cup her breast, thumb teasing the delicate skin around her nipple. Already she could feel she was soaking wet, glad she’d removed her panties earlier. She shifted slightly as Greg began stroking her nipples, feeling her skirt moving up her thighs, hoping that Adam might see her glistening wetness and do something about it.

  She felt his hand on her thigh and, still feigning sleep, opened her legs wider.

  Ellie heard his sharp intake of breath, and knew he was looking, the thought making her almost abandon her pretence of sleep as she felt her wetness grow.

  But no, she was asleep.

  Adam’s hands were less sure than Greg’s, moving slowly towards their target; it had been a long time since they’d slept together and Ellie was Greg’s girlfriend now, was this right?

  Ellie felt Greg move and knew he must have nodded his encouragement, still the only noise she heard was the TV and their breathing growing heavier.

  As Adam touched her cunt she had to bite down a sigh, her clit felt so sensitive already. She couldn’t believe she was doing this, lying there with her breasts exposed, her skirt up and her cunt bare, letting them touch her.

  Adam’s fingers slid between wet lips, then deep inside her, making her move her hips instinctively. Then he moved his fingers to her clit, circling it, teasing, making Ellie desperate for more.

  She felt Greg move, and as she heard a zipper go she realised he had released his swollen cock. She could feel him stroking his cock with one hand as the other continued to tease her breasts.

  Beneath her legs Adam moved, and a moment later she realised he too was stroking himself.

  She felt so wet, lying there exposed with two men wanking over her. Her nipples felt so sensitive, and every time Adam touched her clit she was sure she would come, so close now.

  Ellie wanted to tell them what to do, to tell them harder, faster, more, but was restrained up by the pretence of sleep, more effective than any bondage.

  She felt Greg quicken his pace, knew he was watching her exposed body, watching his friend touch her, and that the sight was driving him wild, and he quickly came, spilling his seed across his lap and in her hair.

  In contrast Adam’s hand became slower, prolonging this, touching her so slowly, stroking his cock so slowly she felt sure she couldn’t stand it any longer.

  Then she felt his body shudder, spunk fall across her thighs, and she could hold it no longer. She couldn’t help her body shaking as she came, gasping loudly now, Greg’s hand pinching her nipples as Adam rubbed her clit harder.

  Ellie waited a moment, then, as if waking, she yawned and stretched her still-exposed body across them.

  “I’ve just had the strangest dream,” she told them, standing and straightening her clothes. She held her hand out to Greg. “Come on, lazy bones, time to go home.”

  She leant over to kiss Adam’s cheek. “Thanks for a great night. Sweet dreams.”

  Purposeful Liaison

  by Shermaine Williams

  Sitting on her towel, squinting at the sea, watching people having fun, she wondered whether she should have gone home with him.

  It was supposed to be a break to enable them to reconnect, to have fun, to enjoy each other’s company, but he had been called back to the hospital where he was a consultant. She knew it could be busy; she was a consultant herself, albeit in a different hospital, and it was all too easy to let work take over.

  However, she had been able to put work aside as she felt it was important for them to spend time together; he obviously didn’t feel the same way.

  Of course, he had apologised profusely, promised to make it up to her, insisted that she stay and enjoy the last few days on the beautiful island, but he still went, without giving her a second thought.

  They had only been married two years. She refused to accept that the romance had already gone; repositioning her sunglasses, she lay back and closed her eyes, determined to make their marriage work. It hadn’t got that bad yet, it could be improved.

  Operation Romance would begin in earnest when she got back, in the meantime, she intended to top up her tan and make herself look gorgeous so that Nicholas wouldn’t be able to resist her.

  Barbados was a beautiful island; the sun was shining, the hotel was great and, despite suddenly being alone, she was confident that she could still have a good time. If she’d have known he would be leaving early, she would have made an effort to initiate sex more; but she left it to him and they had only had a few nights of vanilla sex. Consequently, she was horny, but would just have to wait until she got home.

  Feeling her nipples tingle at the thought of sex, she raised her head slightly and, sure enough, they were protruding, easily visible beneath the thin material of her bikini top; hurriedly turning over, she decided that laying on her front would save her from any embarrassment.

  It took only a few minutes of laying there, the sun beating down on her back, before
she decided that even a brief period of embarrassment was better than skin cancer and got up to quickly attempt to rub on some sunscreen, awkwardly bending her arm and still only reaching her lower back.

  ‘Can I help you with that?’

  Having not heard him approach, she started and whipped her head around, nearly causing herself an injury.

  ‘No, thank you,’ she replied to the indistinct figure, as she peered over the top of her glasses and got dazzled by the sun.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ he continued, walking around to face her. ‘I’m not some sort of pervert.’

  Finally, she could see him properly; he was about her age, mid-thirties, with trendy, choppy styled brown hair and unusually green eyes; clearly proud of his wiry torso, he wore just a pair of long shorts.

  ‘I’m sure you’re not,’ she conceded, giving him a tight-lipped smile and hoping he would go away.

  ‘I just wanted to offer some assistance.’

  ‘Thank you, I’m fine.’

  Lapsing into silence as she resumed her task, she hoped he would take the hint and use it as his cue to leave.

  ‘Where’s your companion?’ he asked, sitting down next to her on the hot sand.

  ‘Excuse me?’ her demeanour remained normal, though she was suspicious of him – can’t he see the wedding ring?

  ‘We’re staying at the same hotel…I’ve seen you around.’

  ‘My husband was called away.’

  Instead of quickly scurrying away after making his excuses, he smiled wryly, holding her gaze until she felt uncomfortable enough to look away.

  ‘Left you on your lonesome?’

  ‘I’m a big girl, I can look after myself.’

  In reply, he smiled, but said nothing for a few moments.

  ‘I’m Matthew, by the way,’ he smiled, holding out his hand.

  Quickly calculating her options, she decided that she couldn’t leave him hanging and maybe he was just being friendly; besides, he knew she was married.

  She placed her hand in his, instantly feeling the soft warmth against her skin. ‘I’m Charlotte.’

  ‘Nice to meet you, Charlotte.’

  ‘And you.’

  They both fell silent as they watched people splashing about in the clear blue water, it took less than sixty seconds for it to become too much for her to bear; sitting in silence with this stranger was just weird.

  ‘Are you here on holiday?’

  ‘Yeah,’ he turned to face her as he came back to his senses. ‘Just thought I’d take a quick break.’

  ‘By yourself?’ she said, hopeful that his girlfriend would soon join them.

  ‘Yeah.’ Damn!

  ‘So…’ Here it comes. ‘…as we’re both alone, why don’t we have dinner together this evening?’ Bingo!

  ‘I don’t think that’s appropriate,’ she replied, solemnly.

  ‘It’s not anything sinister,’ he smiled slightly, his eyebrows raised. ‘I just thought it might be nice to have some company.’

  ‘Still, I think it’s best that we don’t.’

  ‘Okay,’ he gave a small shrug. ‘I thought I’d ask.’

  ‘Of course, thank you, it was a kind offer.’

  Seemingly defeated, he stood up and brushed the sand from his hands. ‘Are you sure you don’t want any help with that lotion?’

  ‘I’m sure.’

  ‘Okay, Charlotte, maybe I’ll see you around the hotel.’

  ‘Yes, nice meeting you.’

  Fixing her with his piercing eyes, he flashed a cheerful smile before walking away; she breathed a sigh of relief when she was sure he was out of earshot, and only turned to glance in the direction he’d gone after a few minutes had passed. He was slowly sauntering up the beach, the sinewy muscles of his back ripping. Shaking her head, she marvelled at his impertinence – no doubt, he thought he was God’s gift.

  Resolving to try to avoid him, she lay back down, enjoying the sun’s rays caressing her body.

  Looking at her watch, she was in two minds about what to do. Not that she minded eating by herself, but she had no doubt that Matthew wasn’t the type to give up easily, and would probably insist on joining her if he was down there.

  She stood considering her reflection; though she would never consider cheating, it was nice to think that she was desirable. Nicholas barely seemed to notice her; he was always busy at work or too tired from work.

  Telling herself she was being ridiculous, she immediately left the room, before she had a chance to change her mind; there was no need for her to hide away, nothing was going to happen, she was just being silly.

  Having slowed before entering the dining room, she had been able to scan it and saw no sign of him and, thankfully, she managed to finish her meal without having seen him at all.

  Somewhat triumphantly, she returned to her room and walked over to the window to gaze out into the darkness, wondering what Nicholas was up to. However, a knock at the door a few minutes later quickly ended her musing. Though she had no idea who it could be, she didn’t ask, and immediately opened the door, eager to satisfy her curiosity.

  ‘Good evening, Charlotte.’

  ‘Hello, Matthew,’ she said tentatively, inwardly congratulating herself on being right about him.

  ‘I wondered if you’d like to join me for a drink.’

  ‘No, I don’t think–’

  ‘Please. I’m on my own, I’d just like a bit of company.’

  His pleading gained him a doubtful look.

  ‘We don’t even have to go downstairs,’ he said quickly. ‘We can go to my room and raid the mini-bar.’

  She looked at his face and wondered whether she was just being rude, maybe he was just lonely.

  ‘It’s okay, we can raid my mini-bar,’ she relented, opening the door further.

  ‘Thanks.’ He stepped past her into the room, brushing his hand against her hip in the process. Though she felt the touch, on the basis that she believed it to be accidental, she didn’t mention it.

  ‘What would you like?’ she walked over to the mini-bar after directing him to take a seat on the bed.

  ‘Whisky, please.’

  With her back to him as she poured the drinks; she could feel his eyes boring into her and tried to decide what to say to let him down gently if he tried anything. Though she really wasn’t in the mood for a drink, she poured herself one anyway before turning to hand him his.



  They clinked glasses and he downed it while she put hers down to turn the desk chair around to face him; by the time she sat down, he was putting the empty glass on the bedside table.

  ‘So, how are you liking Barbados?’ he smiled.

  ‘Oh, it’s wonderful, so beautiful and the people are so warm and friendly.’

  ‘Yes, it’s quite a romantic place.’

  ‘Hmm,’ she smiled timidly before looking down at her hands.

  ‘I never would have left you here by yourself.’

  Incredulous, she looked up to find his intense gaze fixed on her, as if he could see into her.

  ‘Look, Matthew, I’m not sure what your intentions were, but I’m married...happily married.’

  ‘Yeah, I’ve seen your husband. He doesn’t strike me as a passionate man.’

  Her mouth fell open as she stared in disbelief.

  ‘And I think you’re a woman that needs a lot of passion in her life.’

  Outraged, she flew out of the seat, trying to ignore the fact that she could feel her face colouring. ‘How dare you! You know nothing about me or my husband and have absolutely no right to say that to me!’

  With that, she stomped across to the room and flung the door open, trying to make the hand that was holding the handle stop trembling. ‘Get out!’

  Unhurriedly, he got up from the bed and walked over to where she stood, stopping directly in front of her, forcing her to look up at him. ‘See? There’s some of that passion.’

  Enraged by the taunt, sh
e attempted to push him out of the door, but he caught her around the waist and swung her in front of him, making her lose her grip of the handle and pushed her back against the heavy door as it closed of its own accord. Her hand shot out, grasping for the handle, but he took hold of it and raised it above her head, holding it against the door.

  He held her firmly and she couldn’t release her wrist from his grip, she looked into his striking eyes as he silently considered her face.

  ‘Get off me!’ she ordered, through gritted teeth.

  ‘After you tell me whether that wimp you call a husband can satisfy you.’


  He pressed his body against her and made her gasp as she felt his hard cock pressed against her belly.

  ‘Tell me,’ he whispered, bringing his face close to hers. ‘Tell me that he can make love to you all night.’ His lips hovered an inch away from hers. ‘Tell me that he can make you climax over and over. Tell me that just looking at him turns you on. Tell me that he can get you dripping wet.’

  She didn’t know what to say; she was breathing hard, hearing his voice over the whooshing sound in her ears, her body got heated, her heart was pounding, he was so close, she could smell the whisky on his breath; her clitoris was throbbing.

  She said nothing, he brushed his lips against hers and she submitted to his soft lips and ran her tongue over them before sliding it into his warm mouth, tasting the whisky and moaning into his mouth as his cock twitched against her, desperately seeking his tongue.

  Still holding her wrist, he ran his free hand up her thigh, sliding her dress up in the process, and made her gasp with surprise as he roughly pulled aside the thin material covering her pussy; one of her arms was free, she could have pushed his hand away, but didn’t.

  Still holding her knickers aside, he left her disappointed as he pulled away from the kiss, wanting to watch her face. Only once he was looking into her eyes, did he plunge his finger into her wet pussy, making her cry out as her muscles tightened around him.


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