The Doctor's Husband (The Watson Brothers #3)

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The Doctor's Husband (The Watson Brothers #3) Page 5

by Ann B. Harrison

  She squeezed his hand and Evan shoved his middle finger up, taunting his eldest brother. She leaned in against him, resting her head on his shoulder, and together they headed down toward the barn. She cast her glance over the stunning back drop that was Copper Mountain. “Those mountains are lovely. Just enough snow on the top to look like they should be in a calendar photo shoot. It must have been nice growing up here.”

  “Yeah, I guess. It was a little bit different living in town though; we were always out exploring the hills. At the time I didn’t think it was so good and now, well, I rather find I miss it.” He glanced at her and dropped a kiss on her cheek. Denver turned her head and kissed him back. It was nice. He was nice.

  “This was our grandparents’ place, they lived in that little cottage over there.” He pointed to the ramshackle building by the barn. “Chance built the big house a few years ago. We grew up in a little place in town. Dad still lives there. Guess you’re going to meet him after all.”

  “What do you mean? It sounds as though you weren’t expecting him to be at the wedding.” She wondered how it would feel if her father wasn’t at her big day.

  “I wasn’t. He and Chance don’t get on. When Mom died, Dad hit the bottle pretty hard and Chance, being the oldest, kind of took over raising us. He did a bloody good job before he took off on the rodeo circuit, now he can’t forgive Dad for not being there for us. Claimed he took the coward’s way out when we all lost her. At least that was how it was last time I spoke to him.” A sad faraway look appeared in his eyes that she could relate to. Both losing their mothers gave them yet another connection and she tucked it away for later on.

  “Seems the old man has stepped up and insisted on helping Chance on the ranch since he broke his hip. I can see how he still moves stiffly and I guess that will pass with time.” He walked her over to a wooden railing topped fence and looked across the paddock. “See that big old bull over there?”

  Denver followed the line of his finger until she spotted the big gray and white bull lying down in the long grass. “Yes, I see him.”

  “That’s Terror. He’s the one that threw Chance on the rodeo circuit and tried to have a piece of him in this paddock. According to Rory, Callie rode in all sass and attitude and moved the cranky beast into the yards so she could help Chance.” He smiled. “She seems to be one amazing woman.”

  “I like her. She doesn’t seem scared of anything, whether it’s speaking her mind or taking on you and your brothers.”

  “Chance lucked out finding her; they’re a perfect match.”

  “I hope I get that lucky.” She held her breath.

  “You want to get married someday? I thought you were all career woman.” He leaned on the fence and looked at her.

  “I want both and sooner rather than later. My mother did it regardless of how much my father tried to make her into the perfect hostess, so I don’t see why I shouldn’t either.” She bent down and picked at a wild daisy, the bright yellow flower cheerful and a good excuse to gather her thoughts before she stood back up and looked at him. “I’ve given a lot to my career and I love it, no two ways about it, Evan. I want what your brother has, actually what they both have. Someone to come home to at night. Someone who will stand up for me and fight for what I want. I want a hero too, someone that wants me for who I am and not someone who will try to change me.” Like my father keeps trying to do.

  She laughed and looked away from his deep penetrating gaze. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to throw that one at you. Ever since you mentioned weddings it’s been on my mind. Please forget it. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable and think I was a mercenary looking for a husband.”

  “I didn’t think that at all.” The look in his eyes was hard to decipher and Denver wondered if she’d spoken out too soon. The last thing she wanted to do was scare him away when he would be perfect husband material.

  “I’ve shocked you and I’m sorry. The usual calm Dr. Sinclair has shown her true colors.” Forcing a smile, she continued. “Who would believe she’s a normal woman who wants normal things just like every other woman around? I didn’t mean to sound like I was coming onto you. It was a generalization only brought on by the fact we’re here surrounded by new wives and the cutest toddler I’ve seen in a while.”

  “So you wouldn’t marry me if I asked you?” He squinted his eyes and watched her.

  He’s not going to ask me, surely not. Her heart pounded. “Evan, we don’t even know each other. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Not unless you did the asking and then I won’t feel so guilty about using you.

  “My brothers have just or are about to marry women they didn’t know. We’ve worked together for over two years.” He ran a hand through his hair and looked away. “I kind of think we know each other a lot better than they did.”

  “Are you asking me to marry you, Evan?” She held her breath, wondering if this was all going to fall into her lap.

  “I don’t know. It’s not a bad idea, but with everything that’s happened lately, I’m probably not a very good prospect.”

  “I don’t follow. You’re a great guy, have a good job, and like kids and animals. What’s wrong with that?” She tapped the daisy against her chin, the soft petals stroking her heated skin.

  “I don’t know if I want to go back to the city for work.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Something Chance said. The doctors aren’t staying in the clinic in town, preferring to go to the hospital or the city. I was wondering if it would be a good job for me.”

  Chapter Seven

  The look of shock on her face startled him and Evan mentally kicked himself. Should have kept your mouth shut for a bit longer. At least until you take a look at the place to see if you want to work there. Now she’ll run a mile and you’ve only just managed to get to know her after all this time. Idiot.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to spurt that out. I don’t want you to think I brought you here just as a fling, I didn’t. It wasn’t planned that I’d come back home to work. When Chance mentioned it just now, I started thinking. I would have told you once I saw the doctor’s office and thought more about it. It’s just that I have to do something since my contract renewal is coming up. You knew that part.”

  Her throat worked as she swallowed. “Yes, yes, I know that. This is kind of unexpected, is all.” Denver bit her bottom lip and glanced over at the bull. “Well, you have to do what you think is best, Evan. If that means moving back home, so be it.”

  “We’re just starting to get to know each other and your life is in the city.” Regret clawed up his throat.

  “At the moment, yes it is, but who said it’s going to stay there? You’re not the only one with a contract up for renewal and being my father’s daughter doesn’t guarantee I get to keep my job either; if anything, I probably have to try harder. I don’t know if I want it anymore. Maybe a change is in the air for both of us.” She smiled and reached a hand out to touch him, her fingers skimming along the edge of his jaw before resting on his shoulder. “Let’s enjoy the wedding and see how things go. You might hate being with me, or I might find you have annoying habits I can’t stand. We can discuss our future, if we have one, later.”

  “Good idea.” He held her hands against his chest. “I can’t wait to crawl into bed with you, Denver, and not just because I want to make love to you either.” He laughed and realized it was true. “I want to hold you while you sleep and watch as the dreams race through your mind. I want to hear the small sounds you make when you drift away into slumber and relax with none of the tension you carry around with you during the day.”

  “I don’t.” She blinked and thought. “Do I?”

  Evan kissed her lips softly, then the creases on her forehead. “Yes, you do. It’s like you have to be frowning when you think and, from what I see at work, you never stop thinking.”

  “Yes, I suppose you’re right.”

  “I can’t wait to hold you against my chest and feel your breathing slow and relax as yo
u fall asleep.”

  “Dr. Watson, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were a romantic at heart. That’s sweet.” She gazed up at him and he concentrated on the colors swirling in her eyes. They changed as he watched flickers of gold breaking up the sea of pale blue. Her pupils dilated and then she blinked, scattering the colors again.

  “You have the most fascinating eyes I’ve ever seen.”

  “Is that a line, Evan? Because you don’t have to use one with me. You already have me in your room tonight.”

  “No, seriously you do. Haven’t you ever noticed?” He leaned in closer, concentrating on her eyes.

  “Can’t say I have.”

  “They flicker with specks of gold and then when you blink they go back to blue again. Seriously cool, Denver.” He leaned in and kissed her, nibbling at the edges of her lips before pushing between them with his tongue. A soft moan escaped her mouth and she pressed into his chest, her hands going around his waist to rest on his hips, her fingers hooked in his belt.

  He tilted his head sideways and ran his lips along the line of her jaw. Denver lifted her chin giving him better access to her throat and he trailed kisses down the smooth expanse of pale skin. He paused at the small indentation below her ear, dipping his tongue out to taste and tease. The warmth of her breath fanned over his face and Evan fell just a little bit more for the outwardly cool, calm doctor.

  The trick was going to be convincing her they made a good team and they should stick together. If he could get down to town and check out the doctor’s clinic, find out if they really did need him there, then he could start to plan. And as far as he was concerned, the woman melting in his arms right now was part of that plan.

  The slam of a car door broke the spell and he lifted his head. Denver’s eyes were closed and a smile curved her lips. It took her a couple of seconds to realize he wasn’t burying his face in her neck anymore and she opened her eyes.

  “Seems we have company. Let’s continue this later tonight.” He gripped the back of her head and planted a deep kiss on her lips before sliding a hand around her back. “My brother Tyson is here by the look of things. Best we go and see him before he comes down here spouting off and trying to find out all about you.”

  Denver smiled and nodded her head, a soft pink tinge to her cheeks that sent a jolt of satisfaction to Evan’s gut. “Sure. Lead the way.”

  Tyson stood on the porch watching as they walked back to the house. When they got closer, he stepped down and wrapped Evan in a rough hug. After a couple of casual back slaps, he stood back. “Man it’s good to see you. Looking pretty good too.”

  “So are you, Brother. Let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Denver. We work together as well. Denver, my brother, Tyson.” He placed his arm around her and held her close as she greeted Tyson.

  “So, you’re back for the wedding. Great isn’t it?” He wiped a hand across his chin and glanced sideways into the house. “Who would have thought, both of them getting a mail-order bride? Anyone would think this was the middle ages or something.”

  “Takes all kinds in this day and age. Besides, didn’t I read somewhere that marriages built on mutual needs last longer than impulse ones?” Evan watched the glances he shot inside the house. “Who’s the blonde bombshell? Haven’t seen her before.”

  Tyson coughed and looked away, his actions showing just how uncomfortable he was. “Uh, that would be Layla, the lawyer Rory got to sort out Fisher’s grandparents. Chance asked me to pick her up at the airport.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “You know the story?”

  “Yeah, we got a brief rundown. That’s enough for us. So long as Rory is happy, I really don’t care what brought them together.” He squeezed Denver’s waist. His brother was acting weird all of a sudden and it annoyed him for no good reason. Tyson had a habit of gossiping more than was polite and Evan didn’t want Denver caught up in it. “Shall we go inside and meet her then?”

  Tyson stepped up onto the porch and followed Evan and Denver inside. The blonde looked up and smiled. “So, there you are. I wondered where my favorite cowboy had gotten to. Come here and let me have a piece of you.”

  Chapter Eight

  Denver gripped Evan’s arm and waited for the woman to latch onto him. She strode toward them with a man-eating smile on her perfectly made-up lips and her eyes on the prize. “Tyson, you gorgeous man, what were you doing outside?”

  She stepped past them and wrapped her arm around Tyson’s neck, pulling his mouth down to hers. She kicked up a foot, showing off a smooth length of leg and stunning shoes, and kissed him passionately.

  Evan stifled a snort and moved over to the kitchen counter where the rest of the family stood staring at Layla and Tyson. “Is this new or what?” He kept his voice low while he watched the spectacle.

  “I think she fell for him when she was here last and it looks as though the break has intensified her feelings. Poor Tyson doesn’t stand a chance against her.” Chance smiled and explained. “Layla is the lawyer I used for contracts and, shall we say, other things when I was on the circuit. We’re great friends but I’ve never seen her like this before. Once she gets an idea into her head, you may as well give up. For some reason she’s taken a shine to the little brother. Can’t for the life of me understand what she sees in him.”

  Callie elbowed him in the ribs. “That’s just plain mean. He has to have some saving graces, surely.”

  “And this coming from the person who wanted to put him on his ass when you first met him?” Chance put his arm around his wife, holding her close to stop the elbows connecting with his ribs again.

  “He deserved it then, arrogant fool. Once you get to know him, he’s not that bad and if I didn’t have you, my darling husband, I’d look at him twice. He’s got the Watson genes. Hot cowboy material.” She laughed and gripped his chin, turning his face to her so she could plant a long sensual kiss on his lips.

  “Guys, please. All this loving is going to scare Denver away. I don’t want her to think we’re a family of sex fiends around here.”

  “And why would that be, Evan? Surely you don’t think I’m too ‘sensitive.’” She raised her fingers making air quotes. “Or too well bred to understand human chemistry?” She’d got it in one, she could see it in his eyes. “I’m not a fragile wallflower that needs protecting. Not from you and certainly not from your family.” She smiled, softening the bite behind her words. “I think it’s sweet how your brothers have ended up with their wives and seeing Tyson get hit on is kinda fun, admit it.”

  “I like how you think, Denver. We’re going to get on just fine.” Callie winked at her. “How about a glass of wine, husband of mine, and we can sit and watch those two make out while pretending to help Gina with dinner?”

  “I’m on it.” Chance let her go and walked to the pantry, disappeared inside, and came out seconds later with a bottle of wine in his hand. He held it up for inspection, receiving two thumbs up from his wife.

  “There’s a bottle of white wine in the fridge to eat with dinner too, if you want it.” Gina tipped a bag of bread rolls into a cane basket and left it on the counter.

  “You didn’t have to bring that as well as dinner, but thank you.” Chance leaned in and kissed her cheek before turning to Denver. “Denver, a glass for you?”

  “That would be lovely, thank you.” She turned to the bride to be. “Gina, let me help. I can be pretty handy in the kitchen and I refuse to let you slave over that stove by yourself.”

  Gina’s laugh rang out in the open room. “You don’t have to, but I thank you anyway. I love to cook. It makes me feel useful and this kitchen is one of my favorite places to do it in. Lean on the counter with your glass and tell me about yourself while I stir this mushroom sauce. Rory loves it over his baked potatoes.”


  Evan watched Denver talking with the girls and stood with his brothers as Tyson tried to act blasé about the sexy lawyer putting the moves on him. “Hell, if I hadn’t seen it for myself, I never woul
d have believed it.” He accepted a glass of wine and took a sip.

  “Tell me about the lady you brought to the wedding. Tyson can take care of himself.” Rory sat at the table and waited for Evan as he pulled out a chair. He looked up as the back door closed and Layla dragged Tyson outside away from their prying eyes.

  “We work together.” And I’ve fallen hard if you want to know the truth.

  “She looks nice and friendly.”

  “She is. Dedicated, loyal, and hardworking too. The patients love her and she’s done some great work with premature births.”

  “Sounds like you’re hooked to me.” Rory nudged him with his elbow. “About time you got yourself hitched. You’re not getting any younger.”

  “I’m not that long in the tooth.”

  “I didn’t mean you were but you put off so much to get where you are, with study and all. I think it’s time you started thinking about what you want out of life.”

  Evan blinked and met his brother’s gaze. It was true, he was but didn’t think it showed. Stands to reason his brothers would notice because they knew him so well. “I guess so.”

  “Did Chance tell you about the doctor’s clinic?”

  “Needing a new doctor? Yeah, he did. I have to make up my mind what I’m going to do because my contract at the hospital is up and I’m not sure I want to go back to the city. I was just talking about it with Denver down by the barn. I’m going to go and see them and see what they’re offering. Then I’ll talk about it with her and see where we go from there.”

  “Why can’t she apply too?” Rory looked at the girls giggling over the counter.

  “She’s more into the management side of things. Wants to run a department or a hospital.”

  Rory and Chance shared a look.

  “What?” Evan put his glass down.

  “The Marietta General Hospital Board is looking for someone to take over the day-to-day running of the hospital. Not as prestigious or as big a hospital as the one you’re at now. There’s plenty of room for getting stuck in and sorting the place out. It’s old and needs a bit of work, but you could tell her.”


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