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Men Love Curves: BBW Romance

Page 6

by Ruby Madden

  Thoughts already spinning into nonsense, Tamsin was already shaking her head. "No," she said, reaching her hands down to lightly clasp the back of his head. "Don't stop. Just this once.” Her voice panted as she spoke. Something inside her wanted this to happen so desperately, she knew she couldn't stop herself.

  "Ah, fuck, yeah," he groaned. “You have no idea how damned long I've waited to hear you say that, my sexy she-devil.” Without another word, he bent his head back to her sweet flesh, lips tickling at her stomach as he trailed a line of fiery kisses from one hip to the other.

  Tamsin's head rolled back, meeting the rock behind her with a harder thump than she'd planned. Oddly, the brief knock of pain only intensified the fire spiraling out from where Jackson's lips touched her, blazing through her limbs. She gently fisted one hand in the short hairs on his scalp, hearing his slight grunt as she gave a little tug. With purpose and wonder, she slid her other hand on the side of his face, along his corded neck, onto his wet shoulder.

  For just one more moment, as Jackson's lips and tongue tickled their way across her hip and then slowly upward toward her breasts, Tamsin let reason boom through her mind. You can't do this. Not with Jackson.

  Then she made a thoroughly conscious decision to abandon all rational thought and lose herself to pure sensation with him.

  "More," she whispered, her voice rough with long-denied need. "More."

  With another small chuckle that vibrated against her skin, Jackson breathed, "As milady wishes." Pressing both hands onto the softness of her upper thighs, pushing them closed together while pushing down on them to support himself, Jackson lifted his body up out of the water and leaned forward. He let his lips trail wet heat beneath first one of her breasts, then the other.

  Tamsin kept her head nestled back against the rock, one hand still on the back of Jackson's head and the other pressed hard against the rock beside her to support herself as his mouth slowly tasted its way across one breast.

  Oh, yes. "Like that," she half whispered, half growled. "Just like that."

  Jackson's tongue traced a wide circle around her nipple, which was so hard it almost hurt. Then he gently flicked it over the bud, creating a white-hot storm of feeling that sizzled across her entire body. His hands tightly gripped her thighs, creating an alternating sensation of heated contact and deep pressure that held her against the slick, wet rock of the grotto.

  Teeth nipped at her, drawing out another gasp along with a blast of heat. She jerked her head forward, opening her eyes to find him looking right at her from where he still kissed her nipple. Jackson carefully moved his hands up her thighs, one at a time, until they rested right by the bend of her hips. He tucked his thumbs down into the crease between her legs as his mouth moved to her other breast.

  Tamsin's gasp caught in her throat as his thumbs began circling downward. Achingly close to the slick folds of herself that were wet not only from the water. She tried to push her legs apart so he could more easily reach her there, but his grip on her tightened.

  “Now, now, my gorgeous mermaid.” His eyes, which she noted had darkened to a deeper pine-green, crinkled the slightest bit as a satisfied little smile tugged up one lip. “Let me have my way with you for just this moment. Let me touch you just like this”—and he pushed his thumbs even closer to her now throbbing clit—“until I hear you begging me for more again.”

  A flare of Tamsin's dander went up. “I—don't beg,” she managed to say, which was ridiculous since she had in fact already begged him not to stop.

  It was the principle of the matter. Or something like that. Something...oh, fuck. He was touching her. Thoughts were useless.

  “Really? We'll see about that,” he murmured in a languorous, speculative tone. The intensity behind his gaze, however, belied any casualness he might be pretending.

  “Whatever you think you're—oh!” Tamsin's voice sharply cut off as his thumbs reached the heavy, full little nub demanding to be stroked. Her gaze went half-lidded as her mouth dropped open into a pant. He stroked her clit with first one thumb, then the other. All the while he held her legs pressed tightly together, which only intensified the darts of sensation zinging out of her.

  Oh, god. She was about to come. Right now, in this hidden little grotto, with the gentle pit-pat sound of the waterfall sliding into the pool, with gorgeous bad boy Jackson Rule holding her tight, keeping her gaze trapped on his with a relentless, mind-destroying excitement. Jackson, whose face and body had occupied virtually all her thoughts for the past several weeks.

  Jackson, who was the only man she wanted touching her. Ever.

  “Fuck, Tamsin,” he groaned. “You're trembling all over.” He swirled his thumbs faster and leaned down to suck again on her nipples, moving from one to the other and back again.

  “I—” she gasped out, clenching her thighs together as she abruptly teetered on the edge of an intense orgasm.

  “Hell, yeah.” His breath grazed the sensitive skin of her nipple as the hand she held to the back of his head pressed hard against it. “Come for me, Tamsin. Let me feel you explode beneath me.”

  With a wrenching cry, Tamsin obeyed him. The throb centered in her clit burst into a deep dazzle of feeling that surged over her, shifting her tremble into a full-blown, gasping shudder as she drove her hips into the caress of his thumbs. One hand still pushed hard onto the rock shelf, the other hand now clutching Jackson's neck and shoulder with a grip that probably hurt him. Small white stars streaked across her vision in time with her cries, in time with his rhythmic strokes.

  “Yes,” he growled around her breast, nipping hard at it with his teeth. “Just like that.”

  Tamsin rolled through several descending crests as her climax ebbed, her hips and soft, uncontrollable moans still keeping time with them. When it finally slowed to a stop, Jackson lifted his head from her breast so he could see her face. She'd closed her eyes. Softly, he demanded, “Look at me, Tam.”

  Tamsin dragged open her eyes to look at Jackson. His expression made her catch her breath. A look of such wonder was on his face that it caught her, pulling them together for a long moment. The only sounds were of her breathing and the continual slide of the waterfall into the pool.

  Gently, Jackson loosened his grip on her thighs as he let his body slide back down into the water, although he never broke eye contact with her. With gentle hands, he nudged apart her legs and nestled in between them, now propping his forearms on the rock and leaning forward to blow small, hot breaths onto her still faintly throbbing clit. Tamsin inhaled hard, and now Jackson smiled.

  "I want to hear that again, my beautiful woman." With that, he lowered his face all the way between her thighs and gently lapped her plump folds. Tamsin's gasp ricocheted around the tiny grotto, and her hands convulsively clenched on the bare wet rock on either side of her.

  "I've been wondering what you taste like," Jackson said with a soft growl, before tasting her deeply again with his tongue.

  Tamsin tried to reply to that, but whatever inarticulate words she might've managed to get out were swallowed by another gasping cry as his tongue licked its way up and then back down her. Long, steady, ceaseless, Jackson licked her folds, reaching with one hand to spread them wider so he could gently circle the tip of her ultra-sensitive client. The sensation was so intense she almost couldn't handle it, pulling back just slightly from him. He raised his head to say, "Oh, no, you don't. Slide your sweet little ass closer to me. I intend to feast on you."

  Completely stunned into submission, Tamsin obeyed him. Scooting her rear easily across the slick rock, she found Jackson's lips and mouth. He immediately lowered his head to do just as he'd said, once again lapping at her with gentle strokes. Up and down, back and forth. He moved his head along with the strokes of his broad tongue, using the fingers of his hand to play with her shamelessly eager entrance.

  "That's it," he crooned against her flesh as her breathing started to hitch once more. As the sensation o
f his lips vibrated against her when he spoke, she moaned again. "Is that so," he murmured.

  Tamsin shivered against him, nodding even though he couldn't see her. He started to make a very small humming sound, causing his lips to flutter against her even as his tongue continued to stroke with regular and increasing rhythm. Up and down, back and forth. Insistent yet gentle.

  Tamsin felt the white heat spiking again, being pulled out of her with every touch of his lips and tongue. She arched against him, inviting more. He kept the rhythm steady while inserting a finger inside her. Then he gently began to swirl it around inside her super-heated core.

  Tamsin's mind officially stopped thinking. She was aware of nothing but the fact that Jackson was touching her, that he was about to make her come again. Her entire world was made up of his wild scents, simple yet astounding touches, the sounds of the water lapping against the edges of the grotto from his motions against her.

  The sudden, very sure knowledge that she was exactly where she was supposed to be right now. That she was with the one man in the entire world she was meant to be with.

  Carefully pushing in another finger, swirling them together and then scissoring them apart in larger circles, keeping time with her wordless encouragement and stuttering breaths, Jackson sent her over the edge. In a sudden blast of razor-sharp joy, Tamsin exploded against him again into a screaming climax, her body half lifting from the rock she reached forward with her hands to shamelessly shove his face against her and ride out every incredible spasm that turned into a sweetly mindless, screaming bliss.

  It had barely faded away before Jackson again began to stroke her quivering, hot center with his tongue, almost instantly shoving her over the edge to another orgasm the gripped her so hard she couldn't even make a noise. She simply spasmed along with it, her hands clutching his head so tightly she thought she might be leaving marks.

  As the sharper spasms of this one faded away, Tamsin realized she'd held her breath during it. Gasping in, she relaxed back against the rock, chest heaving as if she just been running down prey in the forest. Jackson gently kept licking her, as if he wanted to take every drop and keep it on his tongue. Her hand loosened from his head to gently stroke him, then almost bonelessly fall to her sides.

  Slowly, Jackson pulled himself out of the water with only a few small splashing noises. She felt him move up over her body until he could lay atop her. His long, wet body covered hers, sinking onto her softness as he nuzzled into her neck, kissed her mouth that tasted like her own wild spices. She felt his heartbeat against hers. Gently, he held her face between his hands as he kissed her into an even deeper oblivion.

  More long, drifting moments passed before he finally pulled back from her. Tamsin managed to flutter open her eyes to look at him. Jackson's eyes were dark, stormy green with what she knew was sheer desire. She felt a smile of pure anticipation spreading across her face as he looked at her with the expression of a man simultaneously worshipful yet also about to issue an order.

  Every molecule of her being roared back to aroused excitement as she waited for his command. The sheer relief of not having to be in charge, not having to tell someone else what to do, letting herself be controlled, was so immense she was shocked.

  And at the same time, so incredibly ready and willing to let herself fall into it.

  "Now," he said, his voice rough with his need. "I want you on all fours in front of me. Right now, Tamsin."


  Jackson felt two things as he pulled back. One, genuine male fear that she would either slap him again or, worse, laugh his face at his arrogance.

  And two, a wild, unstoppable need to possess her that was so strong it blotted out any other thoughts in his head.

  Her usually violet-blue eyes had deepened to the darkest blue found in the ocean. Her gorgeous lips, bee-stung from his ministrations, her face shining still with little droplets from the spray of the waterfall and her own beautiful exertions as she came not once, not twice, but three times for him.

  Three times.

  Jackson might be known as a ladies man who had more tricks and tools at his disposal than any other werewolf in the pack. But at this very moment, he felt more deliriously excited and satisfied that he'd pleased Tamsin than he had ever in his life felt with any other woman.

  He waited, motionless, for her response.

  Finally, her voice still unsteady from her heaving breath, Tamsin simply said, "As you wish."

  The combination of both seduction and sheer need in her tone as she twisted beneath him to get up on all fours caused Jackson to truly growl as he reached down and seized her hips in his hands to steady her beneath him. She reached her hands out to clutch onto the edge of the rock shelf as she nestled her behind toward him. Soft, round, and his to hold onto. Turning her head to the side, Tamsin watched him with nothing but shaking acquiescence and desire on her face.

  Roaring in satisfaction, his cock so incredibly hard it actually hurt, Jackson slipped one hand in front of her thigh to open the sweet wetness of her pussy to him. Mouth slightly open, tongue slipping out to the corner of it, Tamsin urged him on with a small nod and moan. He needed no further affirmation. With a hard stroke, he plunged himself into her beautiful, hot depths.

  Crying out as he filled her, Tamsin slammed herself back against him, meeting him. The shaking, wondering gentleness with which he'd tasted her earlier was gone. Now all he felt was the deep, primal urge to claim this woman as his own. An urge matched in her eyes, with her every movement.

  Her long, dark hair, tangled and wet around her face, framed an expression that told him she felt as wildly out of control as he did. As he pulled back out almost all the way, she cried out a protesting "No!"

  Letting a grin unfurl across his face, Jackson shook his head at her. "I am in charge here, Tamsin. This goes as I choose."

  Before she could even draw breath again, he plunged back into her all the way, slamming so hard against her his heavy sac smacked her luscious ass. Again, again, and again. He let the ancient movements take full control of his body, driving into her with a nearly mindless chant going through his head as he did so.

  Tamsin. My Tamsin. Mine. Tamsin.

  "Mine," he growled out loud, the word nearly unintelligible. "You," he thrust again, to the music of her delighted gasp, "Are," he pulled out only to quickly thrust back in, "Mine."

  “Yes!” she cried out, flinging her head back as another climax clearly swept over her.

  Like thunder, the skyrocketing explosion blew over him so suddenly he realized he was about to burst. The long, hard spasms caught him as Tamsin's own inner muscles convulsed around him. His hoarse yells rang throughout the grotto as he held onto her bucking hips with his hands. He looked into her wide-open eyes as they cried and shook and spiraled together into a beautiful, stunning abyss of pure sensation and togetherness from which he never, ever wanted to leave.

  As if she could read his mind, Tamsin raggedly murmured, “Like this. Always like this. Please stay with me,” she ended in a whisper, reaching her hand behind her to press against his hip. Her eyes, beautifully soft and unfocused from her orgasms just as he'd dreamed they would be, looked at him with a fascinating mixture of wonder and certainty.

  “Yes,” he whispered back, still deep inside her. Feeling the unshakeable certainty behind his own words. “I'm not going anywhere.”

  Locked together with her, Jackson felt incredibly right with the world. This was utterly wrong on every level but the one that counted.

  Tamsin Reginald was his, and apparently he was hers, too.

  Nothing could change that.

  Chapter Six

  A light knock at her office store took Tamsin's already distracted attention away from her tablet. "Yes?" she called, forcing the secretive smile that had been playing on her face all morning to turn into her usually composed expression. Near constant thoughts of Jackson had filled her with a heady sense of both astonishment and excitement
. It was a wonder she'd managed to get any work done at all.

  One of the human servants, a young woman named Bree, who as it turned out had been a childhood friend of Cassie's and thus was someone Tamsin had carefully been attempting to create a better relationship with herself, tentatively poked her head around the large oak door. At her trepidation-filled expression, Tamsin immediately stiffened into a wary focus. "What is it, Bree?"

  Audibly swallowing, the girl said, "Ah, there's a situation by the front door. Your presence has been requested immediately."

  A soon as she spoke, she made as if to disappear and scurry down the hallway. But Tamsin stood up and immediately strode to the door, catching Bree's glance before the girl could flee.

  "Wait. What's going on?"

  Bree's terrified face cast itself toward the ground as she shook her head.

  Taking a quick breath and tempering her voice, Tamsin said more gently, "Bree. I sounded sharp. I'm sorry. Walk with me as you tell me what's going on." She left her office and headed down the hall without looking back to see that the girl would follow. Much as Tamsin actually liked the estate's human servants, and had slowly started to look differently at the pack's relationship with humans after Cassie had spent some time trying to open her eyes about it, Tamsin couldn't quite shake her years of training and habits. Besides, they got paid excellent wages, not to mention had very good benefits. For that, she did expect someone to at least tell her what was going on in her own household.

  Even so, the young woman stayed silent as she followed Tamsin. Tamsin looked over her shoulder while quickening her steps. It must be serious.

  After another brief moment during which they turned down another one of the seemingly endless hallways of the estate, Bree said simply, "There's a human at the door. Well, she's inside now. And…."

  She paused again.

  Impatient, Tamsin prompted, "And?"


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