Midnight Rider

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Midnight Rider Page 1

by J. R. Mitchell

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  Mystic Moon Press


  Copyright ©

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  Midnight Rider

  By: J.R. Mitchell

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © Jan. 2008, J.R. Mitchell

  Cover Art copyright © Jan. 2008, Magickal Media

  Mystic Moon Press, LLC

  Santa Fe, NM 87507


  No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Mystic Moon Press, LLC


  For the Midnight Rider, thanks for the inspiration!

  The Beginning...

  She watched him from behind a tree. Watched him work, her John. He just didn't know he was hers yet.

  She had plans for him, big plans, and as Raelynn sat there and watched him use his hammer to put up the frame of a house, she grew wet.

  She wanted him but now was not the time, he had too many weapons. Not that he would use them on her, at least not yet, but then one never knew, he may be married

  He may love his wife, adore her, want her, and when a woman like Raelynn came around, he may not want her ministrations. So Raelynn bided her time. John always went out after work with his buddies. Raelynn had a feeling they were old college buddies and they just stayed in touch. She would get him at the sports bar they frequented

  She watched him for another hour, then went home to get ready to go and pick up her new man.

  * * * *

  Dressed to kill in a pair of skin tight black pants, and a white tank top, Raelynn exited her apartment with her tramp tat playing peek a boo and her auburn hair down.

  Humming a country song she'd heard on the radio, she knew tonight was the night. After stalking John for over a month, she knew tonight she would get to feel his hard cock in her mouth, deep inside her pussy. Already she was getting wet, she needed him and no other would do.

  When she entered the sports bar he and his friends frequented, she wanted to just drag him out and fuck him on the hood of her Roadrunner, but instead she went to the bar and watched him some more.

  Looking around the dimly lit bar, she watched him and his friends cheer on their favorite team, and wondered what it was men saw in getting drunk and watching football. Must be something she didn't understand.

  She noticed a small dance floor across from the bar and how it was not being used, pool tables to the right of it, and a hallway she supposed housed the bathrooms. Bringing her attention back to her prey, she watched him smile and nod at the others in his party. Thinking as he nursed his beer that it would take all night, she bought him and his friends a round of twelve-year-old scotch, though she doubted they would appreciate the fine liquor.

  Much to her surprise, John did and she knew he would suit her for a long, long time, possibly an eternity.

  She sent another round instructing the waitress not to point her out. When John looked around to see where this new possible friend might be, he eyes stopped on her. He didn't think she was the reason for the great drinks, but damn she looked hot; red hair hiding part of her face, Raelynn looked him in the eye and took a sip of her own drink. She beckoned him to come to her, thought it as hard as she could but to no avail, her connection to him wasn't that strong ... not yet, she thought.

  When the waitress returned, she sent one more round, told her she could tell them who it came from and paid her bill. She was done watching, it was time for action and as an old Etta James song came on the jukebox, Raelynn got up to dance.

  Sure she was the only person in the bar doing it, but then again, the half time show for the game was playing on the big screen, everybody would watch her, which was what she wanted. Especially for John to watch her

  Her hips swayed in time to the sultry sound of the Etta's voice blaring in the speakers, when she felt strong hands grip her hips, she smiled and turned.

  Damn, not John but one of his barbarian friends.

  Raelynn moved away from him to butt up against another one of his friends.

  This is not going anywhere, she thought, then she spotted him, grinning at her as he held up his drink in her direction, she gave him a smile and left the dance floor.

  Raelynn left, she knew it wouldn't be long until he left, he always left first and early. She thought it was because he worked almost everyday and early too.

  She waited in the dark street around the corner from the bar. She made sure he drank enough to not drive and knowing he lived not far from the bar, he would just walk.

  When John left the bar, her assumptions were right. He pulled his keys out of his jeans pocket and looked at them. Shook his head and stuffed them back in his jeans. He adjusted his bulge and started his short walk home

  When he walked past the dark side street, she grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss.

  He responded to her tongue, but his hands stayed at his sides

  John did not return her embrace and Raelynn thought it might be harder then she originally thought.

  She raked her nails down his back, which made goose bumps stand out on his bare arms.

  She left his mouth and worked on his neck nibbling her way down and across his chest.

  Nipping his nipple through his t-shirt, it was then he spoke to her.

  "I can't do this. Please stop, we can go for coffee."

  He sounded hopeful but Raelynn was not in the mood for coffee, she was in the mood for a stiff shaft shoved down her throat.

  She just grunted and pushed him so he back peddled to the outside wall of the bar. She had him trapped by her mouth and hands; he was not getting away from her.

  Going down to her knees, she mouthed his semi hard shaft through his jeans moaning so he could feel the vibrations of her mouth.

  He still resisted and Raelynn was about to pout when she figured it out, he was playing hard to get.

  Fine with her, she liked a challenge every now and again.

  Using eager fingers to undo the button fly of his tight jeans, she saw his erection loose inside his boxer briefs.

  Hmmm, she thought. Looks yummy. She dipped a hand into his boxer briefs and felt the satiny soft skin of an extremely hard cock.

  "Please, I would like to know you a little first...” he was almost begging and much to his dismay, it only turned Raelynn on more.

  "Really, I want you to stop,” he muttered repeatedly, but Raelynn paid him no heed.

  She brought his cock out, dipped her head to run her tongue down his shaft and back up again,

  Feeling it bob in response, she licked the small bead of pre-cum from its tip.

  "Really lady, you need to stop!” He shouted and whispered at the same time, as he yanked her up with his hands. “I don't play like this. Sex should have meaning."

  Raelynn laughed in his face, “It does John, it has the meaning of feeling great. What more is there then pleasure?"

  John stared at her, with a bewildered look on his face. “Listen lady, you're totally smokin'. I admit it, but I don't play like this. I need meaning in my life and this is so not it."

  "John, John, John, you just don't know me that well yet. I don't take no for an answer. So stand back, shut up, and enjoy.” Raelynn demanded shoving him back against the wa
ll, and dropped back down to her knees.

  Grabbing at his cock once again, she worked it's now soft form with a frenzy. “C'mon baby,” she whined. “You know you want it, why don't you let Raelynn make you feel good all over?"

  "I told you lady ... Raelynn. I like to have a little meaning with my sex.” He all but whispered to her, as her mouth wrapped around his cock. He ended his sentence with a hiss. “Bitch, you better know what you're doing.” he said and Raelynn nodded her head trying to shove more of his shaft into her mouth.

  She worked him with tongue and teeth sucking hard, and pumping furiously. She wanted him to cum. Needed him to cum.

  John grabbed her arms again and pulled her off his cock. “Listen to me slut, I told you I need more, now get off me and go the fuck home!” He shouted at her and Raelynn laughed in his face as she unbuttoned her painted on pants.

  "Make me John. I see the evidence you want me to make you cum and you don't care how I do it. Now stop whining and let me do my thing.” Raelynn flashed him a big smile and came back at him, kneeling once more.

  She wrapped her mouth around his cock and was instantly rewarded with one of his big hands fisting her blonde hair. He pushed her face further into his groin and Raelynn gagged when the tip of his dick choked her. Swallowing past it, she drank him down, needed more from him, and wanted him to cum in her mouth.

  "Gawd Raelynn, that feels good,” John moaned out, abruptly yanking on her hair to bring off her knees and onto her feet. When her mouth left his cock, he heard the loud pop that accompanied her vigorous sucking. “You want some of this, you're gonna get more then you can handle.” He threatened, forcing her across the small dark side-street, her back slamming into the opposite wall.

  She grunted with the force of it while her panties grew wetter. Her body reacted to his forcefulness, and Raelynn was tempted to wrap her legs around his waist, but John wasn't giving her an inch. Instead he dropped to his knees and brought her painted on pants with him. He left them wrapped around her ankles and pawed at her crotch.

  "I like satin panties, these aren't satin,” he commented as he ripped them away. Raelynn's hips leapt forward with the blunt force of losing her panties in such a way, and she could feel her pussy ooze with desire.

  Jesus, this guy is an animal, she thought, as he whipped her around and entered her from the back.

  "You like that you naughty girl?” John breathed into her ear, slamming his cock in and out of her hot throbbing cunt.

  Raelynn felt she was losing her mind, the feelings and sensations she felt with each stoke was causing her whole body to quiver, her muscles to tense, and her mind was starting to go blank. The only thing she could keep her thoughts on was how wonderful he made her feel. She was getting closer to the brink, when John faltered in his rhythm, and Raelynn knew if she was lucky enough they would cum together.

  "You ready baby?” John asked, his thrusts becoming wilder.

  "Hmmm, Mmmm,” Raelynn moaned in response.

  John wrapped his hand around to her front, and flicked her swollen hard nub with his finger, before rotating his hand to work it methodically with his thumb. Raelynn lost control, it was the push she needed to reach climax, and much to both their surprise, she screamed out long and loud into the night.

  John grunted with two last thrusts, Raelynn felt his spunk fill her up, over fill her and when her waves of bliss finally calmed, she felt his cock, pulse deep inside her, which sent an after shock of pleasure filled tremors course through her body.

  "Jesus Raelynn, that was hot."

  "Yeah John, that and much more.” Raelynn responded as John slipped his half soft dick out of her.

  "Want to grab a cup of coffee?” he asked her as he buttoned his jeans and watched her shimmy her tight pants up around her ass.

  "What time is it John?"

  "Almost midnight,” he responded.

  "Maybe another time, I gotta ride.” Raelynn gave him a passionate kiss, slipped her phone number into his hand and walked away to her car.


  John was baffled. Raelynn had accosted him outside the sports bar, and then taken off. If I get my hands on that little vixen, she's gonna regret it. He thought as he hammered another nail into the frame of the house he was working on. Jesus, this girl is driving me nuts.

  The days went by slow for John, he had her number but the last thing he wanted to do was call her. Raelynn was the type of woman that would crawl under his skin and never leave. At twenty-nine years old, John was not prepared to settle down, and there was no way he was calling her.

  * * * *

  Raelynn hated men. She waited for John to call her for over a week and still nothing. Guess I didn't make the impression I was hoping for. She thought to herself on the eighth day. “I guess he isn't the one,” she mumbled to herself, as she jumped in the shower.

  The hot water cascaded down her lithe form as she schemed as to how she would find a suitable replacement. Maybe one of his friends, that would teach him to ignore me.

  Raelynn was throwing a fit. She threw her shampoo bottle on the floor and literally screamed in frustration. She needed a mate, and she was sure John was perfect for her. As a succubus, she needed a mate to help maintain her life. She could have be-spelled him, but she didn't want that. She hated to play with the minds of her lovers. She often grew tired of them agreeing with her all the time. No it must be John. No other will do. Raelynn made up her mind tonight was the night she would convince him that eternity spent in her arms was better then a short lived life.

  With her decision made, Raelynn dressed casually. Jeans and a t-shirt would have to be good enough for him. And so with the purpose in mind of winning over his heart, Raelynn set out to the bar.

  John's friends were there but not him. Raelynn thought of going to his home, but didn't want to seem desperate, so instead she sat at the bar and ordered a scotch, hoping to drown her loneliness in a few drinks. Unfortunately for Raelynn, John's friends remembered her from before and two of them immediately sidled over to her.

  "Not interested boys,” Raelynn said before the first of them had a chance to speak.

  "Oh so sorry thought I remembered you from the other night,” one of them commented.

  The other snickered before adding his comment, “What the hell did you do to our friend? He had the biggest shit eating grin on his face for three days."

  Raelynn turned to them both and grinned like the devil, “I'm not sure what you mean?” Quirking an eyebrow in askance, Raelynn turned back to her drink, motioned for the bartender to bring her another one, and gulped down the fiery liquid. “Listen boys, I would rather be left alone if it's all right with you."

  "I don't think so, just tell me, or better yet show me what you did with John and I will be more then happy to leave you alone."

  "Fine!” Raelynn ground out between clenched teeth. “You promise to leave me alone after that?” she looked back at the two men, glanced over their shoulders at the rest of the small group of friends. She motioned the bartender to her, whispered in her ear and watched as she poured the group double shots of scotch, then sent the waitress along to the table. “Now gentlemen if you will so kindly go and receive your just rewards at your table ... we're all good.” Raelynn flashed them a short, curt smile then turned back to look into her golden glass of liquid.

  The two men grumbled to each other and Raelynn was sure she heard the words, cold bitch come from one of them, but at least they left her alone after that.

  Raelynn waited for the rest of the night for John to make an appearance still nothing and she was growing desperate. At the end of the evening she left the bar and walked home alone lost in her thoughts.

  How pathetic am I? I stalked him for months and then was unable to finish the deal. She ranted as she left the bar. I should never have waited so long without a mate. My existence is in jeopardy, so stupid! Raelynn let out an ironic chuckle as she rounded the corner of the bar, grabbed from behind she was thrust up aga
inst a wall and kissed.

  Raelynn fought it as much as she could but knew that if she would just drink from this attacker she would have more time to pursue the man she wanted. Resigned to her fate, she kissed her attacker back, opened her eyes and inhaled sharp as she stared straight into John's green eyes.

  "It's almost midnight,” he told her.

  "Then I must go unless you want to see a part of me that will haunt you forever.” Raelynn replied.

  "I think we both have secrets that we fear the other will discover. It's the reason I like to know a woman before fucking her."

  Raelynn stared into John's eyes, wishing she was something other then what she was. Her expression grew from indecisive to shock. John's eyes changed, they swirled with a magic all vampires were taught to fear. Though Raelynn was not a vampire in the strictest sense, she was close enough to fear what John really was. A Hunter.

  "Did you know my nature?” Raelynn asked him, needing to know the answer before she did anything else.

  "Just now it occurred to me, you're not a drinker of blood ... a taker of life ... are you?"

  "No John, I'm not. I take something different in order to live. I am immortal in a sense; though I have a feeling it wouldn't take much on your part to kill me."

  Still John wouldn't relinquish his hold on her, he held her in place up against the wall with her legs wrapped around his waist, her mouth inches from his. Raelynn found the entire scene absurd, leaned in to John's full mouth, and kissed him with pent up desire and hunger.

  John didn't hesitate in responding, grinding his erection into her crotch he kissed her back, his magical eyes swirling in a vortex of emotions. Raelynn watched his eyes, was in fact fascinate by them.

  It wasn't until midnight actually fell that Raelynn ripped her mouth from his, battered at him until he let her go and fled.

  The Ending...?

  John was not about to let Raelynn get away. He was confused about his conflicting feelings. He should kill her; it was his destiny to kill those who lived off others. Vampires. Raelynn was different, she didn't take blood, she fed off sexual energy. What harm is there in that? He could find her easily, his magical powers, the very essence of him that allowed him to fight vampires and demons knew her scent, her soul. It would only be a matter of time.


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