Fallen For You (Killer Next Door #1)

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Fallen For You (Killer Next Door #1) Page 12

by Carlie Sexton

  Kate got to work with only a minute to spare, punching in at nine fifty-nine. She hadn’t turned on her cell phone yet. She wasn’t ready to deal with any messages from Neil, or worse, no messages from him. What if he decided she wasn’t worth the trouble? She couldn’t imagine anything worse.

  Making her way into the children’s department, racks of clothes were waiting for a home on the sales floor. She and Nat would have to rework the front pad to make room for new merchandise. Nat came bouncing in from the back, excited to hear about her date.

  “How did your date go last night?” she asked, barely able to contain her excitement. Kate proceeded to tell Natalie everything that happened as they put out the new clothes. A look of despair spread across Natalie’s face when she got to the part about David.

  “Oh no! I thought he already knew about David. It didn’t occur to me I was betraying your trust. He seemed to know. I’m so sorry, Kate. Please forgive me.”

  Natalie’s eyes filled with tears. Kate wrapped her arms around her friend.

  “Of course I forgive you. You have been there for me through so much. This isn’t your fault, Nat,” she said, pulling Natalie close. They hugged for a moment. Kate realized Neil had said the same thing to her. Natalie thought she had told him. This said a lot about his character. He wanted to protect her relationship with Natalie more than he wanted to defend himself. Her decision was made. She’d give Neil Statton another chance.


  It was five o’clock and thankfully, as predicted, the day had vanished effortlessly. They had been so busy Kate scarcely had time to take a lunch break. She took fifteen minutes to eat and then returned to work. Her phone was in her purse and had been locked up in security all day. She hadn’t turned it on to check messages during her short lunch break. The fear of having no messages from Neil had overtaken her, and she didn’t want to spend the afternoon broken-hearted. She and Natalie punched out and proceeded down the back stairwell. They were both glad the day was over.

  “What a crazy day,” Natalie said. “I can’t remember ever being that busy in September.”

  “I know. I love busy days like this. But it’s exhausting.”

  “Are you going to call him?”

  Kate took her phone out of her purse and turned it on. She had seven messages. Relief spread across her body. She read the latest text from Neil.

  Neil Statton: Any hope for another chance?

  She smiled, relieved. He was still pursuing her. Reading his text sent a warm feeling over her, causing her heavy heart to lighten.

  “Yeah, I’m going to call him.” She dialed his number and got voice mail. She was disappointed, but got ready to leave a message.

  “Hi, Neil, it’s Kate. The answer to your question is yes. I’m going to give you another chance. Call me.” She hit the end button.

  “I’m so relieved I haven’t blown things for you,” Natalie said.

  “Oh, Nat, you could never blow things for me.”

  As they climbed the stairs to the parking deck, she saw Neil leaning against her car. He looked so good in the black slacks and white shirt that showed off his broad shoulders and highlighted his golden skin.

  “Looks like you have a date tonight,” Natalie said with a wink. She squeezed Kate’s hand and moved toward her own car. “I’ll see you on Tuesday.”

  Kate didn’t even respond. Her eyes were locked on the handsome, determined man waiting for her. Her pace quickened as she approached him. All she could think about was how special Neil made her feel. He was sincere and sweet and sensitive. She wanted him, and she found it sexy as hell that he was waiting for her, still pursuing her. She walked right up to him, pressing her body against his. Neil wrapped his arms around her waist.

  Breathing him in, she asked, “What are you doing here?”

  “You didn’t answer any of my messages, so I thought I’d make my plea in person. I’m so sorry—” She put her finger to his lips to stop him from talking.

  “I spoke with Nat about it this morning,” she said. “She didn’t realize you didn’t know, like you said. I can understand it’d be easy for something to be shared and you not know how to react. I know you’re curious. I want to tell you more about myself.”

  Then she reached up on her tiptoes and lightly kissed him. Her light kiss turned into a ravenous one as Neil grabbed onto her head and invaded her mouth. He seized her and she let him. It felt so good to kiss him. She put her hands around his neck and pressed her body into his. He took her breath away with his passion. He slowed and began trailing kisses over her face and down her neck.

  “I’m really glad you’re here. Have you been waiting long?” she asked a little breathlessly.

  “No,” he said. “But even if I had, you’re worth waiting for. I became worried when I didn’t hear back from you today.”

  “I’m sorry. I turned my phone off last night and just turned it back on again a few seconds ago. I left you a message.”

  “I know. I heard it as I saw you coming up the stairs,” he said, sliding his hands on her hips to keep her body against his. She could feel his erection against her stomach. “I realized I’d left my phone in the car when I heard it ringing. I just missed you.” Looking into her eyes, he planted another soft kiss on her lips. His kiss turned more fervent, his mouth suddenly engulfing hers again. He invaded her and his tongue made sweeping strokes over hers. Slowing his kiss, he gently bit her lower lip. Then his mouth released hers.

  “Are you hungry? I made reservations for us at The Marine Room…in case.”

  “Yes, I am,” she said, letting her body melt into his. She was actually just hungry for him.

  “Good. I’m parked right next to you. I’ll drive and bring you back to your car later.”

  Kate loved that he was a take-charge kind of man and was surprised how content she felt to have him make the decisions. He took her by the hand and led her to his car. He opened her door and she climbed in. It had the new-car smell she loved so much. Somehow, everything felt right with the world. She was going to dinner with a generous, affectionate man who wanted her. More importantly, she wanted him. It was scary, but she was willing to take a chance on finding happiness again in her life.

  Neil pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward the freeway. “So, how was your day?”

  “We were insanely busy, so it went by quickly. I love busy days. It helps out since I cut my hours back to go to school full-time.”

  “That’s good.”

  “How was your day?”

  “I had an eight o’clock tee time with my dad. After golfing, we had lunch with my mom. I took the liberty of telling her about you. I had already talked to my dad on the course. They both want to meet you.”

  “Wow, so you were pretty confident I’d forgive you, huh?”

  “Like I’ve said before, I’m determined to get my way. Plus, I argue my point for a living. I figured if I could get you in close quarters then I’d have a chance to convince you to at least have dinner with me so I could state my case.”

  She laughed at his arrogance, yet quietly was thankful for it too.

  “Tell me, counselor, how would it have gone if I hadn’t let you off the hook?” she asked playfully, placing her hand on his thigh.

  “After apologizing I would have pulled out all the stops by kissing you passionately, reminding you of last night, the first of what I hope will be many nights together. I would have told you meeting you has changed me. You’ve made me want more.”

  He picked up her hand and kissed it.

  “That would have worked, counselor,” she said, her smile widening. “You have changed things for me too. I feel safe enough to be real with you. That’s huge for me. I’m only my real self for a select few.”

  As she finished her sentence, they pulled up in front of The Marine Room. Kate had never eaten there before. It was an expensive beach front restaurant in La Jolla and she’d never been able to afford the luxurious dining experience. The valet opened
her door and held out his hand to help her out of the car. He greeted Neil, calling him Mr. Statton. Obviously, Neil was a regular.

  “Good evening, Jim. How’s business tonight?” Neil asked, throwing Jim the keys.

  “A little bit slow so far, but it’s still early.” Jim took the car to park it. Neil held out his hand to her. She took it eagerly. Their fingers interlocked.

  “I hope you like this place,” he said, looking at her seductively.

  “I’ve never been here before, but I’ve heard the food’s delicious.”

  “It is, but not anywhere near as delicious as you,” he said, raising her hand to kiss it.

  Blushing, she felt a jolt between her legs. He was pretty scrumptious himself.

  They walked up to the hostess. She seemed extremely happy to see Neil.

  “Good evening, Mr. Statton,” she said, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Good evening. I have a reservation, but we’re a little early.”

  “That’s not a problem. We have a table ready for you, Mr. Statton,” she said, her eyes fixed on his. Kate wasn’t too happy to see the hostess staring at Neil, her gaze roving over his body. But he was a beautiful specimen, so she really couldn’t blame her.

  They followed the hostess out to a table next to a floor-to-ceiling window. The view of the ocean was breathtaking with the waves crashing on the beach. The trees swayed in the breeze as if the wind was serenading them. Neil pulled out Kate’s chair before sitting down across from her. The hostess handed them their menus. Neil ordered wine and some crab cakes.

  “It looks like you have an admirer,” Kate said, mock jealousy in her voice.

  Neil grinned. “I have that effect on women.”

  “Wow, and you’re so humble too. How do you handle all of the admiration?” She shook her head.

  “It’s a challenge, but somebody has to do it.”

  They both laughed.

  “So, what’s your favorite dish on the menu?”

  “There are too many tasty treats to have one favorite. But you have to start with the pear and arugula salad. It’s the best. We’ll end with the chocolate cake for dessert, but I thought we could take it back to my place. After last night, the only way I can eat dessert now is off of your luscious body. You’ve ruined me forever.”

  His salacious smile made her squirm in her seat. She flushed as her mind recounted him licking cheesecake off her body.

  “Mm…” She smiled. “Last night was the best dessert I’ve ever had. I especially enjoyed how you served it to me.”

  “Me too, my beauty.”

  Their waiter walked up with their wine. Kate’s eyes were locked on Neil’s, so she didn’t realize right away their waiter was someone she knew.

  “Good evening, Mr. Statton,” Mark said, nodding and smiling. Then he turned to greet Kate, and his smile turned to a flat line. He didn’t say anything at first. “Miss,” he said coldly.

  “Good evening, Mark,” Neil said.

  Kate was at a loss for words, so she nodded back at Mark, mentally recalling their interaction on Thursday. So much had happened since then, and Mark hadn’t called her like he said. Why was she feeling so uncomfortable? She wasn’t cheating on him. He wasn’t her boyfriend. Nothing had happened between them. But still, her heart hurt looking into his eyes.

  “How are you doing this evening?” Mark asked Neil as he opened the bottle of wine and began pouring.

  “I’m wonderful. It’s a beautiful night. I’m here with my beautiful woman. What could be better?” Neil said proudly.

  Mark gave a curt smile and a nod. He turned his gaze to Kate, his glare like daggers slashing at her heart. She could tell he was angry, but there was nothing she could do about it. Neil didn’t seem to notice as he took a sip of wine.

  “Is the wine to your satisfaction, sir?” Mark asked.

  “Yes, everything’s beyond my satisfaction,” he replied, looking across the table at Kate. She gave a slight smile. She couldn’t help but feel awkward.

  “Very good, sir. The crab cakes should be out momentarily. Are you ready to order?”

  Neil looked at Kate with raised eyebrows. “Baby, do you know what you want?”

  Mark’s jaw dropped.

  “Yes, I’ll have the pear salad and the halibut,” she said, handing her menu to Mark.

  “And for you, sir?”

  “I’ll have the pear salad too, and the filet mignon.”

  Neil lifted his menu and Mark took it.



  Mark turned quickly and walked away. He was pissed. What the hell is she doing here with him? He put their order in and then punched the kitchen wall. “Damn it,” he sneered, exhaling loudly. He shook his hand. He saw their crab cakes were ready. Now he had to go back out there and see her being ogled again.

  Mark brought out the crab cakes, placed them on the table, and moved away without speaking. Usually, he was very engaging with Mr. Statton, but he didn’t care about his tip right now. He hoped he’d somehow have a chance to talk to Kate privately. Maybe she’d excuse herself to the ladies’ room.



  “Do you two know each other?” Neil asked. “You both seem uncomfortable, and Mark’s acting strange. Is something going on I should know about?”

  Kate took a big sip of wine. “I see why you’re a good lawyer. You’re very perceptive, counselor. Mark goes to school with me. He has expressed interest in me. He’s the one I told you about at lunch on Thursday who wants to be my study partner. I gave him my phone number, but he never called. So, technically nothing’s going on between us.” She took another sip of wine.

  “Technically…I see,” Neil said. “So he isn’t some random guy who wants to fuck you, he’s someone you see every day who wants to fuck you. It’s written all over his face.” He exhaled sharply. He was infuriated.

  Kate didn’t know what to say. She took a bite of her crab cake.

  “How many classes do you have with him?” Neil growled.

  “All of them.”

  “Great, so you see him every day the entire time you’re at school.”

  “Yes, but like I said, nothing has happened between us. Plus, he has so many girls interested in him, I’m sure his feelings for me will fade away quickly,” she said, reaching her hand out to his, but not quite touching him.

  Neil took a bite of his crab cakes. Kate stared at him, hoping he’d say something. An awkward silence fell between them while they both sipped their wine. Mark delivered their salads and refilled their wine glasses. The silence was deafening.

  After Mark strolled away, she broke the silence. “I’m not interested in him. I want you. I gave myself to you last night. I’m not the kind of girl to sleep around with a bunch of different guys. Last night was special to me.” She couldn’t mask the hurt in her voice.

  Neil sighed, relaxing. “I’m sorry. That’s what I needed to hear, baby. I told you last night I want to be your man. I can’t stand the thought of you being with anyone else. You have me and I don’t want anyone else to have you. Tell me you’re mine, that you won’t be with any other man,” he pleaded.

  Kate could see the need in his eyes. She reached her hand out to his again. He placed his hand on hers and began stroking her thumb with his. She was taken aback by his openness, but it gave her courage to be honest.

  “I’m yours, Neil. I don’t want anyone else. Please believe me.”

  “Good, baby. That’s what I need to know. I know I sound desperate, but I don’t care. I want you and I need you. You’re the first woman I’ve needed since…in a really long time. I don’t want to lose you.”

  He motioned to a waitress walking by. “Please tell our waiter we need our dinner to go. We’ll also need these salads wrapped up. Please have him include one slice of the chocolate cake,” he commanded.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” he said, turning to her, “but I don’t want to share you anymore. We can eat dinner on my terrace.”

  Kate was relieved. “That would be great. I’m going to go to the ladies’ room before we go.” Neil stood up and she headed to the bathroom.


  Kate exited the bathroom stall and practically ran into Mark.

  “Mark, what are you doing in here?” she asked, startled as she heard the door lock.

  “A better question is, what are you doing here with him?”

  “How’s that any of your business? You’re not my boyfriend. In fact, I heard all about you spending the night with Melanie.”

  “Who?” he asked. “Oh, she doesn’t matter.” He grabbed Kate by the shoulders, his fingers digging into her arms. “Neil Statton comes here every week with a different woman. He wants one thing from you. He’s a player!” he shouted, glaring at her.

  “Take your hands off me, Mark. It obviously takes one to know one. You have groupies following you around at school like you’re a rock star. Do you really expect me to believe you aren’t sleeping around with them? Like I said, I know about Melanie. You slept with her the same day you expressed interest in me,” she hissed. “So, are you the pot or the kettle in this scenario?”

  Mark lowered his head. “You’re right. He and I have a lot in common when it comes to women. But is he willing to be exclusive with you? I am. I want you. I know you’re not a one-night stand.”

  Kate was looking up into Mark’s blazing green eyes. He looked sincere, but she believed Neil was sincere too. She’d already made her choice. She’d given her heart to Neil.

  “Neil wants to be exclusive with me as well. This is my fifth date with him. He doesn’t view me as a one-night stand. I have feelings for him. I’m sorry if this hurts you.”


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