The Heir's Unexpected Baby

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The Heir's Unexpected Baby Page 10

by Jules Bennett

  “My wife was shopping when a robber decided to randomly open fire. He turned the gun on himself before the cops arrived.”

  Jack swallowed, turning away when moisture gathered in Viv’s expressive brown eyes.

  “She was shopping for baby furniture,” he whispered, when his own emotions threatened to take hold.

  Viv’s audible intake of breath pulled his focus back to her. “I wasn’t there with her. I only had one month left in the service and I was getting out, because we were planning the family we always wanted.”


  Viv reached for him...and he let her. Perhaps he needed the contact, or maybe he was just a glutton for punishment, because he wanted more of her touch whether it was the right thing to do or not.

  She took his hands, squeezing them in hers as she stared up at him. “I don’t even know what to say.”

  Tears spilled down her cheeks. He’d never had someone shed a tear for him before, never let anyone get close enough to care.

  “I know that pain,” she whispered. “Losing what you want more than anything in this world.”

  He opened his mouth to question her, because there was definitely a story there, but she kept going as if she hadn’t just alluded to a dark past of her own.

  “But you’re the strongest person I’ve ever known. Don’t you want to move on and take back what was stolen from you?”

  Jack gritted his teeth. “I want to bring down criminals who skirt the law and believe they’re above reproach.”

  She let his hands drop as she reached up to frame his face. “And what about your personal life?”

  When she stared at him in such a caring way, Jack realized that, their passionate night of sex aside, she got him. She understood him because she had her own demons.

  “I opened myself up once, Viv.” He gripped her wrists and eased them away from his face. “I won’t make that mistake again. I’ve chosen to devote my life to seeking justice.”

  “Even at the cost of your own happiness?”

  Jack let go and stepped back. “I have homes in three countries, so much work I’m turning clients away and I’m about to bring down the biggest Mafia family Boston has ever seen. How could I not be happy?”

  The corners of Viv’s mouth tipped in a sad smile. “The fact you equate happiness with material things tells me all I need to know.”

  She pulled her office chair out and took a seat. Jiggling the mouse on her computer, she brought her screen to life. “I have some emails to sort through. Go ahead and close the door on your way out.”

  Jack stared at the back of her head for a split second before he whirled her chair back around. Leaning down, he curled his fingers around the arms. Her eyes widened in shock as he jerked the chair even closer, so their faces were only a breath apart.

  “I warned you once about dismissing me,” he murmured against her mouth. “Just because I refuse to commit doesn’t mean I don’t still crave you.”

  He crushed his mouth to hers, damning himself for letting his emotions guide his actions. Reaching up to grip his hair, she didn’t hesitate in opening for him.

  Encircling Viv’s waist with his hands, Jack hauled her up against him. Without breaking contact, he shifted until he was leaning against the edge of her desk and she stood between his legs.

  One taste wouldn’t be enough. He’d known that the moment he’d stepped into her bedroom. He was doomed to repeat the performance, and he didn’t give a damn if they did it right here in her office.

  A chime interrupted erotic thoughts of Viv spread out on her desk, begging. He wanted to ignore the cell in his pocket, but business always came first.

  Viv tore her mouth from his, taking a step back and smoothing her skirt down. Shoving her hair behind her ears, she turned to face the window, as if she were ashamed.

  He’d have to deal with that later. He’d wanted a kiss, and damn it, he wasn’t going to deny himself anymore when she wanted it, too. Jack pulled the cell from his pocket and answered without looking at the screen.

  “Jack Carson.”

  “Jack, Braden O’Shea. I hear you’re looking to work together.”

  In an instant, Jack’s back straightened. “Braden.”

  Viv jerked around, eyes wide. Jack had to ignore the swollen lips he’d just tasted. His body was still revved up from having her plastered against him. Her curves were something he couldn’t deny himself...and that was going to have to be addressed sooner rather than later.

  “I’ll meet with you on my terms,” Braden stated.

  “Depends on the terms,” Jack retorted. He wasn’t about to hand over control so easily.

  “You can come by our main office on Friday after we close. We’re a bit busy this week.”

  Yeah, with the Feds breathing down your neck.

  “Friday it is,” Jack agreed. “See you then.”

  “One more thing.”

  Jack gripped the phone, pinning Viv with his gaze as he listened. “What’s that?”

  “If you try to play both sides, you’ll regret it.”

  Jack laughed. “Threats don’t work on me. You’d do best to remember that.”

  He disconnected the call, making sure Braden knew full well going into this little meeting who was in charge.

  “He threatened you?” Viv whispered.

  Jack slid the cell back into his pocket and waved a hand. “We came to an understanding.”

  Viv wrapped her arms around her abdomen. “If you get hurt...”

  “I’m fine. This all will come to an end soon.”

  Pursing her lips, Viv glanced down at the floor. She was a confident woman, one of the qualities he found so damn sexy, but something was wrong.

  “About earlier—”

  She jerked her eyes back up to his. “Don’t apologize.”

  “Fair enough, since I wasn’t going to.” He reached out, palming her face with his hand. He stroked her full bottom lip. “I want you in my bed. My bed. I won’t make excuses or promises. You’re what I crave and I intend to have you again.”

  She swiped the tip of her tongue across her lip, catching the pad of his thumb and sending another jolt of arousal through him.

  “Maybe I want more than just to be the one to scratch your itch.”

  Jack laughed as he hauled her against his body once again. “Honey, you’re not just scratching an itch. I’ve had that before.”

  “So what am I?” she pressed.

  “You need a label? Can’t this just be simple?”

  Viv laughed in turn. “No, it can’t.”

  Jack pulled in a deep breath, careful to choose his next words wisely. “I can’t name this, Viv. What we have... I’ve never done this before. You’re my assistant, my friend.”

  “Your lover.”

  He nodded. “That’s what I’m offering, no more.”

  She cocked her head with a quirk of her brow. “Is everything a business deal with you?”

  “There’s no other way to live.”

  Viv stared back, silence heavy in the narrow gap between them. “There’s every other way to live. Happiness, building on your dreams, raising a family.”

  And all that had been robbed from him, making him detach from ever wanting such luxuries again.

  “Looks like I only scratched that itch, after all,” she murmured. “I have goals I’m moving toward and I won’t let anyone get in my matter how much I may care for him.”

  Viv turned away and circled her desk as she headed out of her office. That jasmine scent clung all around him, mocking him with the promise of a woman he’d had, but never would again. And he had nobody to blame but himself.


  Viv sank into the desk chair in her office at O’Shea’s
. After an hour of answering questions from the Feds, with Braden, Mac, Ryker and Laney all present, her nerves were shot and she needed a moment to herself.

  She was still reeling from the emotional roller coaster she was on with Jack. One minute he was telling her no, the next he was kissing her as if he needed her more than air. She wanted him, that was never in question. But she’d also come to realize she deserved more than an occasional romp whenever he wanted...which was exactly the tacky proposal he’d delivered.

  Katie’s adoption was another emotional standoff Viv found herself in. Her first instinct was to say absolutely yes, but that was the selfish side of her. She wanted to truly think about this from every angle. Viv had lain awake most of the night worrying if she could provide the best environment for Katie to grow up in.

  She lived in an apartment, with no yard for a child to play. She was a single parent, and Katie deserved two.

  But Katie was comfortable with her. They were already a team in the short time they’d been together. Letting Katie go to another family would be crushing, not just for Viv, but possibly for the baby, too. Even though she was just shy of a year old, Katie had already experienced enough trauma in her life. Stability was essential for children.

  Approaching footsteps had Viv snapping out of her reverie. Braden.

  “You have a second?”

  As if she’d tell him no. Viv nodded and came to her feet.

  “Sit down.” He motioned with his hand as he crossed to the accent chair across from her desk. “I appreciate you coming in early and going over the Feds’ questions with me. They have a tendency to be redundant, trying to get us to slip up.”

  “I have nothing to hide.” Lie of the century. “So there’s no slipping up.”

  He gave a clipped nod as he crossed his ankle over his knee. “Loyalty is of the utmost importance in our line of work. We appreciate you hanging in there through this past year. It’s been a bit of a rocky road.”

  Viv offered a smile, despite her stomach clenching in knots. “I need the job and I value family. Working here is a perfect fit for my lifestyle.”

  Braden laced his fingers over his abdomen and held her in place with those intense green eyes of his. “How is the foster situation going with Katie?”

  As tightly as her lies were woven, she always had to prepare a quick response in her head before she delivered it. One misplaced word or action could be detrimental to not only her, but Jack, as well. Despite whatever was going on with them personally, she would never jeopardize his work.

  Viv let out a sigh. No way was she going to reveal the fact she might be adopting Katie, either.

  “It’s going really well. Katie has adjusted and I’m planning a little cake and a fun outing for her birthday next week. If the weather cooperates we’ll go sledding.”

  “Bring her out to the estate. We have plenty of room and slopes.”

  Viv stilled, hoping her smile didn’t falter. She’d been to Braden’s home only once, for the Christmas party where Jack had insisted on being her date, albeit in disguise.

  If she was invited to their house again, clearly they continued to trust her and didn’t suspect a thing. Yet Viv couldn’t help but wonder if any of them even knew that journal existed. Most likely not. She’d found it shoved in the secret compartment in the top of her desk...a desk they’d assigned her to.

  Unless it had been a plant. Would she be pulled into some downward spiral by failing a test?

  Paranoia was not her best quality, yet she couldn’t help but look at this scenario from every possible angle. That’s the only way she could be prepared for the fallout.

  “I may take you up on that,” she replied. “I know she’s only turning one, but I want her first birthday to be special.”

  “She’s lucky to have you.” Braden eased forward in his seat, planting his elbows on his knees. “I’d like to ask you something.”

  Why did she have to be so on edge? He was just a man. A powerful, mysterious man who might or might not be on his way to prison.

  “What’s that?”

  “Would you consider coming on here full-time?”

  Shocked, she shifted in her seat. Definitely not what she thought he was going to ask. Not that she had a clue as to what he’d been thinking, but never once did she consider they’d want her here more often.

  “I know you have Katie to think about, as well, but we’d be more than happy to accommodate you if you need to bring her in every now and then.” Braden’s chiseled face broke out into a wide smile, softening his harsh features. “It’s not like this place won’t be filled with babies soon enough, anyway.”

  With his own wife and sister expecting, Braden was definitely immersed in the baby world. This was one area he was going to get a crash course in very shortly.

  “How soon do you need my answer?” She’d have to discuss this with Jack, and see if it was even possible for Martha to watch Katie more often.

  “Laney would like to start working from home more, so you’d be picking up a little of her work, plus Zara and I would be coming in to take up the slack, as well. If you could just let me know in the next few weeks.”

  Hopefully, in that time the case would be wrapped up and she wouldn’t be here. Part of her couldn’t help the guilt that settled heavily in her chest. Over the past year, she’d gotten to know the O’Sheas. No matter the rumors surrounding them, or how Jack felt about them, she truly believed they wanted to move forward and just focus on auctions and growing their family. They might obtain some of their items through less than legal ways, but they weren’t hardened criminals. Or murderers.

  Patrick O’Shea may have done things differently, but Viv would bet just about anything that Braden, Mac and Ryker had nothing to do with the Parkers’ deaths. Still, there was no evidence either way.

  “I’ll think about it,” she assured him. “Katie is my top priority right now, so I need to do what’s best for her.”

  Braden came to his feet. “I wouldn’t expect any less from you. I’ll let you get back to work. We have the final inventory list coming in this morning. I believe there are seventy-two pieces for you to input.”

  Viv nodded with a smile. “I’ll be looking for the email.”

  Once she was alone, she blew out a breath and rubbed her temples. If she were a drinking woman, she’d take a whole bottle of something strong right about now. But she was a simple girl, and a scented bubble bath and a good book would do the trick... Too bad she had no time for the mental breakdown she deserved.

  And at the heart of everything going on was Jack. He’d gotten her into this impossible situation with the O’Sheas, he’d turned her emotional life inside out and he’d left her wanting more. She’d walk through fire for that frustrating man and he was willing to settle for a romp in the sack.

  Some fantasies weren’t meant to be fulfilled. She just wished she could get the image of him in her bed out of her mind. Each time she lay down, she felt him, ached for him. And she didn’t know if she’d ever get over that need.

  * * *

  Tilly had the week off, but she’d come by and prepared food to keep him going and promised to leave him alone. She was either worried he’d starve or she was nosy...and he knew the answer.

  She’d given him a wink and told him she’d made more cheesecake. Damn it, the woman knew his plans for the night and he hadn’t even said a word. Which was why their relationship was utterly perfect.

  Still, she could make all the cheesecakes she wanted, could throw him that knowing grin and think she knew what he was up to during his personal time, but she had no idea.

  In all honesty, he couldn’t grasp his own thoughts lately, not when it came to Viv and all the unwanted emotions she’d conjured up.

  Tonight, though, he’d called her to his house because of business. No other r
eason. He wouldn’t even let his mind go down the path toward anything personal. He’d offered her all he had to give; she’d turned him away. They wanted completely opposite things in life, which he’d known going in. But that didn’t stop him from wanting her.

  Jack downed the rest of his whiskey just as his doorbell rang. He slammed his tumbler onto his desk and headed down the curved staircase. The exterior lights shone on Viv, revealing her shape through the etched-glass door. There was no mistaking that luscious figure. His hands itched to touch her intimately. Hell, he’d been aching for her since he’d left her bed days ago.

  As soon as he used his fingerprint on the security panel and opened the door, he knew the possibility of having her tonight wasn’t on the table. Not that Katie on her hip was the issue, because she’d fall asleep eventually, but Viv’s eyes narrowed on his a half second before she pushed her way into his foyer.

  “Good evening to you, too,” he muttered as he closed the door.

  “You demand I come by after work and won’t tell me why.” She slid the hood off Katie’s head and Jack reached over and eased the baby from Viv’s arms. “So I rushed to pick her up and get here, thinking something was wrong, but as I’m driving in this hellacious weather, I realize nothing is wrong and you’re just being you.”

  Jack unfastened Katie’s coat as Viv jerked her own off and flung it over the banister. She took Katie back, then removed her coat and tossed it there, as well.

  “So, now that we’re here, what could you possibly want that you couldn’t text or call about?”

  Jack crossed his arms and didn’t even try to hide the smile that spread across his face. Was now a bad time to tell her how damn hot she looked when she got worked up? Because this fire and passion shooting from her was seriously turning him on.

  Damn it. He didn’t need to be more turned on by her. He needed to cool it. She wanted things he’d given up on. And she deserved every bit of what she worked for. He just wished she’d give in to what they both wanted while she was on the path to her dreams.


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