Accidental Dragon Spell [Fury 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Accidental Dragon Spell [Fury 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 5

by Marcy Jacks

Chapter Seven

  He was inside. It was happening. The dragon shifter was inside him, and it felt so fucking wonderful that Sebby nearly came right then and there.

  His toes curled. His body seized up, and he thought for sure that it would happen, especially as those fingers began to wiggle deep inside him, reaching for something and then touching it with familiarity.

  Gold had done this before.

  Good to know since Sebby hadn’t.

  His first time was going to be with a dragon shifter he’d forced into a mating with him, a man who didn’t even want him. Not really. And yet they were going to fuck each other. They were going to consummate the mating to ease the ache Gold felt.

  For Sebby, it was bad enough, though he imagined the actual shifter in this scenario was getting it so much worse than he was.

  Which was the reason why he’d told himself he was going to do this. At first.

  Sebby had put Gold into this position, and Gold insisted he wasn’t being forced, so why not give the man what he needed to feel better?

  Sebby just hadn’t expected it to feel so good.

  He didn’t expect Gold to take the time that he did, for him to wiggle and scissor his fingers like that.

  To make Sebby feel even better than when they’d started this.

  He’d thought the dragon shifter would be angry enough that he’d just start shoving away, that he would pay no mind to Sebby’s pleasure.

  Or pain.

  There was some pain, a discomfort that came with being stretched open in ways his body wasn’t used to, but at the same time, the heat, the burn that came with the stretching, and then the pleasure, far outweighed any pain that came first with being breached.

  And it wasn’t just that Gold played with his hole. The man pulled his fingers out from time to time, sliding his fingers up and down his crease with an expertise Sebby never would have expected.

  He remembered Gold’s order. For him to not say a word unless it was Gold’s name or yes.

  He didn’t want to keep to that. He wanted to tell the other man how good that felt, how he wanted so much more. How he wanted a thicker penetration and a harder burn that came from just having fingers inside him.

  He wanted the man’s cock.

  “Gold, fuck me. Please.”

  A hard smack got him on his ass cheek. Sebby yelped.

  “I said no talking.”

  Sebby groaned. He pressed his face down onto his hands. He wanted to scream and shout, but he couldn’t.

  The only thing he could do was thrust his ass back against those wicked fingers.

  If Sebby was going to force another man to soul bond with him and mate with him, then at least he’d done it with a guy who, while rightfully angry, knew what he was doing.

  And then Gold apparently decided to give Sebby the thing he’d been desperate for.

  Sebby gasped when he felt the crown of Gold’s cock pushing against his hole.

  “This is what I want.” Gold growled, the lust that had come into his voice suddenly leaving him, something cruel taking its place.

  “You’re mine after this.” Gold leaned in close to Sebby’s ear. “You tried to take control of me. You tried to turn me into your slave. From this point on, I’m not yours, but you are mine. Understand?”

  It took Sebby a second before he realized that was a yes or no question.


  Gold’s hand curled around Sebby’s throat. He leaned in, pressed his lips to his neck, and then thrust inside.

  The sudden rush, the sensation of being filled, of being stretched, claimed, was almost too much for him to bear.

  Sebby cried out. He was pushed against the counter. It dug into his lower belly while the force of Gold’s body shoved against him.

  The power of the man, what Sebby had thought he had, was nothing compared to this. This…was bliss.

  “Oh God. Oh fuck,” Sebby moaned, completely forgetting about Gold’s rules for him. Those rules didn’t matter so long as the man fucked him so well.

  Sebby held tightly to the counter. If it wasn’t there to hold him up, if Gold wasn’t right behind him to hold him up from that side as well, he might not have stood a chance of keeping to his feet.

  And he wanted more. He wanted to participate. Sebby wanted to feel the lips of the dragon on his back as he was fucked, and when he didn’t feel them, he pushed his hips back against Gold’s cock.

  He glanced back, just to make sure the man was still in his human shape because the way he moved seemed so animal.

  No. He was definitely still human back there. Though his eyes were a bright shade of red and some of his golden scales were coming in through his skin on his cheeks and shoulders. When had he taken his shirt off?

  It didn’t matter. Especially when those eyes looked right into his.

  Sebby’s breath caught in his throat. He wasn’t sure why. He couldn’t exactly explain what it was about that stare, but something just…clicked.

  Then, finally, Gold kissed him on the mouth.

  The heat. The sweet sensation and heat was almost too much. Sebby moaned into that mouth, and his body couldn’t contain the rush of pleasure that hit.

  He was shoved clean off that edge and into orgasm. He felt as though he was drowning in sensation. In pleasure. In Gold.

  “Goddamn,” Gold muttered. His hands fell to Sebby’s hips. He gripped so tightly there was a good chance he would leave handprints later.

  Sebby wouldn’t mind that.

  “You got a hair trigger in there or what?”

  Gold asked that even as he still fucked into him.

  Sebby wanted to laugh, but the pleasure was too much. Even as he emptied himself, even as he felt his body convulsing and clenching with the release of adrenaline and pleasure that had been building in his stomach, he felt more coming.

  He felt as though he was still on the verge of orgasm. He was still reaching.

  And he wanted it.


  Gold’s hand came up. The man slid his palm along Sebby’s neck. The grip was just tight enough to make his heart jump without actually cutting off his air, and then Sebby thrust two fingers into Sebby’s mouth.

  Sebby sucked on them without being told to. He wasn’t sure why he wanted to suck on them so much or why the act of having them thrust back and forth against his lips and tongue made his dick jump even more. Made his body hotter. Made his hands scramble down for his dick.

  Gold yanked those fingers out of his mouth, grabbing Sebby’s wrist and pulling it back onto the counter. “I said you don’t get to touch that.”

  Sebby moaned, as though he was in mourning from such a cruel decision. “I want to. I need it!”

  Gold leaned in. Sebby felt sharp teeth sliding against his throat. He shivered when Gold’s warm breath followed. “You want me to touch your cock while I’m inside you.”

  He accented his thrusting until his body was practically punching inside of Sebby.

  Sebby clenched his hands onto the counter. A thin layer of sweat began to build on his forehead. This was almost too much to bear. The pleasure was scrambling his brain.

  “Answer me.”

  Sebby nodded, pulling enough brain cells together to get what he needed. “Y-yes.”


  Sebby thought for sure Gold would touch him, that Gold would end his suffering, but he didn’t. He continued to fuck into him.

  He was teasing Sebby. It seemed almost cruel, but at least Sebby was getting this much relief. Honestly, it could be so much worse than it already was. At least Gold was fucking him at all.

  Then Sebby felt it coming again, his second orgasm. He was being rushed back up that steep plateau for another nosedive into pleasure unlike anything he’d ever known, and he couldn’t wait to get there.

  Until Gold finally took ahold of his cock, gripping tight enough at the base that his orgasm was cut off at the head.

  Sebby moaned out loud. The disappointment, the shoc
k hit him hard, and he looked back at the other man, confused.

  “What are you doing?”

  Gold looked right into his eyes, those red orbs flashing as he continued to slowly punch his hips forward, giving Sebby pleasure as well as denying it.

  “You’re out of your damned mind if you think I’m letting you come before me again. Two times before I come once? Forget it.”

  Sebby gasped for breath with each thrust. Despite how much he wanted it, needed it, he couldn’t help but think that this was fair.

  Also, at the very least, it allowed him and Gold to be intimate for a little while longer. Sebby got to enjoy the feeling of having this man inside him for a few more minutes.

  But now, instead of desperately wanting an orgasm, Sebby was left desperately wishing Gold would come inside him.

  He wanted to know what that felt like before they did anything else.

  He felt it, as well. Just as clearly as he felt the power within the other man, Sebby felt the need for him to reach his pleasure.

  Something inside him, possibly the mating, made Sebby want to give Gold the best damned orgasm he’d ever had in his life.

  Sebby put more effort into pushing back against the other man. He clenched his hole with Gold’s rhythm, always whenever the man pushed inside him, again and again.

  “That feels good,” Sebby moaned because it was the truth and because he’d heard that talking during sex could be a real turn-on for some people. “I like that. I…” He didn’t know what to say. “I want you to fuck me harder.”

  Gold growled, but at least he did as he was asked, and Sebby’s toes positively curled.

  Was this what sex was supposed to be like for most people? Was this how they felt whenever they were being intimate with their partners? Or was this sensation brought on by the mating only?

  He didn’t know, and in that moment, he didn’t care. Sebby existed to please this man. He existed for no one else but Gold, and he wanted to give him every bit of pleasure Sebby was getting in return.

  Then Gold groaned for him, his already powerful thrusts going to a whole other level as his pulsing cock teased Sebby’s prostate again and again. Even the sensation of having the man’s hand around his dick wasn’t enough to stop him from feeling this kind of pleasure or to stop his orgasm from coming to him again.

  “G-Gold, I’m coming. I’m coming again.” Sebby tried to warn the man then cried out when the force of his pleasure pushed beyond Gold’s hand. He came hard. Harder than the first time. That should have been impossible, but it happened.

  He was going to have to clean up in this kitchen when they were done, but then any embarrassment Sebby felt over coming all over the man’s cupboards vanished immediately when Gold groaned hard, his body tensing, jerking, just before a rush of warmth flooded deep inside Sebby’s body.

  And it was…he had no words. The best feeling of his life? The feeling of being complete for the first time ever? Bliss? Euphoria?

  He’d need to be a poet to describe this. He felt as though he was coming home. Home to his lover. Where he belonged.

  Sebby sighed when he felt nothing more coming. Gold’s body slumped against his back. Warmth breath ghosted against his ear and neck.

  It was as if there was a big, heavy blanket covering him in that moment. It was nice. Sebby liked it.

  He turned his head as far as he could in his current position, still basking in the glow of orgasm, Gold’s cock still inside him.

  He leaned in, Gold’s lips too much to resist.

  He kissed the man on the mouth.

  Gold yanked back, his expression changing quickly. From bliss and satisfaction to that anger once more.

  “Don’t do that.”

  Sebby blinked. Not understanding. “I…don’t kiss you?”

  Gold glared at him. He pulled back. That was fine, but wiping the back of his hand across his mouth knifed Sebby in the chest in a way he didn’t think was possible.

  “I fucked you. That’s all. Don’t think that means I suddenly love you or anything.”

  The way he said it, as though the possibility of loving Sebby somehow disgusted him, was so much worse than watching the man wipe away any traces of Sebby’s mouth.

  Sebby turned. “I just thought…”

  Gold looked at him, hard. “You thought what?”

  Sebby winced, reminded of what he’d done, how he was the one to put them in this situation, and he became embarrassed.

  Sebby shook his head. “Nothing.”

  Gold nodded. He glanced around, cursing. “I’ll have to clean up in here. Let me show you to your room.”

  “My room?”

  That sounded as though he wasn’t going to be put back into the basement, but it didn’t sound as though he would be spending time in Gold’s room with him.

  “Yeah, come on.”

  Gold didn’t sound quite so harsh at that point, but Sebby was reminded how he was still walking on thin ice with the man.

  Gold led Sebby to some stairs. They started to go up. Sebby had long since righted his robe, but he felt he should say something, anything to make amends. To at least get Gold to realize he hadn’t bound them together on purpose.

  “Gold, I’m really sorry about what I did.”

  Gold didn’t stop walking. They made it to the top of the stairs and down a hallway.

  “I really did just want to get away from the other warlocks. I wasn’t trying to hurt you. Or make you do anything you didn’t want to do.”

  Like have sex with him because the mating heat had been too much for either of them to handle.

  “I really don’t want to talk about that right now.” Gold opened a door. “In here.”

  Sebby hesitated then stepped inside. It was just…a room. A small twin bed sat in the center. There was a nightstand with a lamp and a single bulb overhead. The closet doors were wide open and empty. The carpet was blue, and there was a desk in the corner with some clutter on it.

  “Don’t touch the desk. I’ve got some stuff in it. I’ll clean it out tomorrow. This is your room now.”

  Sebby’s heart sank. He’d wanted to get away from the High Wizard. He didn’t want to die, but he also hadn’t wanted to become a prisoner of someone who didn’t even want him as a prisoner either.

  He didn’t want to force anyone to mate with him, but he had. He’d put them here. For that, Sebby could hardly complain when the man he’d forced to mate with him was less than welcoming to him.

  Gold could have done so much worse than this.

  Sebby cleared his throat. “Thank you for this.”

  Gold turned away from him, as if he didn’t want to look at him anymore. “Don’t thank me just yet.”

  The man walked away, leaving Sebby to wonder what he’d meant by that.

  Chapter Eight

  Over the next five days, Sebby did everything he could to make amends. When the dragons asked him questions, he answered them. When they asked him to draw them up a map of the building where the omegas were held, he did that, too. He laid out the schedules, where the traps were, everything he could remember to the best of his ability to make sure that, when Gold and his brethren went to that building again, they would have everything they needed at their disposal.

  They would be able to come back alive.

  Maybe then Gold could forgive him for what he’d done.

  Gold had come to him every night so far, always just after Sebby had gone to bed.

  As though the other man didn’t want to admit to wanting him. Wanted to sneak it by.

  Sebby didn’t know what to think of this, but he was still under the spell of his mating heat. He knew that because every night he lay awake, waiting for Gold to knock on his door.

  And every night, until Gold came to him, he stayed in bed, watching the dark ceiling with a certain terror in his body that the other man wouldn’t come to him at all.

  Sebby’s body needed Gold. He still wanted to be taken. He still wanted to submit to the other m
an, to please him, and to be accepted by him.

  It was no wonder mates were always so loyal to each other when this was what they experienced during a mating.

  Sebby was ready and willing to give Gold anything he wanted, anything to be recognized.

  Anything to be forgiven.

  Which was also why he never complained, never spoke a word, when they finished during the night and Gold left him alone in his bed.

  Sebby’s heart didn’t know how much more of that he could take.

  At least Gold had stopped glaring and growling at him all the time and he no longer left Sebby’s room with quite the same eagerness.

  Last night, he seemed almost hesitant.

  Sebby had watched the other man push himself to the edge of the bed and hesitate before reaching for his pants.

  Gold had stopped and glanced back at him.

  Sebby had tensed, waiting for a decision, hoping against hope that his mate would choose to stay for the night.

  That Gold would want to hold him.

  No words. No look of disgust or anger.

  Gold merely dressed and exited the bedroom.

  Sebby’s eyes had burned, and his throat had closed, but even now as he prepared Gold’s breakfast, he told himself it was all right.

  That he had no right to be upset, to shed tears, to do anything after what he’d done.

  Sebby grabbed the butter from the fridge. He went to the stove.

  It occurred to him that he could simply ask the other man to stay in bed with him. He could ask for the things he wanted. He might even get them.

  Nothing was gained if nothing was risked, after all.

  At the same time…

  Sebby sighed. He turned on the burner and put a little butter into the pan.

  If he asked for something, if he begged Gold to stay the night with him, it would only come out sounding like begging.

  Gold was under the influence of the mating, as well. He was going to have feelings for Sebby he hadn’t asked for, or wanted.

  If Sebby asked for Gold to do anything, Gold might give in only because he felt obligated to. Or guilted.

  Sebby didn’t want to manipulate the man’s emotions any more than he already had.

  Casting a spell on someone, forcing them to mate with him, even if it was an accident and even if Gold had come to him first…that was akin to being raped, wasn’t it?


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